Friday, July 3, 2020 |
Room A | Room B | Room C |
14:30 - 14:50 |
15:00 - 16:00 |
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16:20 - 17:40 |
Saturday, July 4, 2020 |
Room A | Room B | Room C |
10:00 - 10:20 |
10:30 - 11:30 |
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11:40 - 13:00 |
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13:00 - 13:50 |
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Sunday, July 5, 2020 |
Room A | Room B | Room C |
10:00 - 11:40 |
10:00 - 12:00 |
10:00 - 12:00 |
13:40 - 14:40 |
13:40 - 15:00 |
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Monday, July 6, 2020 |
Room A | Room B | Room C |
10:00 - 11:00 |
10:00 - 11:20 |
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11:30 - 11:40 |
Friday, July 3, 2020 |
Title | Status Quo and Prospects for 5G Development in Korea |
Author | Een-Kee Hong (Kyung-Hee University, Republic of Korea) |
Abstract | South Korea has launched the world’s first 5G services on April 3, 2019 and the new network connected to the actual 5G phones. This talk introduces status quo and prospects for Korean 5G development and the main contents to be covered are as follows: (1) Motivation of driving world’s first 5G commercialization, (2) The changes in mobile traffics and services after launching 5G, (3) Network configuration and its evolutionary path of 5G. Finally, the problems that are now being faced in 5G deployment and the considered technical solutions will be discussed. |
Saturday, July 4, 2020 |
Title | New Challenges for Future Energy Management Systems Using Electrified Vehicles |
Author | Tatsuya Suzuki (Nagoya University, Japan) |
Abstract | One of the promising ideas to realize a resilient energy management system (EMS) is to exploit the distributed batteries installed in electrified vehicles. This plenary talk gives several achievements on how to exploit in-vehicle batteries for EMS, which were developed under the operation of JST, CREST project in Japan. The following three significant challenges are particularly focused in this talk: (1) Observation and modeling of vehicle use, and its application to prediction and diagnosis, (2) Design of local EMS, such as vehicle to home (V2H), based on model predictive control framework, (3) Design of EMS aggregator which realizes the cooperation of distributed local EMSs. In the challenge (1), development of prediction model for future vehicle use is addressed based on semi-Markov model, and its performance is verified. In the challenge (2), simultaneous use of in-vehicle battery and heat pump water heater (HPWS) is considered, which enables us to realize highly efficient home energy management system. The challenge (3) is one of the most significant contributions in the CREST project, in which a design of response to regulation market (ancillary service), integrated management of EV sharing system and EMS, and design of price for P2P power trading in the cooperation between local EMSs, are investigated. All challenges include not only theoretical developments but also practical feasibility analyses. Finally, several important future works will be discussed. |
Title | Combinatorial Optimization Makes Your Daily Life Efficient |
Author | Mutsunori Yagiura (Nagoya University, Japan) |
Abstract | When you go out for shopping, visiting several stores, you might think of finding an “efficient” route to visit all stores in the sense that the total traveling distance or time is as small as possible. Such problems can be modeled as combinatorial optimization problems. Unfortunately, it is known to be hard to find optimal solutions for such problems, but there are still needs to solve them due to their practical importance. Fortunately, this difficulty is alleviated if we do not stick to exact optimal solutions. Indeed, many methods have been devised to find “good” solutions in reasonable computation time. This talk introduces the basic ideas of such practical algorithms, using examples from optimization problems closely related to your daily life. |
Sunday, July 5, 2020 |
Title | Present and Future Biometric Research, Thailand’s Perspective |
Author | Vutipong Areekul (Kasetsart University, Thailand) |
Abstract | Several Thai government agencies have extensively used biometrics for a long time. However, the present biometric technology is still far from satisfactory. Many problems arise, including the current COVID-19 situation, and the biometric research paradigm has changed. This talk focuses on three main topics as follows. First, an overview of biometric usages in Thailand and some popular biometric traits are discussed. Second, The current biometric research problems, especially human identification using latent fingerprints, are introduced. Some existing and upcoming solutions are demonstrated. Finally, this talk ends with some existing and challenging biometric issues for future research. |
Friday, July 3, 2020 |
Title | Efficient Hardware Implementation of STDP for AER Based Large-Scale SNN Neuromorphic System |
Author | *Jaeyoon Kim, Jia Park, Sunghwan Joo, Seong-Ook Jung (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea) |
Page | pp. 1 - 4 |
Keyword | Spiking Neural Network (SNN), Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP), FPGA, MNIST, AER |
Abstract | This paper proposes a novel method to reduce the hardware cost for implementing spike-timing-dependent-plasticity (STDP) by eliminating the unnecessary decoding processes and using the addresses directly from the AER in the spiking neuron network (SNN) neuromorphic processor. Although SNN has the advantage of operating in low power, the major bottleneck in large scale SNN neuromorphic systems is the high hardware cost due to complex neuron dynamics. In SNN, STDP learning rule is usually implemented by the shift registers to record the spike history. Thus, as the number of neurons increases, the number of shift registers must increase accordingly. Moreover, large scale SNN neuromorphic systems lack the capability to process various inputs at once, thus rely on address event representation to send the addresses with the spikes and decode this information again for STDP learning. We implemented a STDP circuit for SNN system comprising 784 inputs and 256 outputs for MNIST image recognition on a Xilinx KCU 105 FPGA board. The proposed STDP circuit showed a 80% reduction in LUT, 88% in FF, and 83% in power compared to the conventional STDP circuit. |
Title | Deep Learning Based Attack for AI Oriented Authentication Module |
Author | *Shu Takemoto, Kazuya Shibagaki, Yusuke Nozaki, Masaya Yoshikawa (Meijo University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 5 - 8 |
Keyword | hardware security, physical unclonable function, machine learning attack, deep learning |
Abstract | Neural Network Physical Unclonable Function (NN-PUF) has been proposed for the secure implementation of Edge AI. This study evaluates the tamper resistance of NN-PUF against machine learning attacks. The machine learning attack in this study learns CPRs using deep learning. As a result of the evaluation experiment, the machine learning attack predicted up to 81.87% for CRPs. Therefore, this study revealed that NNPUF is vulnerable to machine learning attacks. |
Title | Speech Activity Detection Using a Fusion of Dense Convolutional Network in the Movie Audio |
Author | *Pantid Chantangphol, Sasiporn Usanavasin (Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University, Thailand), Jessada Karnjana, Surasak Boonkla, Suthum Keerativittayanun, Anocha Rugchatjaroen (NECTEC, National Science and Technology Development Agency, Thailand), Takahiro Shinozaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) |
Page | pp. 9 - 14 |
Keyword | Speech activity detection, Convolutional Neural Network, Deep learning, Feature combination, Fusion Model |
Abstract | Speech activity detection (SAD) is an important preparation process for speech-based applications. Speech activity detection is used to identify the speech in an audio recording. There were many recent works in the development of robust SAD which focus on energy-based methods, Autocorrelation-based features, recurrent neural network (RNN) and convolutional neural network (CNN). This paper aims to propose a speech activity detection based on CNN, which utilizes CNN with the fusion of combined auditory feature on the entertainment media domain. We use the combination of the log-Mel spectrogram (LM), Mel frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC), chroma, spectral contrast and tonnetz as the input feature that operates on the raw speech signal and deliver it into a convolution neural network for classifying the speech. The result in this work shows that the proposed speech activity detection can achieve a better result than previous work in a more complicated noise environment. |
Title | A Trial for Detection of Change in AS Operation Policies by Use of Machine Learning |
Author | *Akira Ishida, Michiko Harayama (Gifu University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 15 - 20 |
Keyword | Border Gateway Protocol, Full Route, Autonomous System, AS Operation Policy, Machine Learning |
Abstract | The full route obtained by Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) operation does not only indicate routes to all Internet hosts, but also have global information of the Internet structure. These are stored as information about AS operation policy in a condensed form in various attributes that the origin ISP or transit ISP gives to the prefix. This information is included statistically as well as analytically. Our preliminary research has shown that the network topology can be reproduced from the learning data on full root information obtained by a small-scale network model. Now, for the 100AS model created according to the Internet model configured using CAIDA data to collect and analyze the actual full route, the policy of AS including the topology can be restored. We also discuss whether such information can be reproduced by analyzing actual Internet data. |
Title | Synaptic Hardware Model Depending on High Frequency Stimulation and Oscillation Frequency |
Author | *Yuma Karakama, Tsuyoshi Misumi, Katsutoshi Saeki (Nihon University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 21 - 24 |
Keyword | STDP, TSTDP, Electronic circuit, CMOS, Synaptic hardware model |
Abstract | We previously proposed a hardware model that can reproduce the TSTDP characteristics. However, this model has frequency dependence only when Tpost-Tpre is positive. In this paper, we propose a model that has frequency dependence even when Tpost-Tpre is negative, moreover, the synaptic strength changes according to the frequency stimulation to pre cell body model. As a result, even if Tpost-Tpre is negative, the frequency dependence is obtained, and the change in synaptic strength increases as the frequency of high frequency stimulation increases. |
Title | A Test Fabrication and Measurement Results of Low Voltage CMOS Current Mode Reference Circuit Based on Subthreshold Operation |
Author | *Kenya Kondo, Koichi Tanno (University of Miyazaki, Japan) |
Page | pp. 25 - 29 |
Keyword | Bandgap reference, Voltage reference, Low Voltage, Current Mode, Subthreshold |
Abstract | This paper presents the measurement results of the low voltage CMOS current mode reference circuit which is designed using subthreshold operation of MOSFETs. This circuit ensures adjustment the temperature coefficient and the output voltage after fabrication by the trimming function. The proposed reference circuit has been fabricated using 1-poly 2-metal 0.6 μm standard CMOS process. The silicon measurement results of eight samples show the average output voltage of 0.54 V and the variation of 2.1 % before trimming compared with the typical design simulation of 0.50 V. Although the silicon results show the discrepancy from the simulation, we could demonstrate that the output voltage can be adjusted to the target characteristic by trimming function. |
Title | A Plus Current Output DVCC-Based Universal Biquadratic Circuit |
Author | *Takao Tsukutani (National Institute of Technology, Matsue College, Japan), Noboru Yabuki (National Institute of Technology, Tsuyama College, Japan), Kazuharu Hashitsume (Shimane University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 30 - 33 |
Keyword | Analog circuit, Current-mode circuit, Biquadratic responsC, DVCC, CMOS technology |
Abstract | This paper presents a universal biquadratic circuit using only the plus current output differential voltage current conveyors (DVCCs) and grounded passive components. The circuit enables low-pass (LP), band-pass (BP), high-pass (HP), band-stop (BS) and all-pass (AP) responses by the selection and/or addition of the input and output currents with no component matching constraints. Moreover the circuit parameters ù0 and Q can be set orthogonally by adjusting the circuit components. The biquadratic circuit enjoys very low sensitivities with respect to the circuit components. The achievement examples are given together with simulation results by PSPICE. |
Title | Near 100fA/sqrt(Hz) Input Referred Noise AFE for IoTT/Wearable Sensor Application |
Author | *Yeun Jin Choi, Won Seok Choi, Seong Jin Oh, Kang-Yoon Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea) |
Page | pp. 34 - 38 |
Keyword | Ultra low noise, Chopper, Pseudo resistor, PGA |
