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The 23rd International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications
Technical Program

Remark: The presenter of each paper is marked with "*".
Technical Program:   SIMPLE version   DETAILED version with abstract
Author Index:   HERE

Session Schedule

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Welcome Reception (9F Kaikyo Hall)
18:00 - 20:00

Monday, July 7, 2008

Opening Ceremony (10F International Conference Room)
9:00 - 9:30
K1 (10F International Conference Room)
Keynote Speech 1

9:30 - 10:30
Coffee Break
10:30 - 11:00
A1 (10F International Conference Room)
Image Processing & Video Technology 1

11:00 - 12:30
B1 (9F Kaikyo Hall)
Wireless Communications 1

11:00 - 12:30
C1 (9F 901 Room)
Computer Systems & Applications 1

11:00 - 12:30
D1 (8F 801 Room)
VLSI Design & Applications 1

11:00 - 12:30
E1 (8F 802 Room)
Test Technology

11:00 - 12:12
F1 (8F 803 Room)
Graph, Petri Nets & Algorithms 1

11:00 - 12:30
G1 (8F 804 Room)
Signal Processing 1

11:00 - 12:30
H1 (8F 805 Room)
Internet Technology & System Software

11:00 - 12:30
12:30 - 13:30
A2 (10F International Conference Room)
Image Processing & Video Technology 2

13:30 - 15:00
B2 (9F Kaikyo Hall)
Wireless Communications 2

13:30 - 15:00
C2 (9F 901 Room)
Computer Systems & Applications 2

13:30 - 15:00
D2 (8F 801 Room)
VLSI Design & Applications 2

13:30 - 15:00
E2 (8F 802 Room)
Network Management & Design

13:30 - 15:00
F2 (8F 803 Room)
Graph, Petri Nets & Algorithms 2

13:30 - 15:00
G2 (8F 804 Room)
Signal Processing 2

13:30 - 15:00
H2 (8F 805 Room)
Solid-State Circuits 1

13:30 - 15:00
Coffee Break
15:00 - 15:30
A3 (10F International Conference Room)
Image Processing & Video Technology 3

15:30 - 17:00
B3 (9F Kaikyo Hall)
Wireless Communications 3

15:30 - 17:00
C3 (9F 901 Room)
Computer Systems & Applications 3

15:30 - 17:00
D3 (8F 801 Room)
VLSI Design & Applications 3

15:30 - 17:00

F3 (8F 803 Room)
Graph, Petri Nets & Algorithms 3

15:30 - 16:42
G3 (8F 804 Room)
Signal Processing 3

15:30 - 16:42
H3 (8F 805 Room)
Solid-State Circuits 2

15:30 - 17:00
P1 (1F Trade Fair Hall)
Poster Session 1

17:00 - 18:30

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A4 (10F International Conference Room)
Image Processing & Video Technology 4

9:00 - 10:30
B4 (9F Kaikyo Hall)
Wireless Communications 4

9:00 - 10:30
C4 (9F 901 Room)
Linear/ Nonlinear Systems 1

9:00 - 10:30
D4 (8F 801 Room)
VLSI Design & Applications 4

9:00 - 10:30
E4 (8F 802 Room)
Neural Networks 1

9:00 - 10:30
F4 (8F 803 Room)
Multimedia Service & Technology 1

9:00 - 10:12
G4 (8F 804 Room)
Medical Electronics & Circuits

9:00 - 10:30
H4 (8F 805 Room)
Computer Networks & Communication Theory

9:00 - 9:54
Coffee Break
10:30 - 11:00
K2 (10F International Conference Room)
Keynote Speech 2

11:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:00
A5 (10F International Conference Room)
Image Processing & Video Technology 5

13:00 - 14:12
B5 (9F Kaikyo Hall)
Wireless Communications 5

13:00 - 14:30
C5 (9F 901 Room)
Linear/ Nonlinear Systems 2

13:00 - 13:54
D5 (8F 801 Room)
VLSI Design & Applications 5

13:00 - 13:54
E5 (8F 802 Room)
Neural Networks 2

13:00 - 13:54
F5 (8F 803 Room)
Multimedia Service & Technology 2

13:00 - 14:30
G5 (8F 804 Room)

13:00 - 14:30
H5 (8F 805 Room)
Elevator Control Systems

13:00 - 14:12
K3 (10F International Conference Room)
Keynote Speech 3

15:00 - 16:00
Short Break
16:00 - 16:30
P2 (1F Trade Fair Hall)
Poster Session 2

16:30 - 18:00
Banquet (4F Event Hall)
18:00 - 20:00

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A6 (10F International Conference Room)
Image Processing & Video Technology 6

9:00 - 10:30
B6 (9F Kaikyo Hall)
Image Processing & Video Technology 7

9:00 - 10:30
C6 (9F 901 Room)
Modeling & Simulation 1

9:00 - 10:12
D6 (8F 801 Room)
e-Learning Techonology & Applications 1

9:00 - 10:30
E6 (8F 802 Room)
Communication Systems

9:00 - 10:30
F6 (8F 803 Room)
Adaptive Systems & Modern Controls

9:00 - 10:30
G6 (8F 804 Room)
Signal Processing for Communications

9:00 - 10:30
H6 (8F 805 Room)
Power Electronics & Circuits 1

9:00 - 10:12
Coffee Break
10:30 - 11:00
K4 (10F International Conference Room)
Keynote Speech 4

11:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:00
A7 (10F International Conference Room)
Image Processing & Video Technology 8

13:00 - 14:12
B7 (9F Kaikyo Hall)
Image Processing & Video Technology 9

13:00 - 13:54
C7 (9F 901 Room)
Modeling & Simulation 2

13:00 - 14:12
D7 (8F 801 Room)
e-Learning Techonology & Applications 2

13:00 - 15:00
E7 (8F 802 Room)
EMI & EMC- RF Circuits & Components

13:00 - 14:12
F7 (8F 803 Room)
Hard-Disk Drive Technology

13:00 - 14:48
G7 (8F 804 Room)
Network Systems

13:00 - 14:30
H7 (8F 805 Room)
Power Electronics & Circuits 2

13:00 - 14:12

List of Papers

Remark: The presenter of each paper is marked with "*".

Monday, July 7, 2008

Session K1  Keynote Speech 1
Time: 9:30 - 10:30 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 10F International Conference Room

K1-1 (Time: 9:30 - 10:30)
Title(Keynote Speech) VLBI activities in Japan and East Asia
Author*Hideyuki Kobayashi (Mizusawa VERA Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Japan)
Pagepp. SP-1 - SP-4
AbstractWe review the astronomy activity using VLBI technique in Japan and East Asia region. VLBI is the most accurate observation tool for astronomy. Then it has revealed many interesting phenomea in the univerve. And Japan, China and Korea have good activities in this field. These are supported the high techonoloy leve of each countries. We also show the impact of the technology of communication, information science and computing.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Session K2  Keynote Speech 2
Time: 11:00 - 12:00 Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Location: 10F International Conference Room

K2-1 (Time: 11:00 - 12:00)
Title(Keynote Speech) A National Project to Move on to Ubiquitous Society : IT839
Author*Soo-Young Oh (Convergence Components & Materials Research Laboratory, ETRI, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. SP-5 - SP-8
Keywordubiquitous IT society
AbstractKorea has developed the world best IT infra structures and is leading the Internet and mobile phone industry. Last few years, it has set up the IT development strategy, IT839 and leading the world IT industry by the simultaneous development of the IT services, IT infra structures, and IT systems. As a result, Korea had developed and commercialized Terrestrial DMB technology for the mobile TV services. It has also developed the WiBro technology which can provide the 2~10 Mbps mobile Internet service at the moving speed of 60~120km/h and the cost of $20~30 per month. Both technologies have been selected as ETSI standard and IEEE standard respectively. Korea is continuously trying to expand the developed technologies and develop the components and softwares needed by these IT services and systems in order to lead the future ubiquitous IT society. This presentation covers the Korea IT development strategy, its results, and the components technologies needed by the ubiquitous IT society.

Session K3  Keynote Speech 3
Time: 15:00 - 16:00 Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Location: 10F International Conference Room

K3-1 (Time: 15:00 - 16:00)
Title(Keynote Speech) IT-based Bridge Health Monitoring
Author*Ayaho Miyamoto (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. SP-9 - SP-14
Keywordbridge health monitoring, information
AbstractBridge health monitoring using information technology and sensors is capable of providing more accurate knowledge of bridge performance than traditional strategies. This keynote paper introduces not only an ITbased bridge health monitoring system incorporate with the latest information technologies for lifetime management of existing bridges but also a data collecting system designed for bridge health monitoring.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Session K4  Keynote Speech 4
Time: 11:00 - 12:00 Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Location: 10F International Conference Room

K4-1 (Time: 11:00 - 12:00)
Title(Keynote Speech) Evolvable Electronics
Author*Prabhas Chongstitvatana (Department of Computer Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
AbstractPresently there are many technologies available that make electronic devices become far more flexible than before. The current "programmable" or "reconfigurable" devices are available both for digital and analog domain. These devices allow many new possibilities in terms of making electronic circuits change with time. With this "time-varying" circuit concept, many novel applications emerge. It is possible to make an electronic system that "optimise" itself while operating. For example, it is possible to time-multiplexing the use of resources such that it minimises the energy or it maximises the performance. In this talk, I will illustrate the marriage between reconfigurable electronics and evolutionary algorithms. The combination of the two allows on-line and continuous reconfiguration of electronic circuits. An evolutionary algorithm can be used to adapt parameters of a circuit. It also can be used to change the topology of the circuit. The outline of my talk includes: the introduction to reconfigurable electronics, a brief explanation of evolutionary algorithms, the use of evolutionary algorithm in electronic design and many examples from the current research in the field. (evolvable electronics = reconfigurable electronics + evolutionary algorithms)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Session G5  Tutorial
Time: 13:00 - 14:30 Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Location: 8F 804 Room

G5-1 (Time: 13:00 - 14:30)
Title(Tutorial) Three-dimensional Video Generation for Realistic Broadcasting Services
Author*Yo-Sung Ho, Sung-Yeol Kim, Eun-Kyung Lee (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. TR-1 - TR-4
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a new scheme to generate multi-view video-plus-depth using a hybrid camera system, which is composed of one depth camera and multiple video cameras. In order to create the three-dimensional (3-D) video, we first calculate the initial disparity for each view by projecting depth camera data onto each video camera using 3-D image warping. Then, a stereo matching algorithm is applyed to estimate the final disparity from the initial disparity in each view. Finally, we convert the final disparity into depth information in each frame to generate a multi-view depth map. Experimental results show that the proposed hybrid camera system not only provides high-qualtiy depth information for 3-D realistic broadcasting services, but also minimizes inherent problems of the conventional depth camera system.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Session A1  Image Processing & Video Technology 1
Time: 11:00 - 12:30 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 10F International Conference Room
Chairs: Masaaki Fujiyoshi (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan), Seung-Jun Oh (Kwangwoon University, Republic of Korea)

A1-1 (Time: 11:00 - 11:18)
TitleA Novel Fast Block Type Decision Algorithm for Intra Prediction in H.264/AVC High Profile
Author*Tianruo Zhang, Guifen Tian, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto (Waseda University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1 - 4
KeywordH.264/AVC, intra prediction, block type decision, computational complexity reduction
AbstractThe latest video coding standard H.264/AVC significantly increases video compression efficiency but also increases computation complexity. Intra prediction is an important part in H.264/AVC encoder and it’s also time consuming. This paper proposes a fast block type decision algorithm which can reduce intra prediction’s computation complexity with slight PSNR reduction. The relation between intra prediction block type and macrblocks’ frequency feature has been discussed. Based on these observations, this algorithm can select only one or two block type in 4x4, 8x8 and 16x16 intra prediction instead of three of them. Experimental results show that this algorithm is suitable to perform on large frame size sequences.

A1-2 (Time: 11:18 - 11:36)
TitleAutomatic Detection of Multi Organs on the CT Images Using the Ribs Information and a Level Set Method
Author*Masafumi Komatsu, Shinji Toyota, Hyoungseop Kim, Joo Kooi Tan, Seiji Ishikawa, Akiyoshi Yamamoto (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 5 - 8
KeywordCT, Extraction of multi organs, Region growing technique, Level set method
AbstractIn this paper, we present a technique for automatic extraction of the multi organs on the multi detector row computed tomography (MDCT) images employing the ribs information which is obtained by anatomical information and a level set method. We apply our proposed technique to three image sets and satisfactory segmentation results are achieved.

A1-3 (Time: 11:36 - 11:54)
TitleWatermarking Method Resistant to Geometrical Slight Distortion Using Variance of Color Difference and Wavelet Transform
Author*Kei Sakiyama, Motoi Iwata, Akio Ogihara, Akira Shiozaki (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)
Pagepp. 9 - 12
Keywordwatermark, color difference, DWT, geometrical distortion
AbstractWe propose a watermarking method that has robustness against geometrical slight distortions. The method is based on the variances of two color components of an image. When an image is geometrically distorted, two color components on the same position cause the same distortion, and the relation of variances of two color components in a local domain does not change easily. So we embed a watermark by changing the variances of two color components so that the watermark may be robust against geometrical distortions.

A1-4 (Time: 11:54 - 12:12)
TitleA Fast Rendering Method for Water Droplets on Glass Surfaces
Author*Shuichi Takenaka, Yoshiki Mizukami, Katsumi Tadamura (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. 13 - 16
Keywordcomputer graphics, real-time water droplet rendering, texture mapping, merger phenomenon
AbstractThis study proposes a fast rendering method for water droplets on glass surfaces, where the merger phenomenon between two droplets at non-adjacent cells is represented by detecting the collision of their contours and moving them closer into a single water droplet after the collision detection. The appearance of water droplets is efficiently rendered with an environmental mapping technique, a generating method of texture images using the framebuffer object function, and plotting these images using the point sprite function.

A1-5 (Time: 12:12 - 12:30)
TitleImage Enhancement Using Splitting α-Rooting Method in Wavelet Domain
AuthorMd. Foisal Hossain, *Mohammad Reza Alsharif (University of the Ryukyus, Japan)
Pagepp. 17 - 20
KeywordImage enhancement, histogram equalization, splitting α-rooting, Wavelet, EME
AbstractThis paper will present an enhancement technique based upon splitting α-rooting method in wavelet domain. Wavelets transform concentrate most of the energy in the approximation coefficient. In splitting signal, a two-dimensional image is represented uniquely by a set of one-dimensional signal, which carries the spectral information of the image at frequency points of specific sets. Using splitting α-rooting method in the approximation coefficient of wavelet transform, the image enhancement procedure can be reduced to processing splitting signals and the process requires only a few spectral components of the image. A measure of enhancement based on contrast measure with respect to transform will be used as a tool for evaluating the performance of the proposed enhancement technique and for finding optimal values for variables contained in the enhancement. The algorithm’s performance will be compared quantitatively to classical histogram equalization and splitting α-rooting method using the aforementioned measure of enhancement.

Session A2  Image Processing & Video Technology 2
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 10F International Conference Room
Chairs: Masaaki Fujiyoshi (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan), Adisorn Leelasantitham (University of The Thai Chamber of Commerce, Thailand)

A2-1 (Time: 13:30 - 13:48)
TitleDisparity Estimation using Belief Propagation for View Interpolation
AuthorCheon Lee, *Yo-Sung Ho (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 21 - 24
Keyworddisparity estimation, belief propagation, view interpolation
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a modified disparity estimation method using belief propagation (BP) for view interpolation. The view interpolation method generates an arbitrary intermediate view image with disparity. To extract disparities, we modified the BP based stereo matching algorith which solves the problem using Bayesian belief propagation. We propose two methods to improve accuracy of disparity. The first is about the matching cost computation. Instead of using pixel differences between corresponding pixels, we use block cost computation. The second is quad-tree region dividing for disparity refinement. Since narrow and accurate search range can guarantee accuracy of estimation, we divide the image into four distinct regions and refine disparities. By experiments, we improved quality of the interpolated images over 1~4 dB on average.

A2-2 (Time: 13:48 - 14:06)
TitleA Preprocessing Method for Active Appearance Models
Author*Sung Joo Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea), Kang Ryoung Park (Dongguk University, Republic of Korea), Jaihie Kim (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 25 - 28
KeywordAAM, Initialization, Facial feature localization
AbstractActive Appearance Models (AAMs) are parametric facial models which have been widely used for facial features localization. In order to localize facial features, AAMs used an optimization method which finds local minima. As a result, AAMs cannot always localize facial features exactly when initial locations of facial features are far from the ground truth locations of them. To solve this problem, we propose a simple preprocessing method which finds initial locations of facial features such as eyes, nostrils, and lip corners. Experimental results showed that the proposed method was robust to moderate pose variation, illumination condition changes, complex background, and glasses wearers.

A2-3 (Time: 14:06 - 14:24)
TitleMulti-view Depth Map Estimation Enhancing Temporal Consistency
Author*Sang-Beom Lee, Yo-Sung Ho (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 29 - 32
Keyworddepth map estimation, multi-view video, temporal postprocessing, temporally weighted matching function
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a scheme for multi-view depth map estimation to enhance temporal consistency. After we divide the center image into several segments, we estimate one depth value for each segment using 3-D warping and segment-based matching techniques. In the refinement process, we apply a segment-based belief propagation algorithm. In order to enhance temporal consistency and reliability of the depth map, we define a temporally weighted matching function and apply in the initial depth estimation step. We also apply a temporal postprocessing operation to the refined depth map. Experimental results show that the final depth sequence has improved temporal consistency with reduced errors.

A2-4 (Time: 14:24 - 14:42)
TitleAutomatic Pixel Boosting for Face Enhancement in Dim Light
Author*Hataikan Poncharoensil (Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand), Seri Pansang (Chiangmai Rajabhat University, Thailand)
Pagepp. 33 - 36
Keywordimage enhancement, PCA, skin probability, illumination variation
Abstract Images in dim light cause many problems such as illumination variation which includes shadow effects. The enhancement of dim faces is difficult and challenging. Image enhancement can be useful for face detection and recognition. In this paper we contribute a new method called 'Automatic Pixel Boosting' to access and boost each pixel individually by using curve fitting. Eigencurves are used for improving the enhanced images. Skin probability ratio test is used for APB evaluation. Eigenfaces and Karhunen-Loeve algorithm and FaceSDK software are used for evaluating the performance of APB in comparison to Histogram Equalization by using a small database.

A2-5 (Time: 14:42 - 15:00)
TitleIris Template Protection Method Robust to Stolen Token Case
Author*Youn Joo Lee, Jaihie Kim (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 37 - 40
KeywordBiometric Template Protection, Multiple Random Projection, Eigenfeature Regularization and Extraction, Stolen Token Scenario
AbstractBiometric authentication systems have been used in many security systems such as access contol, computer login, e-commers, and so on. However, biometric authentication systems have a critical problem. The problem is that if they are compromized once, biometric templates are permanantly compromized because biometric charicteristics cannot be changed. In order to solve this problem, the concept of cancelable biometrics was introduced. Cancelable biometrics method based on random projection is one of the various methods to produce revocable biometric templates. This method can easily reissue transformed biometric templates repeatedly and makes biometric features more distinquishable since original biometric signal is projected on random space that was derived from a user’s token that embody the user-specific psuedorandom number (PRN). However, random projection method has a major limitation. In stolen-token senario, the recognition performance remains as single biometrics performance. This paper presents a biometric templates protection method based on random projection, which is robust to stolen-token case. We used multiple random projection (MRP) to produce cancelable biometric templates and extracted regualarized eigenfeatures in order to improve the recognition performance in the stolen token scenario. Experimental results showed that the performance of the proposed method was not greatly degraded in the stolen token scenario.

Session A3  Image Processing & Video Technology 3
Time: 15:30 - 17:00 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 10F International Conference Room
Chairs: Masahiro Okuda (The University of Kitakyushu, Japan), Yo-Sung Ho (GIST, Republic of Korea)

A3-1 (Time: 15:30 - 15:48)
TitleMonocular Vision based Indoor Mobile Robot
Author*Naoya Tada, Keisuke Murata, Takeshi Saitoh, Tomoyuki Osaki, Ryosuke Konishi (Tottori University, Japan)
Pagepp. 41 - 44
Keywordmonocular vision, indoor mobile robot, boundary detection, obstacle detection
AbstractThis paper presents the indoor mobile robot that moves automatically without needing environment information beforehand while recognizing the frontal surrounding environment with only one general camera. Based on the frontal image, the robot detects two boundary lines, some obstacle regions, and a moving direction. When the obstacle is detected, the avoidance or stop movement is worked according to the size and the position of the obstacle, otherwise the robot moves at the center of the corridor. We developed two wheelchair based mobile robots, and carried out moving experiments. It was possible to pass each other without colliding by working the avoidance movement in face-to-face movement in the coexistence environment.

A3-2 (Time: 15:48 - 16:06)
TitleSemantic-Based Scene Retrieval Using Ontologies for Video Server
Author*Min Young Jung, Sung Han Park (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 45 - 48
Keywordvideo representation, semantic search, ontologies, scene search
AbstractIn this paper, video ontology system for retrieving a video data in a scene unit is proposed. The proposed system creates a semantic scene as a basic unit of video retrieval, and limits a domain of retrieval through a subject of that scene. Each key frames of shots contained in the semantic scene include object and event. The content of semantic scene is defined using the relationship between object and event. The semantic gap between the low level feature and the high level feature is solved through the scene ontology to ensure the semantic-based retrieval.

