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28th Picture Coding Symposium
Author Index

Table of Contents:   A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  


Abhayaratne, Charith (The University of Sheffield)   p. 286 (P2-33)
Abhayaratne, Charith (The University of Sheffield)   p. 602 (P4-32)
Ahn, Sangsoo (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)   p. 522 (P4-12)
Aizawa, Kiyoharu (The University of Tokyo)   p. 162 (P2-2)
Aizawa, Kiyoharu (The University of Tokyo)   p. 354 (P3-8)
Aliprandi, Davide (STMicroelectronics)   p. 346 (P3-6)
Alshin, Alexander (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.)   p. 422 (P3-25)
Alshina, Elena (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.)   p. 422 (P3-25)
Amon, Peter (Siemens Corporate Technology / Information and Automation Technologies)   p. 82 (P1-16)
Andersson, Kenneth (Ericsson Research)   p. 474 (S2-4)
Ando, Kengo (Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University)   p. 358 (P3-9)
Aramvith, Supavadee (Chulalongkorn University)   p. 434 (P3-28)
Arizumi, Masao (Seikei University)   p. 554 (P4-20)
Asai, Kohtaro (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)   (D2-1)
Assuncao, Pedro (Institute of Telecommunications / Polytechnic Institute of Leiria - ESTG)   p. 182 (P2-7)
Assunção, Pedro (Instituto de Telecomunicações)   p. 558 (P4-21)
Au, Oscar C. (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)   p. 366 (P3-11)


Ballé, Johannes (RWTH Aachen University)   p. 126 (P1-27)
Bampi, Sergio (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)   p. 42 (P1-6)
Bampi, Sergio (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)   p. 350 (P3-7)
Bandoh, Yukihiro (NTT Cyber Space Laboratories, NTT Corporation)   p. 526 (P4-13)
Bandou, Takahiro (Tokushima University)   p. 58 (P1-10)
Becker-Lakus, Axel (Canon Information Systems Research Australia (CiSRA))   p. 382 (P3-15)
Biswas, Moyuresh (The University of New South Wales)   p. 598 (P4-31)
Bjontegaard, Gisle (Tandberg Telecom (Cisco))   p. 474 (S2-4)
Boon, Choong Seng (NTT DOCOMO, INC.)   p. 370 (P3-12)
Bosc, Emilie (INSA of Rennes)   p. 158 (P2-1)
Bosse, Sebastian (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 70 (P1-13)
Bosse, Sebastian (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 206 (P2-13)
Boufounos, Petros (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories)   p. 234 (P2-20)
Brasnett, Paul (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe)   p. 454 (P3-33)
Bross, Benjamin (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 206 (P2-13)
Bross, Benjamin (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 530 (P4-14)
Bull, David (University of Bristol)   p. 54 (P1-9)


Cai, Canhui (Institute of Information Science and Technology, Huaqiao University)   p. 166 (P2-3)
Cajote, Rhandley Domingo (University of the Philippines, Diliman)   p. 434 (P3-28)
Carreira, Joao (Institute of Telecommunications / Polytechnic Institute of Leiria - ESTG)   p. 182 (P2-7)
Chakareski, Jacob (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)   p. 482 (P4-2)
Chan, Chia-Chi (Dept. Communication Engineering, National Central University)   p. 478 (P4-1)
Chang, Kan (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Beijing University of
        Posts and Telecommunications
  p. 218 (P2-16)
Chang, Tian-Sheuan (Dept. of Electronics Engineering & Institute of Electronics, National Chiao Tung University)   p. 506 (P4-8)
Chen, Bo-Jhih (Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering,
        National Cheng Kung University
  p. 578 (P4-26)
Chen, Hao (Wuhan University)   p. 194 (P2-10)
Chen, Hung-Wei (Academia Sinica)   p. 210 (P2-14)
Chen, Zhenzhong (Nanyang Technological University)   p. 30 (P1-3)
Cheung, Gene (National Institute of Informatics)   p. 298 (O2-2)
Cheung, Gene (National Institute of Informatics)   p. 482 (P4-2)
Chiang, Tihao (Electronic Engineering, National Chiao Tung University)   p. 606 (P4-33)
Chien, Shao-Yi (National Taiwan University)   p. 254 (P2-25)
Choi, Jin Soo (Electronic Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI))   p. 522 (P4-12)
Choi, Mankit (Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering,
        National Cheng Kung University
  p. 578 (P4-26)
Chou, Cheng-Wei (National Chiao Tung University)   p. 326 (P3-1)
Ci, Song (Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   p. 26 (P1-2)
Comer, Mary (School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University)   p. 418 (P3-24)
Correia, Pedro (Instituto de Telecomunicações)   p. 558 (P4-21)


da Silva, Eduardo A. B. (UFRJ)   p. 294 (O2-1)
Dai, Jingjing (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)   p. 366 (P3-11)
Dai, Qionghai (Tsinghua University)   (D1-1)
Dai, Qionghai (Tsinghua University)   p. 18 (S1-2)
Dan, Bowen (Illinois Institute of Technology)   p. 582 (P4-27)
Daribo, Ismael (Keio University)   p. 334 (P3-3)
de Carvalho, Murilo B. (UFF)   p. 294 (O2-1)
De Cock, Jan (Ghent University -- IBBT)   p. 150 (P1-33)
de Faria, Sérgio M. M. (IT)   p. 294 (O2-1)
de With, Peter H.N. (Eindhoven University of Technology)   p. 394 (P3-18)
Debono, Carl J. (University of Malta)   p. 38 (P1-5)
Deligiannis, Nikos (Vrije Universiteit Brussel -- IBBT)   p. 150 (P1-33)
Delp, Edward J. (School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University)   p. 418 (P3-24)
Díaz-de-María, Fernando (Carlos III University of Madrid)   p. 410 (P3-22)
Diepold, Klaus (TU Muenchen)   p. 494 (P4-5)
Ding, Wenpeng (Beijing University of Technology)   p. 442 (P3-30)
Ding, Wenpeng (Beijing University of Technology)   p. 534 (P4-15)
Domański, Marek (Poznan University of Technology)   p. 13 (O1-4)
Domański, Marek (Poznan University of Technology)   p. 498 (P4-6)
Doshkov, Dimitar (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 470 (S2-3)