Abstract | This document is proposed ultra low noise AFE sensor part for Internet of Tiny Things(IoTT) Application. To eliminate the flicker noise, this system used chopping technique. Also in TIA feedback part, it used pseudo resistor block for small area which key point of IoTT. This system designed CMOS 180nm process. It has an area of 550μm Χ 290μm, and pseudo resistor block has only 50μm X 50μm. When operate chopping technique, the input referred noise showed 117fA/sqrt(Hz) in dc level. |
Saturday, July 4, 2020 |
Title | An Approach for Flow Net Subgraph to Analysis of the Model of Flexible Manufacturing Systems |
Author | *Yojiro Harie (Wakkanai Hokusei Gakuen University, Japan), Katsumi Wasaki (Shinshu University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 39 - 44 |
Keyword | Petri net, Flow net, Structural liveness, Structural boundedness, FMS |
Abstract | This paper deals with methodology for analyzing of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) by using flow net subgraphs. A Petri net is a mathematical method that can express and analyze discrete event systems. Although structural liveness and safety in ordinary free choice (FC) nets has already been researched, analysis methods for weighted Petri nets have not yet been established. In this study, we propose a method for determining the structural liveness and safety of the strongly connected FC nets. The flow rate of tokens for the strongly connected marked graphs (MGs) is defined as the circuit flow value. Further, the circuit flow value of a strongly connected FC net is obtained by calculating the superposition of the circuit flow value. |
Title | Deterministic Bisimilarity-Enforcing Supervisors for Nondeterministic Discrete Event Systems with Deterministic Specifications |
Author | Kohei Shimatani, *Shigemasa Takai (Osaka University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 45 - 48 |
Keyword | nondeterministic discrete event system, bisimilarity control, partial observation, deterministic specification |
Abstract | We consider the bisimilarity control problem for partially observed nondeterministic discrete event systems with deterministic specifications. This problem requires us to synthesize a supervisor that achieves bisimulation equivalence of the supervised system and the deterministic specification under partial observation. We present necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of such a deterministic supervisor, which can be verified polynomially. |
Title | A Case Study of Refactoring with UML Editor Plug-in for Eclipse -- Replace Type Code with State/Strategy -- |
Author | *Hiroshi Ishikawa (Niigata University of International and Information Studies, Japan) |
Page | pp. 49 - 53 |
Keyword | Refactoring, Eclipse, AmaterasUML |
Abstract | In this paper, we show a method of refactoring that cannot be handled by the standard features of Eclipse. We use a plug-in that converts programs written in Java to class diagrams and vice versa. By refactoring the class diagrams and transforming them into programs, we obtain refactored programs. We show how to use the plug-in, AmaterasUML, to do refactoring the target programs base on a point of view ``Replace Type Code with State/Strategy''. |
Title | Two-Band Selective Band Pass Filter Circuit SoC with Low Noise 5kHz Bandwidth Using Chopper Structure |
Author | *Sang-Gyu Jeon, Jong Wan Jo, JaeBin Kim, Kang-Yoon Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea) |
Page | pp. 54 - 59 |
Keyword | Butterworth, chopper, low noise, SPI |
Abstract | In this paper, various blocks and structures applied to the low-noise 2 band selection band pass filter are described. In the proposed Band Pass Filter, when the frequency is input through the buffer, one of Band 1 or Band 2 can be selected using the switch, and the output goes through the buffer after the selected switch among Band 1 and Band 2. After the pre-amplifier, the low frequency band pass filter is used to secure -3 dB or more at 29.5 kHz (5 kHz range), and is used to secure -1 dB or more at 39.5 kHz (5 kHz range). The aim is to remove the interference between bands by -20 dB or more at the interference frequencies of 29.5 Hz and 39.5 Hz, which are the center frequencies of each band. Chopper structure was used to reduce noise, and it was designed to drop more than -21dB / √Hz in Band1,2. |
Title | A Design of Low Noise, 42.6µW Bandgap Reference Circuit with 1.57mV Output Voltage Variation over a Wide Temperature Range |
Author | *Seyed Ali Asghar Hosseini Asl, Arash Hejazi, Kang-Yoon Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea) |
Page | pp. 60 - 64 |
Keyword | Bandgap reference, low power, weak inversion |
Abstract | This paper presents a low power and low noise Bandgap Reference (BGR) circuit with the high-order curvature-correction circuit by using MOSFETs operating in weak inversion region. The output voltage of the BGR varies around 1570 μV peak-to-peak voltage, when the temperature is increased from -35 °C to 150 °C. The BGR consumes 38.7 µA current from 1.1 V power supply. The reference voltage level of the BGR is reconfigurable from 443.6 mV to 508.2 mV, while the target voltage level is 471 mV. The proposed BGR is implemented in a 40 nm CMOS technology and occupies a layout area of 0.053 mm^2. The circuit offers the Temperature Coefficient (TC) of 18.01 ppm/oC and the line regulation performance of 0.21 %/V. |
Title | 0.78-mW/pF/GHz, 12.5-GHz Quadrature Resonant Clock with Frequency Tuning Capacitor |
Author | *Chang-Soo Yoon, Han-Gon Ko, Byung-Jun Kang, Jung-Woo Sull, Deog-Kyoon Jeong (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea) |
Page | pp. 65 - 68 |
Keyword | Clock distribution, Frequency tuning, injection locking oscillator, quadrature resonant clock |
Abstract | This paper presents a quadrature resonant clock generator with tuning capacitors for driving four 2.1-mm load wires. By using frequency tuning capacitors, which reduce the mismatch in operating and LC resonant frequencies, the proposed clock generator offers power reduction by 19-22% compared with conventional CMOS clock driver and by 16-32% compared with conventional CML clock driver. Measurement result from the prototype chip fabricated in 65 nm CMOS shows that total power consumption of the proposed quadrature resonant clock is 14.5 mW in 12.5-GHz operation with four 370-fF load wire capacitances. Measured phase noise at 1 MHz offset is -141.36 dBc/Hz. |
Title | 1-V 4.91-nW Wide-Temperature-Range Subthreshold Bandgap Reference with Substrate Bias Technique |
Author | *Qiwei Zhao, Qian Xie, Zhehan Zhuang, Zheng Wang (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China) |
Page | pp. 69 - 72 |
Keyword | bandgap reference, wide temperature range, subthreshold, substrate bias |
Abstract | Biasing MOSFET in subthreshold region is an approach to reduce power of sub-bandgap references (Sub-BGRs) at low supply. However, conventional subthreshold Sub-BGRs cannot operate in low temperature because proportional-to-absolute-temperature (PTAT) voltage's temperature characteristics changes. In this work, substrate bias technique is introduced to keep PTAT voltage available in much wider temperature range. In the standard 180 nm CMOS, the proposed 4.91 nW Sub-BGR exhibits a minimum temperature coefficient (TC) of 85 ppm/°C from -55 to 125 °C. |
Title | On Approximate Approaches to Unsplittable Flow Edge Load Factor Balancing Problem |
Author | *Fumiya Onogi, Hikaru Kasuga, Norihiko Shinomiya (Graduate School of Engineering, Soka University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 73 - 77 |
Keyword | network flow, load balancing, NP-hard, LP relaxation |
Abstract | This paper discusses a method for leveling the traffic load of communication links in a distributed management network with multiple controllers. Our study has modeled the distributed management network as a flow network and defined the ratio of flow to capacity in an edge as a load factor. A flow optimization problem for finding the flow path to minimize the load factor in the entire network has been considered. By reformulating an unsplittable flow load factor balancing problem, our study has obtained that has been proven to be NP-hard and propose an approximate solution. |
Title | Extended Matrix Approach for Partial Differential Calculus and Its Application to Reliability Engineering |
Author | *Masahiro Hayashi (Tokyo City University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 78 - 83 |
Keyword | differential calculus, partial differential calculus, system, reliability, Birnbaum importance |
Abstract | While a simple and efficient method using 2 by 2 matrices has been published, it is only applicable to differential calculus of functions of a single variable. As it stands, therefore, if we want to execute partial differential calculus on functions of multiple (n) variables we need to operate on n such matrices. Here, we propose a method using n + 1 by n + 1 matrices that can considerably reduce these repetitions. |
Title | Model Predictive Control of Energy Management Systems with Human Decision Making |
Author | *Shogo Shimamoto, Koichi Kobayashi, Yuh Yamashita (Hokkaido University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 84 - 88 |
Keyword | energy management systems, human decision making, model predictive control |
Abstract | In this paper, we propose a method of model predictive control for energy management systems with human decision making. Here, we consider an air-conditioning system consisting of some rooms. Human decision making about the set temperature is modeled by a probabilistic model. The finite-time optimal control problem solved in the centralized controller is reduced to a mixed integer linear programming problem. The effectiveness of the proposed method is presented by a numerical example. |
Title | Model Reduction of Boolean Networks Using BDD |
Author | *Fuma Motoyama, Koichi Kobayashi, Yuh Yamashita (Hokkaido University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 89 - 93 |
Keyword | Boolean network, model reduction, BDD |
Abstract | A Boolean network (BN) is widely used as a mathematical model for control of gene regulatory networks. Since gene regulatory networks are large-scale in general, it is important to consider model reduction. In this paper, a model reduction method of BNs using a BDD (binary decision diagram) is proposed. First, the outline of BNs is explained. Next, the existing model reduction method used in this paper is introduced. After that, an implementation method using a BDD is proposed. |
Title | A High Power Low Dropout Voltage Regulator Design with an Enhanced Resistive Bank Circuit for Powering an RF IC for DSRC Applications |
Author | *Qurat ul Ain, Danial Khan, Muhammad Basim, Khuram Shehzad, Deeksha Verma, Kang-Yoon Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea) |
Page | pp. 94 - 98 |
Keyword | Low dropout Voltage regulator, Bandgap reference, Power Supply Rejection Ratio, Dedicated Short range Communication, Intelligent Transport System |
Abstract | This paper presents a high power Low Dropout Voltage Regulator Design with an enhanced resistive bank circuit for powering an RF IC for DSRC applications. Due to the addition of the enhanced resistor bank circuit, the feedback takes part in the amplified output from the input, such that the gain is controlled much more by the feedback network. A low pass filter is used to remove excess noise. The quiescent current of the proposed LDO structure is reduced to 3.85 µA from a 3.3 V supply voltage, to improve the power efficiency of LDO. Phase Margin of the bandgap reference circuit is 62.30O. For a load current of 100 mA settling time of 26 µs is achieved by the proposed LDO. PSRR of -46 dB is achieved till 1 kHz of frequency. Line regulation and Load regulation of the proposed LDO is 30.6 mV/V and 0.278 mV/mA respectively. This structure is implemented using 0.13 µm Bipolar-CMOS-DMOS (BCD) technology with an active area of 206 µm X 161 µm. |
Title | Design of Low Noise Low Dropout Voltage Regulator Using Low Pass Filter with Automatic Fast Settling method for IoT Application |
Author | *Young-Uk Kim, Yong-Deok Ahn, Sung-Jin Kim, Kang-Yoon Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea) |
Page | pp. 99 - 102 |
Keyword | Low Noise, LDO, Settling time, Low Power, IoT Application |
Abstract | this paper, we describe Automatic Fast Settling Technique and low-dropout (LDO) Regulator circuit for supplying low-noise power to a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO). Noise was removed by adding a low pass filter (LPF) to the output stage of the bandgap reference (BGR) circuit, settling time, which is slowed down due to large RC, is designed to enable automatic fast settling by using pre-charging circuit. The proposed circuit uses a CMOS 130 nm process. The output voltage of each BGR and LDO is 0.46V and 1.0V. Supply voltage is 2.0V. LDO output noise is 130 nV / sqrt (Hz) at 10 kHz and the settling time is 42 us. |
Title | A Wide Bandwidth Amplifier by Using Cherry-Hooper Structure for 5G Communication |
Author | *Seok HwangBo, Mu-Geun Shin, Sung-Jin Kim, Kang-Yoon Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea) |
Page | pp. 103 - 106 |
Keyword | 5G communication, Low-Pass Filter, Cherry – Hooper, Low Power, Group Delay |
Abstract | This paper presents a design of an amplifier for Low Pass Filter (LPF) with high performance group delay and low power consumption with a wide bandwidth for 5G communication. The LPF is consisted of two differential amplifiers for I-Q differential path, resistors, and capacitors. By using Cherry-Hooper amplifier structure in LPF, it can provide a high bandwidth with a low current consumption. This Cherry-Hooper structure amplifier has a -3 dB bandwidth at 3.526 MHz. |