A3-3 (Time: 16:06 - 16:24)
TitleA Scrambling Method for JPEG Coded Images Enabling Image Retrieval from Scrambled Images
Author*Ryo Hosaka (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan), Fitri Arnia (Universitas Syiah Kuara, Indonesia), Masaaki Fujiyoshi, Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
Pagepp. 49 - 52
KeywordImage compression, Similarity measurement, Pseudo random numbers, Privacy
AbstractThis paper proposes a scrambling method for JPEG coded images and an image retrieval method for scrambled JPEG images. The proposed method scrambles JPEG images and retrieves a identical image or similar images from scrambled images. By utilizing the positive and negative signs of discrete cosine transformed coefficients as the characteristics, the method is able to retrieve the images which are compressed with the same and different ratios as the query image, without descrambling and JPEG decording.

A3-4 (Time: 16:24 - 16:42)
TitleFast Reprojection using Tree-Structured Filter Bank from Cone Beam Projections
Author*Hiroaki Morimoto, Kazuhiro Ueda, Yoshitaka Morikawa (Okayama University, Japan)
Pagepp. 53 - 56
Keyword3D X-ray CT, Cone Beam Projections, Tree-Structured Filter Bank, Reprojection
AbstractRecently, 3D X-ray CT which reconstructs 3D image receives much attention. The strict method of 3D image reconstruction from cone beam projections was proposed by Grangeat. However it requires much computation time to reconstruct 3D distribution. In this paper, the authors proposes a method using Tree-Structured Filter Bank (TSFB) to reduce processing time of reprojection which requires many calculations in Grangeat's method.

A3-5 (Time: 16:42 - 17:00)
TitleA Location Map-Free Reversible Data Hiding Method Inserting Data to Image Edges
Author*Michihiko Ono, Masaaki Fujiyoshi, Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
Pagepp. 57 - 60
KeywordWatermarking, Lossless, Standard deviation, Sobel filter
AbstractThis paper proposes a reversible data hiding method that embeds data to image edges. The proposed method once distorts an original image to embed data, it restores the original image as well as extracts hidden data from the image conveying hidden data. To extract data and to recover the original image, this method memorizes only one parameter and does not require any location map that records the positions conveying hidden data. Differing from the conventional method having these features, the proposed method is able to hide data to only image edges. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Session B1  Wireless Communications 1
Time: 11:00 - 12:30 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 9F Kaikyo Hall
Chairs: Hiromasa Habuchi (Ibaraki University, Japan), Younglok Kim (Sogang University, Republic of Korea)

B1-1 (Time: 11:00 - 11:18)
TitleA Realization of Determinant Criterion for STTC Design
Author*Tatsuki Fukuda, Shingo Otsu, Yuta Tokunaga, Hua-An Zhao (Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, Japan)
Pagepp. 61 - 64
Keywordwireless communication, MIMO, Space-Time Trellis Codes, distance matrix
Abstract In a MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) system, space-time trellis coding (STTC) is one kind of space-time coding technique which can obtain both of high diversity and coding gain. In this paper, we propose a high-speed algorithm to solve the determinant calculations in determinant criterion of STTC. Some experimental results indicate that this algorithm is very available for developing an effective signaling scheme of space-time trellis codes.

B1-2 (Time: 11:18 - 11:36)
TitleBER of Fast Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Over Flat Rayleigh Fading Channel in Hostile Jammers
Author*Abid Yahya (CEDEC, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia), Othman Sidek (Director,CEDEC, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia), Farid Ghani (Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia)
Pagepp. 65 - 68
Keywordfrequency hopping
AbstractThis paper demonstrates the execution and performance of frequency hopping spread spectrum system employing noncoherent frequency shift keyed (NCFSK) modulation. Fast frequency hopping is exploited as a diversity technique over flat Rayleigh fading channel with partial band noise jamming and additive white noise Gaussian (AWGN). The potentiality of the aforementioned system has then, ascertained by measuring the probability of error. The simulation results evince that the chance of getting 0 errors falls to about 1 percent. The overall fast frequency hopping (FFH) system has approximately 29 percent chance of producing 35 errors or less.

B1-3 (Time: 11:36 - 11:54)
TitleAntenna-Permutation Channel-Vector Quantization for Finite Rate Feedback in Block-Diagonalizing Beamforming Multiuser MIMO-OFDM Systems
Author*Masaaki Fujii (Samsung Yokohama Research Institute Co., Ltd., Japan)
Pagepp. 69 - 72
Keywordmultiuser MIMO, OFDM, block-diagonalizing beamforming, finite rate feedback, MLD
AbstractAn antenna-permutation (AP) scheme is described for channel vector quantization (CVQ) in block-diagonalizing beamforming (BDBF) multiuser multiple-input and multiple output (MU-MIMO) orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems with four receive antennas. The channel vectors for two receive antennas are quantized to a single quantization vector for finite rate feedback by maximum-ratio transmission (MRT). The combinations of two antennas from among the four receive antennas are cyclically permutated for subcarriers. By doing so, BDBF provides severer frequency selectivity. This can be exploited by channel decoding as a larger frequency diversity gain. Simulation results demonstrate that AP-MRT-CVQ with 12-bit quantization achieved average packet error rate performance close to that in the case where perfect channel state information at the transmitter is available.

B1-4 (Time: 11:54 - 12:12)
TitleModified EDCF to Improve the Performance of IEEE 802.11 e Contention-Based Channel Access
Author*Wen-Yen Lin (Vanung University, Taiwan), Jung-Shyr Wu (National Central University, Taiwan)
Pagepp. 73 - 76
KeywordWLAN, EDCF, QoS, 802.11e, Wireless
AbstractIn this paper we propose a modified EDCF scheme, M-EDCF, to improve the Quality of Service (QoS) of the IEEE 802.11e wireless network. The IEEE 802.11e standard is presented to support QoS at medium access control level using a priority scheme by differentiating the inter-frame space and the initial window size. In addition to providing relative priorities by adjusting the size of the Contention Window (CW) of each traffic class, our proposed scheme, M-EDCF, also consider the effect of a back_off_timer to avoid unnecessary collisions. Our study shows that in either in heavy or light traffic load our proposed scheme can provide better quality for both high priority and low priority packets than either the AEDCF

B1-5 (Time: 12:12 - 12:30)
TitleSynchronized Behavior of FHSS Against External Interference
AuthorOthman Sidek (Director,CEDEC, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia), *Abid Yahya (CEDEC, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia)
Pagepp. 77 - 80
KeywordFrequency hopping spread spectrum, Matched filter, Jammer, Broadband Noise, Narrowband jammer
AbstractThis paper demonstrates the execution and performance of frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) in hostile jamming surroundings as correspond to conventional system. The system in this paper is confined to the merest assessments establish on the power ratio between the signal and entire interference. In scheming an antijam FHSS system, the spread bandwidth, , is by and large fixed at the start, and repeatedly with the usable bandwidth. Two rectangular bandpass signals have been diagrammed and the observance matrices are incurred by adding signal to jammer, arranging the jammer amplitude at 6 with matched filter output. From the simulation results it has revealed that plain signal is entirely masked by the jammer and is not noticeably ascertained at the filter output, the FHSS is the one, time constricted by the matched filter, is evident uniquely.

Session B2  Wireless Communications 2
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 9F Kaikyo Hall
Chairs: Hiroshi Mochizuki (Nihon University, Japan), Heung-Gyoon Ryu (Chungbuk National University, Republic of Korea)

B2-1 (Time: 13:30 - 13:48)
TitleDecision Direct and Linear Prediciton based Fast Fading Compensation for TFI-OFDM
Author*Masanori Yofune, Chang-Jun Ahn, Takeshi Kamio, Hisato Fujisaka, Kazuhisa Haeiwa (Hiroshima City University, Japan)
Pagepp. 81 - 84
AbstractRecently, time-frequency interferometry (TFI)-OFDM has been proposed as a channel identification scheme. In TFI-OFDM, under the fast fading channel, the change of channel conditions is too fast to be followed by channel estimator in the receiver. Therefore, too many errors occur in data demodulation processing particularly in the last part of data symbols. To overcome this problem, in this paper, we propose the decision direct and linear prediction based fast fading compensation method for TFI-OFDM.

B2-2 (Time: 13:48 - 14:06)
TitleAnalysis of CDMA/TDD in Multimode Scenario with Dual-band Operation
Author*Hyeong-Joo Oh, Seung-Hoon Hwang, Jeho Shin (Dongguk University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 85 - 88
KeywordMultimode Scenario, Dual-band Operation, CDMA/TDD
AbstractIn this paper, we investigate the capacity of CDMA/TDD in the inner zone of multimode scenario with dual-band operation where high frequency band is used for TDD in the inner zone and lower frequency band is utilized for FDD in the outer zone. The effects of various system parameters such as cell radius, date rate, and time slot allocation are analyzed.

B2-3 (Time: 14:06 - 14:24)
TitleNew Cross Layer Topology Control Scheme for IEEE 802.16e-based Multi-radio Multi-channel Hybrid Ad Hoc Networks
Author*Yingji Zhong, Kyung Sup Kwak (UWB Wireless Communication Research Center, Inha University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 89 - 92
KeywordCross Layer, Multi-radio, Multi-channel, Hybrid Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE 802.16e
AbstractA special scenario of the topology in the multi-radio multi-channel hybrid Ad Hoc networks is studied and a new cross layer topology control scheme based on IEEE 802.16e is proposed in this paper. The proposed scheme integrated the attributes both of the new performance evaluation machine check time metric and the topology space in the special scenario. Due to the minimum link occupation, the traffic requirements, the maximal amount of the permitted hops, the aggregated throughput and the scheme overhead are all optimized with the different metrics.

B2-4 (Time: 14:24 - 14:42)
TitleVirtual-Cell Frequency Reuse Scheme to Support Seamless Service in Femtocell Environments
Author*Hye Kyung Lee, Min Young Chung (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 93 - 96
KeywordOFDMA, Frequency reuse, Handoff, Femtocell
AbstractMultiple access technologies based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) yield evolutionary advantages for the next generation wireless communication systems. Wireless communication systems based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) increase channel capacity over broad bandwidth and improve the bandwidth efficiency. To maximally use resource in OFDMA-based wireless networks, frequency reuse factor should be one. However, this leads the degradation of performance caused by co-channel interference (CCI). Due to this, we propose an Virtual-Cell Frequency Reuse (VCFR) Scheme to eliminate CCI in cell edge as well as to increase spectral efficiency. Since VCFR allocates the same subset of channel bandwidth in three adjacent sectorized outer regions within three different cells, it is suitable for femtocell environment. Simulation result validates that proposed scheme improves the maximum throughput compared with existing frequency reuse schemes.

B2-5 (Time: 14:42 - 15:00)
TitleA Novel Periodogram-Based Frequency Offset Estimation Method for OFDM Systems
Author*Sanghun Kim, Dahae Chong (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea), Sun Yong Kim (Department of Electronics Engineering, Konkuk University, Republic of Korea), Seokho Yoon (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 97 - 100
KeywordOFDM, frequency offset, periodogram, estimation
AbstractThe frequency offset estimation is one of the most important tasks in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) communication systems. To estimate frequency offset, a periodogram-based estimator has been proposed by Ren. The method consists of three estimation steps and gives an accurate results. However, in the second and third estimation steps, the maximum frequency offset that can be estimated is limited by subcarrier spacing. This range is insufficient compared with the overall signal bandwidth, and causes high complexity in the first estimation step. In this paper, we propose a novel frequency offset estimation method with wide estimation range. The proposed method can efficiently extend the estimation ranges without loss of accuracy.

Session B3  Wireless Communications 3
Time: 15:30 - 17:00 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 9F Kaikyo Hall
Chairs: Tetsuya Shigeyasu (Hiroshima International University, Japan), Dong Myung Lee (Tongmyong University, Republic of Korea)

B3-1 (Time: 15:30 - 15:48)
TitleAnti-Jamming Performance Analysis of CSS-Based Communication Systems
Author*Young-po Lee (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea), Seungsoo Yoo, Sun Yong Kim (Department of Electronics Engineering, Konkuk University, Republic of Korea), Seokho Yoon (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 101 - 104
Keywordchirp, CSS, jamming, anti-jamming, AJ
AbstractDue to its anti-jamming capability, chirp spread spectrum (CSS) technique has attracted much attention in the area of wireless communications. However, there has been little rigorous analysis for the anti-jamming performance of CSS-based communication systems. In this paper, we present analytic results on the anti-jamming performance of a CSS-based system: BER expressions are derived for a CSS-based differential quadrature phase shift keying (DQPSK) system in the presence of broadband jamming signals over additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and Rayleigh fading channels, respectively. The numerical results show that the empirical BER closely agrees with the analytic results and CSS-based DQPSK systems can provide a significant improvement in performance over the conventional DQPSK systems that do not incorporate the CSS.

B3-2 (Time: 15:48 - 16:06)
TitleA Closed Form BER Expression for an Overlap-Based CSS System
Author*Taeung Yoon (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea), Seung Hwan Yoo, Sun Yong Kim (Konkuk University, Republic of Korea), Seokho Yoon (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 105 - 108
Keywordchirp, overlap, CSS, DM
AbstractOverlap is one of the techniques for increasing bit rate in CSS. More overlaps can offer higher data throughput; however, they may cause more intersymbol interference (ISI) at the same time, resulting in serious bit error rate (BER) performance degradation. This implies that the number of overlaps should be decided according to the required system performance. In this paper, we derive a closed form expression for BER of the overlap-based CSS system, which would be very helpful in setting the number of overlaps. The numerical results demonstrate that the BER derived in a closed form closely agrees with the simulated BER.

B3-3 (Time: 16:06 - 16:24)
TitleDesign of Framed and Slotted Time Structure for ALOHA-based Collision Arbitration Scheme in RFID Networks
Author*Jin Kyung Park, Woo Cheol Shin, Jun Ha (Dankook University, Republic of Korea), Chulhun Seo (Soongsil University, Republic of Korea), Joonmo Kim, Cheon Won Choi (Dankook University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 109 - 112
KeywordRFID, framed slotted ALOHA, cognizance ratio, optimal time structure
AbstractConsider an RFID network which consists of a reader and a crowd of tags sojourning in the vicinity of the reader. In the RFID network, a response of a tag may collide with responses of other tags. However, the time for the reader's cognizing the tag is limited in the network. Assuming a framed and slotted ALOHA for arbitrating a collision, we choose the cognizance ratio for given cognizance time as a key performance measure. Then, we formulate a problem to find an optimal structure of framed and slotted time which maximizes the cognizance ratio under a costraint on the cognizance time. In some simple cases, we present an optimal time structure analytically. Also, we confirm that there exists a non-trivial number of frames which maximizes the cognizance ratio for given constraint on the cognizance time.

B3-4 (Time: 16:24 - 16:42)
TitleA Resource Preserved MAC Protocol for QoS Provided UWB Ad Hoc Network
Author*Jiachen Zhou, Yiqing Huang, Takeshi Ikenaga (Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems, Waseda University, Japan)
Pagepp. 113 - 116
KeywordUWB, MAC, QoS, resource allocation, multiple access
AbstractThis paper proposes a resource preserved medium access control (MAC) protocol which provides Quality of Service (QoS) support for multimedia applications in ultra-wideband (UWB) ad hoc network. The proposed protocol accounts for the UWB unique characteristics while considering the QoS requirements. The evaluation results in throughputs, end to end delay, power consumption and power utilization show that, the proposed algorithms achieve a balance work between the throughputs and power consumption.

B3-5 (Time: 16:42 - 17:00)
TitleCoded Cooperation Scheme using Duo-Binary Turbo Codes
Author*Sungmoon Yeo, Sooyoung Kim (Chonbuk National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 117 - 120
KeywordTurbo codes, Cooperative diversity, Coded diversity
AbstractIn this paper, we propose an efficient coded diversity tehniques, which partition the codewords of each mobile and transmit portions of each codeword through independent fading channels using duo-binary turbo codes. In the proposed method, each mobile transmits differrent parts of the parities so that they can be cooperatively worked for the iterative decoding process at the base station. We compare performance simulation results of the the proposed method with a conventional coded diversity technique.

Session C1  Computer Systems & Applications 1
Time: 11:00 - 12:30 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 9F 901 Room
Chairs: Tetsuya Shigeyasu (Hiroshima International University, Japan), Sung-Il Bang (Dankook University, Republic of Korea)

C1-1 (Time: 11:00 - 11:18)
TitleGenerating Irreducible Self-reciprocal Polynomials by Using Even Polynomial over Fq
Author*Shigeki Kobayashi (Graduate School of Science and Technology, Shinshu University, Japan), Yasuyuki Nogami (The Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University, Japan), Tatsuo Sugimura (Faculty of Engineering, Shinshu University, Japan)
Pagepp. 121 - 124
Keywordfinite field, self-reciprocal polynomial, irreducible polynomial
AbstractThis paper proposes a method of generating irreducible self--reciprocal polynomials by using even polynomial over $F_q$, where $q$ is odd prime. First, we prepare an irreducible self--reciprocal polynomial $F(x)$ in $F_q[x]$ of degree $2m$. Then, the proposed method repeatedly generates a lot of irreducible self--reciprocal polynomials of degree $2m$ by using $F(x)$ as a seed. In this paper, the set of the generated polynomials is called {¥it loop}.This paper also shows a method for preparing a seed of another {¥it loop}.

C1-2 (Time: 11:18 - 11:36)
TitleA Compilation Procedure of ISO Conforming Dictionary for Constructing Product Database
Author*Saburo Tanatsugu (University of Hyogo, Japan), Mamoru Kawanobe (Benic Solution Corp., Japan), Isao Shirakawa (University of Hyogo, Japan), Cong Yan (SmartTips Inc., Japan), Yukihiro Ano (University of Hyogo & SmartTips Inc., Japan)
Pagepp. 125 - 128
KeywordISO13584, IEC61360, PLIB dictionary, Parts Library, TBT
AbstractThis paper devises a compilation procedure of a dictionary conforming to ISO standards, the so-called PLIB dictionary, dedicatedly for a mechanical element of 'chain'. First, a standardized identification hierarchy of the chains is constructed on the basis of ISO 13584-42, and then a new compilation procedure of the PLIB dictionary is described, which consists of assigning BSU (Basic Semantic Unit) codes to each family and each property of of chains as well as to each incidence of property to family, and constructing a physical file on the basis of ISO 10303-21 by means of a mapping system developed origi-nally by the authors.

C1-3 (Time: 11:36 - 11:54)
TitleVirtual Training Environment Providing Force Feedback for Motoric Improvement of Upper Extremity
Author*Atsushi Kanbe, Yukihiro Matsubara, Noriyuki Iwane (Graduate School of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University, Japan)
Pagepp. 129 - 132
Keywordmotor training support system, virtual reality, force feedback, upper extremity
AbstractWe suggest a motor rehabilitation support system for upper extremity with force feedback. A client throws a ball underhanded using a force feedback device, and then the client can receive rehabilitation for an arm's motion sensing feel of weight. Throwing motion is difficult, so we built training environment that the client can select challenge level that is suitable to his/her ability. Furthermore, the system can indicate movement of arm. We evaluated basic functions of our system. Participants of experiments could throw well by watching an indicator of moving the upper extremity and receiving force feedback.

C1-4 (Time: 11:54 - 12:12)
TitleEvaluation of N-myristoylation Prediction Tool using Machine Learning
Author*Sayaka Kado (Yamaguchi University, Japan), Ryo Okada (Hitachi Chugoku Solutions, Japan), Manabu Sugii, Hiroshi Matsuno (Yamaguchi University, Japan), Satoru Miyano (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Pagepp. 133 - 136
Keywordmachine learning, N-myristoylation, sequencing analysis, characteristics extraction
AbstractProtein sequences constitute molecular complex in an organism. However it is difficult to find a sequence rule such as cascade reaction signals, post translational modification signals and so on.These sequence signals perform an essential role in regulating cellular structure and function. In previous study, we could find sequence rules of N-myristoylated proteins easily with computational approach. Subsequently, we have developed a CGI tool to predict N-myristoylated proteins with their sequence rules. In this study, we performed accuracy evaluation of our developed CGI tool. As a result, we show that developed CGI tool predict N-myristoylated proteins effectively with characteristics of N-myristoylated protein sequences.

C1-5 (Time: 12:12 - 12:30)
TitleA Parallel Simulated Annealing on Distributed Computing Resources
Author*Masashi Murayama, Morikazu Nakamura (University of the Ryukyus, Japan)
Pagepp. 137 - 140
Keywordparallel processing, simulated annealing
AbstractIn this paper, we present a parallel simulated annealing (SA) on distributed computing resources. The parallel SA include two types of cooperation mechanism: inner group and inter group cooperations. In the inner group cooperation, SA processes start from the same initial point, however, move to different direction. That is, two concepts: concentration and diversity are included. On the other hand, the inter group cooperation is for load balancing which is performed based on search load factor. Therefore it is useful to balance searching load by reassigning dynamically processors from light load groups to heavy load groups. Computer experiment evaluates effectiveness of the proposed parallel SA.

Session C2  Computer Systems & Applications 2
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 9F 901 Room
Chairs: Nattha Chindapetch (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand), Shinji Kimura (Waseda University, Japan)

C2-1 (Time: 13:30 - 13:48)
TitleDevelopment and Implementation of OS Functions for a Computer System having FPGA Devices as Reconfigurable Resources
Author*Kazuya Tokunaga, Akira Kojima, Tetsuo Hironaka (Hiroshima City University, Japan)
Pagepp. 141 - 144
KeywordReconfigurable System, OS, FPGA, HW/SW codesign, API
AbstractIn this paper, we develop the OS functions as RC-OS server to support executing user programs which use FPGAs as customized hardware in multitasking environment. The target system consists of a host compute and FPGAs. RC-OS server supports management of FPGA resources and communication control between host computer and FPGA resources.