Eleftheriadis, Alexandros (Vidyo, Inc.)   p. 146 (P1-32)
Enami, Kazumasa (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)   (K1-1)
Enami, Kazumasa (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)   (D1-1)
Enderssen, Lars Peter (Tandberg Telecom (Cisco))   p. 474 (S2-4)
Engelke, Ulrich (Blekinge Institute of Technology)   p. 282 (P2-32)
Esche, Marko (Technische Universität Berlin)   p. 514 (P4-10)


Fan, Manman (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Beijing University of
        Posts and Telecommunications
  p. 218 (P2-16)
Fan, Xiaopeng (Harbin Institute of Technology)   p. 222 (P2-17)
Fang, Xiangzhong (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)   p. 226 (P2-18)
Färber, Nikolaus (Fraunhofer IIS)   p. 446 (P3-31)
Faria, Sergio (Institute of Telecommunications / Polytechnic Institute of Leiria - ESTG)   p. 182 (P2-7)
Farrugia, Reuben A. (University of Malta)   p. 38 (P1-5)
Fernandez, Christine (University of Poitiers)   p. 610 (P4-34)
Frater, Michael R. (The University of New South Wales)   p. 598 (P4-31)
Fu, Deliang (Zhejiang University)   p. 342 (P3-5)
Fujii, Toshiaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   (D1-1)
Fujii, Toshiaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   p. 5 (O1-2)
Fujii, Toshiaki (Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology)   p. 22 (P1-1)
Fujii, Toshiaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   p. 170 (P2-4)
Fujii, Toshiaki (Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology)   p. 330 (P3-2)
Fujii, Toshiaki (Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology)   p. 358 (P3-9)
Fukushima, Norishige (Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology)   p. 1 (O1-1)
Fukushima, Norishige (Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology)   p. 330 (P3-2)
Fukushima, Norishige (Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology)   p. 358 (P3-9)
Fukushima, Norishige (Nagoya Institute of Technology)   p. 510 (P4-9)
Fuldseth, Arild (Tandberg Telecom (Cisco))   p. 474 (S2-4)


Gao, Wen (Peking University)   p. 78 (P1-15)
Gao, Wen (Peking University)   p. 118 (P1-25)
Gao, Wen (Peking University)   p. 222 (P2-17)
Gao, Wen (Institute of Digital Media, Peking University)   p. 274 (P2-30)
Gao, Wen (Peking University)   p. 338 (P3-4)
Gao, Wen (Peking University)   p. 442 (P3-30)
Gao, Wen (Institute of Digital Media, Peking University)   p. 518 (P4-11)
Gao, Wen (School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University)   p. 574 (P4-25)
Garbas, Jens (Fraunhofer IIS)   p. 446 (P3-31)
Glantz, Alexander (Technische Universität Berlin)   p. 202 (P2-12)
Glantz, Alexander (Technische Universität Berlin)   p. 462 (S2-1)
Glantz, Alexander (Technische Universität Berlin)   p. 514 (P4-10)
Goto, Satoshi (Waseda University)   p. 450 (P3-32)
Goto, Satoshi (Waseda University)   p. 502 (P4-7)
Graziosi, Danillo B. (UFRJ)   p. 294 (O2-1)


Hallapuro, Antti (Nokia Research Center)   p. 474 (S2-4)
Hamamoto, Takayuki (Tokyo University of Science)   p. 46 (P1-7)
Hamamoto, Takayuki (Tokyo University of Science)   p. 278 (P2-31)
Hamamoto, Takayuki (Tokyo University of Science)   p. 438 (P3-29)
Han, Dandan (Niigata University)   p. 130 (P1-28)
Han, Woo-Jin (Samsung Electronics)   (D2-1)
Hang, Hsueh-Ming (National Chiao Tung University)   p. 326 (P3-1)
Haque, Md Nazmul (The University of New South Wales)   p. 598 (P4-31)
Hasegawa, Madoka (Utsunomiya University)   p. 134 (P1-29)
Hasegawa, Madoka (Utsunomiya University)   p. 290 (P2-34)
Hashimoto, Hideo (Kanazawa University)   p. 246 (P2-23)
Hatori, Yoshinori (Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology)   p. 34 (P1-4)
Hatori, Yoshinori (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   p. 406 (P3-21)
He, Gang (Waseda University)   p. 450 (P3-32)
He, Yun (Tsinghua University)   p. 490 (P4-4)
Helle, Philipp (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 206 (P2-13)
Henkel, Jörg (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)   p. 42 (P1-6)
Henkel, Jörg (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)   p. 350 (P3-7)
Heynderickx, Ingrid (Philips Research Laboratories)   p. 282 (P2-32)
Hinz, Tobias (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 206 (P2-13)
Hong, Danny (Vidyo, Inc.)   p. 146 (P1-32)
Hong, Min Cheol (Soongsil University)   p. 122 (P1-26)
Horowitz, Michael (Vidyo, Inc.)   p. 146 (P1-32)
Hou, Yanli (Beijing University of Technology)   p. 534 (P4-15)
Hsu, Po-Hsiung (Dept. of Electronics Engineering & Institute of Electronics, National Chiao Tung University)   p. 506 (P4-8)
Hu, Ruimin (Wuhan University)   p. 194 (P2-10)
Huan, Dandan (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   p. 386 (P3-16)
Huang, Qian (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   p. 78 (P1-15)
Huang, Tiejun (Peking University)   p. 78 (P1-15)
Hutter, Andreas (Siemens Corporate Technology / Information and Automation Technologies)   p. 82 (P1-16)
Hwang, Junghyeun (Niigata University)   p. 238 (P2-21)
Hyoudou, Terumasa (Hiroshima University)   p. 154 (P1-34)