Title | A 460 µW Baseband Analog for IoT Applications with Automatic Filter Tuning System Using 55nm CMOS Technology |
Author | *JiEun Park, MuGeun Shin, SungJin Kim, KangYoon Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea) |
Page | pp. 107 - 110 |
Keyword | Low Power, Automatic Filter Tuning, Complex BPF |
Abstract | This paper proposes a design of 460µW power consumption baseband circuit for Low-IF conversion. To achieve higher PVT tolerance and improve the accuracy of bandwidth, an automatic filter tuning system has applied in this paper. To reject image signal in baseband circuit, cross coupled complex Active-RC Band Pass Filter has adopted between Variable Gain Amplifiers. Active RC complex BPF has an effect of reducing chip area compared to other image rejection filters such as poly-phase filter, Gm-C filter, and so on. Input MOSFET of VGA and complex BPF are operating in sub-threshold region for ultra-low power consumption. The simulation results show 44kHz bandwidth with 156.125kHz center frequency with 1V power supply. The die size is 2.22mm^2. |
Title | Toward Mathematical Analysis for Quantity of Trust |
Author | *Yoshinobu Kawabe (Aichi Institute of Technology, Japan), Yuki Koizumi (Osaka University, Japan), Tetsushi Ohki, Masakatsu Nishigaki (Shizuoka University, Japan), Toru Hasegawa (Osaka University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 111 - 115 |
Keyword | computational trust, fuzzy logic, absence of trust, lack of trust |
Abstract | We discuss a method to represent the trust degrees of messages and senders. Marsh and Dibben introduced a trust value, where the score for trust (1) and the score for distrust (-1) are at both extremities. However, some studies point out the independence of trust and distrust notions. Also, some researchers claim that the opposite idea of trust is "absence of trust" rather than distrust. In this paper, towards the mathematical analysis, we discuss the quantity of faith. |
Title | Reconstruction of a Petri Net Model of Internal Organs Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine by Focusing on Triple Energizer |
Author | Quan Gan (Yamaguchi University, Japan), Ren Wu (Yamaguchi Junior College, Japan), Mitsuru Nakata, *Qi-Wei Ge (Yamaguchi University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 116 - 121 |
Keyword | Traditional Chinese Medicine, Internal organs, Triple energizer, Petri nets, Modeling |
Abstract | A model of internal organs of the human body has been proposed based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and under such an assumption that triple energizer is directly related to other viscera. This paper aims to re-examine the relationship between triple energizer and other viscera to reconstruct a new Petri net model of internal organs. Firstly, from the perspective of physiological functions as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine, we confirm that triple energizer should be considered as paths to transport energy in the human body and design model of such paths. Then, combining the path model and the model of five viscera and five bowels, we construct a new model of five viscera and six bowels by using Petri nets. Finally, computational experiments are done for the old and new models to compare the differences between the models. |
Title | An Algorithm for a Defensive Alliance Containing a Specified Vertex in a Tree |
Author | Kiyoshi Ando (National Institute of Informatics, Japan), Yoshimi Egawa (Tokyo University of Science, Japan), *Kenji Kimura (Ishinomaki Senshu University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 122 - 125 |
Keyword | defensive alliance, specified vertex, tree, polynomial algorithm |
Abstract | Let G = (V, E) be a graph with the vertex set V and the edge set E. We denote by N(v) the neighborhood of a vertex v \in V. A non-empty set of vertices S \subset V is said to be a defensive alliance if for every vertex v \in S, |N(v) \cap S| + 1 \ge |N(v) \cap (V - S)|. In this paper, we consider a defensive alliance containing a specified vertex in a tree. We show that, for any tree T of order at least three and a vertex x of T, there is a defensive alliance S such that x \in S and |S| \le \left \lceil \frac{|V_1(T)|+1}{2} \right \rceil, where V_1(T) stands for the set of leaves of T. Actually, we give an algorithm which construct a such defensive alliance. |
Title | Small Scale Peer-to-Peer Electricity Trading through Ethereum Blockchain |
Author | *Koichi Takai, Norihiko Shinomiya (Soka University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 126 - 130 |
Keyword | blockchain, peer-to-peer trading, renewable energy, storage battery, transmission loss |
Abstract | This paper discusses how to realize peer-to-peer(P2P) electricity trading. In P2P trading, prosumers sell households surplus electricity. To practice this trading, electric utility consider transmission loss and storage batteries. Also, there are some kind of medium. In this research, electricity trading simulations with and without storage batteries are executed, using blockchain as a medium. Price of electricity is decided from amount of electricity and transmission loss. As a result, transmission loss in a small scale does not affect electricity trading. |
Title | Reduction of Fault Dictionary Size by Optimizing the Order of Test Patterns Application |
Author | *Yoshinobu Higami, Tsutomu Inamoto, Senling Wang, Hiroshi Takahashi (Ehime University, Japan), Kewal K. Saluja (University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA) |
Page | pp. 131 - 136 |
Keyword | LSI testing, Fault diagnosis, Fault dictionary |
Abstract | A fault dictionary that contains output values at all the primary outputs for all the test patters and for all the target faults is called full response dictionary, and its size tends to be very large. In this paper we propose a test pattern ordering method for reducing the fault dictionary size. The proposed method applies a heuristic approach to determine the order of test patterns to reduce the size of fault dictionary to be stored. |
Title | Regeneration of Test Patterns for BIST by Using Artificial Neural Networks |
Author | *Tsutomu Inamoto, Yoshinobu Higami (Ehime University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 137 - 140 |
Keyword | LSI testing, fault detection, BIST, artificial neural network |
Abstract | In this paper, we display an approach to detect circuit faults by the built-in self test (BIST) technology. The presented approach is motivated by the expectation that an artificial neural network (ANN) can be implemented as an analog circuit, and is to use an ANN circuit as a memory which stores effective test patterns. This paper investigates the inaccuracy that is inevitable regarding analog components in a tentative manner. |
Title | Temperature Sensing with a Relaxation Oscillator in CMOS ICs |
Author | *Fumiya Sako, Yuki Ikiri, Masaki Hashizume, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi (Tokushima University, Japan), Hiroshi Yokoyama (Akita University, Japan), Shyue-Kung Lu (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan) |
Page | pp. 141 - 144 |
Keyword | Sensor, Temperature |
Abstract | Temperature monitoring is indispensable for realizing a long life in ICs, since reliability of ICs is affected by the temperature. We propose a temperature sensor based on an oscillation frequency of a relaxation oscillator embedded in an IC. In order to examine feasibility of the temperature monitoring, we designed a sensor circuit utilizing a relaxation oscillator and examined it by SPICE simulations. The simulation results show that temperatures in ICs can be estimated by a single regression straight line with a small error under process variations of MOSs in the ICs. |
Title | On a Grundy Coloring Divided into Two Steps in Graphs |
Author | *Hiroshi Tamura (Chuo University, Japan), Keisuke Nakano (Niigata University, Japan), Masakazu Sengoku (Graduate Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies, Japan) |
Page | pp. 145 - 148 |
Keyword | wireless communicaton, graph theory |
Abstract | For wireless networks, we assign channels to communication between terminals. For this assignment problem, modeling using the vertex/edge coloring of the graph theory has been proposed. In the modeling, many theoretical studies are based on minimizing the number of colors. In this paper, we assign colors to vertices/edges divided into two steps and we consider the number of assigned colors in the worst cases. We show some theoretical results for the coloring. |
Title | Proposition to Improve the Performance of Routing Protocols iFORP-3DD for Drone Ad Hoc Network |
Author | *Norihisa Watanabe, Omuwa Oyakhiire, Koichi Gyoda (Graduate School of Engineering and Science, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan) |
Page | pp. 149 - 154 |
Keyword | FANET, FORP, AODV, Drone, DANET |
Abstract | Drones are beginning to be used for a variety of purposes. However, existing protocols is not enough to provide sufficient performance in DANET. Therefore, we proposed the iFORP-3DD, which introduced a function to control the movement of relay terminals in iFORP. In this paper, we propose new method in iFORP-3DD operation, the moving speed is uniformly turn to zero, and its duration of the operation time is determined instead. Proposed method is implemented on a network simulator and its effectiveness is evaluated. |
Title | Security of Patient’s Privacy in E-Health using Secret Sharing and Homomorphism Encryption Scheme |
Author | *Ngye Antoinette Agwa, Takumi Kobayashi, Chika Sugimoto, Ryuji Kohno (Yokohama National University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 155 - 160 |
Keyword | Personal health record, health care system, outsource secret sharing, homomorphism encryption |
Abstract | Cryptography schemes have been proposed in many applications to encrypt cloud storage health records (HRs) with affording benefits like low cost and flexibility. Among which is the secret-sharing protocol whereby, health care system split a secret into n shares and distribute each secret share to the shareholders, where only a threshold (t) or more shareholders can decode the secret. In this paper, we combine the property of homomorphism encryption and secret sharing to encrypt HRs so that complex computations of Lagrange are outsourced to the cloud service provider with the flexibility of adding and removing shareholders. We analyze the time, security level, and communication complexities of our scheme, and confirm that it is much secure than the conventional methods. |
Title | Improved OLSR Considering Node Density and Residual Energy of Nodes in Dense Networks |
Author | *Omuwa Oyakhire, Koichi Gyoda (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan) |
Page | pp. 161 - 165 |
Keyword | OLSR, Ad-hoc networks, MPR wilingness, node density, residual energy |
Abstract | Recently, there is a rapid increase of connected wireless devices. This implies that networks become denser, thus an increase in control traffic and a higher consumption of bandwidth that may cause packet loss. A novel proposal to minimize control traffic in ad-hoc networks is presented. As most wireless devices are battery-powered, this proposal considers the residual energy of a node in addition to its node density when choosing its willingness to be a multipoint relay (MPR) node. Thus, battery-powered devices with residual energy below a threshold is excluded from being nominated as MPRs. The evaluation was performed in a simulation environment (Riverbed Modeler). Results show a decrease in control traffic with our proposed method. |
Title | 3-D Simulation of MANET with UAV in Mountainous Areas |
Author | *Michiko Harayama (Gifu University, Japan), Masahiro Nishioka (Graduate School of Gifu University, Japan), Taiki Hayashi (Gifu University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 166 - 171 |
Keyword | 3-D MANET Simulation, Mountain Rescue, UAV, Double Mountain Diffraction |
Abstract | In recent years, there has been a worldwide boom in mountain climbing because the activity has become easier due to the higher functionality and lighter weight of mountaineering equipment. As a result, mountain distress accidents have also increased. In the event of a disaster, effective communication for search and rescue is important. Mobile communication in the mountains, however, is limited because the terrain serves to block radio waves. Therefore, the use of MANET with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs; e.g., drones or balloons) is expected, although specific methods have not yet been clarified. Even in the case of communication simulations, there are elevation differences of several thousand meters on mountain trails, and radio wave propagation losses peculiar to mountains. Therefore, in this study, a three-dimensional MANET simulation was carried out using the Hotaka mountain range as an example case. Our radio wave propagation model includes a two-wave plane ground model, a double mountainous diffraction loss, and vegetation attenuation. The simulation by MANET using UAV as a relay device showed that the UAV expands the communicable area substantially in mountain communication. We also discuss the effects of rainfall and snow |
Title | Challenge of Roof Damage Housings Detection from Satellite Images by Applying Deep Learning Methodology -A Case Study of Ibaraki City at 2018 Osaka Earthquake- |