C2-2 (Time: 13:48 - 14:06)
TitleDevelopment of Heterogenous Multi-core Processor "Hy-DiSC" with Dynamic Reconfigurable Processor
Author*Takuro Uchida, Yasuhiro Nishinaga, Tetsuya Zuyama, Kazuya Tanigawa, Tetsuo Hironaka (Graduate School of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University, Japan)
Pagepp. 145 - 148
KeywordHy-DiSC, dynamic reconfigurable processor, DS-HIE, bit serial, Benes network
AbstractFor accelerating multimedia applications by streaming, we have proposed the heterogeneous multicore processor Hy-DiSC with dynamic reconfigurable processor DS-HIE. The goal of the Hy-DiSC processor is to achieve high performance in a small chip area. In this paper, the DS-HIE processor accelerates the 2-D DCT included in the JPEG encoding process. As a result, compared with the MeP processor the DS-HIE processor achieved 28 times higher performance. And, the DS-HIE processor requires fewer transistor counts to implement it.

C2-3 (Time: 14:06 - 14:24)
TitleA Study on Web Community based Collaborative Learning System for Self Directed Learning
Author*Jae Wan Cho (Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Korea University of Technology and Education, Republic of Korea), Yei seon Hwang (Department of Curriculum, Instruction & Media Technology, Indiana State University, United States), Eun Gyung Kim (Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Korea University of Technology and Education, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 149 - 152
KeywordSelf Directed Learning, ICT in Education, learning contents management system(LCMS), Collaborative Learning System
AbstractWeb community based collaborative learning systems for self-directed learning are generally used to overcome the geographical and time limitations of face-to-face learning. Furthermore, These systems use face-to-face learning methods to enhance learning effects by using blended learning. The system provides shared searched data and analyzed results between different learners in the same learning topics. In this study, students enhanced their creative thinking in searching valuable information and enhanced their self-directed learning abilities. In addition, students improved their problem solving abilities and attitude toward presentations.

C2-4 (Time: 14:24 - 14:42)
TitleLanguage Identification for Generating GIS Data Used in Mapping Linguistic Features of the World's Languages
Author*Ren Wu, Hideyuki Inui, Manabu Sugii, Hiroshi Matsuno (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. 153 - 156
Keywordlanguage identification, family-tree , GIS , word order
AbstractFor the purpose of mapping linguistic features of the world's languages, it is necessary to identify the languages in Yamamoto-Data and SilGIS-Data. In this paper, firstly we point out the problems in the primary method that uses language name(s) for language identification. Secondly, noticing that the world's languages are classified and grouped into languages family trees, we propose an improved method for the language classification. Finally, we give our experimental results.

C2-5 (Time: 14:42 - 15:00)
TitleA Parallel Genetic Algorithm and Its Variance Analysis for A New Multiple Knapsack Problem
Author*Hayato Miyagi, Morikazu Nakamura (University of the Ryukyus, Japan)
Pagepp. 157 - 160
Keywordparallel processing, genetic algorithm, multiple knapsack problem
AbstractThis paper presents some results of experimental evaluation on the fitness varieties in parallel genetic algorithms based on tree topology migrations. The evaluation focuses on the relation between the solution quality and the fitness varieties. We perform the evaluation for the typical tree topologies; the star, line, and balanced binary tree with varying migration interval since the solution quality of the parallel genetic algorithm depends on the kind of the topology and migration interval.

Session C3  Computer Systems & Applications 3
Time: 15:30 - 17:00 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 9F 901 Room
Chairs: Morikazu Nakamura (University of the Ryukyus, Japan), Chi-Ho Lin (Semyung University, Republic of Korea)

C3-1 (Time: 15:30 - 15:48)
TitleForce Control Strategy for Massage Chair Based on Masseur's Knowhow Data Base
Author*Tatsuya Teramae, Daisuke Kushida, Fumiaki Takemori, Akira Kitamura (Tottori University, Japan)
Pagepp. 161 - 164
KeywordImpedance control, Skin elasticity, Data base, Massage chair
AbstractA present massage chair realizes the massage motion and force designed by a professional masseur. Therefore, it is not possible to massage the user by the appropriate force for the user. On the other hand, proffesional masseur can realize the appropriate massage force to the patients in different condition. Then, this paper proposes the method of applying masseur's procedure to the massage chair. And, the proposed method is composed by estimation of user's physical condition, decision of massage force by the physical condition, and realozation of the massage force by force control. The realizability of the proposed method is verified by the experimental work using the massage chair.

C3-2 (Time: 15:48 - 16:06)
TitleShortening of Processing Time of Optimal Design of Multiple Constant Multiplication using FPGAs.
Author*Masao Nakayama, Takao Sasaki, Hisamichi Toyoshima (Kanagawa University, Japan)
Pagepp. 165 - 168
KeywordFPGA, Multiple Constant Multiplication, Optimal Design, Genetic Algorithm
AbstractProblem of designing multiple constant multiplication (MCM) circuits with minimum cost is known to be an NP complete problem. As for MCM problem, some techniques of using combinatorial optimization algorithms such as genetic algorithm (GA) etc., have been proposed. However, if implemented in software, it takes a great amount of time for optimization as the design scale increases. The purpose of this research is to shorten the time spent on the optimization of the MCM circuit design. A hardware oriented algorithm suitable for FPGAs on both circuit synthesis and optimization is proposed.

C3-3 (Time: 16:06 - 16:24)
TitleTowards the Easy Manipulation of Graph-Based Content Representation of Multimedia Data
Author*Teruhisa Hochin (Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 169 - 172
KeywordContent representation, Multimedia data, Data model, Graph structure
AbstractThe contents of multimedia data has complex relationships including deeply nested whole-part and the many-to-many relationships. A data model incorporating the concepts of directed graphs, recursive graphs, and hypergraphs has been proposed for representing the contents of multimedia data. In this data model, an instance is represented with a directed recursive hypergraph called an {\it instance graph}. This paper studies on the characteristics of instance graphs. The depth of an edge of an instance graph is introduced. When the depth of an edge is equal to zero, the instance graph can be decomposed into sub-instance graphs. Decomposing instance graphs could make their treatment easy.

C3-4 (Time: 16:24 - 16:42)
TitleMorphometrics for Shape Analysis in Kansei Engineering
Author*Shigekazu Ishihara, Keiko Ishihara (Faculty of Psychological Science, Hiroshima International University, Japan)
Pagepp. 173 - 176
KeywordKansei analysis, Morphometrics, Shape analysis, Statistics, Geometry
AbstractIn Kansei engineering, we have been treated sample shapes as categorical variable (nominal scale). For example, categories like wide / tall. These categories were assigned as x variables and evaluation values on a Kansei word was assigned as a y variable of linear equation. This equation has been computationally solved by Quantification theory type 1 or similar regression methods. Although qualitative analysis of shapes is relatively robust and commonly used, but shapes are not directly treated. In this study, we attempted to treat shapes as statistical values with the various methods of Morphometrics those have been developed between paleontology, biology and statistics. By treating shapes as statistical values, we can apply various statistical methods from basic statistics such as testing distribution to multivariate analysis techniques (i.e., classification, projection onto lower numbers of dimension).

C3-5 (Time: 16:42 - 17:00)
TitleAnomaly Detection based on Probabilistic Properties of Hidden Markov Models
Author*Eunyoung Lee, Chan-Kyu Han, Hyoung-Kee Choi (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 177 - 180
KeywordAnomaly Detection, Hidden Markov Model , DoS, Worm, Network Attack
AbstractDue to increasing use of the Internet, there is a trend of increasing attacks over networks. Therefore, we have need of study for network anomaly detection and measurement scheme to network state. In this research, we propose a scheme for anomaly detection based on the traffic behavior of Hidden Markov Models. The proposed scheme detects anomalies in traffic using a time series. We decide whether or not anomaly detection is a network anomaly via an anomaly decision process using Hidden Markov Models. These processes are implemented in the Perl programming language, and decisions are made using a real-world trace containing de facto attacks. Despite the fact that the results are not clear-cut, we conclude that this does not invalidate this study, because this result is caused by an insufficient learning process using real-world traffic. On the contrary, assuming real-world states, increases the ability to detect and make decisions about attacks, because the manager is involved in decisions about access or application. We expect that this research will be applicable for determining real-time states of networks, detection and classification of new types of attack from networks.

Session D1  VLSI Design & Applications 1
Time: 11:00 - 12:30 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 8F 801 Room
Chairs: Kimiyoshi Usami (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan), Chi-Ho Lin (Semyung University, Republic of Korea)

D1-1 (Time: 11:00 - 11:18)
TitleHigh-Performance Architecture of Transform Circuit for Multi-standard Video CODEC
Author*Seonyoung Lee, Kyeongsoon Cho (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 181 - 184
KeywordMulti-standard, Video CODEC, Transform, Circuit architecture
AbstractThis paper presents the architecture of transform circuit that can support multiple video CODEC standards such as JPEG, MPEG-1/2/4, H.264 and VC-1. The proposed architecture exploits the similarity of 4-point and 8-point DCT's based on the permutation matrices. Since our circuit accepts the transform coefficients from the users, it can be extended very easily to cover any kind of DCT-based transforms for future standards. We described the proposed transform circuit at RTL and verified its operation on FPGA board.

D1-2 (Time: 11:18 - 11:36)
TitleA New Implementation of Multilevel Framework for Interconnect-Driven Floorplanning
Author*Zheng Xu, Song Chen, Takeshi Yoshimura (Waseda University, Japan), Yong Fang (Shanghai University, China)
Pagepp. 185 - 188
KeywordV-shaped Multilevel Framework, Fixed-outline Floorplanning, VLSI Design, Multilevel Sequence Pair
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a multilevel fixed-outline floorplanning method, called multilevel IARFP, to deal with floorplanning problem for the large-scale integrated circuit designs. We combine the IARFP into the V-shaped multilevel framework, engaging in getting a better result with minimized wirelength. We recursively partition the circuits by using hMetis, to get min-cut cost. After the partition stage, we do floorplanning from top to down building sequences for merging and refinement stage. Then we bottom-up merge the sub-regions into big regions until attain the final floorplan. The IARFP is based on Sequence Pair representation; for multilevel case, we present multilevel Sequence Pair representation to handle the floorplanning. We can get about 11% reductions in wirelength within about 55% run time comparing with flat IARFP algorithm.

D1-3 (Time: 11:36 - 11:54)
TitleDesign of Application Specific Processor and Compiler for H.264 CAVLC Decoding
Author*Jae-Jin Lee, Jun-Young Lee, MooKyoung Jeong, SeongMo Park, NakWoong Eum (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 189 - 192
KeywordASIP, H.264, CAVLC Decoding
AbstractASIPs are powerful solution which combines high performance of ASICs and flexibility of general purpose processors. This paper proposes a new application specific processor and compiler for CAVLC decoding and portable multimedia application. They are based on the 6-stage pipelined dual issue VLIW(Very Long Instruction Word) architecture, efficient CAVLC decoding instructions and compiler mapping techniques such as CKF(Compiler Known Function), Inline-Assembly and CGD(Code Generator Description). The proposed application specific processor whose gate-count is about 73K runs at 100MHz. Compared to the ARM966ES processor, the proposed method results in about 80% speed-up in terms of execution time and about 50% reduction in terms of hardware complexity without quality degeneration.

D1-4 (Time: 11:54 - 12:12)
TitleA Power-Saving 1GBPS Irregular LDPC Decoder based on High-Efficiency Message-Passing
AuthorWenming Tang, *Wen Ji (Graduate School of Information, Production and System, Waseda University, Japan), Xianghui Wei, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto (Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems, Waseda University, Japan)
Pagepp. 193 - 196
KeywordLDPC decoder, Message-passing, high throughput, shift-register
AbstractIn this paper we proposed a partially-parallel decoder for irregular LDPC codes from IEEE802.11n standards. Our proposed decoder adopts high-efficiency message-passing algorithm and uses the min-sum algorithm handle the message-passing to reduce the hardware implementation complexity and area, and keep high throughput. Considering reducing the power consumption, we used half-registers and half-memory to store the temporary intrinsic messages. The wasted motion of shift-register was suppressed. This strategy would save us higher as 30% power under good channel condition. The synthesis result in TSMC 0.18um COMS technology demonstrated that for (1296,324) irregular LDPC code achieved high throughput (1.05Gbps) at the frequency of 200MHz, with 6% area reduction.

D1-5 (Time: 12:12 - 12:30)
TitleA Design Method of Finding Optimal Sampling Pulses and Transistor Sizes in a Sampling Circuit for Liquid Crystal Displays
Author*Shingo Takahashi, Shuji Tsukiyama (Chuo University, Japan), Masanori Hashimoto (Osaka University, Japan), Isao Shirakawa (University of Hyogo, Japan)
Pagepp. 197 - 200
Keyword active matrix LCD, CAD tool, sampling pulse, sampling switch, buffer circuit
Abstract In the design of column driver circuit of liquid crystal displays, a sampling circuit must be designed so that the pixel voltage of a pixel is as close to an input video voltage as possible in various conditions. In this paper, we propose a design method of finding optimal combinations of a sampling switch size and a sampling pulse waveform, which attains this objective. Moreover, in order to optimize both buffer and sampling circuits, we propose a figure of suitability of each combination to the design of buffer circuit generating sampling pulses. We show an experimental result which indicates that the proposed method produced almost equal quality design in eleven times faster than the optimizer in SPICE.

Session D2  VLSI Design & Applications 2
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 8F 801 Room
Chairs: Yuichi Nakamura (NEC, Japan), Myeong Hoon Oh (ETRI, Republic of Korea)

D2-1 (Time: 13:30 - 13:48)
TitleEfficient FPGA-based Hardware Algorithms for Approximate String Matching
AuthorSadatoshi Mikami, *Yosuke Kawanaka, Shin'ichi Wakabayashi, Shinobu Nagayama (Hiroshima City University, Japan)
Pagepp. 201 - 204
Keywordstring matching, edit distance, FPGA, systolic algorithm, bioinformatics
AbstractIn this paper, an efficient FPGA-based hardware algorithm and its extensions are proposed for calculating the edit distance as a degree of similarity between two strings. The proposed algorithms are implemented on FPGA and compared to software which implements the same algorithm. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms.

D2-2 (Time: 13:48 - 14:06)
TitleDesign and Analysis of On-chip Leakage Monitor using an MTCMOS circuit
Author*Satoshi Koyama (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan), Seidai Takeda (University of Tokyo, Japan), Kimiyoshi Usami (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 205 - 208
KeywordMTCMOS circuits, Leakag Power
AbstractLeakage current varies drastically due to process variation and temperature changes. At the circuit design stage, it is difficult to estimate the amount of leakage current at every manufactured chip. The Virtual-ground (VGND) voltage of MTCMOS circuits increases during the sleep operation, because parasitic capacitance of the line is charged up by the leakage current. By applying this behavior, we design leakage monitor circuits using ASPLA 90nm technology. Simulation results show that monitor delay-time is 165ns and monitor-error is 6% under the typical process condition, 25°C and operating frequency of 200MHz.

D2-3 (Time: 14:06 - 14:24)
TitleA Multi-thread Processor Architecture With Dual Phase Variable-Length Instructions
Author*HyungKi Jeong (Graduate School of Seokyeong University, Republic of Korea), KwangYeob Lee, Jae-Chang Kwak (Seokyeong University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 209 - 212
Keywordmulti-thread, multi-core, stream processor, dual-phase
AbstractMost of multimedia processors for 2D/3D graphics acceleration uses a lots of integer/floating point arithmetic units. We present a new architecture that has more small chip size, performs effective ALU using and reduces instruction cycles significantly with a foundation of multi-thread operation, variable length instruction words, dual phase operation and phase instruction's coordination theories.

D2-4 (Time: 14:24 - 14:42)
TitlePower Reduction Technique for Dynamic Reconfigurable Processors with Dynamic Assignment of Dual Supply Voltages
Author*Yusuke Umahashi, Yuki Kambayashi (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan), Masaru Kato, Yohei Hasegawa, Hideharu Amano (Keio University, Japan), Kimiyoshi Usami (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 213 - 216
KeywordDynamic Reconfigurable, Dual Supply Voltages, Power Reduction
AbstractWhen the dynamic reconfigurable processors run, a lot of Processing Elements (PE) are changed by the context which is written information of circuit configuration. Some PEs execute heavy operations, while other PEs execute light operation. Therefore, the delay time of each PE changes with the contexts. We propose a technique to dynamically change dual supply voltages at each PE. When the same voltage was assigned to, the power consumption was reduced by 18.7%. When the voltage is assigned PE-by-PE individually, the power consumption was reduced by 20.3%.

D2-5 (Time: 14:42 - 15:00)
TitlePower-Switch Clustering Method for Static Timing Analysis
Author*Tatsunori Hashida, Kimiyoshi Usami (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 217 - 220
KeywordMTCMOS, Static Timing Analysis, STA, Power Switch
AbstractA Multiple-Threshold CMOS (MTCMOS) is one of the techniques which reduce leakage power while keeping high performance of LSI. Static Timing Analysis (STA) is an established technique to estimate the delay of circuits. In MTCMOS circuits, the conventional STA cannot be applied. In addition, the delay is changed by overlapping of discharge currents from each gate. In this paper, we propose a PS clustering technique that makes STA in MTCMOS circuits possible.

Session D3  VLSI Design & Applications 3
Time: 15:30 - 17:00 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 8F 801 Room
Chairs: Daisuke Takafuji (Hiroshima University, Japan), Kee-Won Kwon (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)

D3-1 (Time: 15:30 - 15:48)
TitleSoC Platform Design and Verification for Multimedia Application
Author*Hongkyun Jung, Xianzhe Jin, Younjin Jung, Ok Kim, Byoungyup Lee, Kwangki Ryoo (Hanbat National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 221 - 224
KeywordSoC platform, OpenRISC, multimedia
AbstractThis paper proposes an SoC platform for the development of multimedia applications. The SoC platform uses a 32-bit RISC processor with 4-way set-associative cache, a VGA controller and an AC97 controller, an SoC debug interface and supports WISHBONE compatible IPs. The multimedia SoC platform is implemented on Xilinx VIRTEX-4 FPGA device and the FPGA executes at the maximum frequency of 64.574MHz. As a result of system-level verification in development board, the SoC platform was satisfactory for the desired functions.

D3-2 (Time: 15:48 - 16:06)
TitleDesign of Low-Complexity Interpolator for Motion Compensation in H.264 Decoder
Author*Yonghoon Yu, Chanho Lee (Soongsil University, Republic of Korea), Yukyeong Hwang (Mtekvision, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 225 - 228
KeywordH.264, Motion Compensation, Interpolation
AbstractThe H.264 video coding standard is widely used due to the high compression rate and quality. The motion compensation is the most time-consuming and complex unit in the H.264 decoder. The performance of the motion compensation is determined by the calculation of pixel interpolation. The quarter-pixel interpolation is achieved using 6-tap horizontal or vertical FIR filters for luminance data and bilinear FIR filters for chroma data. We propose the architecture for interpolation of luminance and chroma data in H.264 decoders. It is composed of dual-channel pipelined processing elements and can interpolate integer-, half- and quarter-pixel data. The number of the processing cycles is different depending on the position. The processing elements are composed of adders and shifters to reduce the complexity while the accuracy of the pixel data are maintained. We design interpolators for luminance and chroma data using Verilog-HDL and verify the function and performance by implementing using an FPGA.

D3-3 (Time: 16:06 - 16:24)
TitleA Design of OpenVG 2D Vector Graphics Accelerator for a Mobile Device
Author*Jeong-Hun Park, Kwang-Yeob Lee (Department of Computer Engineering, Seokyeong University, Republic of Korea), Jae-Chang Kwak (Department of Computer Science, Seokyeong University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 229 - 232
Keyword2D Graphics, OpenVG, Vector Graphics
AbstractOpenVG is a royalty-free, cross-platform API that provides a low-level hardware acceleration interface for vector graphic libraries such as Flash and SVG. OpenVG is targeted primarily on handheld devices that require portable acceleration of high-quality vector graphics for compelling user interfaces and text on small screen devices - while enabling hardware acceleration to provide[2]. In this paper, we propose the hardware architecture to accelerate 2D Vector graphics process for mobile device.

D3-4 (Time: 16:24 - 16:42)
TitleRecovery Scheme to Reduce Latency of Miss-Prediction for Superscalar Processor using L1 Recovery Cache
Author*JiongYao Ye, Takahiro Watanabe (Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems, Waseda University, Japan)
Pagepp. 233 - 236
Keywordrecovery , superscalar, cache, miss-prediction
AbstractA branch prediction is indispensable to modern superscalar processors for high performance. Although it has great possibility to improve performance, the advantage may be lost due to miss-prediction. To reduce such a branch miss-prediction penalty, finer recovery mechanisms are needed. One of those mechanisms is a RcB (recovery buffer), which preserves instructions to be restarted when miss-prediction occurs. But RcB cannot recover instructions issued out of order for a superscalar processor. This paper proposes a L1 recovery cache embedded in a superscalar processing, RcC for short, which overcomes weakness of RcB and can recover instructions issued out of order so that recovery penalty is reduced. Our proposed L1 RcC scheme can work supplementing the conventional 1-bit dynamic branch predictor used in a superscalar processor, so that miss-prediction penalty can be effectively reduced.

D3-5 (Time: 16:42 - 17:00)
TitleDevelopment and Evaluation of Raytracing Accelerating Engine with Bit Serial Arithmetic Units
Author*Tomoyuki Kawamoto, Kazuya Tanigawa, Tetsuo Hironaka, Yuhki Yamabe (Graduate School of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University, Japan)
Pagepp. 237 - 240
Keywordraytracing, bit serial arithmetic unit, evaluation
AbstractSeveral methods of parallel computing for high speed processing for raytracing with hardware were proposed. But, the chip of conventional raytracing hardware needs huge area by using parallel arithmetic units. In this paper, we present a design of a raytracing accelerator engine with bit serial arithmetic unit to decrease chip area and improve the performance. As the first stage, we designed prototype hardware which calculate only the process of highest load ratio in processing elements, and evaluate it. As a result, the prototype hardware was about 5.09 times faster within same chip area.