Ichigaya, Atsuro (Science & Technology Research Laboratories, NHK)   p. 322 (O3-4)
Igarashi, Hisashi (Utsunomiya University)   p. 290 (P2-34)
Iguchi, Kazuhisa (Science & Technology Research Laboratories, NHK)   p. 322 (O3-4)
Imamura, Kousuke (Kanazawa University)   p. 246 (P2-23)
Inoue, Yoshitaka (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   p. 398 (P3-19)
Ishibashi, Takashi (Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University)   p. 22 (P1-1)
Ishibashi, Yutaka (Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology)   p. 1 (O1-1)
Ishibashi, Yutaka (Nagoya Institute of Technology)   p. 510 (P4-9)
Ishikawa, Akio (KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc.)   p. 174 (P2-5)
Ishikawa, Ken-ichi (Kanagawa University)   p. 430 (P3-27)
Itani, Yusuke (Information Technology R&D Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)   p. 190 (P2-9)
Ito, Mitsuyasu (Tokyo University of Science)   p. 278 (P2-31)
Iwahashi, Masahiro (Nagaoka University of Technology)   p. 110 (P1-23)
Izquierdo, Ebroul (Queen Mary, University of London)   p. 562 (P4-22)


Jiang, Tingting (Institute of Digital Media, Peking University)   p. 274 (P2-30)
Jiang, Yifei (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   p. 386 (P3-16)
Jin, Xin (Waseda University)   p. 502 (P4-7)
Jozawa, Hirohisa (NTT Cyber Space Laboratories, NTT Corporation)   p. 106 (P1-22)
Jozawa, Hirohisa (NTT Cyber Space Laboratories, NTT Corporation)   p. 374 (P3-13)
Jozawa, Hirohisa (NTT Cyber Space Laboratories, NTT Corporation)   p. 526 (P4-13)
Jun, DongSan (KAIST)   p. 86 (P1-17)


Kamitani, Yukiyasu (ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories)   (K2-1)
Kang, Li-Wei (Academia Sinica)   p. 210 (P2-14)
Kashiwagura, Daisuke (Tokyo University of Science)   p. 438 (P3-29)
Kato, Shigeo (Utsunomiya University)   p. 134 (P1-29)
Kato, Shigeo (Utsunomiya University)   p. 290 (P2-34)
Kaup, Andre (Multimedia Communications and Signal Processing / University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)   p. 82 (P1-16)
Kaup, Andre (Multimedia Communications and Signal Processing - University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)   p. 258 (P2-26)
Kaup, André (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)   p. 318 (O3-3)
Keimel, Christian (TU Muenchen)   p. 494 (P4-5)
Khan, Aroba (Shinshu University)   p. 266 (P2-28)
Kikuchi, Hisakazu (Niigata University)   p. 130 (P1-28)
Kikuchi, Hisakazu (Niigata University)   p. 238 (P2-21)
Kim, Chang-Su (Korea University)   p. 486 (P4-3)
Kim, DongYoon (KAIST)   p. 86 (P1-17)
Kim, Hui Yong (Electronic Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI))   p. 522 (P4-12)
Kim, Jaeil (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)   p. 522 (P4-12)
Kim, Jongho (Electronic Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI))   p. 522 (P4-12)
Kim, Joohee (Illinois Institute of Technology)   p. 582 (P4-27)
Kim, Munchurl (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)   p. 522 (P4-12)
Kim, Myoung Jin (Soongsil University)   p. 122 (P1-26)
Kim, Woo-Shik (University of Southern California)   p. 178 (P2-6)
Kim, Woo-shik (University of Southern California)   p. 566 (P4-23)
Kimoto, Tadahiko (Toyo University)   p. 458 (P3-34)
Kimura, Jun-ichi (School of Fundamental Science and Engineering, Waseda University)   p. 250 (P2-24)
Kirchhoffer, Heiner (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 206 (P2-13)
Kirchhoffer, Heiner (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 378 (P3-14)
Kiya, Hitoshi (Tokyo Metropolitan University)   p. 110 (P1-23)
Kiya, Hitoshi (Tokyo Metropolitan University)   p. 586 (P4-28)
Klomp, Sven (Leibniz Universität Hannover)   p. 362 (P3-10)
Kobayashi, Tomoya (Niigata University)   p. 130 (P1-28)
Koeleman, Cornelis J. (VDG Security BV)   p. 394 (P3-18)
Koeppel, Martin (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 470 (S2-3)
Komatsu, Naohisa (School of Fundamental Science and Engineering, Waseda University)   p. 250 (P2-24)
Komatsu, Takashi (Kanagawa University)   p. 114 (P1-24)
Komatsu, Takashi (Kanagawa University)   p. 430 (P3-27)
Kosaka, Fumihiko (Toyo University)   p. 458 (P3-34)
Kosugi, Yukio (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   p. 74 (P1-14)
Kotani, Kazunori (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)   p. 594 (P4-30)
Krutz, Andreas (Technische Universität Berlin)   p. 202 (P2-12)
Krutz, Andreas (Technische Universität Berlin)   p. 462 (S2-1)
Krutz, Andreas (Technische Universität Berlin)   p. 514 (P4-10)
Kubo, Naoki (Kanazawa University)   p. 246 (P2-23)
Kubota, Akira (Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University)   p. 34 (P1-4)
Kubota, Akira (Chuo University)   p. 298 (O2-2)
Kubota, Akira (Chuo University)   p. 406 (P3-21)
Kurita, Taiichiro (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)   p. 46 (P1-7)