Author | *Munenari Inoguchi (University of Toyama, Japan), Seiichi Hara, Kazuya Shirai, Atsushi Imai (NTT DATA CCS Corporation, Japan) |
Page | pp. 172 - 176 |
Keyword | Damage Situation, Damaged Roof, Deep Learning, Transfer Learning, Satellite Image |
Abstract | To realize effective disaster response, we have to clarify the damage situation firstly. However, it should take much time-cost to do it. Against this issue, we adopt VGG-16 model developed by Oxford university, and we tried to detect blue sheet object from satellite image. We prepared training data and adopt it to actual affected area by 2018 Osaka earthquake as a case study. Finally, we confirmed that our trained AI detected blue sheet object with about 95% accuracy ratio. |
Title | Microwave Power Transfer Directivity Control Based on Super-High-Speed Vision Sensing for Fast Moving Target |
Author | *Masaaki Fujii, Naoki Tsuji, Shigemi Masuda (MinebeaMitsumi Inc., Japan) |
Page | pp. 177 - 181 |
Keyword | microwave power transfer, target tracking, phased array, image signal processing, battery-less wireless sensors |
Abstract | We implemented a vision sensing-based microwave power transfer experimental system aiming to feed a fast-moving target. In the experiment, retroreflective position markers shot out from the shooting equipment were used as fast-moving targets. A 1000-fps vison sensor successfully detected and tracked the target position marker flying at over 80 km/h and converted its centroid coordinate to the angle observed from the antenna array. A 48-element power-transferring antenna array radiates a narrow microwave beam toward the direction of the flying position marker. Our developed vision-sensing microwave power transfer system demonstrated a high-accuracy microwave beam tracking toward a fast-moving target. |
Sunday, July 5, 2020 |
Title | Activity Recognition and Anomaly Detection for the Elderly with Dementia by Using Passive RFID Sensor Tags |
Author | *Asuka Mibu, Norihiko Shinomiya (Soka University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 182 - 186 |
Keyword | Anomaly Detection, RFID, Monitoring |
Abstract | In recent years, the number of demented patients besides the elderly living alone has been increasing in Japan. This study proposes a monitoring system that recognizes the behavior of the elderly with dementia living alone and detects their anomalies. To alleviate a mental and physical burden on the elderly, our monitoring system adopts RFID sensor tags embedded in their living environment. Our experiments have ensured the feasibility of implementation and demonstrated that by detecting anomalies with changes in the sensor data. The results have demonstrated that our system can exactly detect the remaining amount in a trash box and of a meal. |
Title | MOSQUITOBELL2: A Mosquito Detection System through the Timbre Attribute of the Wing-Beat Frequency Using an Acoustic Sensor |
Author | *Yves Freddy Abeme Bouoto (Kobe Institute of Computing, Japan) |
Page | pp. 187 - 192 |
Keyword | Mosquito, wing-beat, acoustic sensor, timber, python |
Abstract | Mosquitoes detection on the fly through their wing-beat frequency using acoustic sensors provides a way to have accurate data about mosquitoes’ species. Among many reasons why it remains difficult to fight malaria disease, entomologists and malaria research institutions mentioned the fluctuation of longitudinal data about mosquitoes and the lack of continuous monitoring to have real-time information about mosquitoes. Though some existing researches have been using acoustic sensors to detect mosquitoes through their wing-beat, they have never shown properly how detection is achieved. This paper will illustrate clearly how mosquito detection is achieved through the timbre property of its wing-beat frequency using an acoustic sensor. As a proof-of-concept, the experiment was carried out in the lab. Mosquitoes' wing-beats were recorded using acoustic sensors. Then, recorded data were processed by a computer program written in the python programming language, able to single-out unique features of mosquitoes’ wing-beats. Thus, the established concepts will pave the way for real-time mosquito monitoring, a step forward to the fight against malaria disease in African countries and South East Asia. |
Title | IoT-Based Real-Time Monitoring System for Fall Detection of the Elderly with Passive RFID Sensor Tags |
Author | *Koichi Takatou, Norihiko Shinomiya (Soka University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 193 - 196 |
Keyword | monitoring, sensor, RFID, cloud computing, system development |
Abstract | In rapidly aging society in Japan, the lack of caregivers may cause a delay in detection when the elderly have an accident in a care home. A monitoring system is expected to prevent aggravation of the health condition for them due to the delay in detecting accidents. This paper proposes a real-time monitoring system of fall detection using passive RFID sensor tags. We have implemented and evaluated a prototype system using a public cloud service. |
Title | Energy Saving Assistance using IoT with Multi-Function Nodes |
Author | *Theerayod Wiangtong (King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand), Suchada Sitjongsataporn (Mahanakorn University of Technology, Thailand) |
Page | pp. 197 - 201 |
Keyword | IoT, Infrared Control, Energy Monitoring and Control, Rasberry Pi |
Abstract | This paper presents a device aims to assist energy saving in residential rooms. It can be used to control electrical devices using infrared or wifi controls to reduce the waste of electricity in abandon rooms. Infrared signals of various types and brands of electrical appliances such as air conditioners, televisions, fans can be learned and memorized for manual or automatic control uses. Users could promptly deploy the system with less installation effort. Automatic controls to turn off loads while no one is existing in a room is based on information from multiple types of sensors such as motion, temperature, light sensors. Energy monitoring, load controls also parameter setting can be done remotely through internet. |
Title | Round Trip Time Measurement of Embedded Proxy Gateway Communication between IEEE1888 Smart Energy and IoT Cloud Smart City Platforms |
Author | Kritsana Sureeya, *Tanakorn Inthasuth (Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Thailand) |
Page | pp. 202 - 206 |
Keyword | Smart City, Smart Energy, IEEE1888, NETPIE, ThingSpeak |
Abstract | In the effective management of energy information in various cities, it needs to connect with the Smart Energy Platform (SEP), which is under the Smart City Platform (SCP) while both platforms have different communication protocols. Therefore, in this research, the development of a system to link the two platforms together to be capable of exchanging information with each other is proposed. This developed system is capable of supporting data communication between SEP and SCP using the IEEE1888 and NETPIE/ThingSpeak platforms, respectively. In this system, there are ESP8266-based proxy gateway installed between the two platforms to work collaboratively by starting with the proxy devices that read data from IEEE1888 data storage and forward to NETPIE/ThingSpeak platforms to report data from various sensors to create the connection of the system as mentioned above. As for findings in the research, the duration of data processing of communication is measured to investigate for the performance of equipment in connecting the systems and to be used as a guideline for further development to be truly practical in the future. |
Title | Feedback Capacitors Based Signal Distributor Circuit |
Author | *Huseyin Ozgur Kazanci (Nagoya University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 207 - 210 |
Keyword | Analog Electronic, Mixed Signal (MS), Signal Distribution, Clock Distribution, Clock Skew |
Abstract | In this work, dynamic fine adjustment approach was applied to overcome signal skew for the circuits which use LC tank voltage-controlled oscillator (LCVCO) core elements as signal source. 2 different control voltages Vcon1, and Vcon2 were applied to variable oscillation tuning varactor capacitances and common resonance point. Roundtrip metal wire lines were used as signal distributor networks. Feedback capacitance values were dynamically changed depend on the output voltage of LCVCO. The advantage of using this method is to be able to adjust the concurrency of signal distribution between different nodes simultaneously. Signal skew annihilator feedback capacitors were connected to positive and negative outputs of the LCVCO. |
Title | Multiple Factors Congestion Prediction Algorithm for Network-on-Chip |
Author | *Zhenyu Hu, Michael Conrad Meyer (Waseda University, Japan), Xin Jiang (National Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu College, Japan), Takahiro Watanabe (Waseda University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 211 - 216 |
Keyword | Network on Chip, Congestion Aware, Routing Algorithm, Selection Strategy |
Abstract | In this paper, a history-based congestion prediction algorithm named HCP is proposed, where broadcasted packets are used to carry the congestion information, and this information is used to estimate the congestion condition inside the network. Besides the congestion, HCP also considers the historical routed packets and the path diversity to predict the congestion and balance the traffic in the network. Compared with conventional congestion aware routing algorithms, the proposed algorithm shows better results in both latency and throughput. |
Title | A Fault-Tolerant Hamiltonian-Based Odd-Even Routing Algorithm for Network-on-Chip |
Author | *Cheng Hu, Michael Conrad Meyer (Waseda University, Japan), Xin Jiang (National Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu College, Japan), Takahiro Watanabe (Waseda University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 217 - 222 |
Keyword | Networks-on-Chip (NoC), fault-tolerant routing, Hamiltonian path, traffic pattern |
Abstract | Network-on-chip (NoC) has emerged as an efficient communication method for Multi-Processor System-on-chips (MPSoCs). With the integration density increasing, there is more possibility that NoC is threaten by different faults in the network. In this paper, we propose a new fault-tolerant routing algorithm which takes advantage of improved Hamiltonian-based Odd-Even turn model and trys to reutilize some prohibited minimal paths. We configure our algorithm into adaptive and deterministic routings and unite them with an existing traffic-pattern detection mechanism to get a better performance in latency and throughput in different traffic patterns. |
Title | Optimal Design for Level-Shifter-Less Approach using Channel Length Modulation and Body Biasing |
Author | *Tatsuya Watanabe, Kimiyoshi Usami (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan) |
Page | pp. 223 - 227 |
Keyword | Level-Shifter-Less, Body Biasing, Channel length modulation |
Abstract | A multi-VDD design realizes LSIs to be low power by allowing to use multiple different power supply voltages. In this design, conversion of the voltage amplitude of the signal is necessary. This is usually done by inserting a circuit called a level shifter, between voltage domains as an interface. However, insertion of level shifter has disadvantages in silicon footprint, power consumption, and delays. In this paper, we propose a level-shifter-less approach by increasing channel length. We also propose the optimal design using both channel length modulation and body biasing. |
Title | Aging Monitoring for Memory-Based Reconfigurable Logic Device (MRLD) |
Author | *Xihong Zhou, Senling Wang, Yoshinobu Higami, Hiroshi Takahashi (Ehime University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 228 - 233 |
Keyword | aging, reliability, IoT, ring-oscillator, MRLD |
Abstract | MRLD is a new type of reconfigurable device constructed by general SRAMs array that is promising to use for the next-generation IoT edge devices. During the operation of the MRLD, aging-induced failures may occur without any previous notice, which greatly affects the reliability of the entire IoT systems. In this paper, we propose a method for early detecting and reporting the effect of the aging in MRLD. The method configures a new designed ring oscillator circuit into the MRLD for monitoring its internal delay variations. Simulation results confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed method. |
Title | Approximate Computing Based on Latest-Result Reuse for Image Edge Detection |
Author | Kimiyoshi Usami, *Hajime Ochi, Yoshinori Ono (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan) |
Page | pp. 234 - 239 |
Keyword | approximate computing, reuse, image edge detection, FPGA, energy savings |
Abstract | This paper describes a memo-table-free approximate computing technique for an image edge detector to reuse the computed result only in the closest past. Decision of reuse is made based on tolerance-level controllable similarity checking for two consecutive 3x3 input pixels. We designed and implemented the proposed approximate edge detector in an FPGA and evaluated with 6 benchmark images. Results have demonstrated that by controlling the tolerance level the execution time is reduced by 15% and the energy dissipation is saved by 3-12% compared with the precise computation at acceptable quality in edge detected images. |