Session E1  Test Technology
Time: 11:00 - 12:12 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 8F 802 Room
Chairs: Yuichi Nakamura (NEC, Japan), Rardchawadee Silapunt (King Mongkut University of Technology, Thailand)

E1-1 (Time: 11:00 - 11:18)
TitleOpen Lead Detection Based on Logical Change Caused by AC Voltage Signal Stimulus
Author*Akira Ono (Takuma National College of Technology, Japan), Masahiro Ichimiya, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi (The University of Tokushima, Japan), Masao Takagi (Takuma National College of Technology, Japan), Masaki Hashizume (The University of Tokushima, Japan)
Pagepp. 241 - 244
Keywordopen leads, detection method, logical change
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a new test method for detecting an open lead which occurs when an IC is mounted on a printed circuit board. In the method, an open lead is detected by observing output logical change of an open lead detector. Since the test method is a vectorless test one, test generation and test input application are not needed. Testability of the test method is examined by some experiments. The results show that open leads of SSIs and LSIs will be detected by the method.

E1-2 (Time: 11:18 - 11:36)
TitleFlexible Multi-IP Verification Methodology Based on an FPGA Platform
Author*Jin Woo Song, Ki-Seok Chung (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 245 - 248
KeywordSoC, FPGA, verification, OpenRisc
AbstractIt is well-known that in ASIC designs, verification is more difficult and time consuming than design itself. As the number of IPs in an SoC design increases, verifying multiple IPs together is really important to reduce time-to-market. In this paper, we propose a novel SoC platform based verification methodology which tests multiple IPs together using a single testbench. We’ve found that commercially available SoC platform such as Altera Cyclone, Xilinx Spartan FPGA provides excellent environment in verifying the functionalities of mutually interactive multiple IPs with very low cost. In our methodology, Only FPGA is used mainly for verification purposes. We program the softcore CPU, Bus Architecture and other peripherals into the FPGA, which will execute C-based testbench and mutually interactive IPs are also programmed into the FPGA device. We implement a set of tools which consists of a communication interface and a wrapper generator which will automatically connect Bus architecture and the IP module together. Using this platform, we have verified up to 5 IPs together successfully, but we can verify more IPs together easily. Time and effort to verify complex IPs have been significantly reduced using this methodology.

E1-3 (Time: 11:36 - 11:54)
TitleFault Analysis of Interconnect Opens in 90nm CMOS ICs with Device Simulator
Author*Masaki Hashizume, Yuichi Yamada, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi (The University of Tokushima, Japan), Toshiyuki Tsutsumi, Koji Yamazaki (Meiji University, Japan), Yoshinobu Higami, Hiroshi Takahashi, Yuzo Takamatsu (Ehime University, Japan)
Pagepp. 249 - 252
Keywordinterconncet open, fault analysis, device simulation
AbstractFaulty effects of interconnect opens in logic ICs fabricated with a 90nm CMOS process are analyzed by device simulation. Also, it is examined whether a logical error can be caused at an opened input signal line by logic signals of the neighboring signal lines. The simulation results suggest us that a logical error may occur at an interconnect surrounding by 8 interconnects if the interconnects are longer than 5µm and the width of an open defect is greater than 2.0nm.

E1-4 (Time: 11:54 - 12:12)
TitleVirtual ARM Simulation Platform for Embedded System Developers
AuthorAlex Heunhe Han, *Young-Ho Ahn, Ki-Seok Chung (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 253 - 256
KeywordVirtual ARM, Simulation, Embedded System, Developing tools
AbstractVirtual ARM Simulation Platform enables to observe the execution result of embedded software as if they are downloaded and executed on a real hardware ARM Platform. Developers can write program codes, build executable files, and verify their programs by using Virtual ARM Simulation Platform in the development host (PC). Since it doesn't need any hardware but PC, there is no downloading stage in developing procedure (See Figure 1). Major benefits that can be achieved by utilizing a Virtual ARM Simulation Platform are (1) reducing development cost, (2) lowering the entrance barrier for embedded system novices, and (3) making it easier to test and debug embedded software designs.

Session E2  Network Management & Design
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 8F 802 Room
Chairs: Cheon Won Choi (Dankook University, Republic of Korea), Hideki Mori (Toyo University, Japan)

E2-1 (Time: 13:30 - 13:48)
TitleScalability Issue of Ant-based Routing Algorithms for MANETs
Author*Woo Jong Roh, Ngo Huu Dung, Miae Woo (Sejong University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 257 - 260
KeywordMobile Ad-Hoc Network, Ant Colony Optimization, Ant-based Routing, Performance evaluation, Scalability
AbstractAnt-based routing algorithm is a class of ant colony optimization algorithms which are inspired by the behavior of ants in nature. We have been proposed an efficient ant-based routing algorithm (EAR) for mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) in order to support multi-path routes and to reduce overheads by managing ants efficiently. In this paper, we analyze the performance of EAR and AntHocNet to show how EAR outperforms AntHocNet in terms of scalability by varying the number of nodes in the network system.

E2-2 (Time: 13:48 - 14:06)
TitleChallenges in Managing MobileIP Networks
Author*Kazuhide Koide (Tohoku University, Japan), Glenn Mansfield Keeni (Cyber Solutions Inc., Japan), Norio Shiratori (Tohoku University, Japan)
Pagepp. 261 - 264
KeywordNetwork Management, Location, FCAPS
AbstractSeveral of the implicit assumptions of traditional network management do not hold in networks supporting mobility. The location of a node changes, the RTT between two nodes may fluctuate over a relatively large range and unreachability is not a definite symptom of failure. In this work we propose FCAPS+L, an extension of the management framework, that supports mobility. We examine the management issues related to mobility, the information requirements to address these issues and the technology required to make the information available to a manager or management application.

E2-3 (Time: 14:06 - 14:24)
TitleA Development of Efficient Packet Processing Unit for Scheduling Algorithm Method on IPv6 Router
Author*Jeong-Uk Chang, Jin-Chun Kim, Chi-Ho Lin (School of Computer Science, Semyung University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 265 - 268
KeywordPacket scheduling, Routing, Algorithm, Transmit method
AbstractThis paper proposed packet processing scheduling algorithm that is important part in traffic performance on IPv6 router for efficient packet processing unit development. We apply proposing scheduling algorithm to packet scheduler in router that is important element in integration service model, enforce service differentiation between packets. An experiment carries out to divide by source of sensitive Video and Audio in latency time and cell damage and general Data's source each 3 sessions. We generate traffic in process that Source packet reaches destination. So, with existent algorithm, I measure delay time that happened during each transmission by general routing method and routing method that apply proposing algorithm. We prove efficiency of proposing algorithm in this paper that see by measuring and compare maximum delay time and average delay time at each session.

E2-4 (Time: 14:24 - 14:42)
TitleAn Improvement of Twisted Ate Pairing Using Integer Variable with Small Hamming Weight
Author*Yumi Sakemi, Hidehiro Kato, Yasuyuki Nogami, Yoshitaka Morikawa (Okayama University, Japan)
Pagepp. 269 - 272
Keywordtwisted Ate pairing, BN curve, Hamming Weight
AbstractBarreto-Naehrig (BN) curve has been introduced as a pairing-friendly elliptic curve over prime field Fp which has embedding degree 12. Characteristic and Frobenius trace are given as polynomials of integer variable $\chi$. This paper proposes an improvement of Miller's algorithm of twisted Ate pairing with BN curve by $\chi$ of small hamming weight. Then, in order to show the efficiency of the proposed method, twisted Ate pairings with BN curve of order $r\approx 2^{158}$ and $r\approx 2^{254}$ are simulated and it is shown that these twisted Ate pairings are carried out with 7.21 milliseconds and 16.5 milliseconds by Pentium4 (3.6GHz), respectively.

E2-5 (Time: 14:42 - 15:00)
TitleFast Squaring in TypeI All One Polynomial Field
Author*Hidehiro Kato, Yasuyuki Nogami, Yoshitaka Morikawa (Okayama University, Japan)
Pagepp. 273 - 276
Keywordfast squaring, extension field, bilinear pairing, cyclic vector multiplication algorithm
AbstractIn this paper, the authors propose a fast squaring on all one polynomial field and show some simulation results with characteristic p = 256-bit prime and extension degree k ∈ {2, 4, 6, 10, 12} implemented on a PentiumIV (2.6GHz) using the C programming language. The computer simula tions showed that, on average, the proposed algorithm accelerated about 30% in Fp2 , 12% in Fp4 and 6% in Fp6 compared to the conventional squaring.

Session F1  Graph, Petri Nets & Algorithms 1
Time: 11:00 - 12:30 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 8F 803 Room
Chairs: Daisuke Takafuji (Hiroshima University, Japan), Chiranut Sa-ngiamsak (Khon Kaen University, Thailand)

F1-1 (Time: 11:00 - 11:18)
TitleEfficient Deadlock Detection in FMS based on the Transitive Matrix of Resource Share Places
AuthorJongwoog Kim, *Jongkun Lee (Changwon National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 277 - 280
Keyworddeadlock, FMS, Petri net, resource share place, transitive matrix
AbstractSince a deadlock is a condition in which the excessive demand for the resources being used by others causes activities to stop, it is very important to detect and prevent deadlocks. This paper proposes a new and more efficient deadlock detection algorithm based on the transitive matrix of resource share places. For presenting the results, the suggested deadlock detection and avoidance algorithms were also adapted to an illustrated model.

F1-2 (Time: 11:18 - 11:36)
TitleModeling of Quantum Computer by using Quantum Petri Net
Author*Shinsuke Ito, Atsushi Ohta, Kohkichi Tsuji (Aichi Prefectural University, Japan)
Pagepp. 281 - 284
KeywordPetri Net, Quantum Petri Net, quantum computer, modeling, quantum Turing machine
AbstractPetri Net that is an effective tool for concurrent systems, has been extended to Quantum Petri Net. The conventional modeling method of quantum computer using Quantum Petri Net, have several drawbacks. This paper defines new model and examines conditions to solve drawbacks, and proposes new model from modeling quantum Turing machine, and shows that the model can simulate more general calculation processes than which the conventional model.

F1-3 (Time: 11:36 - 11:54)
TitleA Soundness Verification Tool Based on the SPIN Model Checker for Acyclic Workflow Nets
AuthorShingo Yamaguchi, *Munenori Yamaguchi, Minoru Tanaka (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. 285 - 288
Keywordworkflow net, soundness, SPIN, Woflan, verification
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a tool to verify soundness of acyclic WF-nets using SPIN. We first give a method to describe a given WF-net system in the modeling language of SPIN. Next we give a method to express the conditions of soundness property as Linear Temporal Logic formulas. Finally we show efficiency of our method by comparing it with Woflan on verification time for acyclic asymmetric choice WF-nets.

F1-4 (Time: 11:54 - 12:12)
TitleA Model of Multiprocessor System with Communication Delays and Its Scheduling Method
Author*Takashi Otsuka (Yamaguchi University, Japan), Hironori Youhata (Fujitsu TEN Limited, Japan), Qi-Wei Ge, Mitsuru Nakata (Yamaguchi University, Japan), Yuu Moriyama, Hirotoshi Tonou (Fujitsu TEN Limited, Japan)
Pagepp. 289 - 292
Keywordmultiprocessor scheduling, communication time, approximate modified critical path, approximate modified critical net
AbstractThis paper aims at developing a scheduling method for multiprocessor systems with communication time. In this paper, we firstly propose a model of multiprocessor system with communication time occurring in reading data. Then, for the proposed model, we propose a scheduling method (called AMCN scheduling method) that (i) divides a task graph to subgraphs so that a task (called node hereafter) and its successors and predecessors are as much as possible included in the same subgraph to shorten communication time; and (ii) uses a fixed processor to execute all the nodes of a subgraph. Finally, we do computational simulation experiments to evaluate our scheduling method.

F1-5 (Time: 12:12 - 12:30)
TitleReachability Problem of State Machines with Batch Processing Arcs
AuthorNami Mizuno (DENSOTECHNO CO., Ltd., Japan), *Atsushi Ohta, Kohkichi Tsuji (Aichi Prefectural University, Japan)
Pagepp. 293 - 296
KeywordPetri net
AbstractPetri net is an effective model for concurrent systems. Batch Petri net is one of Turing machine equivalent extended classes. Number of tokens moved by a firing of transition through batch processing arcs equals to the minimum number of tokens among its input places connected with batch processing arcs. This paper studies reachability problem of batch state machines, a subclass of batch Petri net. Computational complexity is shown to be NP-hard. Sufficient conditions for reachability are derived.

Session F2  Graph, Petri Nets & Algorithms 2
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 8F 803 Room
Chairs: Shigemasa Takai (Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan), Pornchai Supnithi (King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang)

F2-1 (Time: 13:30 - 13:48)
TitleDelay Time Estimation for Petri Net Models of Signaling Pathways Based on Experimental Data
Author*Yoshimasa Miwa, Kanji Hioka (Yamaguchi University, Japan), Chen Li (University of Tokyo, Japan), Hiroshi Matsuno (Yamaguchi University, Japan), Satoru Miyano (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Pagepp. 297 - 300
Keywordsignaling pathway, Petri net, delay time estimation, simulation
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a delay time estimation algorithm for Petri net models of signaling pathways based on experimental data. Firstly, we model signaling pathways (we use the example of ErbB4 receptor signaling pathway) with discrete Petri nets. Then, we propose a delay time estimation algorithm for Petri net models with experimental data, and assign estimated delay times to a model to be run on the simulation tool Cell Illustrator 3.0. Finally, we verify the simulation result by comparing with the experimental data and evaluate the performance of the estimation algorithm.

F2-2 (Time: 13:48 - 14:06)
TitleEdge Coloring Problem of Graph Theory Considering Interference on Network Coding
Author*Hiroshi Tamura (Niigata Institute of Technology, Japan), Masakazu Sengoku (Niigata University, Japan), Shoji Shinoda (Chuo University, Japan)
Pagepp. 301 - 304
KeywordMultihop wireless network, network coding, edge coloring, graph theory
AbstractMultihop wireless networks consist of mobile terminals with personal communication devices. Each terminal can receive a message from a terminal and send it to the other terminal. If a terminal can not communicate the other terminal that sends data directly, some terminals relay the data. Network coding is a new architecture for wireless network and various applications using this architecture are expected. In this paper, we expand the previous coloring problem and propose a new coloring problem including the architecture.

F2-3 (Time: 14:06 - 14:24)
TitleA Method of Generating Feature Graph for Handwritten Character Recognition of Japanese Historical Documents
Author*Masaki Hayashi (Graduate School of Education, Yamaguchi University, Japan), Shuichi Nishida (Graduate School of Education, Yamaguchi University, Japan), Mitsuru Nakata, Qi-Wei Ge, Makoto Yoshimura (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. 305 - 308
Keywordfeature graph, Handwritten Character Recognition, clustring, curve vertices
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a method of generating feature graphs for recognition of handwritten characters in Japanese historical documents. The feature graph represents structure of a handwritten character. In our method, the feature graph is generated as follows: (1) a rough graph is generated by thinning, clustering and other processes; (2) connections between vertices are retrieved with edge trace; (3) the curve vertices, which express curved strokes of a character, are added into the graph; (4) relative locations between vertices are calculated.

F2-4 (Time: 14:24 - 14:42)
TitleOn Verification and Application of Behavioral Inheritance for Parallel Synchronized Interworkflows
AuthorShingo Yamaguchi, *Tetsushi Narui, Qi-Wei Ge, Minoru Tanaka (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. 309 - 312
Keywordinterworkflow, WF-net, branching bisimirality, behavioral inheritance
AbstractBehavioral inheritance guarantees that interworkflow can be substituted for workflow. Nevertheless it may happen that the behavior is not inherited. Behavioral inheritance can be verified by comparing the reachability graphs of the WF-nets representing interworkflow and workflow. However this verification method is limited to small interworkflows due to the complexity of the state-space explosion. we propose a condition to verify behavioral inheritance of Parallel synchronized interworkflows.

F2-5 (Time: 14:42 - 15:00)
TitleA Linear Time Algorithm for Tri-connectivity Augmentation of Bi-connected Graphs with Upper Bounds on Vertex-Degree Increase
Author*Toshiya Mashima (Hiroshima International University, Japan), Satoshi Taoka, Toshimasa Watanabe (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Pagepp. 313 - 316
Keywordgraph, algorithm, connectivity, augmentation problem, degree constraints
AbstractThe $3$-vertex-connectivity augmentation problem of a graph with degree constraints, $3$VCA-DC, is defined as follows: ``Given an undirected graph $G=(V,E)$, and an upper bound $b(v)\in Z^+\cup\{\infty\}$ on vertex-degree increase for each $v\in V$, find a smallest set $E'$ of edges such that $(V,E\cup E')$ is 3-vertex-connected and such that vertex-degree increase of each $v\in V$ by the addition of $E'$ to $G$ is at most $b(v)$, where $Z^+$ is the set of nonnegative integers.''In this paper we show that checking the existence of a feasible solution and finding an optimum solution to $3$VCA-DC for any bi-connected graph $G$ can be done in $O(|V|+|E|)$ time.

Session F3  Graph, Petri Nets & Algorithms 3
Time: 15:30 - 16:42 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 8F 803 Room
Chairs: Toshiya Mashima (Hiroshima International University, Japan), Apirat Siritaratiwat (Khon Kaen University, Thailand)

F3-1 (Time: 15:30 - 15:48)
TitleA New Exact Algorithm for the Maximum Weight Clique Problem
Author*Kazuaki Yamaguchi, Sumio Masuda (Kobe University, Japan)
Pagepp. 317 - 320
Keywordclique, maximum weight clique, branch-and-bound, upper bound, longest path
AbstractGiven an undirected graph with weight for each vertex, the maximum weight clique problem is to find the clique of the maximum weight. Ostergard proposed a fast exact algorithm for solving this problem. We show his algorithm is not efficient for very dense graphs. We propose an exact algorithm for the problem, which is faster than Ostergard's algorithm in case the graph is dense. We show the efficiency of our algorithm with some experimental results.

F3-2 (Time: 15:48 - 16:06)
TitleA Sufficient Condition for Diagnosability of Large-Scale Discrete Event Systems
Author*Shigemasa Takai (Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 321 - 324
Keyworddiscrete event system, failure diagnosis, diagnosability
AbstractWe study the diagnosability property of a large-scale discrete event system that is modeled by the synchronous composition of n subsystems. In order to verify the necessary and sufficient condition for the diagnosability property, we have to perform operations over the entire system model, which suffers from the state space explosion problem. Motivated by this, we present a sufficient condition for the diagnosability property that can be tested by using only the subsystem models.

F3-3 (Time: 16:06 - 16:24)
TitleEfficient Floorplanning by O-Tree with Genetic Algorithm
Author*Tetsutarou Hara, Katsumi Harashima (Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 325 - 328
KeywordFloorplanning, O-Tree, GA
AbstractModule placement is an important phase for VLSI layout design. However, huge time is necessary to obtain the optimal layout. This paper proposes a block packing method using O-Tree with Genetic Algorithm. O-Tree can transform a code into a placement in linear time to the number of modules. Moreover, Genetic Algorithm is effective for searching a good layout because it can search two or more layouts concurrently. In experiment, we have confirmed to obtain nearly optimal packing results efficiently.

F3-4 (Time: 16:24 - 16:42)
TitleA Parts Arrangement Algorithm for Note PC - An Algorithm for 3D Bin Packing Problem with Arrangement Constraints -
Author*Shigeta Kuninobu, Keiichi Handa, Yasushi Sasaki, Takashi Iikubo (Toshiba Corporation, Japan)
Pagepp. 329 - 332
KeywordParts Arrangement, Heuristics, 3D Bin Packing, Note PC, Arrangement Constraints
AbstractWe propose a parts arrangement algorithm for equipment such as note PCs. In parts arrangements for actual equipment, a large part of the parts have the arrangement constraints and requirements. The proposed algorithm minimizes the equipment thickness keeping the given equipment depth and width. The algorithm outputs multiple thin arrangement results which satisfy the arrangement constraints and requirements. We evaluated the proposed method by comparing with the results attained by the skilled factory designers.

Session G1  Signal Processing 1
Time: 11:00 - 12:30 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 8F 804 Room
Chairs: Masahiro Okuda (The University of Kitakyushu, Japan), Nattha Chindapetch (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)

G1-1 (Time: 11:00 - 11:18)
TitleGeneralized Pascal Matrices and Inverses Using One-to-One Rational Polynomial s-z Transformations
Author*Tian-Bo Deng (Toho University, Japan), Sorawat Chivapreecha, Kobchai Dejhan (King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
Pagepp. 333 - 336
KeywordGeneralized Pascal matrix, inverse Pascal matrix, filter
AbstractThis paper proposes a one-to-one mapping between the coefficients of continuous-time (s-domain) and discrete-time (z-domain) IIR transfer functions such that the s-domain numerator/denominator coefficients can be uniquely mapped to the z-domain numerator/denominator coefficients, and vice versa. The one-to-one mapping provides a firm basis for proving the inverses of the so-called generalized Pascal matrices from various first-order s-z transformations.