Lai, PoLin (Samsung Telecommunications America)   p. 9 (O1-3)
Lainema, Jani (Nokia Research Center)   p. 198 (P2-11)
Lainema, Jani (Nokia Research Center)   p. 474 (S2-4)
Lakshman, Haricharan (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 206 (P2-13)
Lakshman, Haricharan (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 470 (S2-3)
Lakshman, Haricharan (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 530 (P4-14)
Lambert, Peter (Ghent University -- IBBT)   p. 150 (P1-33)
Larabi, Chaker (University of Poitiers)   (T2-1)
Larabi, Mohamed-Chaker (University of Poitiers)   p. 610 (P4-34)
Lee, Bumshik (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)   p. 522 (P4-12)
Lee, Jaejoon (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.)   p. 62 (P1-11)
Lee, Jaejoon (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.)   p. 178 (P2-6)
Lee, Jaejoon (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology)   p. 566 (P4-23)
Lee, Jin Young (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.)   p. 62 (P1-11)
Lee, Jin Young (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.)   p. 302 (O2-3)
Lee, Sang-Uk (Seoul National University)   p. 486 (P4-3)
Lee, Soon-Young (Seoul National University)   p. 486 (P4-3)
Lee, Tammy (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.)   p. 422 (P3-25)
Leung, Ka-Ming (Canon Information Systems Research Australia (CiSRA))   p. 382 (P3-15)
Li, Shangwen (Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, Zhejiang University)   p. 542 (P4-17)
Li, Songnan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)   p. 590 (P4-29)
Li, Xiang (Institute of Communications Engineering, RWTH Aachen University)   p. 214 (P2-15)
Li, Yanjie (Tsinghua University)   p. 186 (P2-8)
Li, Zhen (Tokyo Metropolitan University)   p. 586 (P4-28)
Liang, Luhong (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   p. 78 (P1-15)
Liang, Luhong (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   p. 338 (P3-4)
Lin, Hung-Chih (National Chiao Tung University)   p. 326 (P3-1)
Lin, Jheng-Ping (ZyXEL Corp.)   p. 478 (P4-1)
Lin, Shouxun (Advanced Computing Research Laboratory, Institute of Computing Technology,
        Chinese Academy of Sciences
  p. 90 (P1-18)
Lin, Shuliang (Nagoya Institute of Technology)   p. 510 (P4-9)
Lin, Yi-Chun (National Taiwan University)   p. 254 (P2-25)
Liu, Hantao (Delft University of Technology)   p. 282 (P2-32)
Liu, Hongbin (Harbin Institute of Technology)   p. 222 (P2-17)
Liu, Xianming (Harbin Institute of Technology)   p. 118 (P1-25)
Liu, Yanwei (Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   p. 26 (P1-2)
Liu, Yi-Nung (National Taiwan University)   p. 254 (P2-25)
Liu, Yu (Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute)   p. 366 (P3-11)
Loomans, Marijn J.H. (VDG Security BV)   p. 394 (P3-18)
Lopez, Patrick (Technicolor, Research and Innovation)   p. 9 (O1-3)
Lu, Chun-Shien (Academia Sinica)   p. 210 (P2-14)
Luo, Weilan (The University of Tokyo)   p. 354 (P3-8)


Ma, Jianwei (School of computational Science, Florida State University)   p. 90 (P1-18)
Ma, Kai-Kuang (School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University)   p. 166 (P2-3)
Ma, Lin (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)   p. 590 (P4-29)
Ma, Siwei (Peking University)   p. 118 (P1-25)
Ma, Siwei (Peking University)   p. 222 (P2-17)
Ma, Siwei (Institute of Digital Media, Peking University)   p. 274 (P2-30)
Ma, Siwei (Peking University)   p. 442 (P3-30)
Ma, Siwei (Institute of Digital Media, Peking University)   p. 518 (P4-11)
Ma, Siwei (School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University)   p. 574 (P4-25)
Ma, Zhonghua (Canon Information Systems Research Australia (CiSRA))   p. 382 (P3-15)
Maeder, Anthony (University of Western Sydney)   p. 282 (P2-32)
Majid, Muhammad (The University of Sheffield)   p. 286 (P2-33)
Majid, Muhammad (The University of Sheffield)   p. 602 (P4-32)
Marpe, Detlev (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 66 (P1-12)
Marpe, Detlev (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 206 (P2-13)
Marpe, Detlev (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 378 (P3-14)
Matsumoto, Shuichi (KDDI R&D Laboratories)   p. 50 (P1-8)
Matsumura, Masaaki (NTT Cyber Space Laboratories, NTT Corporation)   p. 106 (P1-22)
Matsumura, Masaaki (NTT Cyber Space Laboratories, NTT Corporation)   p. 374 (P3-13)
Matsuo, Shohei (NTT Cyber Space Laboratories, NTT Corporation)   p. 526 (P4-13)
Matsuo, Yasutaka (Science & Technology Research Laboratories, NHK)   p. 466 (S2-2)
Matsuzaki, Kanae (Tokyo University of Science)   p. 438 (P3-29)
Men, Aidong (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Beijing University of
        Posts and Telecommunications
  p. 218 (P2-16)
Micallef, Brian W. (University of Malta)   p. 38 (P1-5)
Min, Kyungyeon (Kwangwoon University)   p. 262 (P2-27)
Minezawa, Akira (Information Technology R&D Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)   p. 322 (O3-4)
Mishina, Tomoyuki (NHK)   (D1-1)
Mishina, Tomoyuki (NHK)   p. 20 (S1-4)
Misu, Toshie (Science & Technology Research Laboratories, NHK)   p. 466 (S2-2)
Mitianoudis, Nikolaos (Imperial College London)   p. 426 (P3-26)
Miyachi, Takao (Utsunomiya University)   p. 134 (P1-29)
Miyata, Takamichi (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   p. 230 (P2-19)
Miyata, Takamichi (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   p. 398 (P3-19)
Miyata, Takamichi (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   p. 550 (P4-19)
Mohammed, Hussain (Fraunhofer IIS)   p. 446 (P3-31)
Morin, Luce (INSA of Rennes)   p. 158 (P2-1)
Müller, Karsten (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 306 (O2-4)
Munderloh, Marco (Leibniz Universität Hannover)   p. 362 (P3-10)
Munteanu, Adrian (Vrije Universiteit Brussel -- IBBT)   p. 150 (P1-33)
Murakami, Tomokazu (The University of Tokyo)   p. 570 (P4-24)
Murakami, Yuri (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   p. 74 (P1-14)
Muramatsu, Shogo (Niigata University)   p. 130 (P1-28)
Muramatsu, Shogo (Niigata University)   p. 238 (P2-21)
Muromoto, Taiga (Seikei University)   p. 402 (P3-20)
Mys, Stefaan (Ghent University -- IBBT)   p. 150 (P1-33)