Title | Software Defect Prediction Using Convolutional Neural Network |
Author | *Kittisak Wongpheng, Porawat Visutsak (King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, Thailand) |
Page | pp. 240 - 243 |
Keyword | Software fault, Software reliability, Software defect prediction, Convolution Neural Network, Machine learning |
Abstract | The crucial part in software development lifecycle is finding the software faults. Detecting the faults in an early stage of software lifecycle can prevent the susceptibility and cost overruns. Many machine learning algorithms have been adopted for predicting the error-prone of software system such as Support Vector Machine (SVM), Bayesian Belief Network, Naïve Bayes, and Genetic Programming. In this paper, the Convolution Neural Network (CNN) is used to detect the defective modules in software system. This work used the static code metrics for a collection of software modules in five selective NASA datasets. The experimental results show that CNN was promising for defect prediction with an average accuracy of 70.2%. |
Title | A Drone Delivery System with Mobile Hubs for Home Delivery |
Author | *Rinichi Nakagawa, Katsumi Harashima (Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan) |
Page | pp. 244 - 249 |
Keyword | Drone, Home delivery, Mobile hub, Multi Agent |
Abstract | This paper proposes a drone delivery system using mobile delivery hubs to resolve problems of delivery. Mobile delivery hubs transport packages to the vicinities of pluralities of convenience stores serving as delivery destinations. A mobile delivery hub is equipped with two groups of drones. Each group alternately delivers packages to convenience stores. The effectiveness of the proposed system has been confirmed by multi--agent simulations to be more advantageous for a larger number of packages and a wider delivery area than for deliveries using only drones. |
Title | Ideal Line Cutting for Platooning |
Author | *Takahiro Kosugi, Katsumi Harashima (Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan) |
Page | pp. 250 - 253 |
Keyword | Platooning, Self-driving, Multi-agent simulation, Line cutting |
Abstract | This paper defines the ideal acceptance of interrupted vehicles by platoons and examines the deceleration position of platoon vehicles for ideal interrupt acceptance. We confirmed the optimal deceleration starting position for several speed patterns by multi-agent simulation. |
Title | A Machine Learning Approach to Classification of Okra |
Author | *Papa Moussa Diop (University of the Ryukyus, Japan), Jin Takamoto, Yuji Nakamura (Media Transport Corporation, Japan), Morikazu Nakamura (University of the Ryukyus, Japan) |
Page | pp. 254 - 257 |
Keyword | Machine Learning, Classfication, CNN, Okra, Plant |
Abstract | Multiple machine learning techniques have been used for image classification purposes in agriculture. They can be applied to either roots, leaves or plants' detection and classification in order to assist farmers tasks. This paper aims to propose alternatives or solutions to post-harvest manual classification of okras by Japanese farmers in Okinawa. Thus, we implement Deep Learning to classify okras into categories pre-established by the Japan Agricultural Cooperatives. The classification features of okras in this study are their length and shape, and they classified into two: Class A and B. A set of pre-processing layers such as background noise cancellation, gray scaling and enhancement, image resizing and reconstruction are utilized to provide a higher detection rate. Moreover, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is implemented to detect the patterns and predict the outputs. |
Title | A Comparison the Effectiveness of Data Mining Techniques in Predicting Career Advice to Promote Education for People with Disabilities (Thailand) |
Author | *Julaluk Watthananon (Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, Thailand), Pollawat Chintanaporn (Portalpolis Co. Ltd., Thailand) |
Page | pp. 258 - 262 |
Keyword | Persons with Disabilities, Career Advice, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Bagging |
Abstract | The purpose of this research was to study and compare the effectiveness of data mining techniques used to predict career advice given to promote education to people with disabilities in Thailand. The study used data about job positions and the anonymized individual competencies of 907 disabled people who are currently studying in the Thai education system. The data consisted of 28 features of individual competencies, including proficiencies, occupations, special abilities, gender, and work positions, including major field and position recruited for. The study showed that: (i) random forest, decision tree, and bagging techniques were the most appropriate data mining techniques; and (ii) the three techniques showed precision levels of respectively 86.42%, 81.29%, and 81.07%, and so random forest methods were the most accurate. |
Title | Derivation of Optimal Parameters According to Path Curvature by Policy Gradient Reinforcement Learning |
Author | *Koki Nakashima (Graduate School of Information Science, Kyushu Sangyo University, Japan), Yoshihiro Yasutake, Sunao Sawada (Faculty of Science and Engineering, Kyushu Sangyo University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 263 - 268 |
Keyword | Machine Learning, Policy Gradient Reinforcement Learning, Moblie Robot |
Abstract | Technology that allows robots to autonomously learn their own parameters according to the environment is becoming increasingly important. Autonomously moving robots on wheels have a path to travel, and it is necessary to adjust parameters such as speed and turning amount. Even though it is possible to obtain parameters that travel along the entire route, they are not optimal for partial routes. This is because, as the speed increases, the possibility of derailment due to the difference in curvature. In this paper, we propose to obtain the parameters that can be used to run fast and smoothly along each path and switch them according to the curvature. In order to investigate the running state of the robot, we define the running state of the robot and propose a learning method that applies the policy gradient machine learning to derive the optimal parameters for each curvature. Then, we verify the effectiveness of the proposed method by using actual robots. |
Title | SNS Data Based Tweet Similarity Evaluation for QoE Estimation |
Author | *Takaaki Kirikae, Cheng Zhang (Waseda University, Japan), Kyoko Yamori (Asahi University, Japan), Yoshiaki Tanaka (Waseda University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 269 - 272 |
Keyword | QoE, Twitter, MeCab, Word2Vec, Doc2Vec |
Abstract | In this paper, similarity of tweets is evaluated to investigate the correlation between communication quality degradation and QoE. The possibility of QoE estimation from tweets on communication quality has been verified through experiments with 168 tweets from 20 subjects. The experiment results show that it is possible to estimate QoE from tweets. |
Title | New Importance Index and Analysis of System Failure Frequency |
Author | *Ryuta Sumida, Masahiro Hayashi (Tokyo City University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 273 - 278 |
Keyword | Importance, Partial Derivative, Failure Frequency, Failure Critical Importance, Markov Models |
Abstract | We propose an importance index that is obtained by taking the partial derivative of the system failure frequency. Importance indexes are very useful in reliable design of systems, because they clarify the priority of components. We emphasize that failure criticality importance is useful because it is known that the user’s level of dissatisfaction is affected by failure frequency. However, failure critical importance cannot distinguish between the effect of failures and its repairs of components, which our index can distinguish them. |
Title | Evaluation of Performance of Novel High-Speed Startup and Low-Power Encoding Method |
Author | *Koki Matsuzoe, Hitoshi Hayashi, Ryo Kondo (Sophia University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 279 - 282 |
Keyword | Miller, Manchester, Encoding, DC offset, Clock |
Abstract | We present an evaluation of the bit error rate performance of a newly proposed high-speed startup and low-power encoding method in an additive white Gaussian noise environment. The Manchester code currently used for the non-contact IC card requires a phase-locked loop because the intervals of the state transition change. On the other hand, in the proposed encoding method, state transitions occur periodically at the center of a waveform. |
Title | A Technique for Fast Miller's Algorithm of Ate Pairings on Elliptic Curves with Embedding Degrees of Multiple of Three |
Author | *Yuki Nanjo (Okayama University, Japan), Masaaki Shirase (Future University Hakodate, Japan), Takuya Kusaka, Yasuyuki Nogami (Okayama University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 283 - 287 |
Keyword | Pairing-based cryptography, Miller's algorithm, Divisors |
Abstract | Bilinear pairings are widely used for innovative protocols such as ID-based encryption and group signature authentication. According to the current research of the pairings, not only families of pairing-friendly elliptic curves with embedding degrees of multiple of four or six but also that of multiple of three can realize efficient pairings. However, the range of the practical choices of the elliptic curves with embedding degrees of multiple of three is more restricted than that of even embedding degrees by an efficiency reason for the computation of Miller's algorithm with a signed binary representation of a loop parameter. To ease the restriction, the authors propose to compute the Miller's algorithm by swapping the sign of the loop parameter without performance degradation for the ate pairing on such the elliptic curves. |
Title | An Explicit Formula of Cyclotomic Cubing Available for Pairings on Elliptic Curves with Embedding Degrees of Multiple of Three |
Author | *Yuki Nanjo (Okayama University, Japan), Masaaki Shirase (Future University Hakodate, Japan), Takuya Kusaka, Yasuyuki Nogami (Okayama University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 288 - 292 |
Keyword | Pairing-based cryptography, Cyclotomic subgroup, Cubing |
Abstract | Bilinear pairings are widely used for innovative protocols such as ID-based encryption and group signature authentication. According to the current research of the pairings, not only families of pairing-friendly elliptic curves with embedding degrees of multiple of four or six but also that of multiple of three are attractive choices for practical pairings. However, the pairings on such the elliptic curves cannot benefit from an efficient performing squaring available in a cyclotomic subgroup which plays an important role in fast final exponentiation. As one of the candidates of replacements of the squaring, the authors consider an efficient performing cubing available in the cyclotomic subgroup. |
Title | An Implementation and Evaluation of a Pairing on Elliptic Curves with Embedding Degree 14 |
Author | *Zihao Song (Yokohama National University, Japan), Rikuya Matsumura, Yuto Takahashi, Yuki Nanjo, Takuya Kusaka, Yasuyuki Nogami (Okayama University, Japan), Tsutomu Matsumoto (Yokohama National University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 293 - 298 |
Keyword | Pairing-based Cryptography, Elliptic curve, Finite filed arithmetic |
Abstract | A pairing is one of the key technologies of the cryptography. Recently, the elliptic curve with embedding degree 14 is evaluated as an efficient curves for pairing. In the paper, we implement an optimal ate pairing on the elliptic curve by applying several variants of multiplication algorithms of extension field of degree 7. The best multiplication algorithm among the candidates is derived. Besides, for efficient calculations, we propose a pseudo 7-sparse algorithm and a fast calculation method of final exponentiation. |
Title | Improving the Security Strength of Iseki’s Fully Homomorphic Encryption |
Author | *Naho Nakadai, Takumi Iseki, Masahiro Hayashi (Tokyo City University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 299 - 304 |
Keyword | Secure computation, Fully homomorphic encryption, Security strength, Reliability engineering |
Abstract | This paper proposes a method that offers much higher security for Iseki's fully homomorphic encryption (FHE), a recently proposed secure computation scheme. The key idea is re-encrypting already encrypted data. This second encryption is executed using new common keys, whereby two or more encryptions offer much stronger security. |
Title | A Design of 300-800MHz Injection Locked Frequency Multiplier with Digital Calibration Method |
Author | *Sang Hee Yun, Sung Jin Kim, Kang-Yoon Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea) |
Page | pp. 305 - 308 |
Keyword | Injection-Locked Frequency Multiplier, Digital calibration, Constant Tuning, ILFM |
Abstract | This paper proposes a 300-800MHz Injection Locked Frequency Multiplier using Digital Calibration Method. The proposed ILFM sends an input signal to the receiver, which will be used to calibrate it. But this is not good in power consumption and chips. To address this, the proposed structure will use a ring oscillator. The frequency of the ILFM will be digitally adjusted, allowing the frequency to be automatically calibrated. The target frequency can then be fixed with FLL. |