G1-2 (Time: 11:18 - 11:36)
TitleRecurrent Formula and Property of Generalized Pascal Matrix
Author*Tian-Bo Deng (Toho University, Japan), Sorawat Chivapreecha, Kobchai Dejhan (King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
Pagepp. 337 - 340
Keywordgeneralized Pascal matrix, digital filter
AbstractThis paper derives a recurrence formula for recursively computing the inner elements of the generalized Pascal matrix from its boundary ones so that all the elements of the whole generalized Pascal matrix can be easily generated through utilizing their neighbourhood. We also reveal and prove an interesting property of the generalized Pascal matrix. Numerical examples are given to verify the recurrence formula and property.

G1-3 (Time: 11:36 - 11:54)
TitleComplex Multiplier Suited for FPGA Structure
Author*Keiichi Satoh (Department of System and Information Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Yamagata University, Japan), Jubee Tada, Kenta Yamaguchi, Yasutaka Tamura (Department of Informatics, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Yamagata University, Japan)
Pagepp. 341 - 344
Keywordcomplex multiplication, FPGA structure, LUT, Carry-chain
AbstractIn this paper, we propose complex multiplier suited for FPGA structure to achieve higher performance and lower cost. The complex multiplier is based on LUT (Look-Up-Table) and carry-chain from FPGA structure, we utilize Booth algorithm for partial product generation and Wallace tree utilizing effectively LUTs and carry-chains in the FPGA structure for the partial products compression to design it. We design Wallace trees of various types utilizing LUTs and carry-chains, the complex multipliers implemented the trees are synthesized by synthesis tool. Consequently, the proposed complex multipliers are superior to one synthesized by operator ('*','+', and '-') from VHDL description for both the path delay and the scale.

G1-4 (Time: 11:54 - 12:12)
TitleA Distance-Based Howling Canceller with Adaptive Bandwidth
Author*Akira Sogami, Arata Kawamura, Youji Iiguni (Osaka University, Japan)
Pagepp. 345 - 348
KeywordDistance-based, Howling canceller, adaptive bandwidth, notch filter
AbstractWe have been researched a distance-based howling canceller. We however have a problem about quality degradation of the howling canceller output. In this paper, to solve this problem, we propose an adaptive bandwidth of the notch filter. The adaptive bandwidth narrows when the distance becomes long. We evaluate the speech quality of the howling canceller output with the adaptive bandwidth. We also evaluate its capability of the howling cancellation with the adaptive bandwidth in a practical environment.

G1-5 (Time: 12:12 - 12:30)
TitleCurrent Sensor based Non-intrusive Appliance Recognition for Intelligent Outlet
Author*Takeshi Saitoh, Yuuki Aota, Tomoyuki Osaki, Ryosuke Konishi, Kazunori Sugahara (Tottori University, Japan)
Pagepp. 349 - 352
Keywordintelligent outlet, non-intrusive appliance recognition, current sensor, current feature
AbstractThis paper presents the current sensor based non-intrusive appliance recognition method for intelligent outlet. Our system has two main functions; one is the remote control function of power supply through the Internet. The other is monitoring function observe the state of appliance. In this paper, the monitor function is especially focused. To recognize the state of appliance, we extract nine features based on measured current signal. In the experiment, we gathered a number of signals with various appliances, and found that three features I_{peak}, I_{avg}, and I_{rms} yield valid recognition results of 81.3%, 84.0%, and 87.4% for classifying the state of appliance into three categories.

Session G2  Signal Processing 2
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 8F 804 Room
Chairs: Yegui Xiao (Prefectural University of Hiroshima, Japan), Piya Kovintavewat (Nakorn Pathom Rajaphat University, Thailand)

G2-1 (Time: 13:30 - 13:48)
TitleAn Interface based on Switched-Capacitor Sample/Hold circuit of Differential Capacitance Transducers
Author*Satomi Ogawa, Takuya Tanigawa, Daisuke Adachi (Yonago National College of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 353 - 356
Keyworddifferential capacitance transducer, switched-capacitor circuit, CMOS analog integrated circuit, sample/hold circuit
AbstractFor high-accuracy and high-speed signal processing of differential capacitance transducers, an interface circuitry based on a switched-capacitor sample/hold circuit using unity-gain buffer (UGB) is developed. The interface produces the output voltage which is proportional to the ratio of difference-to-sum of two capacitors of a differential transducer using only single reference voltage, Vr. Hspice simulations are described to predict performances of the interface when implemented by 0.35μm n-well CMOS process. Experimental results using discrete components are also given to confirm the principles of operation.

G2-2 (Time: 13:48 - 14:06)
TitleThree-Dimensional Phase Boundary Estimation in Sedimentation Process using Electrical Impedance Tomography with the Aid of Unscented Kalman Filter
AuthorAnil Kumar Khambampati, Ahmar Rashid, Jeong Seong Lee, Sin Kim, *Kyung Youn Kim (Cheju National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 357 - 360
KeywordSedimentation monitoring, Electrical impedance tomography , unscented Kalman filter, Boundary estimation
AbstractThis work is related to interfacial phase bounadry estimation in sedimentation monitoring using electrical impedance tomography. The fluid is assumed to settle into three different phases separated by sharp interfacial boundary. The time evolution of the phase interface gives important information about the sedimentation process which can be used to control and optimize the sedimentation process. Phase interface location and their corresponding conductivities estimation is treated as a stochastic nonlinear state estimation problem with the nonstationary interfacial phase boundary (state) being estimated online with the aid of unscented Kalman filter. Numerical experiments are performed to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach and is compared with conventional extended Kalman filter.

G2-3 (Time: 14:06 - 14:24)
TitleA Consideration of Noise Cancellation by using PCA-ICA Method with Delay Estimation
Author*Toshiaki Yokoda, Mohammad Reza Alsharif, Mahdi Khosravy (University of the Ryukyus, Japan)
Pagepp. 361 - 364
KeywordPCA, ICA, noise cancellation, delay estimation, cross correlation
AbstractThe noise cancellation technologies are useful for speech recognition and other applications. There are some kind of methods for cancellation of background noise. In this paper, The desired signals are separated from background noise by using proposed PCA-ICA method (Principal Component Analysis, Independent Component Analysis). The proposed PCA-ICA method requires several number of observed signals that is, the same as the number of sources. The noise signal can be removed in the same way as BSS (Blind Source Separation). We have done experiments (two-observation one-source one-noise, with delay) and evaluated the results.

G2-4 (Time: 14:24 - 14:42)
TitleProposal of a Hardware Task Engine To Improve Realtime of an Interrupt Handling
Author*Yoshitaka Kashiwagi (YASKAWA Electric Corporation, Japan), Noriyoshi Yamauchi (Waseda University, Japan)
Pagepp. 365 - 368
Keywordhardware task, realtime, dynamic reconfigurable hardware, magnetic encoder
AbstractIn this paper, hardware called a hardware task engine is proposed to achieve embedded controller architecture. It works highly realtime, because it has high-speed and flexible processing ability, and it reduces start up delay from interrupt. Start up delay from interrupt signal of a hardware task is 41.60 nanoseconds, and it is faster than software by 3.0 times, and temperature rise is reduced to 13.4%. As a result, we can corroborate availability of it.

G2-5 (Time: 14:42 - 15:00)
TitleDART for Adjacent Current Pattern in Electrical Impedance Tomography
Author*Jae-Hyoung Kim, Chan Yong Kim, Min Seong Kim, Bong-Yeol Choi (Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea), Sin Kim, Jeong Seong Lee, Kyung Youn Kim (Cheju National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 369 - 372
KeywordElectrical impedance tomography, back-projection, algebraic reconstruction technique, DART
AbstractThis work presents the image reconstruction algorithm for EIT that can enhance the speed of image reconstruction and the quality of reconstructed image. The main idea of the proposed algorithm is weighting matrices, which are obtained by the interpolation of the stream lines. Numerical experiments demonstrate that proposed algorithm provides improved reconstruction performance in terms of computational time and image quality.

Session G3  Signal Processing 3
Time: 15:30 - 16:42 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 8F 804 Room
Chairs: Yegui Xiao (Prefectural University of Hiroshima, Japan), Sung Ho Cho (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)

G3-1 (Time: 15:30 - 15:48)
TitleA Study on Adaptive Notch Filter Using Fourier Sine Series Expansion
Author*Yasutomo Kinugasa (Matsue College of Technology, Japan), Masaki Kobayashi, Chi Wang (Chubu University, Japan), Yoshio Itoh (Tottori University, Japan)
Pagepp. 373 - 376
KeywordNarrowband Signal, Fourier Sine Series, Gradient Algorithm, All-pass Filter
AbstractIn this paper, new adaptive notch filter that realized the phase shift of the all-pass circuit by the Fourier sine series expansion and the adaptive algorithm was proposed. The proposed adaptive notch filter was always stable since the all-pass filter was composed by an exponential filter. The degree of the all-pass filter only depended on the required steepness of the elimination characteristic and did not depend on the number of narrowband signals that should be eliminated.

G3-2 (Time: 15:48 - 16:06)
TitleThe modified Newton-Raphson algorithm using Region of Interest in EIT
Author*Jeong-Min Kang, Min Seong Kim, Jae-Hyoung Kim, Ji-Hoon Kim, Chan Yong Kim, Bong-Yeol Choi (Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea), Sin Kim, Jeong Seong Lee, Kyung Youn Kim (Cheju National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 377 - 380
KeywordEIT, modified Newton-Rapshon, Region of Interest, FEM
AbstractElectrical impedance tomography (EIT) reconstructs internal resistivity distribution using the various reconstruction methods. In reconstruction methods for EIT, the modified Newton-Raphson (mNR) method is known as nonlinear least-square method which has relatively good performance. But mNR does not obtain a satisfactory image due to ill-conditioning of Hessian matrix. To solve this problem, many methods have been developed and researched. This paper proposes a new mNR, which improves a reconstruction image in point of shape and resistivity, using assumed value and region of interest (ROI).

G3-3 (Time: 16:06 - 16:24)
TitleA Probabilistic Short-length Linear Predictability Approach to Blind Source Separation
Author*Mahdi Khosravy, Mohammad Reza Alsharif (University of the Ryukyus, Japan), Katsumi Yamashita (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)
Pagepp. 381 - 384
Keywordblind signal separation, predictability, gradient ascent, eigen value
AbstractA merit function based on short length linear predictability of signal in an objective probabilistic algorithm is defined and used for blind source separation (BSS) of linear mixtures of signals. Its performance has been driven with many tests performed with mixtures of different kinds. Accurate numerical manners approve near-perfect performance of the method. Since short length of prediction window as well as extension to eigenvalue routine, signals can be extracted simultaneously and fast.

G3-4 (Time: 16:24 - 16:42)
TitlePhase Correlated Bilateral Motion Estimation for Frame Rate Up-Conversion
Author*DongGon Yoo, SukJu Kang, SungKyu Lee, Young Hwan Kim (Pohang University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 385 - 388
Keywordframe rate up-conversion, motion blur, liquid crystal display, phase correlation method, bilateral motion estimation
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a new motion estimation method. The proposed motion estimation method enhances the image quality by using the temporal symmetry in the phase correlation method. Experimental results show that the average PSNR of the proposed method is up to 1.36 dB higher than that of the benchmark methods. Also, the computation time of the proposed method is very low compared to the benchmark methods.

Session H1  Internet Technology & System Software
Time: 11:00 - 12:30 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 8F 805 Room
Chairs: Hiroshi Hasegawa (Utsunomiya University, Japan), Pornchai Supnithi (King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang)

H1-1 (Time: 11:00 - 11:18)
TitleInterface Development for Web-based Instruction Set Simulator
Author*Hideaki Yanagisawa (Tokuyama College of Technology, Japan), Minoru Uehara, Hideki Mori (Toyo University, Japan)
Pagepp. 389 - 392
Keywordinstruction set simulator, processor development environment, Ajax, HW/SW codesign
AbstractHW/SW codesign tools are necessary to develop new processors in a short period of time, because both the hardware and a software development environment need to be designed for the new processor. We have therefore develped C-DASH, a HW/SW codesign tool for designing processors. In addition, we have developed SSC-DASH (Server-Side C-DASH), which provides a web-based interface enabling processor designers to use C-DASH on the web. This paper describes the interface development for a web-based instruction set simulator in a web-based processor development environment.

H1-2 (Time: 11:18 - 11:36)
TitleVideo Proxy Server Management Policy using Virtual Caching Technique
Author*Jun Pyo Lee, Sung Han Park (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 393 - 396
Keywordproxy server, virtual caching, multimedia streaming, media segmentation
AbstractDue to the limited storage space in video proxy server, it is often required to replace the old video data which is not serviced for long time with the newly requested video. This replacement causes the service delay and increase of network traffic. To circumvent this problem, we present a virtual caching technique in video proxy server.

H1-3 (Time: 11:36 - 11:54)
TitleFormal Verification of Web Navigation by Symbolic Model Checking
Author*Hisashi Miyazaki, Tomoyuki Yokogawa, Kouichi Seko, Yoichiro Sato, Michiyoshi Hayase (Okayama Prefectural University, Japan)
Pagepp. 397 - 400
Keywordsymbolic model checking, UML, statechart, web navigation
AbstractPreviously, it is general that users navigate from a web page to the other by clicking on a hyperlink. Recently web pages become dynamic with a variety of scripts and embedded client side programs. Such pages with dynamic navigation have a more complicated structure, so it is difficult to model and analyze. In this paper, we present a method to verify systems which have dynamic web navigation. For this purpose, we model the navigation using a UML statechart diagram and translate the model to a boolean expression. Thus it becomes possible to verify the systems formally using symbolic model checking. To demonstrate the proposed method, we apply the method to a system with dynamic web navigation and model-check the system using symbolic model checking tool called NuSMV. As a result, we verified reachability to all pages of the system.

H1-4 (Time: 11:54 - 12:12)
TitleImplementation and Analysis of Win32 Native Distributed Compilation System - WinDistcc
Author*Kyongjin Jo (School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University, Republic of Korea), Kwanghoon Choi (Mobile handset R&D center, LG Electronics, Republic of Korea), Jongkook Kim, Seon Wook Kim (School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 401 - 404
KeywordDistributed compiler, remote preprocessing, distcc
AbstractMany software vendors are suffering from heavy compilation overload because the size of their software product is getting bigger and bigger. One of the promising solutions to reduce the compilation time is to use a distributed compiler. It allows us to compile multiple files on several machines concurrently. However most of distributed compilers can't deliver ideal performance due to many undesired overheads such as communication overhead, lack of resources, load imbalance, file dependence, and so on. In order to study the detailed performance matrices, we developed the Win32 prototype of a distributed compiler based on distcc (GNU distributed compiler), called WinDistcc. WinDistcc contains additional features based on distcc's basic functions. The compiler supports two kinds of compilation modes: a local preprocessing or a remote preprocessing. We measured the performances in both cases and identify reasons of performance degradation in normal distributed compilers. Based on the performance study, we could understand the design requirement for ideal distributed compilers.

H1-5 (Time: 12:12 - 12:30)
TitleDevelopment of Compiler which Supports High-level Programming Language for Dynamic Reconfigurable Architecture DS-HIE
Author*Yasuhiro Nishinaga, Takuro Uchida, Tetsuya Zuyama, Kazuya Tanigawa, Tetsuo Hironaka (Hiroshima City University, Japan)
Pagepp. 405 - 408
Keyworddynamic reconfigurable processor, DS-HIE, compiler, C language, COINS
AbstractWe have developed the dynamic reconfigurable processor DS-HIE for the streaming processing in our laboratory. The software development environment for the DS-HIE processor was not developed. Therefore, this paper explains about the development of the compiler for the DS-HIE processor, which supports high-level programming language. The applications to evaluate the compiler were one dimensional DCT and row processing of LDCP decoding. As a compilation result, the average usage of the function unit was 83%

Session H2  Solid-State Circuits 1
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 8F 805 Room
Chairs: Apinunt Thanachayanont (King Mongkut's Institute of Technology, Thailand), Hiroki Matsumoto (Miyazaki University, Japan)

H2-1 (Time: 13:30 - 13:48)
TitleLow-Power 12-bit 160-MS/s Pipeline A/D Converters
Author*Mai Nozawa, Daisuke Kurose, Takeshi Ueno, Tetsuro Itakura (Corporate Research & Development Center, Toshiba Corporation, Japan)
Pagepp. 409 - 412
Keywordpipeline, A/D converter, low-power, Class-AB, level shifter
AbstractLow-power 12-bit 160-MS/s pipeline A/D converters are designed for wireless receivers. Instead of using ultra-deep submicron devices of low supply voltage, we employ analog-option devices that operate at supply voltage of 2.5V in a 90-nm CMOS process. To achieve lower power dissipation, an I/Q amplifier sharing technique is employed. Furthermore, charge transfer level shifters are proposed in S/H circuits and MDACs for realizing class-AB operation. The area is 1.1mm2, the simulated power dissipation is 75mW/channel and the simulated ENOB is 11.15bit.

H2-2 (Time: 13:48 - 14:06)
TitleLow-Voltage and High-CMRR Differential Amplifier Using FG-MOSFET's
AuthorKoichi Tanno, Naotsugu Horita, Hisashi Tanaka, *Ryoichi Miyauchi, Hiroki Tamura (University of Miyazaki, Japan)
Pagepp. 413 - 416
Keyworddifferential amplifier, low-voltage, high-CMRR, analog integrated circuit
AbstractIn this paper, low-voltage and high-CMRR differential amplifier using two-input floating-gate MOSFET's is presented. In the proposed amplifier, the disadvantages of Monsurro's amplifier are removed. The HSPICE simulations demonstrate a common-mode gain of -59.5dB and a differential gain of 16.2dB with VDD=1.4V. And the chip area was 131um X 101um from the mask layout design.

H2-3 (Time: 14:06 - 14:24)
TitleDesign of 1 V Operating Fully Differential OTA Using NMOS Inverters
Author*Atsushi Tanaka, Hiroshi Tanimoto (Kitami Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 417 - 420
Keywordlow voltage operation, fully differential OTA, NMOS inverters
AbstractA 1 V operating fully differential OTA is presented. We designed a 1 V operating fully differential OTA using NMOS inverters in place of traditional differential pair. To obtain high voltage gain, a two stage configuration has been used in which the first stage has feedforward to cancel common-mode signal and the second stage has common-mode feedback. This OTA was fabricated by 0.18 um CMOS technology. Measured dc gain is 40 dB and a unity gain frequency is 10 MHz. This OTA leads a solution to the low supply voltage issue in scaled CMOS analog circuits.

H2-4 (Time: 14:24 - 14:42)
TitleA Neuron MOS Current Mirror with a Transimpedance Amplifier
Author*Akio Shimizu, Sumio Fukai (Saga University, Japan), Yohei Ishikawa (Ariake National College of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 421 - 424
Keywordcurrent mirror, neuron MOS, transimpedance amplifier
AbstractIn this paper, we proposed a neuron MOS current mirror with a transimpedance amplifier. The conventional circuit is composed of a voltage amplifier and resistances. However, the resistance voltage drop makes operating range narrow. The proposed circuit is composed of the transimpedance amplifier. And the proposed circuit will be high current copy accuracy and wide operating range. Simulation results show that the proposed circuit has better current copy accuracy without the resistances, and low voltage operation.

H2-5 (Time: 14:42 - 15:00)
TitleA Power-Efficient Voltage Up-Converting Circuit System
Author*Won-Ji Lee, Kyoung-Su Lee, Jong-Min Baek (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea), Jung-Hyun Song (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea), Jae-Chul Park (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea), Kee-Won Kwon (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 425 - 428
Keywordlevel shifter, charge pump, level detector, high voltage, up converter
AbstractWe developed a low-power voltage upconverter system that is composed of charge pump, level detector, and level shifter, which generates 1.0uA-10V from 2.5V VDD using 0.18um CMOS technology. The efficiency of the Dickson's charge pump was analysed with respect to the size of pumping capacitors and the number of pumping stages, and the optimum condition was chosen from the analysis results. The level detector senses VPP voltage in capacitive division way in order to eliminate the steady state VPP power dissipation through the resistive voltage divider. The power consumption in level shifters is reduced without sacrificing the switching speed by inserting a bootstrapped p-MOSFET between cross-coupled p- MOSFET and pull down n-MOSFET. Combing the three techniques the power consumption of voltage up-converting circuit system is saved by 28%.

Session H3  Solid-State Circuits 2
Time: 15:30 - 17:00 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 8F 805 Room
Chairs: Hiroshi Tanimoto (Kitami Institute of Technology, Japan), Kang-Yoon Lee (Konkuk University, Republic of Korea)

H3-1 (Time: 15:30 - 15:48)
TitleA Shift Register for Gate Drivers Using P-Type LTPS TFTs
Author*Young-Il Ban, Hyun-Wook Kim, Oh-Kyong Kwon (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 429 - 432
KeywordShift Register, Gate Driver, Low Temperature Poly-Si
AbstractA shift register for gate driver is proposed using p-type LTPS TFTs. The proposed shift register is composed of three TFT and one capacitor employing 4 clock signals of 10V swing. Power consumption of the proposed scheme is 24.7% less than that of the previously reported shift register by refreshing the gate voltage of the output TFT with VDD.

H3-2 (Time: 15:48 - 16:06)
TitleA Design of Low-Power Frequency Synthesizer for GPS Application using Multiple Reference Clocks in 0.18μm CMOS Technology
Author*YoungGun Pu (Konkuk University, Republic of Korea), Jun-Gi Jo, Changsik Yoo (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea), Dojin Park, Seong-Eon Park, Suk-Joong Lee (CoreLogic Inc, Republic of Korea), Kang-Yoon Lee (Konkuk University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 433 - 436
Keywordfrequency synthesizer, low-power, GPS, phase noise
AbstractThis paper presents a low power CMOS frequency synthesizer for GPS application that can support multiple reference clocks. The frequency synthesizer has fractional-N phase locked loop structure with sigma-delta modulator to allow multiple reference clock frequencies. The measured phase noise is -126dBc/Hz at 1MHz offset from the carrier. This chip is fabricated with 0.18um CMOS technology, and the die area of the frequency synthesizer is 1.1mm x 1.05mm. The power consumption is 18mW at 1.8V supply voltage.