Naemura, Takeshi (The University of Tokyo)   p. 570 (P4-24)
Naito, Sei (KDDI R&D Laboratories)   p. 50 (P1-8)
Naito, Sei (KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc.)   p. 174 (P2-5)
Nakagawa, Satoshi (Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.)   p. 538 (P4-16)
Nakasu, Eisuke (Science & Technology Research Laboratories, NHK)   p. 466 (S2-2)
Narang, Sunil Kumar (University of Southern California)   p. 566 (P4-23)
Narroschke, Matthias (Panasonic R&D Center Germany GmbH)   p. 314 (O3-2)
Nauge, Michael (University of Poitiers)   p. 610 (P4-34)
Ndjiki-Nya, Patrick (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 470 (S2-3)
Ngan, King Ngi (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)   p. 590 (P4-29)
Nguyen, Tuan Anh (Soongsil University)   p. 122 (P1-26)
Nguyen, Tung (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 206 (P2-13)
Nguyen, Tung (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 378 (P3-14)
Nishi, Takashi (Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.)   p. 538 (P4-16)
Nomura, Kousuke (Tokyo University of Science)   p. 46 (P1-7)
Norkin, Andrey (Ericsson Research)   p. 474 (S2-4)


Oba, Kyohei (Tokushima University)   p. 58 (P1-10)
Ohm, Jens-Rainer (Institute of Communications Engineering, RWTH Aachen University)   p. 214 (P2-15)
Ohyama, Nagaaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   p. 74 (P1-14)
Oi, Ryutaro (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)   p. 46 (P1-7)
Omar, Zaid (Imperial College London)   p. 426 (P3-26)
Ono, Shunsuke (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   p. 230 (P2-19)
Ortega, Antonio (University of Southern California)   (D1-1)
Ortega, Antonio (University of Southern California)   p. 17 (S1-1)
Ortega, Antonio (University of Southern California)   p. 178 (P2-6)
Ortega, Antonio (University of Southern California)   p. 298 (O2-2)
Ortega, Antonio (University of Southern California)   p. 566 (P4-23)
Ostermann, Joern (Hannover University)   (D1-1)
Ostermann, Joern (Hannover University)   p. 19 (S1-3)
Ostermann, Jörn (Leibniz Universität Hannover)   p. 362 (P3-10)
Oudin, Simon (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 206 (P2-13)


Pagliari, Carla L. (IME)   p. 294 (O2-1)
Panahpour Tehrani, Mehrdad (Nagoya University)   p. 5 (O1-2)
Panahpour Tehrani, Mehrdad (Nagoya University)   p. 170 (P2-4)
Panahpour Tehrani, Mehrdad (Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University)   p. 358 (P3-9)
Pang, Chao (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)   p. 366 (P3-11)
Pang, Wai-Man (Spatial Media Group, Computer Arts Lab., University of Aizu)   p. 390 (P3-17)
Park, Du-Sik (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.)   p. 62 (P1-11)
Park, Du-Sik (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.)   p. 302 (O2-3)
Park, HyunWook (KAIST)   p. 86 (P1-17)
Park, Seanae (Kwangwoon University)   p. 262 (P2-27)
Paschalakis, Stavros (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe)   p. 454 (P3-33)
Peixoto, Eduardo (Queen Mary, University of London)   p. 562 (P4-22)
Peng, Wen-Hsiao (Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University)   p. 606 (P4-33)
Perez, Marcelo M. (IME)   p. 294 (O2-1)
Piccinelli, Emiliano (STMicroelectronics)   p. 346 (P3-6)
Pickering, Mark R. (The University of New South Wales)   p. 598 (P4-31)
Pinto, Luis (Institute of Telecommunications / Polytechnic Institute of Leiria - ESTG)   p. 182 (P2-7)
Pressigout, Muriel (INSA of Rennes)   p. 158 (P2-1)
Priddle, Clinton (Ericsson Research)   p. 474 (S2-4)


Qiu, Chensheng (University of Stuttgart)   p. 142 (P1-31)


Rane, Shantanu (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories)   p. 234 (P2-20)
Reader, Cliff (none)   p. 102 (P1-21)
Richter, Thomas (University of Stuttgart)   p. 270 (P2-29)
Richter, Thomas (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)   p. 318 (O3-3)
Ridge, Justin (Nokia)   p. 474 (S2-4)
Rockstroh, Lars (University of Stuttgart)   p. 142 (P1-31)
Rodrigues, Nuno (Institute of Telecommunications / Polytechnic Institute of Leiria - ESTG)   p. 182 (P2-7)
Rodrigues, Nuno M. M. (IT)   p. 294 (O2-1)
Rolon, Julio C. (National Polytechnic Institute)   p. 546 (P4-18)
Rusanovskyy, Dmytro (Nokia Research Center)   p. 474 (S2-4)
Rusert, Thomas (Ericsson Research)   p. 474 (S2-4)