Title | A Design of CMOS Energy Harvester with 67.9% Peak Efficiency for SWIPT System |
Author | *Chang-Hyeon Kim, Gun-Ho Park, Danial Khan, Kang-Yoon Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea) |
Page | pp. 309 - 312 |
Keyword | RF energy harvesting, RF-DC converter, Power conversion efficiency. |
Abstract | This paper presents a design of CMOS Energy Harvester. This Energy Harvester has RF-DC Converter that consists of the Dickson Charge Pump. The RF-DC Converter receives RF power and convert it to DC voltage. The targer Frequency of Energy Harvester that gathers RF signals is 5.8 GHz. The proposed RF-DC Converter has been implemented in the 180 nm BCD process. The Dickson Chare Pump Structure has 4 capacitor and 4 MOSFET that consists of Diode connection. |
Title | A Quick Start-Up Crystal Oscillator with Negative Resistance Boosting Technique and Automatic Amplitude Control |
Author | *Ziqi Ding, Reza Eftekhari Rad, Kang-Yoon Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea) |
Page | pp. 313 - 316 |
Keyword | crystal oscillator, quickly start-up, low power, NRB |
Abstract | This paper presents a duty-cycled operation fast start-up crystal oscillator for Internet of Things (IoT) wireless communication system. Using Negative Resistance Boosting (NRB) method, the proposed crystal oscillator overcomes the conventional Pierce crystal oscillator’s long start-up time issue (which is in milliseconds range). The crystal oscillator is implemented in a 65-nm CMOS technology, achieving a fast start-up time around 502 μs at 40-Mhz with 3.3V supply voltage. An Automatic Amplitude Control (AAC) feedback method keeps monitoring of the output swing of the oscillator and decides boosting/steady mode of the oscillator. By implementing NRB and AAC techniques, the overall energy consumption is reduced effectively. |
Title | A Low-Power Multi-Band Receiver Front-End for 262 and 868 MHz bands for Internet of Things Application |
Author | *King Yip Chan, Reza Eftekhari Rad, Sung Jin Kim, Kang-Yoon Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea) |
Page | pp. 317 - 321 |
Keyword | Low-power, Multi-Band, Noise Cancellation, IoT |
Abstract | This paper presents a low power multi-band receiver front-end for Internet of Things (IoT) application. The proposed receiver front-end consists a low-power multi-band LNA, a double-balanced passive mixer with gain booster, and a Transimpedance Amplifier (TIA). The receiver is implemented in a 55-nm CMOS Radio Frequency (RF) process with a low power supply of 1V and occupies an 374µm×411µm area. The frequency range of the proposed receiver is 251-275MHz and 790-1030MHz. The receiver has a total Noise-Figure (NF) of 3.3 dB, a total voltage gain of 46 dB, P1dB -30.5 dBm at 920MHz and -37.3 dBm at 262MHz while consuming 900 uA. |
Title | Design of a Reference Voltage Generator for a Low Power 12-bit 20 MS/s Asynchronous SAR ADC |
Author | *Khuram Shehzad, Deeksha Verma, Danial Khan, Venkatesh Kommangunta, Kang-Yoon Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea) |
Page | pp. 322 - 325 |
Keyword | Reference Generator, Asynchronous SAR ADC |
Abstract | This paper presents a reference voltage generator circuit for a low power 12-bit asynchronous Successive Approximation Register Analog-to-Digital Converter (SAR ADC) operating at a sampling rate of 20 MS/s. A modified band-gap reference (BGR) with a soft start circuit is adopted to generate a stabilized low output voltage. Source follower type reference buffers are implemented in reference voltage generator to stabilize the dc output voltages. Besides, trimming control is also added in the reference voltage generator to compensate the difference in the results and voltage mismatch. The presented SAR ADC architecture achieves an effective number of bits (ENOB), 11.17 bit and signal-to-noise and distortion (SNDR) of 69.02 dB at a sampling rate of 20 MS/s, while the input range is from 0.25 V to 0.95 V is implemented in 0.13 µm CMOS process technology. The power consumption of the proposed reference voltage generator is 3.42 mW, while asynchronous SAR ADC consumes only 891 µW achieving Figure of merit (FoM) of 19.3 fJ/conversion-step when power supply of 1.2 V is applied. |
Title | FSK Modulation Technique for SWIPT System in LabVIEW Modeling |
Author | *Pervesh Kumar, Muhamamd Riaz ur Rehman, Imran Ali, Kang-Yoon Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea) |
Page | pp. 326 - 329 |
Keyword | FSK, SWIPT, LabVIEW |
Abstract | In this work, we modeled a LabVIEW based system for simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) using FSK modulation. The battery lifespan of wearable and portable devices have a major concern. SWIPT technique has the potential to address this issue. LabVIEW facilitates with a full system (SWIPT) modeling and simulation verification of both RF energy harvesting (EH) and information decoding (ID) paths comprehensively. |
Title | Framework and Solution for Assigning Shares to Communication Network Domains under Secret Sharing Scheme |
Author | *Takahiro Kuwabara, Masahiro Hayashi (Tokyo City University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 330 - 335 |
Keyword | Communication Network, Security, Domain, Assigning, Secret Sharing Scheme |
Abstract | We describe a framework for assigning shares to communication network domains, where shares are split data in the secret sharing scheme. The secret sharing scheme offers higher security than that of the encryption scheme in some situations, such as when the hardware containing the data is stolen. Here, we claim that the security of this scheme depends on the domains the shares are assigned to. |
Title | Implementation and Evaluation of Ate Pairings on Elliptic Curves with Embedding Degree 10 Applied Type-II All-One Polynomial Extension Field of Degree 5 |
Author | *Rikuya Matsumura, Yuto Takahashi, Yuki Nanjo, Takuya Kusaka, Yasuyuki Nogami (Okayama University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 336 - 341 |
Keyword | pairing-based cryptography, embedding degree 10, all-one polynomial extension field, optimal extension field |
Abstract | Pairing-based cryptography has received much attention as an encryption method for realizing advanced cryptography such as ID-based encryption and searchable encryption. In a pairing-friendly elliptic curve of embedding degree 10, calculation cost of multiplication and squaring on extension fields of degree 5 are related to efficiency of pairing. Therefore, it is necessary to select an efficient multiplication and squaring algorithms on the extension field of degree 5. To apply these algorithms, the authors implement a pairing on an elliptic curve of embedding degree 10 with type-II all-one polynomial extension field (AOPF) of degree of 5 and optimal extension field (OEF) of degree of 5. As a result, the computational complexity of pairing with the expanded AOPF of degree 5 are almost 7.4% efficient than that of the expanded OEF of degree 5. |
Title | Implementation and Evaluation of an Efficient MAC Based on OMAC for CAN on 8-Bit Microcomputer |
Author | *Yuta Fujioka, Hiroto Ogura, Yuki Ueno, Takuya Kusaka, Yasuyuki Nogami (Okayama University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 342 - 347 |
Keyword | CAN, MAC, OMAC, Microcomputer, Pseudo-random numbers |
Abstract | A new MAC based on OMAC is implemented in Arduino Uno and Raspberry Pi. In addition, a function to update the common key based on pseudo-random numbers and a re-verification function of the MAC value on the receiving ECU are implemented. Then, the time required to calculate the MAC value and required key update time were measured. As a result, both of the processing time and key update time of both of the microcomputers satisfied the time constraint. |
Title | Electrical Falsification of CAN Data by Magnetic Coupling |
Author | *Hiroto Ogura, Ryunosuke Isshiki, Kengo Iokibe, Yuta Kodera, Takuya Kusaka, Yasuyuki Nogami (Okayama University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 348 - 353 |
Keyword | CAN, EMI, transient pulse, current injection magnetic coupling |
Abstract | Controller Area Network (CAN) is widely employed as an in-vehicle network. An adversary can reportedly falsify a CAN frame by tampering with sample points. In this paper, the effectiveness of a new falsification method that does not require sample point tampering is proposed. In the method, transient electromagnetic pulses are injected into a CAN bus by magnetic coupling that enables falsification at the target CAN node without error detection. As a result, the new falsification method was effective for CAN. |
Title | EXIT Chart Analysis of Protograph-based LDPC Codes for Unequal Power Two-User Gaussian Multiple Access Channel |
Author | *Sirawit Khittiwitchayakul, Watid Phakphisut, Pornchai Supnithi, Lin Min Min Myint (Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand) |
Page | pp. 354 - 358 |
Keyword | Protograph code, LDPC code, two-user GMAC, EXIT chart |
Abstract | In this work, we analyze the theoretical performances of protograph-based LDPC codes for unequal power two-user Gaussian multiple access channel (GMAC) by using Extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) chart. We show that the decoding performances of LDPC codes for two-users are improved significantly when the transmitted power of user increases. Moreover, we present the design of protograph structures of the LDPC codes for unequal power two-user GMAC by using the differential evolution (DE). The results show that the designed LDPC codes outperform the traditional LDPC codes. |
Title | Image Watermarking Based on the Watershed Segmentation |
Author | *Kazuki Hasegawa, Toshiyuki Uto (Ehime University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 359 - 362 |
Keyword | Watermarking, Watershed segmentation, Image copyright protection |
Abstract | Image watermarking is a technology that enables copyright protection of images, but causes a deterioration of host image. The purpose of this paper is to suppress the quality degradation of the cover image. Our methods divides the image into similar nonoverlaped blocks for each pixel using the watershed segmentation, and embeds a watermark of spread sequence. This division narrows the range of pixel values in the block, so that a smaller watermark can be embedded. The embedding approach in the proposed method uses the smear transform. As a result, a watermarked image can be generated while suppressing the image quality deterioration. |
Title | 3-D Mesh Watermarking Based on Optimized Multiple Histograms |
Author | *Naoki Kashida, Kazuki Hasegawa, Toshiyuki Uto (Ehime University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 363 - 366 |
Keyword | Watermarking, 3-D Mesh, Histogram |
Abstract | In this paper, we discuss a 3-D mesh watermarking scheme with optimized multiple histograms. Watermarking algorithms exist as one of technologies used to protect a copyright of digital data. The conventional methods choose embedded bins in the histogram without accounting for the number of elements, and lead to decrease a robustness or increase a visual change. Our method introduces multiple histograms from a host 3-D mesh for selecting bins with a smaller number of elements in the multiple histograms. In the proposed approach, we utilize a cylindrical coordinate system instead of the Cartesian coordinate to generate two histograms. This modification reduces the total distance of moved vertices by watermark embedding. As a results, the proposed watermarking gives a superior visual quality to other previous watermarking with a single histogram. |
Title | Hybrid Filtering for Image Sharpening and Smoothing Simultaneously |
Author | *Suphongsa Khetkeeree, Parawata Thanakitivirul (Mahanakorn University of Technology, Thailand) |
Page | pp. 367 - 371 |
Keyword | bilateral filter, high boost filter, binding filter, Laplacian filter, Gaussian filter |
Abstract | In this paper, we propose a method for adjusting the sharpness, and in the meantime, it can enhance the smoothness of the black-and-white and color images simultaneously. Our filter can be divided into two terms, the smoothing filter and the sharpening filter. Both filters are connected with the binding filter used to define the filter weighting for a suitable area. The binding filter that we design based on a nonlinear combination of nearby image point values. The Laplacian filter is applied for constructing the binding filter that is designed similar to the Gaussian distribution function. The Gaussian Smoothing (GS) filter and High Boost (HB) filter are employed to construct the example of our hybrid filter. The processed image is compared with filtered image by the GS filter, HB filter, and bilateral filter for observing our filter performance, both the black-and-white images and color image. The experimental results show that our proposed filter can maintain the dominant properties of both GS filter and HB filter. It can reduce the noise in the flat area, and at the same time, it can increase the image sharpness in the edge region. |
Title | Lip Biometric Authentication Using Viola-Jones and Appearance Based Model (AAM) System |
Author | *Jennifer Dela Cruz, Ramon Garcia, Sharmane Marie Go, Julia Regala, Linda Joyce Yano (Mapua University, Philippines) |
Page | pp. 372 - 377 |
Keyword | facial recognition, Active Appearance Model (AAM), lip biometric, Viola-Jones |