H3-3 (Time: 16:06 - 16:24)
TitleA 0.18um CMOS Current Reused Low-Noise Amplifier with Gain Compensated for Ultra-Wideband Wireless Receiver
AuthorZhe-Yang Huang, *Yeh-Tai Hung (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan), Che-Cheng Huang (RealTek, Taiwan), Meng-Ping Chen (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
Pagepp. 437 - 440
KeywordRFIC, UWB, LNA, Low-Noise Amplifier, Current Reused
AbstractA current reused low-noise amplifier (LNA) with gain compensated to extend the bandwidth and is designed for ultra-wideband (UWB) wireless receiver. The design consists of two cascode common-source amplifier and an output buffer which is implemented in 0.18um RF CMOS process. The LNA gives 13.1dB gain; 9.1GHz 3dB bandwidth (3.1-12.2GHz) while consuming 13.9mW through a 1.8V supply. Over the 3.1GHz - 10.6GHz frequency band, a minimum noise figure of 2.7dB and input return loss lower than -8.7dB have been achieved.

H3-4 (Time: 16:24 - 16:42)
TitleDesign Trade Off on Noise Figure and Chip Area in Multi-Stage Low-Noise Amplifier for Ultra-Wideband Wireless Receiver
Author*Zhe-Yang Huang (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan), Che-Cheng Huang (RealTek, Taiwan), Yeh-Tai Hung (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan), Meng-Ping Chen (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
Pagepp. 441 - 444
KeywordRFIC, UWB, LNA, Low-Noise Amplifier, Muli-Stage
AbstractA multi-stage low-noise amplifier (LNA) with LC-tank load to extend the bandwidth is designed for ultra-wideband (UWB) wireless receiver. The design consists of three LC-tank cascode amplifier and one output buffer and is implemented in 0.18um RF CMOS process. The trade off on noise figure and chip area in low-noise amplifier design is discussed. The two LNA (LC and Res) gives 14.5dB gain; 7.2GHz and 7.0GHz 3dB bandwidth (3.1-10.3GHz and 3.1-10.1GHz) while consuming 22.8mW and 23.8mW through a 1.5V supply. Over the 3.1GHz - 10.3GHz and 3.1GHz-10.1GHz frequency band, a minimum noise figure of 2.6dB and 6.3dB and input return loss lower than -8.8dB and -6.8dB have been achieved.

H3-5 (Time: 16:42 - 17:00)
TitleCombinational Logic Computing for Single-Flux Quantum Circuits with Asynchronous Collision-Based Fusion Gates
Author*Kazuhito Yamada, Tetsuya Asai, Yoshihito Amemiya (Hokkaido University, Japan)
Pagepp. 445 - 448
Keywordsingle-flux quantum, combinational logic, collision-based computing, asynchronous circuits, fusion gates
AbstractIn collision-based (fusion) computing, information propagates in an impulse form; i.e., existence of a mobile object, particle or self-localization is represented by a spatial impulse on the abstract media. Unlike other electronic devices, a medium for signals in SFQ circuits is a pulse of a fluxoid quantum, therefore SFQ circuits are able to implement the collision-based computers more simply.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Session A4  Image Processing & Video Technology 4
Time: 9:00 - 10:30 Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Location: 10F International Conference Room
Chairs: Noriaki Suetake (Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Yamaguchi University, Japan), Adisorn Leelasantitham (University of The Thai Chamber of Commerce, Thailand)

A4-1 (Time: 9:00 - 9:18)
TitlePeople Detection Using Feature Vector Matching
Author*Hwa-Young Kim, Rae-Hong Park (Sogang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 449 - 452
Keywordedge orientation map, crowd segmentation, people detection, surveillance
AbstractThis paper presents a novel method to detect people in real time from a video sequence taken from a single fixed camera. Foreground images are obtained from a sequence of operations: background differencing, thresholding, and morphological operation. We make use of quantized edge orientation to represent shape of human because human has particular edge orientation distribution on each of body parts. Then, a feature vector derived from the edge orientation map is computed in each of body parts of foreground images. The dataset, composed of sets of feature vectors, is used for matching with feature vectors computed from the current image of the input sequence. We use the K-nearest neighbors to match the feature vectors. The proposed people detection method uses a proper feature vector that represents human edge orientation distribution, and employs simple matching steps for real-time processing. Experimental results with a number of test sequences demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

A4-2 (Time: 9:18 - 9:36)
TitleBilateral Motion Estimation Based Frame Error Concealment for Video Transmission over Wireless Networks
AuthorDinh Trieu Duong, Jun-Hyung Kim, Sung-Hyun Cheon, *Yeo-Jin Yoon, Sung-Jea Ko (Korea University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 453 - 456
KeywordError concealment, motion estimation
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a new error concealment algorithm that can effectively reconstruct the lost frame caused by transmission errors in the wireless environment. The proposed algorithm employs the bilateral motion estimation scheme where the received motion vectors (MVs) in the neighboring frames are weighted and utilized to construct the MV field for the concealed frame. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms other techniques in term of both peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) performance and subjective visual quality.

A4-3 (Time: 9:36 - 9:54)
TitleImage Dynamic Range Compression by Combining Gamma-Corrected Images
Author*Young Seok Han, Moon Gi Kang (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 457 - 460
Keyworddynamic range compression, display device, gamma correction
AbstractA dynamic range compression technique is necessary for displaying high dynamic range images on display devices having low dynamic range. This paper presents a new dynamic range compression method using gamma corrections. Gamma corrections with different gamma coefficients are first applied to the observed image to generate several candidate images. Then, the proposed method produces the result image by adequately combining them according to the weight functions based on local variances. The local variances are used as local weights to bring out the detailed information. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method compresses the dynamic ranges of images by bringing out the details not only in dark region but also in bright region.

A4-4 (Time: 9:54 - 10:12)
Title8x8 transformation based all zero block detection for H.264/AVC encoder
Author*Jia Su, Qin Liu, Satoshi Goto, Takeshi Ikenaga (Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems, Waseda University, Japan)
Pagepp. 461 - 464
Keyword8x8 integer transform and quantization, all zero block, H.264/AVC, sum of absolute difference (SAD)
AbstractBy introducing all zero block (AZB) algorithm, this paper provides an easily implement solution for reducing the complexity of an 8x8 integer transform and quantization. Through the statistic analysis of all zero block for more than 30 typical sequences, We set cubic modules for threshold decision of QCIF, CIF and 720p which can almost reach 100% accuracy and averagely save 5%~40% (according to different sequences and QP values) of the 8x8 DCT and quantization calculation. Index Terms—8x8 integer transform and quantization, all zero block, H.264/AVC, sum of absolute difference (SAD).

A4-5 (Time: 10:12 - 10:30)
TitleMulti-camera Imaging System Using Super-Resolution
AuthorJong Hyun Park, *Hyun Mook Oh, Moon Gi Kang (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 465 - 468
KeywordImaging and Image Processing, Digital Imaging, Super-Resolution, Image Restoration, Interpolation
AbstractThis work presents a high-resolution image acquisition system by combining a multi-camera imaging system composed of multiple low-resolution digital cameras and a color super-resolution image reconstruction algorithm. Aligned and adjusted multiple mini-cameras and the controlling system consist the multi-camera imaging system. Some of the cameras obtain intensity information and the other ones receive color information. The spatial intensity information is enhanced by the Bayesian super-resolution image reconstruction algorithm. The high-resolution intensity data and the color channel inputs are merged to generate the final color composite high-resolution image. With experimental results, the performance of the proposed system is assessed.

Session A5  Image Processing & Video Technology 5
Time: 13:00 - 14:12 Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Location: 10F International Conference Room
Chairs: Hiroshi Kondo (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan), Jaihie Kim (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)

A5-2 (Time: 13:00 - 13:18)
TitleAn Edge Preserving Filter-based Selective Unsharp Masking for Noisy Images
Author*Go Tanaka, Noriaki Suetake, Eiji Uchino (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. 469 - 472
KeywordUnsharp masking, image sharpening, noise removal
AbstractIn this paper, a new image sharpening method is proposed. The proposed method is a kind of selective unsharp masking, and it has an advantage on enhancement of the noisy images. And, the optimum values of parameters of the proposed method can be determined by the amplitude of an additive noise. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated through the comparison with the conventional unsharp masking and cubic unsharp masking.

A5-3 (Time: 13:18 - 13:36)
TitleAn Efficient Color Transferring Interface with 3-Dimensional Transformation
Author*Tsuneo Kagawa, Hiroaki Nishino, Kouichi Utsumiya (Oita University, Japan)
Pagepp. 473 - 476
KeywordColor transferring, GUI, Color space, Free form deformation
AbstractWe propose a user interface for color transferring with 3D computer graphics techniques. Proposing user interface can plot points describing color information of images in an arbitrary color space, such as RGB, HSI, and CIELAB (L*a*b*). These colors form three-dimensional distributions in the color spaces. Users can facilitate some operations, such as transformation, rotation and scaling, to these shapes representing color distribution in 3D space without altering visual appearance of original images. This type of interactive color transferring makes control very intuitive.

A5-4 (Time: 13:36 - 13:54)
TitleA Study on Improvement Extraction Stability of Active Net Using All-Image BL-DCDAM Introduced BL-DCDAM
Author*Fukuya Namba, Yasuaki Sumi (Tottori University of Environmental Studies, Japan), Takuya Ueta (GALAXY Inc., Japan), Noboru Yabuki (Tsuyama National College of Technology, Japan), Takao Tsukutani (Matsue National College of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 477 - 480
KeywordComputer Vision, Active Net, BL-DCDAM, Self-Organizing Map
AbstractIn this paper, we have described the new All-Image DCDAM that introduces BL-DCDAM into conventional All-Image DCDAM that we have proposed before. BL-DCDAM adopts the algorithm independent on the order of presenting the input vectors. To our research, BL-DCDAM is effective because we used all pixels of the input image as the input vectors. New All-Image BL-DCDAM has obtained a correct result even in the case that conventional one has failed from the experiment.

A5-5 (Time: 13:54 - 14:12)
TitleFPGA Verification of the Video Retrieval System using MPEG-7 Visual Descriptors
Author*Jang-Hui Kim, Hye-Youn Lim, Dae-Seong Kang (Department of Electronics Engineering, Dong-A University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 481 - 484
Keywordretrieval, video segmentation, visual descriptors, FPGA verification
AbstractMultimedia is rapidly spreading due to the increasing number of application fields and Internet technologies. The development of a retrieval system is urgently needed to retrieve the demanded information by users. Image information is widely used for the content-based retrieval of moving pictures. It is mainly used to segment a video by scene. The process that divides video into shots is called "video segmentation". For the video segmentation, detecting cuts which are turn point of scene is called "cut detection". In this paper, for the video segmentation, we use two MPEG-7 visual descriptors; HMMD (Hue- Max-Min-Diff) color model and the EHD (Edge Histogram Descriptor). The goal of this paper is to implement the retrieval system as hardware. It is designed by Verilog HDL. We perform the FPGA verification, and implement the retrieval system for the moving picture.

Session B4  Wireless Communications 4
Time: 9:00 - 10:30 Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Location: 9F Kaikyo Hall
Chairs: Youngcheol Park (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Republic of Korea), Kazuhisa Haeiwa (Hiroshima City University, Japan)

B4-1 (Time: 9:00 - 9:18)
TitleMitigate the Impact of CFO Phenomena for an MC-CDMA System over the Short-term Fading by Applying Multi-dimension Combining Receiver
Author*Joy Iong-Zong Chen, You-Fu Chung (Department of Communication Engineering, Da-Yeh University, Taiwan)
Pagepp. 485 - 488
KeywordMC-CDMA system , MIP, multi-dimension combining (M-D combining), antenna diversity
AbstractBased on the scenario assumed that the CFO (carrier frequency offset), which is caused by the ICI (inter-carrier interference), exists in the environments of short-term fading, a multi-dimension combining (M-D combining) receiver for an MC-CDMA (multi-carrier coded-division multiple-access) system is designed and proposed considerably to overcome the system performance degradation. It is worthwhile claiming that is not only the fading parameter of the correlated-fading model dominates the system performance of an MC-CDMA system, but the number of antenna with the M-D combining receiver also definitely affects the system performance.

B4-2 (Time: 9:18 - 9:36)
TitleEvaluation of Flight Size Auto Tuning On 3.5G Commercial Wireless Packet Access Network
Author*Katsumi Sekiguchi, Satoru Imai, Yukie Yamamoto (NTT DoCoMo, Inc., Japan), Noriyoshi Meuchi (DoCoMo Technology, Inc., Japan), Osamu Takahashi (Future University-Hakodate, Japan)
Pagepp. 489 - 492
KeywordMobile Communications, HSDPA, W-TCP, Evaluation
AbstractWe evaluate a performance of Flight Size Auto Tuning (FS-AT) on the commercial network of 3G and 3.5G mobile communication systems. HSDPA expands a bandwidth of IMT-2000 to maximum at 14Mbps. The expanded bandwidth increases BDP on an end-to-end channel. TCP is necessary to set cwnd larger than BDP to achieve maximum throughput. However, if cwnd becomes too large for BDP, TCP sender transmits packets excessively and packets are accumulated on a radio interwoking node. To solve this problem, FS-AT is proposed as a congestion control method for high speed wireless access networks. In this paper, we implemented and evaluated FS-AT on 3G and 3.5G commercial packet access networks.

B4-3 (Time: 9:36 - 9:54)
TitleEffect of the Slot Distributed Scheme on the Push-type Packet Compensation Protocol
Author*Koichiro Hashiura (Ibaraki University, Japan), Hiromasa Habuchi (Ibaraki University, Japan)
Pagepp. 493 - 496
KeywordITS, local broadcasting system, push-type, compensation protocol, IVC
AbstractThe push-type packet compensation protocol is that each user autonomously broadcasts the received data to neighbor users for compensating a loss packet. When the user density increases, the average packet acquisition time is deteriorated by the packet collision and shadowing. The slot distributed scheme reduces the packet collision because the user chooses a transmission slot in the frame which consist of Ns slots similar to TDMA. In this paper, the average packet acquisition time of the slot distributed push-type packet compensation protocol is analyzed. Consequently, the slot distributed scheme is effective against increasing of the packet collision.

B4-4 (Time: 9:54 - 10:12)
TitleReduced Complexity Detection for V-BLAST Systems from Iteration Canceling
Author*Taekyu Kim, Sin-Chong Park (Information and Communications University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 497 - 500
KeywordBLAST, MIMO, Successive interference cancellation
AbstractV—BLAST is an effective detection method for MIMO communication system, but has large computational complexity due to its successive iteration. In this paper, we proposed modified V-BLAST to lessen its computational complexity reducing the number of successive iteration. As a result of this simplification, the computational complexity of the detection is lowered significantly. Simulation results show that the proposed V-BLAST reduces calculation complexity by about the 30% while achieving a very close BER performance as the original one.

B4-5 (Time: 10:12 - 10:30)
TitleParallel Sphere Decoder Architecture for MIMO System
Author*Jin Lee, Sin-Chong Park (Information and Communications University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 501 - 504
KeywordMIMO, Sphere decoder, Parallel architecture
AbstractSince Schnorr - Euchner Sphere Decoding (SE-SD) does not guarantee a fixed throughput, the searching cycles of SE-SD should be limited for the practical implementation. Given SE-SD with runtime constraint causes degradation in performance due to the variance of searching cycles, an enhanced SE-SD architecture with a small variance of searching cycles is proposed in this paper for a multi-input multi-output(MIMO) system. Small variance in number of searching cycle is achieved by applying parallel partial Euclidean distance (PED) calculation units to the one-node-per-cycle architecture. Since the proposed architecture is able to evaluate more children nodes in a single cycle, average processing cycles and error performance are significantly improved with a per-block run-time constraint. Our proposed parallel architecture increases the complexity about two times, but it can obtain a 2 dB gain in a 4x4 16QAM system when the runtime constraint is 7 cycles.

Session B5  Wireless Communications 5
Time: 13:00 - 14:30 Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Location: 9F Kaikyo Hall
Chairs: Chungyong Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea), Teruyuki Miyajima (Ibaraki University, Japan)

B5-1 (Time: 13:00 - 13:18)
TitleContext Aware Communication in Ubiquitous Computing Environment
AuthorDebasish Chakraborty, Hideyuki Takahashi, *Takuo Suganuma, Norio Shiratori (Tohoku University, Japan)
Pagepp. 505 - 508
Keywordcontext, overlay network, personal network, healthcare, agent
AbstractHealthcare is increasingly becoming a distributed service involving stakeholders and resources who may be physically far from each other. But privacy and security are potential problems. Patient's data should be available irrespective of their location, but only to authorized person. Not only that, the relationship between the person under observation and other related people, are different and the security and other characteristics concerning the data may also differ accordingly. In this paper we propose a system where an overlay network can be built in an ad hoc basis and links between different entities will be established according to the social relationship between the object person and the person at the other end and the situation of the observed person. Unlike traditional 24-hrs monitoring system, we argued that an ondemand, requirement oriented system will be beneficial for efficient resource utilization, specially in wireless communication.

B5-2 (Time: 13:18 - 13:36)
TitleA Multicast Anti-Collision Protocol for FTDMA based RFID system
Author*Sung-Rok Yoon, Sin-Chong Park (Information and Communications University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 509 - 512
KeywordRFID, anti-collision, FTDMA, ISO/IEC 18000-3
AbstractRFID (radio frequency identification) is a key technology supporting emerging solutions for the automation of the identification service and the mass product management. A key issue is to reduce the average time taken to identifying tags, which is called average identification time. Focusing on the issue, the paper proposes an efficient multicast protocol which is applied to the anti-collision protocol of FTDMA (frequency time deivision multiple access) based RFID system. Thanks to the compactness of a multicast protocol, simulation result shows 29.5% improvement of average identification time.

B5-3 (Time: 13:36 - 13:54)
TitleEffect of the Interference Canceler on the Nonorthogonal CSK/CDMA ALOHA
Author*Nobuyoshi Komuro (Tokyo University of Technology, Japan), Hiromasa Habuchi (Ibaraki University, Japan), Toshinori Tsuboi (Tokyo University of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 513 - 516
Keywordcode shift keying, interference canceler, throughput
AbstractNonorthogonal Code Shift Keying Code Division Multiple Access (CSK/CDMA) ALOHA is expected to improve the throughput in advanced wireless network, such as sensor networks and ad-hoc networks. The throughput of the nonorthogonal CSK/CDMA ALOHA is expected to get better by introducing interference cancellation technique. It is not clear how much the throughput improved by introducing interference canceler. This paper presents the throughput performance of the nonorthogonal CSK/CDMA ALOHA with interference canceler by theoretical analysis. Consequently, it is found that the throughput performance of our system is over 1.0. It is also found that the throughput performance shows more than 295 % increase by using the interference canceler when $E_b/N_0$ is high.

B5-4 (Time: 13:54 - 14:12)
TitleWireless Nurse Call System
Author*Jung Yeon Choi, Heon Soo Shin (Dongguk University, Republic of Korea), Sung Boo Chung (Seoil College, Republic of Korea), Jin Woo Park (Dongguk University, Republic of Korea), Min Sup Park (Young Woo System, Republic of Korea), Ki Hwan Eom (Dongguk University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 517 - 520
KeywordWireless Nurse Call, CC2430, Terminal, Server
AbstractThis paper develop a nurse call system using the wireless communication to resolve that a portable problem of established nurse call system. The established nurse call system has a problem that don't use outside of the sickroom because using a wire communication. The proposed nurse call system is composed of a terminal for nurse, a terminal for patient and a server part. The efficacy of the proposed system is verified by means of experimental. Experimental results are presented that show the effectiveness.

B5-5 (Time: 14:12 - 14:30)
TitleA New Broadcast Method to Prevent Packet Collisions over Biased Terminal Arrangement
Author*Tetsuya Shigeyasu (Hiroshima International University, Japan), Hiroshi Matsuno (Yamaguchi University, Japan), Shozo Komaki (Osaka University, Japan)
Pagepp. 521 - 524
KeywordWireless LAN, IEEE802.11, Broadcast, protocol
AbstractIEEE802.11DCF is widely used wireless LAN standard. But, packet delivery ratio of broadcast transmission is much lower than unicast transmission because the IEEE802.11DCF executes broadcast transmission without RTS/CTS exchange and ACK process. This paper proposes a new broadcast protocol based on collision prevention policy using modified RTS/CTS exchange, and clarifies that our proposed protocol achieved highly reliability even in the biased and nonbiased distributed terminals arrangement.

Session C4  Linear/ Nonlinear Systems 1
Time: 9:00 - 10:30 Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Location: 9F 901 Room
Chairs: Jongkun Lee (Changwon University, Republic of Korea), Kyou Takahashi (Iwate Industrial Reseach Institute, Japan)

C4-1 (Time: 9:00 - 9:18)
TitleA New CMOS Squaring Circuit Using Voltage/Current Input
Author*Chaiwat Sakul (Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Thailand)
Pagepp. 525 - 528
KeywordSquaring Circuit, Analog circuit
AbstractThis paper proposes a new CMOS squaring circuit using voltage/current input. It consists of a mixed signal circuit and a basic squarer. Its major advantages over the other square are: this design can take two inputs (voltage input, current input), its output can be the square of a voltage signal or the square of a current signal. Simulation results are carried by PSpice program. They find that the circuit can operate at +-2_V power supplies, the voltage input range is +-0.6_V , the current input range is +-0.6 µA, the current output range is 0.55 µA and the -3 dB bandwidth is 31 MHz.