Sagara, Naoya (Seikei University)   p. 402 (P3-20)
Sagara, Naoya (Seikei University)   p. 554 (P4-20)
Saito, Hideo (Keio University)   p. 334 (P3-3)
Saito, Takahiro (Kanagawa University)   p. 114 (P1-24)
Saito, Takahiro (Kanagawa University)   p. 430 (P3-27)
Sakai, Yoshinori (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   p. 230 (P2-19)
Sakai, Yoshinori (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   p. 398 (P3-19)
Sakai, Yoshinori (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   p. 550 (P4-19)
Sakaida, Shinichi (Science & Technology Research Laboratories, NHK)   p. 466 (S2-2)
Sakazawa, Shigeyuki (KDDI R&D Laboratories)   p. 50 (P1-8)
Sakazawa, Shigeyuki (KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc.)   p. 174 (P2-5)
Sakomizu, Kazuhito (Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.)   p. 538 (P4-16)
Salembier, Philippe (Technical University of Catalonia)   p. 546 (P4-18)
Samuelsson, Jonatan (Ericsson Research)   p. 474 (S2-4)
Sankoh, Hiroshi (KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc.)   p. 174 (P2-5)
Sanz-Rodríguez, Sergio (Carlos III University of Madrid)   p. 410 (P3-22)
Sarkis, Michel (Sony Deutschland GmbH)   p. 494 (P4-5)
Sasaki, Hidetake (Tokyo Metropolitan University)   p. 586 (P4-28)
Sawa, Yuichiro (Nagoya Institute of Technology)   p. 510 (P4-9)
Schwarz, Heiko (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 66 (P1-12)
Schwarz, Heiko (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 70 (P1-13)
Schwarz, Heiko (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 206 (P2-13)
Schwarz, Heiko (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 378 (P3-14)
Schwarz, Heiko (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 530 (P4-14)
Segall, Andrew (Sharp Labs of America)   (D2-1)
Segall, Andrew (Sharp Labs of America)   p. 310 (O3-1)
Seiler, Jürgen (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)   p. 318 (O3-3)
Sekiguchi, Shun-ichi (Information Technology R&D Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)   p. 322 (O3-4)
Sekiguchi, Shunichi (Information Technology R&D Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)   p. 190 (P2-9)
Shafique, Muhammad (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)   p. 42 (P1-6)
Shafique, Muhammad (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)   p. 350 (P3-7)
Shen, Godwin (University of Southern California)   p. 566 (P4-23)
Shi, Yunhui (Beijing University of Technology)   p. 534 (P4-15)
Shimamoto, Takashi (Tokushima University)   p. 58 (P1-10)
Shin, Jaeho (Dongguk University)   p. 238 (P2-21)
Shinoda, Kazuma (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   p. 74 (P1-14)
Shishikui, Yoshiaki (Science & Technology Research Laboratories, NHK)   p. 322 (O3-4)
Shishikui, Yoshiaki (Science & Technology Research Laboratories, NHK)   p. 466 (S2-2)
Shohara, Makoto (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)   p. 594 (P4-30)
Siekmann, Mischa (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 70 (P1-13)
Siekmann, Mischa (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 206 (P2-13)
Sikora, Thomas (Technische Universität Berlin)   p. 202 (P2-12)
Sikora, Thomas (Technische Universität Berlin)   p. 462 (S2-1)
Sikora, Thomas (Technische Universität Berlin)   p. 514 (P4-10)
Silva, Vitor (Instituto de Telecomunicações)   p. 558 (P4-21)
Sim, Donggyu (Kwangwoon University)   p. 262 (P2-27)
Sim, Jae-Young (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)   p. 486 (P4-3)
Simon, Sven (University of Stuttgart)   p. 142 (P1-31)
Sjoberg, Rickard (Ericsson Research)   p. 474 (S2-4)
Skorupa, Jozef (Ghent University -- IBBT)   p. 150 (P1-33)
Slowack, Jürgen (Ghent University -- IBBT)   p. 150 (P1-33)
Smolic, Aljoscha (Disney Research Zurich)   p. 226 (P2-18)
Song, Tian (Tokushima University)   p. 58 (P1-10)
Sprljan, Nikola (Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe)   p. 454 (P3-33)
Stankiewicz, Olgierd (Poznan University of Technology)   p. 13 (O1-4)
Stankiewicz, Olgierd (Poznan University of Technology)   p. 498 (P4-6)
Stathaki, Tania (Imperial College London)   p. 426 (P3-26)
Stefanoski, Nikolce (Disney Research Zurich)   p. 226 (P2-18)
Suehring, Karsten (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 206 (P2-13)
Sugimoto, Kazuo (Information Technology R&D Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)   p. 322 (O3-4)
Sugiyama, Kenji (Seikei University)   p. 402 (P3-20)
Sugiyama, Kenji (Seikei University)   p. 554 (P4-20)
Sun, Chang (University of Waterloo)   p. 98 (P1-20)
Sun, Lifeng (Tsinghua University)   p. 186 (P2-8)
Suzuki, Chihiro (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   p. 550 (P4-19)
Suzuki, Kazuma (Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University)   p. 330 (P3-2)
Suzuki, Teruhiko (Sony)   (D2-1)
Suzuki, Yoshinori (NTT DOCOMO, INC.)   p. 370 (P3-12)