Abstract | The study utilizes person’s images and verifies identity through image processing. The lip biometric system focuses on the uniqueness of the parameters of the lips as a useful feature to distinguish similar looking people. Data gathering for face images include 5 identical twins, 10 similar faces, and 10 dissimilar faces of still face-front images of subjects with neutral expression were used to examine the efficiency and performance of the system. Different lighting condition measured in flux under various distances has been characterized. The algorithm starts by face detection using the Viola-Jones algorithm, which has high accuracy at real-time testing speed face detection. Then, the Active Appearance Model (AAM) is used for feature extraction through lip segmentation. A graphical user interface is stablished in capturing and showing the output data. An 87.5% accuracy resulted in using lips for human identity. |
Monday, July 6, 2020 |
Title | An On-Chip Ultra-Low-Power Hz-Range Ring Oscillator Based on Dynamic Leakage Suppression Logic |
Author | *Jorge Cañada, Yui Yoshida, Hiroki Miura, Nobuhiko Nakano (Keio University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 378 - 383 |
Keyword | ring oscillator, sub-nW, DLS, Hz-range, on-chip |
Abstract | In this paper, simulation and experimental results of an ultra-low-power Hz-range ring oscillator are presented. The proposed circuit can operate from subthreshold voltage (0.24 V) to nominal voltage (1.8 V) and reaches power consumptions in the picowatt order. The design, based on Dynamic Leakage Suppression (DLS) logic, has been implemented in 0.18 um CMOS technology and uses sub-pF capacitors. Its main features are its low power consumption, small area, wide supply voltage range and utmost simplicity. |
Title | A Novel Both-Sided Bitline Driving Technique for Low Latency in High Capacity NAND Flash |
Author | *Jun Ho An, Hyun Kook Park, Tae Woo Oh, Seong-Ook Jung (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea) |
Page | pp. 384 - 388 |
Keyword | BL driving, both-sided, NAND Flash, overdriving |
Abstract | This paper proposes a both-sided BL driving scheme (BSBLDS) for high capacity NAND Flash to achieve a fast driving operation by using an area-optimal NMOS at the far side of the BL. In the proposed BSBLDS, the both-sided BL overdriving and discharging modes are respectively implemented for fast precharge and discharge operations. The proposed BSBLDS achieves 180% faster precharge speed and 190% faster discharge speed than the conventional driving scheme. |
Title | Thermal Simulation of Battery Module with Updation of Thermal Resistance of Air |
Author | *Godine Raja Sekhar, Motoi Nakajima, Lei Lin, Masahito Arima, Masahiro Fukui (Ritsumeikan University, Kusatsu, Japan) |
Page | pp. 389 - 394 |
Keyword | Lithium-ion battery, thermal resistance of air |
Abstract | In this research temperature distribution of cells in a battery module is analyzed and dependence of thermal resistance of air on cell temparature is calculated. Thermal circuit is constructed for battery module and thermal simulation was done using heat transfer equations. Thermal simulation was done in MATLAB and results are verified using Ansys Simulation software. The accuracy of the study was upto 98.5%. |
Title | Performances of GAGAN Satellite-Based Augmentation System in Thailand Region |
Author | *Somkit Sophan, Watid Phakphisut, Lin M. M. Myint, Pornchai Supnithi (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand) |
Page | pp. 395 - 399 |
Keyword | SBAS, GAGAN, GPS, SPP |
Abstract | The ASEAN IVO project currently supports the research related to GNSS and ionospheric data products for disaster prevention and aviation in low-latitude regions. Satellite-Based Augmentation System (SBAS) is vital to air navigation in many regions around the world. In Thailand, the L1-frequency SBAS corrections can be received from the GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation (GAGAN) system which is intended for use over Indian airspace. In this work, we analyze the performances of the GAGAN system in Thailand on the quiet and disturbed days in March 2019 by applying the entire corrections received at King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang station. The 95-percent horizontal and vertical accuracies on quiet days are 1.52 and 3.18 meters, respectively. In contrast, on disturbed days they are 1.97 and 3.41 meters, respectively. |
Title | Jamming Detection and Distance Calculation of L1 and E1 Frequencies |
Author | *Chotipong Sakorn, Pornchai Supnithi, Watid Phakphisut (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand) |
Page | pp. 400 - 404 |
Keyword | Jammer, GNSS |
Abstract | GNSS jammers in the form of small portable devices are able to transmit the interference signals to GNSS receivers with the goal of misleading or disrupt the positioning. The interference or jamming can be detected from the carrier-to-noise (C/N0) values. In this work, we apply the Moving Variance (MV) to detect the occurrence of jamming from L1, E1 frequencies of GPS, Galileo satellites. In addition, we use Friis equation and random variable matching to calculate the distance between the GNSS receiver and jammer. |
Title | Improvement of Kalman Filter for GNSS/IMU Data Fusion with Measurement Bias Compensation |
Author | *Natthanarong Nilchan, Pornchai Supnithi, Watid Phakphisut (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand) |
Page | pp. 405 - 410 |
Keyword | RTK, Kalman filter, measurement bias, GNSS/IMU Fusion |
Abstract | The ASEAN IVO project currently supports the research related to GNSS and ionospheric data products for disaster prevention and aviation in low-latitude regions. In vehicle navigation, Real Time Kinematic (RTK) positioning distorted from the environment often contaminates the measurement vectors (such as position or speed of a rover). In this situation, the conventional Kalman filter with a linear motion model could not reduce positioning errors sufficiently due to existing bias. Hence, the measurement bias compensation method based on the mean of residual vectors is proposed. We modify the conventional Kalman filter by including this compensation in the estimation step. We test the algorithm in both of the simulations and actual experiments. From the results, the proposed method outperforms the baseline method in terms of positioning error by 60% and 12% for the simulation test and the field test respectively. |
Title | The Disturbance Effects on Single Frequency GPS Positioning at Low Geomagnetic Latitude Stations in Thailand |
Author | *Napat Tongkasem, Lin M. M. Myint, Pornchai Supnithi (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand), Tharadol Komolmis (Chiang Mai University, Thailand), Kornyanat Hozumi (National Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Japan) |
Page | pp. 411 - 415 |
Keyword | positioning system, ionospheric delay, low geomagnetic latitude |
Abstract | The ASEAN IVO project currently supports the research related to GNSS and ionospheric data products for disaster prevention and aviation in low-latitude regions. In the positioning system, the atmosphere is the main medium along the propagation path that includes some ions, water vapor, and noise. These are the causes of the propagation delay time especially the ions in the ionosphere. At the present, there are many Global Positioning System (GPS) stations worldwide. Therefore, we can check the performances of the positioning system by using the positioning error calculation. In this work, the positioning errors are calculated from the 16 GPS stations at the low geomagnetic latitude region (Thailand) with the single frequency algorithm on a disturbance day. Then, we compute the 95-percentile and the maximum of the positioning errors. The results show approximately the difference of 95-percentile value 1.799 meters on the horizontal axis and 2.289 meters on the vertical axis and maximum positioning error can be up to 11.413 meters on the disturbed time on the disturbance day. |
Friday, July 3, 2020 |
Title | Iris Detection Based on Analysis of Abstracted Contour Graph |
Author | *Riki Ishikawa, Tomohiko Ohtsuka, Yuji Tateizumi (National Institute of Technology, Tokyo College, Japan) |
Page | pp. 416 - 420 |
Keyword | Abstracted Contour Graph, Iris Detection, Contour Candidate Point, Haar-like Feature, Freeman Chain Codes |
Abstract | This paper proposes novel iris detection by analysis of abstracted contour graph, which is robust against obstacles such as eyelashes and eyelids, in order to achieve a high precision of the iris detection even for low image quality. The analysis of abstracted contour graph is a method to evaluate topological features of contour curves, such as the pupil and iris, effectively reducing the influence of obstacles and extracting true contour curves. It performed the experimental evaluation of the iris detection by the proposed approach using 500 iris images from the iris image database CASIA-IrisV3-Lamp. As a result, it was confirmed that the iris detection rate of the previous studies were 98%, whereas the proposed method improved to 99%. |
Title | Study of UV Skin Image Generation from an RGB Color Image with Deep Learning for Beauty Industries |
Author | *Rui Matsuo, Makoto Hasegawa (Tokyo Denki University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 421 - 425 |
Keyword | UV skin image, deep learning, convolutional autoencoder, U-net, beauty industry |
Abstract | Skin visualization for beauty industries using deep learning is discussed. UV skin images were taken by a medical dermoscopy digital camera, and we created datasets for training. Neural networks called U-net and convolutional autoencoder were constructed and trained with our datasets. Once our neural network was trained, skin images that approximated the UV image could be generated without the medical camera. The performance of our U-net and convolutional autoencoder is discussed. |
Title | Study of Visual Inspection for Liquid Pouches Using Deep Learning |
Author | *Makoto Hasegawa (Tokyo Denki University, Japan), Hidenori Kogure, Hironori Dobashi (Taisei Lamick Co., Ltd., Japan) |
Page | pp. 426 - 430 |
Keyword | liquid pouch, inspection, deep learning, autoencoder, two-class classification |
Abstract | Visual inspection for liquid pouches using deep learning is under discussion. Pictures of the produced liquid pouches were taken using soft X-ray transmission to generate deep learning datasets. Our deep learning system was designed with an autoencoder and a neural network for two-class classification. Our autoencoder was trained with defect-free datasets and performed for an image pre-processing to extract abnormal defect features. Our neural network for two-class classification was trained with pre-processed defect-free and defective datasets. Our proposed method detected defective products using our test datasets at running time. |
Title | Anti-Cancer Drug Response Prediction by Using Cell line Gene Expression Data |
Author | Kexin Qiu, Minsu Kim, Joongho Lee, *Seokhyun Yoon (Dankook University, Republic of Korea) |
Page | pp. 431 - 434 |
Keyword | Drug Response Prediction |
Abstract | In this paper, we use 3 types of machine learning algorithms (XGBoost, Support Vector Machine and Lasso)to predict anti-cancer drug response based on cell line expression data. We used p-value of the Pearson correlation coefficient for gene selection and we compared the prediction performance of each model. The results show that Lasso has the best prediction performance, and the average prediction accuracy for the two drugs is 0.73. On the other hand, we compared the genes used by XGBoost and Lasso to achieve optimal performance and found the same genes. |
Title | Unsupervised Video Frame Interpolation using Online Refinement |
Author | *Seungmin Lee, Seongwook Yoon, Sanghoon Sull (Korea University, Republic of Korea) |
Page | pp. 435 - 439 |
Keyword | unsupervised learning, video frame interpolation, online refinement |
Abstract | Video frame interpolation is a method that estimates an intermediate frame between two consecutive frames and makes the video playable at a high frame rate or slow motion. Since video frame interpolation using deep neural networks should produce good results for unseen arbitrary videos, we apply an online refinement, which refines a network’s weights by learning new instances in online manner. Since effective online refinement should select useful subset of instances, we introduce several rules using simple metric... |
Title | Automatic Recovery of Hidden Image from Image Steganography Using DNN and Local Entropy Features |
Author | Jae Hoon Lee, Da Young Kang, *Jung Eun Lee (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea), Sang Hwa Lee (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea), Jong-il Park (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea) |
Page | pp. 440 - 445 |
Keyword | image steganography, steganalysis, data hiding, Image entropy, Deep neural network |
Abstract | Image steganography hides secret information in an image called cover image so naturally that the other users can not recognize the existence of information in the revealed image. This paper deals with an approach to recover the hidden image information from image steganography. The proposed approach investigates that the decoded hidden image information is a normal image or not. The normal and incorrectly decoded abnormal images have been trained using a deep neural network model and entropy features. The discrimination is processed with image patches since the information may be partially embedded in the cover image. The experiments are performed with respect to the various data capacities. The proposed approach discriminates and recovers the hidden image information automatically from a tremendously large number of steganography encoding methods. |