C4-2 (Time: 9:18 - 9:36)
TitleAn Improved Bipolar Multiplier using a High Linear Transconductors with Wideband Input
Author*Sung-Ho Yun, Yun-Mi Na, Hyeong-Woo Cha (School of Electronic Communication Eng., Cheongju University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 529 - 532
Keywordmultiplier, transconductor, wideband, high linearity
AbstractA improved bipolar multiplier using a high linear transconductors with wide dynamic range for accuracy instrumentation system was designed. The multiplier consists of two high linear transconductors, a multiplier core, and a differential to single-ended converter. The transconductor has high linear and wide dynamic input range because of adaptive bias circuits. For the verification of the performance for the proposed multiplier, we simulated with the circuit of the commercial device of the AD534. The simulation result shows that the AD534 has dynamic range of ±10V and the proposed multiplier has ±13V at supply voltage ±15V, respectively. The linearity error of the proposed multiplier was five times smaller than that of the AD534. The power dissipation of the multipliers were the same.

C4-3 (Time: 9:36 - 9:54)
TitleA Method to Improve Linearity of a Variable Operating Range Transconductor
Author*Toshio Miyazawa, Fujihiko Matsumoto, Kazufumi Kanegae, Yasuaki Noguchi (National Defense Academy, Japan)
Pagepp. 533 - 536
KeywordIntegrated circuits, Analog circuits, CMOS, Transconductor, Linear circuits
AbstractA transconductor using bias offset technique is known as a linear MOS transconductor. The linearity is deteriorated by nonideal factors. Major deterioration is caused by mobility degradation from an effect of vertical field. This paper proposes a linearization technique of the MOS transconductor following change of operating range. This technique improves the linearity of transconductance characteristic by adding two MOSFETs operating as resistors and a source follower to the conventional circuit.

C4-4 (Time: 9:54 - 10:12)
TitleA CMOS Square-Rooting Circuits
Author*Chaiwat Sakul (Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Thailand)
Pagepp. 537 - 540
KeywordSquare-rooting circuit, CMOS, Current-mirror
AbstractThe article proposes the square-rooting circuit. It bases the square-law characteristics of CMOS operating in saturation region for generating square-root function. The principle of the research is attained by the current-mirror circuit, which controls the voltages. The designed circuit dominates current as input and voltage as output. The structure of the circuit is simplified by only seven CMOS. Simulation results are demonstrated by PSpice program. They find that an input range is about 3µA. whereas ±1.5_V supply voltage.

C4-5 (Time: 10:12 - 10:30)
TitleSpreading Sequences with Negative Auto-correlations Generated by LFSRs Based on Chaos Theory of Modulo-2 Added Sequences
Author*Yasunori Miyazaki, Akio Tsuneda, Takahiro Inoue (Kumamoto University, Japan)
Pagepp. 541 - 544
Keywordlinear feedback shift register, M-sequence, negative auto-correlation, CDMA
AbstractSpreading sequences with exponentially vanishing negative auto-correlations can reduce bit error rate in asynchronous DS/CDMA systems compared with the conventional M-sequences and Gold Sequences generated by linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs). In this paper, we design spreading sequences with negative (but not exponentially vanishing) auto-correlations to be generated by LFSRs, which is based on the chaos theory for the Bernoulli chaotic map and modulo-2 added binary sequences. By numerical experiments, we investigate statistical properties (auto-/cross-correlations) of the proposed sequences.

Session C5  Linear/ Nonlinear Systems 2
Time: 13:00 - 13:54 Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Location: 9F 901 Room
Chairs: Chun Myoung Park (Chungju National University, Republic of Korea), Kazuhiro Shouno (Tsukuba University, Japan)

C5-1 (Time: 13:00 - 13:18)
TitleA Wideband Voltage Controlled Operational Transconductance Amplifier
Author*Yun-Mi Na, Sung-Ho Yun, Hyeong-Woo Cha (School of Electronic Communication Eng., Cheongju University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 545 - 548
KeywordOTA, current control, high-accuracy, voltage-to current converter
AbstractA wideband voltage controlled operational transconductance amplifier(OTA) for a high-accuracy linear voltage controlled analog systems was designed. The OTA consists of a wideband voltage-to-current converter (VIC) and conventional OTA as shown in Fig.1. The wideband VIC using an adaptive current feedback also was designed. For verification of the performance of the proposed OTA using wideband VIC, we simulated the circuits of the commercial OTA LM13600 and OTA using conventional VIC with the same simulation condition. The simulation result shows that the proposed OTA has a control voltage range with -5.0V to 4.0V (current range with 0μA to 10mA) at supply voltage ±5.0V. The LM13600 and OTA using conventional VIC have the control voltage range with -3.6V to 5.0V and -5.0V to -2.4V, respectively.

C5-3 (Time: 13:18 - 13:36)
TitleConversion of Stability Observed in Van der Pol Oscillator by Unstable Time-Delayed Controller
AuthorHiroyuki Shirahama (Ehime University, Japan), Chol-Ung Choe (Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany), *Kazuhiro Fukushima (Kumamoto University, Japan)
Pagepp. 549 - 552
Keywordchaos, synchronization, time-delayed control, trosion free
AbstractWe have demonstrated that an unstable time-delayed controller can provide a tool to control the stability of Hopf bifurcation. The unstable time-delayed controller has used to stabilize an unstable periodic orbit operating in subcritical mode. By developing a new coupling method the unstable time-delayed system was improved to be applied for conversion of stability in Hopf bifurcation system. In this study, as an example, conversion of stability of Van der Pol oscillator has been confirmed both experimentally and numerically. The control method would control various oscillations of systems arising from Hopf bifurcation.

C5-5 (Time: 13:36 - 13:54)
TitleImage Processing by a Coupled Non-Linear Oscillator System
Author*Naoko Kurata (Chiba University, Japan), Hitoshi Mahara (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan), Tatsunari Sakurai (Chiba University, Japan), Atsushi Nomura, Hidetoshi Miike (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. 553 - 556
Keywordreaction-diffusion system, coupled oscillator, stochastic resonance
AbstractA new algorithm of image processing based on the appropriate solutions of a spatially discrete non-linear oscillator system is presented. This is based on the onset of pattern formation arising in the FitzHugh-Nagumo system with weak-coupled activation and strong-coupled inhibition. The proposed model offers to extract segment or outline of input signals and to be a high performance as noise that is noise reduction and contrast enhancement by noise. Then we discuss the difference between the discrete system of the coupled non-linear oscillators and continuous reaction-diffusion system.

Session D4  VLSI Design & Applications 4
Time: 9:00 - 10:30 Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Location: 8F 801 Room
Chairs: Kukjin Chun (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea), Takahiro Watanabe (Waseda University, Japan)

D4-1 (Time: 9:00 - 9:18)
TitleLow Cost PLD with High Speed Partial Reconfiguration
Author*Naoki Hirakawa, Masanori Yoshihara (Graduate School of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University, Japan), Masayuki Sato (Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan), Kazuya Tanigawa, Tetsuo Hironaka (Graduate School of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University, Japan)
Pagepp. 557 - 560
KeywordFPGA, reconfigurable system, memory, partial reconfiguration, LUT
AbstractField Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have been used for implementing various applications. But the switch matrix occupies a significantly large area in FPGA. And configuration speed of FPGA is slow. So, we proposed MPLD as a new Programmable Logic Device (PLD). MPLD has no switch matrix, and partial reconfiguration is easy and fast because configuration method is same as write access of the conventional parallel memory. In this paper, we present MPLD and evaluation results of the prototype MPLD chip.

D4-2 (Time: 9:18 - 9:36)
TitleHigh Performance Level-Converting Flip-Flop with a Simple Pulse Generator and a Fast Latch
Author*Hyoun Soo Park, Hong Bo Che, Wook Kim, Young Hwan Kim (Pohang University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 561 - 564
KeywordMulti-VDD system, level conversion, flip-flop, pulse generator
AbstractThis paper proposes a high-performance level-converting flip-flop (LCFF) for multi-VDD systems, called the explicit pulse-triggered dual-pass-transistor flip-flop (EPDFF). The proposed EPDFF provides both low power and high speed operations through the use of a simple pulse generator and a simple latch with a short signal propagation path. In experiments, EPDFF outperformed six existing LCFFs in both power consumption and delay in its operating range. After optimization for the minimum power-delay product (PDP), EPDFF had 19.4~52.6% less PDP than existing LCFFs, and had the smallest transistor area among the seven LCFFs we compared.

D4-3 (Time: 9:36 - 9:54)
TitleOn Analog Circuit Design Methodology via Multi-Objective Geometric Programming
Author*Theerachet Soorapanth (National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand)
Pagepp. 565 - 568
Keywordoptimization, analog circuit design, computer-aided design, geometric programming
AbstractThis paper concerns a design methodology for analog circuit problems, which is based on formulating the problem as a multi-objective geometric program (GP). Multiple objectives are combined into a scalar objective thru certain convex functions and thus can be solved using regular GP algorithms. In contrast to single-objective optimization, simultaneous consideration of all objectives yields a compromising solution among objectives. By varying individual objective’s weight factor, a Pareto (or trade-off) curve can be constructed, providing designers with a useful decision-making information.

D4-4 (Time: 9:54 - 10:12)
TitleOn Objective Functions for Fixed-Outline Floorplanning
Author*Lu Wang, Xiaolin Zhang, Song Chen, Takeshi Yoshimura (Graduate School of Information, Production and System, Waseda University, Japan)
Pagepp. 569 - 572
Keyword Floorplanning, Fixed-Outline constraints, Simulated Annealing, Objective Functions
AbstractFixed-outline floorplanning enables multilevel hierarchical design, where aspect ratios and area of floorplans are usually imposed by higher level floorplanning and must be satisfied. Simulated Annealing is widely used in the floorplanning problem. It is well-known that the solution space, solution perturbation, and objective function are very important for Simulated Annealing. In this paper, we focus on the objective functions used in FOFP problem. Up to now, many kinds of objective functions were proposed in the existing researches, but those objective functions had many limitations, and the applicable situation is not clearly. We summarize and analyze the existing objective functions used in Fixed-Outline floorplanning methods, and then suggest some new objective functions respectively used in the fixed-oultine floorplanning with and without wire-length optimization, respectively.

D4-5 (Time: 10:12 - 10:30)
TitleA Design of Low Power MAC Operator with Fault Tolerance
Author*Han-Sam Jung, Sung-Kwan Ku, Ki-Seok Chung (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 573 - 576
KeywordLow Power, MAC, Fault Tolerance
AbstractAs more DSP functionalities are integrated into an embedded mobile device, power consumption and device reliability have emerged as crucial issues. As the complexity of mobile embedded designs increases very rapidly, verifying the functionality of the mobile devices completely has become extremely difficult. Therefore, designs with error (fault) tolerance are often required since these capabilities will enable the design to operate properly even with some existence of errors. However, designs with fault tolerance may suffer from significant power overhead since fault tolerance is often achieved by resource replication. In this paper, we propose a low power and fault tolerant MAC (multiply-and-accumulate) design. The proposed MAC design is based on multiple barrel shifters since MAC designs with barrel-shifters and adders are known to be excellent in terms of power consumption.

Session D5  VLSI Design & Applications 5
Time: 13:00 - 13:54 Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Location: 8F 801 Room
Chairs: Wonjong Kim (ETRI, Republic of Korea), Takahiro Watanabe (Waseda University, Japan)

D5-2 (Time: 13:00 - 13:18)
TitleGain Based Delay Balancing in the Deep Submicron Era
Author*Ryusuke Egawa (Tohoku University, Japan), Jubee Tada (Yamagata University, Japan), Hiroaki Kobayashi (Tohoku University, Japan), Gensuke Goto (Yamagata University, Japan)
Pagepp. 577 - 580
Keyworddelay-balancing, wave piepline, VLSI
Abstract In this paper we develop delay balancing tools for equal delay circuit design. Aiming at delay balancing in a deep submicron era, our delay balancing technique employs the gain based delay model. The experimental results show that our tools can realize delay balancing for two kind of adders with 9.96% delay variation on average.

D5-3 (Time: 13:18 - 13:36)
TitleDesign of an ADALINE Adaptive Filter Based Noise Cancellation Based on Fine-grained Pipelines
Author*Nattha Jindapetch, Pornchai Phukpattaranont, Krerkchai Thongnoo (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)
Pagepp. 581 - 584
Keywordfine-grained pipeline, ADALINE, noise cancellation, FPGA
AbstractIn this paper, a design of an ADALINE adaptive filter based noise cancellation based on fine-grained pipelines is presented. The circuit is implemented from 32-bit floating-point arithmetic function units which are partitioned into proper fine-grained pipeline stages. Fine-grained pipeline resource-sharing is performed to minimize the circuit size. The ADALINE adaptive filter is implemented on an FPGA (Xilinx SPARTAN-3 XC3S400) to perform power line noise reduction. The performance is also evaluated. The proposed fine-grained pipelines implementation archived much higher throughput than the implementation on a commercial DSP chip, and two times higher than the normal pipeline implementation.

D5-5 (Time: 13:36 - 13:54)
TitleAn Efficient Implementation of Multi-channel H.264 Decoder SoC
Author*Wonjong Kim, Juneyoung Chang, Hanjin Cho (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 585 - 588
KeywordH.264, decoder, soc, surveillance, DVR
AbstractWe developed a multi-channel H.264 decoder based on a single channel H.264 decoder which was developed using autonomous module design methodology. Since an autonomous module can control itself by checking states of its neighbor modules, we could easily extend the decoder for decoding multi-channel streams. We utilized the nature of SDRAM structure for efficient use of frame data. We developed specialized SDRAM controller and DMA controller for efficient data transfers of 2-dimensional data. By assigning dedicated channels for modules which require data transfer from/to SDRAM, they can freely use SDRAM data. The decoder can decode 1~16 channels of QVGA, 1~4 channels of VGA, 1~2 channels of XGA or HD, or 1 channel of Full-HD videos at 30 fps within 150 MHz.1

Session E4  Neural Networks 1
Time: 9:00 - 10:30 Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Location: 8F 802 Room
Chairs: Patcharee Chantanabupha (University of Thai Chamber of Commerce, Thailand), Atsushi Ohta (Aichi Prefectural University, Japan)

E4-1 (Time: 9:00 - 9:18)
TitleMultiple-Valued Logic Clock Converter Networks
Author*Ali Massoud Haidar, Nawar El Ahdab (Beirut Arab University, Lebanon), Hiroyuki Shirahama (Ehime University, Japan), Ali Alaeldine (Grand Ecole D’Ingénieurs Généralistes en Electronique, Informatique, Télécoms et Réseaux, France)
Pagepp. 589 - 592
Keywordneural network, digital systems, binary systems, multiple-valued logic, clock wave transformer
Abstractnovel multiple-valued logic clock converters using artificial neural network are proposed. Based on a set of novel neural clock base converters, an essential part of the creative solution to the multiple-valued logic dual-clock or multi-clock circuit synchronization problem is presented in this paper. The multiple-valued logic neuron clock converters are planned to be useful in the multiple-valued logic neural central processing unit. The novel neural networks of the multiple-valued logic clock converters show numerous functionality features combined with design simplicity. All the converters make advantage of the logic oriented neural network mathematical tools and parallelism concepts allowing fast and simple systematic analysis. The simulation outcomes presented, pave the way toward new, stable, high speed, revolutionary neural multiple-valued logic processors.

E4-2 (Time: 9:18 - 9:36)
TitleA Novel Neural Network Ternary Arithmetic Logic Unit
Author*Ali Massoud Haidar, Mohammad Jad Hamdan, Mohammad Backer Rashid, Hassan A. Hamieh, Ahmad A. Issa (Beirut Arab University, Lebanon), Abdallah Kassem (Notre Dame University, Lebanon)
Pagepp. 593 - 596
KeywordNeural Networks, Logic theory, Multiple valued logic, ALU
AbstractIn this paper we introduce a new set of ternary neural networks to realize a novel Ternary Arithmetic Logic Unit (TALU). All the neurons take advantage of the Logic Oriented neural network mathematical tools and parallelism concepts allowing fast and simple systematic analysis. The simulation results, done using MATLAB Simulink, demonstrate the feasibility, functionality and the correctness of the neural networks designed.

E4-3 (Time: 9:36 - 9:54)
TitleLow-Power CMOS CNN Cell and its Application to an Oscillatory CNN
Author*Hisashi Tanaka, Koichi Tanno, Hiroki Tamura, Kenji Murao (University of Miyazaki, Japan)
Pagepp. 597 - 600
Keywordcellular neural networks, low-power, low-voltage, OTA
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a low-power OTA for CMOS cellular neural networks (CNN) cell. The OTA use MOSFETs operating in the weak inversion region. The transconductance can be changed by changing the external bias voltage. From the results of HSPICE simulation, the power consumption of the proposed OTA is less than 3.5 micro-watts with 1.2 V power supply. As an application of the proposed OTA, an oscillatory CNN circuit using two CNN cells with the proposed OTA is presented.

E4-4 (Time: 9:54 - 10:12)
TitleNetwork on Chips Structure for Mapping Two Hidden Layers BP-ANNs
Author*Yiping Dong, Takahiro Watanabe (Waseda University, Japan)
Pagepp. 601 - 604
KeywordNoC, BP-ANN, Mapping
AbstractIn this paper we propose a system with NoCs structure to mapping 5 neurons in one router for the two hidden layers BP-ANNs. Our system is evaluated for the latency and throughput using NIRGAM NoCs simulator, and is implemented on an FPGA device to estimate system performance and power consumption. Experimental results show that our proposed system has a great reduction in communication load, low latency and a high throughput. It is also reconfigurable and expandable to meet various NN application problems, and besides, not only BP-ANNs but also a random-connected ANNs or any type ANNs can be implemented in the system by adjusting a routing algorithm of NoC.

E4-5 (Time: 10:12 - 10:30)
TitleAdaptive Noise Reduction Filter for Speech Using Cascaded Sandglass-type Neural Network
Author*Hiroki Yoshimura, Tadaaki Shimizu (Tottori University, Japan), Toshie Matumura (Nara National College, Japan), Masaya Kimoto (Tottori University, Japan), Naoki Isu (Mie University, Japan)
Pagepp. 605 - 608
KeywordNeural Network, Speech Signal, Adaptive Filter, Noise Reduction, Sandglass-type
Abstract In this study, we developed a new adaptive noise reduction filter (CSNNFR: Cascaded Sandglass-type Neural Network Noise Reduction Filter) which is extended from the SNNRF (Sandglass-type Neural Network Noise Reduction Filter). The CSNNRF can perform adaptive noise reduction while capturing dynamic characteristics of the speech signal, owing to the plasticity of the SNN. The CSNNRF is suitable for application to the hearing aid since the ease of hearing the speech signal after noise reduction is more important than the denoising rate. We examined the improvement rate of SN ratio and performed a hearing experiment to evaluate the performance of the CSNNRF as a hearing aid.

Session E5  Neural Networks 2
Time: 13:00 - 13:54 Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Location: 8F 802 Room
Chairs: Masahiro Nakagawa (Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan), Patcharee Chantanabupha (University of Thai Chamber of Commerce, Thailand)

E5-1 (Time: 13:00 - 13:18)
TitleRepresenting Uncertainty with a New Type of Stochastic Neural Networks
Author*Jumpol Polvichai, Surapont Toomnark (King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand)
Pagepp. 609 - 612
KeywordStochastic Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Probability Modeling, Uncertainty
AbstractMany interesting complex systems are stochastic. In order to model such complex systems, much ongoing research is looking at how to precisely model uncertainty in performance. In this paper, we proposed a novel type of stochastic neural network (SNN), in which dynamic features are added to the input layer allowing any non-deterministic system to be modeled. The SNNs capture randomness from the additional input nodes fed with internal random signals. These random signals, combined with weights between the additional nodes and the hidden nodes, allow stochastic output even though the network is deterministic. To validate this approach, a preliminary experiment was performed. To show the SNN's basic ability to represent uncertainty, a SNN model is trained to represent a model of beta distribution. Experiments verify the basic feasibility of the approach.

E5-2 (Time: 13:18 - 13:36)
TitleAutomatic Evaluation of Question Answering System based on BE Method
Author*Akiko Yamamoto, Junichi Fukumoto (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)
Pagepp. 613 - 616
Keywordquestion answering, automatic evaluation, basic element, Pearson's correlation
AbstractIn this paper, we describe automatic evaluation method for question answering in natural language. This method is based on BEs (Basic Elements) originally proposed by Hovy et. al. for automatic evaluation of document summaries. We applied BE method for evaluation of question answering with comparison between BEs of system answer and BEs of correct answers. According to the experiments using QAC4 test set, we have proved that BE method has some correlation with human evaluation.

E5-3 (Time: 13:36 - 13:54)
TitleQuestion Answering System beyond Factoid Type Questions
Author*Satoshi Nakakura, Junichi Fukumoto (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)
Pagepp. 617 - 620
Keywordquestion answering, named entity extraction, non-factoid question, answer extraction, RST
AbstractIn this paper, we describe answer extraction method for non-factoid questions. We classified non-factoid type questions into three types: why type, definition type and how type. We analyzed each type of questions and developed answer extraction patterns for these types of questions. For each question type, we have expanded question analysis modules to determine non-factoid question types and developed answer extraction modules based on the analysis of answer expression patterns in large document set. For evaluation, we used 104 questions which are mainly developed at Question Answering evaluation workshop (NTCIR6-QAC4).