Tai, Shen-Chuan (Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering,
        National Cheng Kung University
  p. 578 (P4-26)
Takada, Yoshiaki (Tokyo University of Science)   p. 278 (P2-31)
Takahashi, Keita (Utsunomiya University)   p. 134 (P1-29)
Takahashi, Keita (The University of Tokyo)   p. 570 (P4-24)
Takamura, Seishi (NTT Cyber Space Laboratories, NTT Corporation)   (T1-1)
Takamura, Seishi (NTT Cyber Space Laboratories, NTT Corporation)   p. 106 (P1-22)
Takamura, Seishi (NTT Cyber Space Laboratories, NTT Corporation)   p. 374 (P3-13)
Takamura, Seishi (NTT Cyber Space Laboratories, NTT Corporation)   p. 526 (P4-13)
Tanaka, Kiyoshi (Shinshu University)   p. 138 (P1-30)
Tanaka, Kiyoshi (Shinshu University)   p. 266 (P2-28)
Tanaka, Yuichi (Utsunomiya University)   p. 134 (P1-29)
Tanaka, Yuichi (Utsunomiya University)   p. 290 (P2-34)
Tang, Chih-Wei (Dept. Communication Engineering, National Central University)   p. 478 (P4-1)
Tang, Hui (Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   p. 26 (P1-2)
Tanimoto, Masayuki (Nagoya University)   p. 5 (O1-2)
Tanimoto, Masayuki (Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University)   p. 22 (P1-1)
Tanimoto, Masayuki (Nagoya University)   p. 170 (P2-4)
Tanimoto, Masayuki (Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University)   p. 330 (P3-2)
Tanimoto, Masayuki (Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University)   p. 358 (P3-9)
Tech, Gerhard (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 306 (O2-4)
Tehrani, Mehrdad Panahpour (Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University)   p. 22 (P1-1)
Tehrani, Mehrdad Panahpour (Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University)   p. 330 (P3-2)
Tian, Dong (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories)   p. 9 (O1-3)
Tian, Dong (Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs)   p. 30 (P1-3)
Tong, Xin (Tsinghua University)   p. 490 (P4-4)
Tsai, Jang-Jer (National Chiao Tung University)   p. 326 (P3-1)
Tseng, Yu-Cheng (Dept. of Electronics Engineering & Institute of Electronics, National Chiao Tung University)   p. 506 (P4-8)


Ueda, Yasutaka (Kanagawa University)   p. 114 (P1-24)
Ueda, Yasutaka (Kanagawa University)   p. 430 (P3-27)
Ugur, Kemal (Nokia Research Center)   (D2-1)
Ugur, Kemal (Nokia Research Center)   p. 198 (P2-11)
Ugur, Kemal (Nokia Research Center)   p. 474 (S2-4)


Van de Walle, Rik (Ghent University -- IBBT)   p. 150 (P1-33)
Velisavljevic, Vladan (Deutsche Telekom Laboratories)   p. 482 (P4-2)
Vetro, Anthony (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories)   p. 234 (P2-20)
Vijayanagar, Krishna Rao (Illinois Institute of Technology)   p. 582 (P4-27)


Wahl, Simeon (University of Stuttgart)   p. 142 (P1-31)
Wang, Cui (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   p. 406 (P3-21)
Wang, Minghui (Waseda University)   p. 502 (P4-7)
Wang, Yige (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories)   p. 234 (P2-20)
Wang, Yongzhe (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)   p. 226 (P2-18)
Wang, Yue (Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)   p. 274 (P2-30)
Wang, Zhe (University of Stuttgart)   p. 142 (P1-31)
Wang, Zhongyuan (Wuhan University)   p. 194 (P2-10)
Wegner, Krzysztof (Poznan University of Technology)   p. 13 (O1-4)
Wegner, Krzysztof (Poznan University of Technology)   p. 498 (P4-6)
Wen, Xing (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)   p. 366 (P3-11)
Wey, Hochen (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.)   p. 62 (P1-11)
Wey, Hochen (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.)   p. 302 (O2-3)
Wey, HoCheon (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.)   p. 178 (P2-6)
Wey, HoCheon (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology)   p. 566 (P4-23)
Wiegand, Thomas (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   (K3-1)
Wiegand, Thomas (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   (D2-1)
Wiegand, Thomas (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute/
        Technical University of Berlin
  p. 66 (P1-12)
Wiegand, Thomas (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 70 (P1-13)
Wiegand, Thomas (Vidyo, Inc.)   p. 146 (P1-32)
Wiegand, Thomas (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 206 (P2-13)
Wiegand, Thomas (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 306 (O2-4)
Wiegand, Thomas (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute/
        Technical University of Berlin
  p. 378 (P3-14)
Wiegand, Thomas (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 470 (S2-3)
Wiegand, Thomas (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 530 (P4-14)
Wien, Mathias (Institute of Communications Engineering, RWTH Aachen University)   p. 214 (P2-15)
Wige, Eugen (Multimedia Communications and Signal Processing / University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)   p. 82 (P1-16)
Wige, Eugen (Multimedia Communications and Signal Processing - University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)   p. 258 (P2-26)
Wildeboer, Meindert Onno (Nagoya University)   p. 5 (O1-2)
Wildeboer, Meindert Onno (Nagoya University)   p. 170 (P2-4)
Winken, Martin (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute)   p. 206 (P2-13)
Wong, Hon-Cheng (Faculty of Information Technology, Macau University of Science and Technology)   p. 390 (P3-17)
Wong, KokSheik (University of Malaya)   p. 138 (P1-30)
Wroblewski, Marek (University of Stuttgart)   p. 142 (P1-31)
Wu, Sz-Hsien (Electronic Engineering, National Chiao Tung University)   p. 606 (P4-33)
Wu, Zhuangfei (Ericsson Research)   p. 474 (S2-4)