Saturday, July 4, 2020 |
Title | Capacitance Matrix Estimation of Multiconductor Transmission Lines Using Machine Learning |
Author | *Yuya Sato (Graduate School of Integrated Science and Technology, Shizuoka University, Japan), Tadatoshi Sekine, Shin Usuki, Kenjiro T. Miura (Shizuoka University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 446 - 451 |
Keyword | capacitance matrix, machine learning, multiconductor transmission lines, multi-layer perceptron |
Abstract | In this paper, we propose a technique that estimates capacitance matrices of multiconductor transmission lines (MTLs) by machine learning based on a multi-layer perceptron. The proposed technique constructs and trains a neural network of which the inputs are shape parameters of the cross section of MTLs, and the output is the capacitance matrix. Numerical examples show that we can calculate accurate crosstalk voltages by using capacitance matrices estimated by the proposed approach. |
Title | UltraViolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) Instrument for Sterilizing Surgical Respirator Masks |
Author | *Pradya Prempraneerach, Worada Samosornsuk, Thira Jearsiripongkul (Thammasat University (Rangsit Campus), Thailand) |
Page | pp. 452 - 455 |
Keyword | UltraViolet Germicidal Irradition, surgical respirator, decontamination, bacteria cultural test |
Abstract | Due to lacking of sufficient numbers of surgical respirator masks, particularly N95 masks, for medical personals, decontamination and reuse of respirators are urgently needed to during Covid-19 pandemic in Thailand. A UltraViolet Germicidal Irradition instrument is designed from aspects of a UVC light intensity and an exposure time of contaminated respirators to UVC light. Two surgical respirators can be held horizontally inside the UVGI box to expose to UVC light at a radial distance of 8 cm, which is subject to UV does of 0.22 J/cm2. With this level of UV does of 5-minute UV exposure time, both types of bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa could be completely inactivated from the bateria cultural test. |
Title | Design of TDMA Noise-Immune DC-DC Boost Converter with Dead-Time Controller for AMOLED Displays |
Author | *Tae-Un Kim, Hak-Yun Kim, Ho-Yong Choi (Chungbuk National University, Republic of Korea) |
Page | pp. 456 - 459 |
Keyword | DC-DC Converter, Boost Converter, AMOLED, TDMA, Dead time |
Abstract | This paper proposes a TDMA noise-immune DC-DC boost converter with a dead-time controller for AMOLED displays to improve power efficiency and to supply a stable output voltage for AMOLED displays. The dead-time controller detects rising and falling dead time using a dead-time pulse generator to minimize the dead time of a P-N power transistor. The converter has a TDMA noise-reduction circuit to reduce the output voltage fluctuation when TDMA noise comes in. The proposed DC-DC boost converter was designed using a 0.18 μm BCDMOS process. Simulation results show that the boost converter has an output voltage of 4.6 V for an input voltage range of 2.9 V to 4.4 V and reduces the undershoot by 8 mV and overshoot by 5 mV. In addition, the power efficiency is 43% to 95% for a load current range of 1 mA to 100 mA. |
Title | Highly Integrated 2-Ch DC-DC Converter with Wide-Input Voltage Range for Wearable AMOLED Display |
Author | *Hui-Jin Lee, Hak-Yun Kim, Ho-Yong Choi (Chungbuk National University, Republic of Korea) |
Page | pp. 460 - 463 |
Keyword | DC-DC Converter, Wearable, AMOLED, Over-voltage |
Abstract | Highly integrated DC-DC converter with a wide-input voltage range for wearable AMOLED displays. |
Title | Effective Sound Source Arrangement for Three Sound Source Localization Using Two Microphones |
Author | *Yoshiki Kikuchi, Kenji Suyama (Department of Electrical and Electoronic Engineering, School of Enginnering, Tokyo Denki University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 464 - 468 |
Keyword | sound source localization, sound source separation, microphone array |
Abstract | In sound source separation, a method forming directly the directivity of the microphone array has been proposed. Although the method is two sound source scenario has already been revealed, it is unknown for the multiple source scenario. In the multiple source scenario, it is natural to assume a wide range of source arrangement. Therefore, sound source localization with a wide-angle arrangement is performed. The sensitivity of the localization differs depending on the source direction. The localization performance to the source arrangement is verified. |
Title | The Weight Reduction Codes Schemes of Spin-Transfer Torque Magnetic Random-Access Memory (STT-MRAM) Cache Memory |
Author | *Chatuporn Duangthong, Watid Phakphisut, Pornchai Supnithi, Lin Min Min Myint (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand) |
Page | pp. 469 - 474 |
Keyword | STT-MRAM, SEC-DED code, cache memory, Hamming weight, weight reduction code |
Abstract | In this work, we focus on the process variation of STT-MRAM which made the high error probability on writing '1'. Recently, the dynamic differential code has been proposed to reduce the Hamming weight, however, it confronts with the error propagation. We then propose the weight reduction codes which minimizes the Hamming weight of codewords. The weight reduction codes can be performed as block-centric approach and page-centric approach. As a results, the weight reduction code with block/page-centric approach outperforms the dynamic differential code at any Hamming weight distribution since the error propagation dose not occurred. |
Title | Transmitter Design for Downlink Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access System in Frequency-Selective Channels |
Author | *Tomonari Kurayama, Teruyuki Miyajima, Yoshiki Sugitani (Ibaraki University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 475 - 480 |
Keyword | non-orthogonal multiple access, frequency-selective channels, FIR filter, power allocation, interference cancellation |
Abstract | In this paper, we propose design methods of time-domain filters at a base station for downlink non-orthogonal multiple access in frequency-selective channels. The filters are determined by solving a signal-to-noise-plus-interference ratio maximization problem under a constraint on inter-symbol interference suppression. Furthermore, we propose a power allocation method that maximizes the sum-capacity. Simulation results are provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed method and the superiority to a conventional orthogonal multiple access system. |
Title | Autoencoder based Communication System using Multi-Dimensional Constellations |
Author | *Hyungje Lee, Chahyeon Eom (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea), Hyojin Lee (Samsung Electronics, Republic of Korea), Chungyong Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea) |
Page | pp. 481 - 484 |
Keyword | autoencoder, multiple-input multiple-output, multi-dimensional constellation, Rician flat fading channel |
Abstract | This paper proposes an autoencoder based multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication system. The proposed autoencoder learns and optimizes for only line of sight (LOS) component of Rician channel. In addition, we adopt multi-dimensional constellation (MDC) in autoencoder, where it is obtained during learning process of autoencoder by adjusting hyperparameter. Simulation results show that our proposed autoencoder using MDC achieves better symbol error rate (SER) performance compared to conventional communication system. Furthermore, we confirmed that proposed autoencoder can be applied to random Rician flat fading channels with fading components and channel variation terms. |
Sunday, July 5, 2020 |
Title | Design of IIR Filters Using PSO with Penalties and Improved CSO |
Author | *Yuta Harigae, Kenji Suyama (Department of Electrical and Electoronic Engineering, School of Enginnering, Tokyo Denki University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 485 - 490 |
Keyword | digital filter, optimization, nonlinear function, particle swarm optimization |
Abstract | It is known that an objective function of the design problem has a region like a saddle point and a lot of local minimums under the min-max criterion. These characteristics cause one of the factors of the stagnation. In this paper, a design method IIR filters using PSO with penalties and CSO is proposed for enumerating a lot of local minimums and a successive search in such the region. Design examples are shown to present the effectiveness of the proposed method. |
Title | Three Reference Currents based 12-bit Binary-Weighted Current Steering DAC |
Author | *Venkatesh Kommangunta, Khuram Shehzad, Deeksha Verma, Kang-Yoon Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea) |
Page | pp. 491 - 494 |
Keyword | Binary-Weighted, Current-steering, signal to noise ratio, current cell, High-speed |
Abstract | This paper presents 12-bit 80 MS/s binary-weighted current-steering Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) using 130nm CMOS technology for High-speed applications. Three reference currents are used in the proposed structure to reduce area about 1/18 of conventional current-steering DAC. Besides, it uses good matching between the current sources to improve the static performance. Latch sizes have been adjusted in driving circuitry as current is being increases in binary fashion cascaded current source is proposed to improve the overdrive voltage for control the current consumption. It uses a current steering array for small size and high speed. The simulated dynamic results are Effective Number of Bits (ENOB) is 11.97 bits, Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) is 74.24 dB, and Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR) is 89.22 dB. The simulated Static results shows that Max. Differential Nonlinearity (DNL) is 0.022 LSB and Max. Integral Nonlinearity (INL) is 0.72 LSB. It consumes 5.83 mW with supply voltage of 1.2 V and core area is 0.21 mm2. |
Title | Modeling and Verification of Energy Loss on Curved Roads |
Author | *Yudai Tanaka, Hirotaka Katsuragawa, Haruya Fujii, Kazuki Kuraya, Masahito Arima, Masahiro Fukui (Ritsumeikan University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 495 - 499 |
Keyword | Driving optimization, Energy loss, Clothoid, Cornering force, curved roads |
Abstract | In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in autonomous driving technology. Autonomous driving technology requires not only driving on a fixed course, but also driving with low energy and low stress on passengers. For optimal autonomous driving, it is necessary to clarify the influence from the road. I created a running model and carify the running resistance received from the arc curve and clothoid curve road when driving. |
Title | Prediction of Individual Household Energy Bills Using Deep Learning |
Author | *Jisoo Park, Mingu Kim, Seungwoo Hong, Yungbin Jeung, Il-Hong Suh (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea) |
Page | pp. 500 - 504 |
Keyword | Deep learning, Individual household energy bills prediction, Gated recurrent units |
Abstract | Energy bills are one of the most significant regular payments made by any household. The accurate estimation of the energy bills can help people make better decisions on their energy use. However, it is difficult for people to predict their monthly energy bills because of many influencing factors, such as weather and progressive rates. In this paper, we propose a deep learning-based prediction method of the energy bills for individual households, considering the weather. First, we proposed a gated recurrent unit-based model that can incorporate weather and date information and predict energy usage of electricity, water, and gas. Then, a weighted mean squared error is adopted for training of the proposed model for better accuracy. Finally, the predicted energy usage using the proposed model are converted to a monthly energy bill. The proposed approach is verified on the dataset consisting of energy usage data of 2,234 households and weather data of the Korea Meteorological Administration. The results show that our approach can accurately predict the energy bills of individual households with a small average error of 3,892 won. |
Title | Design of Microphone Array Directivity Using Penalty Adding PSO |
Author | *Keitaro Namiki, Kenji Suyama (School of Engineering, Tokyo Denki University, Japan) |
Page | pp. 505 - 508 |
Keyword | Beamforming, Metaheuristic, PSO, Digital Filter |
Abstract | In this paper, a directivity design method of microphone array using PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization) is developed. A directivity design problem is a nonlinear optimization problem. Because IIR (Infinite Impulse Response) filter is used designing a directivity. In previous work, the method using PSO has been proposed for solving such a problem. However, PSO often occurs a local minimum stagnation. In this study, a linearly decreased penalty function is added to an objective function to avoid the stagnation. Several design examples are shown to present the effectiveness of the method. |
Monday, July 6, 2020 |