Xiong, Hongkai (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)   p. 94 (P1-19)
Xiong, Hongkai (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)   p. 414 (P3-23)
Xiong, Ruiqin (Peking University)   p. 118 (P1-25)
Xiong, Ruiqin (Peking University)   p. 442 (P3-30)
Xiong, Ruiqin (School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University)   p. 574 (P4-25)
Xu, Jie (Advanced Computing Research Laboratory, Institute of Computing Technology,
        Chinese Academy of Sciences
  p. 90 (P1-18)
Xu, Yang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)   p. 94 (P1-19)
Xue, Dongming (Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology)   p. 34 (P1-4)


Yamada, Yoshihisa (Information Technology R&D Center, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)   p. 190 (P2-9)
Yamaguchi, Masahiro (Tokyo Institute of Technology)   p. 74 (P1-14)
Yamamoto, Tomoyuki (Sharp Corporation)   p. 310 (O3-1)
Yamasaki, Takahiro (Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.)   p. 538 (P4-16)
Yamasaki, Toshihiko (The University of Tokyo)   p. 162 (P2-2)
Yamasaki, Toshihiko (The University of Tokyo)   p. 354 (P3-8)
Yamasaki, Yuya (University of Fukui)   p. 242 (P2-22)
Yammine, Gilbert (Multimedia Communications and Signal Processing / University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)   p. 82 (P1-16)
Yammine, Gilbert (Multimedia Communications and Signal Processing - University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)   p. 258 (P2-26)
Yang, Bo (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Beijing University of
        Posts and Telecommunications
  p. 218 (P2-16)
Yang, En-hui (University of Waterloo)   p. 98 (P1-20)
Yang, Guolei (Peking University)   p. 338 (P3-4)
Yang, Lu (Nagoya University)   p. 5 (O1-2)
Yang, Meilin (School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University)   p. 418 (P3-24)
Yang, Ping (Tsinghua University)   p. 490 (P4-4)
Yang, Wen (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)   p. 366 (P3-11)
Yano, Sumio (NHK, formerly NICT)   (D1-1)
Yano, Sumio (NHK, formerly NICT)   p. 21 (S1-5)
Ye, Feng (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Beijing University of
        Posts and Telecommunications
  p. 218 (P2-16)
Yendo, Tomohiro (Nagoya University)   p. 5 (O1-2)
Yendo, Tomohiro (Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University)   p. 22 (P1-1)
Yendo, Tomohiro (Nagoya University)   p. 170 (P2-4)
Yendo, Tomohiro (Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University)   p. 330 (P3-2)
Yendo, Tomohiro (Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University)   p. 358 (P3-9)
Yin, Baocai (Beijing University of Technology)   p. 534 (P4-15)
Yokoyama, Yohei (Shinshu University)   p. 266 (P2-28)
Yoshida, Toshiyuki (University of Fukui)   p. 242 (P2-22)
Yoshino, Tomonobu (KDDI R&D Laboratories)   p. 50 (P1-8)
Yoshitaka, Atsuo (JAIST)   p. 154 (P1-34)
Yu, Binbin (Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, Zhejiang University)   p. 542 (P4-17)
Yu, Lu (Zhejiang University)   p. 30 (P1-3)
Yu, Lu (Zhejiang University)   p. 342 (P3-5)
Yu, Lu (Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, Zhejiang University)   p. 542 (P4-17)


Zatt, Bruno (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)   p. 42 (P1-6)
Zatt, Bruno (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)   p. 350 (P3-7)
Zeng, Huanqiang (School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University)   p. 166 (P2-3)
Zepernick, Hans-Jürgen (Blekinge Institute of Technology)   p. 282 (P2-32)
Zgaljic, Toni (Queen Mary, University of London)   p. 562 (P4-22)
Zhang, Cixun (Nokia Research Center)   p. 474 (S2-4)
Zhang, Dongming (Advanced Computing Research Laboratory, Institute of Computing Technology,
        Chinese Academy of Sciences
  p. 90 (P1-18)
Zhang, Fan (University of Bristol)   p. 54 (P1-9)
Zhang, Fan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)   p. 590 (P4-29)
Zhang, Li (Institute of Digital Media, Peking University)   p. 518 (P4-11)
Zhang, Xianguo (Peking University)   p. 78 (P1-15)
Zhang, Xinfeng (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   p. 574 (P4-25)
Zhang, Yongdong (Advanced Computing Research Laboratory, Institute of Computing Technology,
        Chinese Academy of Sciences
  p. 90 (P1-18)
Zhao, Debin (Harbin Institute of Technology)   p. 118 (P1-25)
Zhao, Debin (Harbin Institute of Technology)   p. 222 (P2-17)
Zhao, Jie (Sharp Labs of America)   p. 310 (O3-1)
Zhao, Xin (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Graduate University of
        Chinese Academy of Sciences
  p. 518 (P4-11)
Zhao, Yin (Zhejiang University)   p. 30 (P1-3)
Zhao, Yin (Zhejiang University)   p. 342 (P3-5)
Zheng, Jianhua (Hisilicon Technologies Co. Ltd.)   p. 490 (P4-4)
Zheng, Lin (University of Waterloo)   p. 98 (P1-20)
Zheng, Xiaozhen (Hisilicon Technologies Co. Ltd.)   p. 490 (P4-4)
Zhong, Rui (Wuhan University)   p. 194 (P2-10)
Zhou, Dajiang (Waseda University)   p. 450 (P3-32)
Zhou, Jinjia (Waseda University)   p. 450 (P3-32)
Zhu, Ce (Nanyang Technological University)   p. 30 (P1-3)
Zhu, Lingchen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)   p. 414 (P3-23)
Zou, Feng (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)   p. 366 (P3-11)