Session F4  Multimedia Service & Technology 1
Time: 9:00 - 10:12 Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Location: 8F 803 Room
Chairs: Chang-Su Kim (Korea University, Republic of Korea), Takuo Suganuma (Tohoku University, Japan)

F4-1 (Time: 9:00 - 9:18)
TitleFlexible Audio System for Multipurpose
Author*Choong Sang Cho, Je Woo Kim, Hwa Seon Shin, Byeong Ho Choi (Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 621 - 624
KeywordMultipurpose Audio System , Multi Level Audio System, MPEG surround, MPEG ALS, AAC
AbstractWe design a flexiable audio system for multipurpose with MPEG surround, MPEG-2 AAC and MPEG-4 ALS. The proposed audio system has the three processing levels that have the different compression ratio and data loss.

F4-2 (Time: 9:18 - 9:36)
TitleSelection of appropriate terms for a subjective evaluation of video game contents
Author*Junji Yoshida, Koji Iwasaki, Eishiro Kunikane, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Masao Kasuga (Faculty of Engineering, Utsunomiya University, Japan)
Pagepp. 625 - 628
KeywordVideo game contents, Evaluation terms, Cluster analysis, Analysis of variance
AbstractThis study investigated appropriate evaluation terms representing video game characteristics. First, many terms for evaluating video games were collected from game magazines and user questionnaires. Next, an experiment of video game evaluation, in which experimental subjects evaluated the game characteristics after playing 20 video games, were performed for extracting the appropriate evaluation terms. As a result, six kinds of evaluation terms of "innovative," "fantasy," "length of waiting time," "reality," "comical," and "enjoyable with many people" were selected as the appropriate evaluation terms for video games using statistical analysis.

F4-3 (Time: 9:36 - 9:54)
TitleSource Authentication Protocol for IP-TV
Author*Ki-Eun Shin, Hyoung-Kee Choi (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 629 - 632
KeywordIP-TV, Source Authentication, CAS, Security
AbstractIP-TV utilizes Conditional Access System (CAS), which controls the subscriber access to content. Although the current CAS scheme provides access control via subscriber authentication, there is no authentication scheme for the content provided by service providers. Thus, there is a vulnerability of security, through which an adversary can forge content between the service provider and subscribers. In this paper, beased on a hash tree shceme, we proposed a efficient and strong source authentication protocol which removes the vulnerability of the current CAS.

F4-4 (Time: 9:54 - 10:12)
TitleDevelopment of a T-DMB Monitoring System
Author*Kyung-Taek Lee, Ki-Won Kwon, Yong-Suk Park, Sung-Jun Kim, Jong-Ho Paik (Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 633 - 636
KeywordDigital Multimedia Broadcasting, Data Services, Monitoring System, Receiver
AbstractWith the start of T-DMB service, diverse multimedia broadcasting services became available in the high-speed mobile environment. In addition to high-quality digital radio (audio) and television (video), diverse data services, such as Dynamic Label Segment (DLS), JPEG Slideshow (SLS), Broadcast Web Site (BWS), Traffic and Travel Information (TTI), interactive service using Binary Format for Scenes (BIFS), and Visual Radio, are being serviced. Currently, there is an increase in demand in the market for T-DMB monitoring system that can support all the data service available. In this paper, we present T-DMB monitoring systems that can simultaneously decode 6 services of different format within the two ensemble, through suitable algorithms and multi-thread techniques.

Session F5  Multimedia Service & Technology 2
Time: 13:00 - 14:30 Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Location: 8F 803 Room
Chairs: Yoshinobu Tamura (Hiroshima Institute of Technology, Japan), Hong Kook Kim (GIST, Republic of Korea)

F5-1 (Time: 13:00 - 13:18)
TitleAdaptive MPEG-4 Video Streaming Over IP Networks
Author*Ru Zhou, Kyung-sik Jang (Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Korea University of Technology and Education, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 637 - 640
KeywordMPEG-4, RTP/RTCP, Feedback Control, Rate Control
AbstractAs network researchers prefer evaluate the effectiveness of the network before deploying the protocols in real networks, video traces, which give the sizes of the individual video frames in a video sequence, have been emerging as convenient video characterizations for networking studies. This paper proposes a system named VSS (Video Streaming Simulation) for comprehensive video delivered quality evaluation using traffice traces in RTP/UDP/IP network simulation environment.

F5-2 (Time: 13:18 - 13:36)
TitleMultimedia specific Scheduling Algorithm for Wireless Networks
Author*Kwang-sik Shin, Wan-oh Yoon, Mun-suk Jang (Inha University, Republic of Korea), Jun-Chul Yoon (INTech, Republic of Korea), Sang-bang Choi (Inha University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 641 - 644
Keywordscheduling, multimedia, wireless, QoS
AbstractThis paper studies on multimedia specific scheduling algorithm for wireless networks. Unlike other scheduling algorithms, instead of packet length, it uses playing time as bounded delay and compensation unit for the application-level QoS. It also considers property of encoding scheme for multimedia in order of priority. It studies the trade-off between QoS improvement and fairness through a simulation and then specifies an optimal relation with them. From simulation results, we know that the proposed algorithm improves PSNR about 43%, while the fairness is 89% of IWFQ's one.

F5-3 (Time: 13:36 - 13:54)
TitleThe predictive Coding for Geometry Images of 3D Models based on Error Sensitivity
Author*Xinwei Xue, Masahiro Okuda (The University of Kitakyushu, Japan)
Pagepp. 645 - 648
Keywordcompression, 3d model, geometry image
AbstractIn this paper we introduce a predictive coding for the geometry image of 3D models.Based on a fact that in a smooth surface the sensitivity of the error in the normal direction of each vertex is higher than the one in its tangent direction, we propose a predictive coding method for the geometry image. We have compared our proposed method with the conventional method and show that our proposed method is able to decrease the error in the same compressibility.

F5-4 (Time: 13:54 - 14:12)
TitleA Study on VQ based Compression of High Dynamic Range Images
Author*Nagisa Sugiyama, Masahiro Okuda (The University of Kitakyushu, Japan)
Pagepp. 649 - 652
KeywordHigh Dynamic Range Images, Vector quantization
AbstractAn encoding method of the high dynamic range (HDR) images based on Vector Quantization is discussed. The HDR images have much higher dynamic ranges compared with the low dynamic range (LDR) images. Due to its high dynamic range, the size is often huge, thus development for functional compression is needed. On the other hand, we often need to convert them into the LDR images because the existing output devices cannot directly output the dynamic ranges of HDR images. Our goal is to develop a HDRI compression method that minimizes the error of the tone-mapped LDR images. Therefore we applied the adjustment of scale and the evaluation of the error in the log domain. Our method improves a compression performance, compared to methods that directly apply the conventional vector quantization to the HDR images.

F5-5 (Time: 14:12 - 14:30)
TitleExtension Field for Ate Pairing with Freeman Curve
Author*Kenta Nekado, Hidehiro Kato, Masataka Akane, Yasuyuki Nogami, Yoshitaka Morikawa (Okayama University, Japan)
Pagepp. 653 - 656
KeywordAte pairing, Freeman curve, Gauss period normal basis, cyclic vector multiplication algorithm
AbstractRecently, pairing-based cryptographies such as ID-based cryptography and group signature have been studied. For fast pairing calculation, not only pairing algorithms but also arithmetic operations in extension field must be efficiently carried out. The authors consider efficient arithmetic operations of extension field for Ate pairing especially with Freeman curve.

Session G4  Medical Electronics & Circuits
Time: 9:00 - 10:30 Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Location: 8F 804 Room
Chairs: Kang-Yoon Lee (Konkuk University, Republic of Korea), Kazuki Nakajima (Toyama University, Japan)

G4-1 (Time: 9:00 - 9:18)
TitleA Comparison of the Lookup Table and On-The-Fly Calculation Methods for the Beamforming Control Unit
Author*Bo Yang, Jia Hao Cheong, Yvonne Ying Hung Lam, Lian Soon Ng (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Pagepp. 657 - 660
Keywordultrasound beamforming, dynamic focusing, delay generation, control unit
AbstractModern diagnostic ultrasound beamformers require extensive delay information for the focusing of each focal point along the image lines. For a typical beamforming system with dynamic delays, the beamforming control unit is used to calculate the delay information and generate instant delay profiles in order to achieve dynamic focusing beamforming. In this study, the beamforming control unit targeted at a home-based portable delta-sigma oversampled ultrasound beamforming setup was developed. The beamforming principle for 1-D linear transducer array with dynamic aperture was exploited, and three delay generation methods including complete lookup table, compressed lookup table with delta encoding and general parametric algorithm were investigated, implemented and synthesized using VHDL for a FPGA device Spartan-3E XC3S500E. A comparison was performed among the three delay generation methods on their performances in terms of overall logic resource usage and power consumption.

G4-2 (Time: 9:18 - 9:36)
TitleImprovement of Control Command Input Device Using Image Processing for FES System
AuthorHiroki Higa, *Kosuke Mihara (University of the Ryukyus, Japan), Nozomu Hoshimiya (Tohoku Gakuin University, Japan)
Pagepp. 661 - 664
Keywordfunctional electrical stimulation, control command input device, eye movement, image processing
AbstractIn order to develop a control command input device for a functional electrical stimulation (FES) system, an image processing method was used in this paper. A healthy subject's eye movement was detected, the prototype control command input device was made, and we verified its performance in experiments. From the experimental results, it was found that a healthy subject could appropriately operate the control device to control his wrist joint by FES.

G4-3 (Time: 9:36 - 9:54)
TitleDesign of Biological Information Measuring System
AuthorHiroki Higa, *Takashi Baba (University of the Ryukyus, Japan)
Pagepp. 665 - 668
Keywordbiological information measuring, accelerometer, thermometer
AbstractTo monitor individual’s health status, and collect vital physiological data, a biological information measuring system was developed in this paper. As a first step of our research, a user’s unit which had an accelerometer and thermometer was made and verified its performance. From the experimental results, it was clear that a healthy subject’s activities and the body temperature were appropriately collected using the system.

G4-4 (Time: 9:54 - 10:12)
TitleScore Level Fusion in DWT Domain On-Line Signature Verification
Author*Shouta Koike (Graduate School of Engineering, Tottori University, Japan), Isao Nakanishi, Yoshio Itoh (Faculty of Engineering, Tottori University, Japan)
Pagepp. 669 - 672
KeywordOn-Line Signature Verification, DWT Sub-Band Decomposition, Multi-Matcher, Score Level Fusion, Threshold Equalization
AbstractIn multi-matcher verification system, scores from matchers are fused at a decision level. However, each matcher has generally a different optimum threshold from other ones and then it causes deterioration of total verification rate. In this paper, we take the multi-matcher DWT on-line signature verification system for example and introduce threshold equalization methods based on the complexity of a signature. Their effectiveness is confirmed in computer simulations.

G4-5 (Time: 10:12 - 10:30)
TitlePersonal Authentication Using New Feature Vector of Brain Wave
Author*Sadanao Baba, Chisei Miyamoto, Isao Nakanishi (Tottori University, Japan)
Pagepp. 673 - 676
KeywordBrain Waves, Person Authentication
AbstractConventional person authentication methods using the brain wave: electroencephalogram (EEG) have a problem that they require heavy computational road. In this paper, we propose a new feature vector with light computational load, which consists of maximum spectral powers, their frequency values, and accumulated spectral powers which are greater than a threshold. The verification performance is examined in authentication experiments using 23 subjects and as a result the verification performance of 72% is obtained.

Session H4  Computer Networks & Communication Theory
Time: 9:00 - 9:54 Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Location: 8F 805 Room
Chairs: Hiroshi Mochizuki (Nihon University, Japan), Kosin Chamnongthai (King Mongkut's University of Technology, Thailand)

H4-1 (Time: 9:00 - 9:18)
TitleFault Tolerance SOAP using TMR Scheme
Author*Wichan Phetmanee, Kajornsak Pongthana (Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Thailand)
Pagepp. 677 - 680
KeywordSOAP, TMR, Information Redundancy
AbstractA Web services is a software system designed to support interoperable Machine to Machine interaction over a network. Specifically, web services use a common communication based on Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) that exchanging Extensible Markup Language (XML) based messages over the world wide with high degree of communication fault and less reliability such as internet. This paper presents the SOAP fault tolerance communication using Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) and Information Redundancy technique. The results of simulation and the results of experimental show that high level of fault-tolerance is achievable while some of the experimental results show only costing a reasonable time overhead.

H4-2 (Time: 9:18 - 9:36)
TitleA Parent Relay Station Selection for Efficient Grouping in IEEE 802.16j Mobile Multi-hop Relay Network
Author*Jiwon Yoon, Youn-Soo Kim, Hyung Seok Kim (Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Sejong University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 681 - 684
KeywordIEEE802.16, Mobile Multihop Relay, Grouping, WiMAX
AbstractThe IEEE 802.16j task group uses the relay station (RS) for the extension of the coverage of the BS and enhancement of throughput. However, if a number of relay stations in a BS cell, the RSs may result in both more frequent handover and higher co-channel interference. To solve this problem, the grouping is required specified in IEEE 802.16j basement document. The selecting method of parent RS managing the group is not specified in base line document of IEEE 802.16j. We propose how to select the parent node in the RS group.

H4-5 (Time: 9:36 - 9:54)
TitleHierarchical Transmission Algorithm Combined Coding Method in the T-DMB System
Author*Jongtae Bae, Minhyuk Kim, Suksoon Choi, Taedoo Park, Namsoo Kim, Jiwon Jung (Deaprtment of Radio Communication Engineering, Korea Maritime University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 685 - 688
KeywordT-DMB, Hierarchical Modulation, UEP, Bit split method
AbstractT-DMB (Terrestrial Digital Multimedia Broadcasting) system, is based on the Eureka-147 standard, provides various multimedia data services. However T-DMB needs more various services and higher throughput while maintaining reception. Therefore, this paper proposes advanced T-DMB system using the unequal error protection system, hierarchical multi level modulation and various coding scheme which is used for recent wireless communication, while maintaining backward compatibility. As the simulation results, proposed advanced T-DMB system has coding gain of 2~6dB compared to conventional T-DMB.

Session H5  Elevator Control Systems
Time: 13:00 - 14:12 Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Location: 8F 805 Room
Chairs: Shingo Yamaguchi (Yamaguchi University, Japan), Sandor Markon (Fujitec Co., Ltd., Japan)

H5-1 (Time: 13:00 - 13:18)
TitleMulti-Car Elevator Group Control: Schedule Completion Time Optimization Algorithm with Synchronized Schedule Direction and Service Zone Coverage Oriented Parking Strategies
Author*Alex Valdivielso, Toshiyuki Miyamoto, Sadatoshi Kumagai (Osaka University, Japan)
Pagepp. 689 - 692
KeywordMulti-Car Elevator, Group Control, Schedule Completion Time, Synchronized Schedule, Parking
AbstractMulti-Car Elevator (MCE), elevators with two or more independent cars operating in the same shaft, have special characteristics that do not allow the use of conventional control methods in them. To solve this, in this paper we propose a group control method for MCE systems consisting of a schedule completion time optimization algorithm, an interference risk prevention strategy using schedule direction synchronization, and parking strategies applied according to the identified passenger traffic pattern.

H5-2 (Time: 13:18 - 13:36)
TitleA Problem and Its Solution for Multi-Car Elevator Group Control
Author*Yuki Kuroda, Mitsuru Nakata, Shingo Yamaguchi (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. 693 - 696
Keywordmulti-car elevator, group control, problem, algorithm, zoning
AbstractMulti-car elevator (MCE for short) systems have been receiving increasing attention these days. An MCE has two or more cars in one shaft. It is difficult to control MCEs by using algorithms developed for single-car elevator systems, because MCEs need to avoid collision of the cars of the same shaft. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to control MCE systems, and show the effectiveness of our algorithm through computer simulation.

H5-3 (Time: 13:36 - 13:54)
TitleRecent Trends in Elevator Group Control Systems
Author*Sandor Markon, Ken'ichi Aoki, Masami Nakagawa, Takeshi Sudo (Fujitec Co., Ltd., Japan)
Pagepp. 697 - 700
Keywordelevator, group, control, optimization
AbstractThe latest elevator systems have structural differences from traditional systems, such as the use of destination calls, or multiple cars in the same hoistway. This requires the development of new elevator group control systems, which is best done by adopting modern soft-computing methods. We review some of these systems and the results of research so far, and suggest further directions of research.

H5-4 (Time: 13:54 - 14:12)
TitleExemplar-based Control of Multi-Car Elevators and its Multi-Objective Optimization using Genetic Algorithm
Author*Kokolo Ikeda (Kyoto University, Japan), Hiromichi Suzuki (Fujitec Co., Ltd., Japan), Hajime Kita (Kyoto University, Japan), Sandor Markon (Fujitec Co., Ltd., Japan)
Pagepp. 701 - 704
KeywordElevator, Exemplar, Multi-Car, Multi-Objective
AbstractMulti-Car Elevator (MCE) is the novel system and attracts attention for improvement of transportation in high-rise buildings, but the design of controller for MCE is very difficult engineering problem. In this paper, the works of the authors are summarized: The control of MCE is divided to four phases and the assignment of a car to a hall-call is focused. The exemplar-based policy is used for the assignment, the policy is evaluated through discrete event simulation, and the parameter is optimized by genetic algorithm. To design traffic-sensitive controller, multi-objective optimization is utilized. Finally a policy visualization method is proposed for analyzing how the policy works.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Session A6  Image Processing & Video Technology 6
Time: 9:00 - 10:30 Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Location: 10F International Conference Room
Chairs: Sung-Jea Ko (Korea University, Republic of Korea), Hideaki Yanagisawa (Tokuyama College of Tech., Japan)

A6-1 (Time: 9:00 - 9:18)
TitleMapping Functions between Image Features and KANSEI and its Application to KANSEI Based Clothing Fabric Image Retrieval
Author*Shota Sobue (Ritsumeikan University, Japan), Xinyin Huang (Soochow University, China), Yen-Wei Chen (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)
Pagepp. 705 - 708
Keywordimage feature, impression, neural network
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a new technique for clothing fabric image retrieval based on KANSEI (impressions). We first learn the mapping function between the fabric image features and the KANSEI and then the images in the database are projected into the KANSEI space (psychological space). The retrival is done in the psychological space by comparing the querry impression with the projection of the images in database.

A6-2 (Time: 9:18 - 9:36)
TitleFast Object Detection Method for Visual Surveillance
AuthorHyo-Kak Kim, Suryanto , *Dae-Hwan Kim, Dongni Zhang, Sung-Jea Ko (Korea University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 709 - 712
Keywordobject detection, surveillance, background-subtraction
AbstractMost of the algorithms developed for object detection employ a background-subtraction technique which requires heavy computation. In this paper, we present a fast background-subtraction technique which can be readily applied to many existing object detection algorithms. The proposed technique consists of three parts: persistent background-subtraction, background-subtraction with nearby searching, and skipped background-subtraction. Experimental results show that the proposed technique can detect the moving objects effectively without any degradation of reliability.

A6-3 (Time: 9:36 - 9:54)
TitleImproving the Robustness of Lips Sensing with Evolutionary Video Processing
Author*Takuya Akashi, Yuji Wakasa, Kanya Tanaka (Yamaguchi University, Japan), Minoru Fukumi (The University of Tokushima, Japan)
Pagepp. 713 - 716
KeywordGenetic algorithm, Video processing, Human interface
AbstractIn this paper, an effective method is proposed for robust lips sensing. Our objectives are high-speed lips tracking and data acquisition of a talking person in natural scenes. Our approach is based on the Evolutionary Video Processing. This method has a trade-off between accuracy and a processing time. To solve this problem, we proposed automatic Search Domain Control method and implement this method in the Evolutionary Video Processing. The tracking accuracy is improved from 66.3% to 84.9%. The proposed method can recover from occlusion and tracking loss. Comparative experiments are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method.

A6-4 (Time: 9:54 - 10:12)
TitleHigh Dynamic Range Image Reconstruction using Multiple Images
AuthorJongseong Choi, *Young-seok Han, Moon Gi Kang (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 717 - 720
Keywordimage reconstruction, high dynamic range
AbstractThe dynamic range of image sensors is limited due to the capacitance of photodiode and the nonlinearity of the system response function. In this paper, the high dynamic range image reconstruction algorithm using multiple images is proposed. The proposed algorithm simultaneously enhances dynamic range and estimates the imaging system's response function. The image acquisition process including limited dynamic range is modelled. With the observation model, the linear least squares estimates the response function of the imaging system as well as the single high dynamic range image are obtained.

A6-5 (Time: 10:12 - 10:30)
TitleA Hybrid Technique for De-interlacing Based on Motion Compensation Reliability
Author*Joonyoung Chang, Moon Gi Kang (Institute of TMS Information Technology, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 721 - 724
KeywordDe-interlacing, Motion compensated interpolation, Intra-field interpolation
AbstractAlthough motion compensated interpolation (MCI) improves the vertical resolution of de-interlaced frames effectively, it often introduces serious defects like feathering artifacts. In this paper, we propose an arbitration rule between MCI and intra-field interpolation for de-interlacing to avoid the motion compensation artifacts (MCAs) produced by erroneous MCI. In the proposed de-interlacing method, we check the MCI results by using the proposed MCA detection method and decide whether the MCI results are reliable or not. And then, we use the reliability of MCI results to combine two de-interlacing methods. The proposed arbitration method is more elaborate than conventional methods since we directly detect the artifacts in MCI results and the reliability of MCI results is used as one of the important factors of the proposed arbitration weights. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves better image quality than the conventional methods in terms of both subjective and objective measures.

Session A7  Image Processing & Video Technology 8
Time: 13:00 - 14:12 Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Location: 10F International Conference Room
Chairs: Young Shik Moon (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea), Yoshitaka Morikawa (Okayama University, Japan)

A7-1 (Time: 13:00 - 13:18)
TitleA Novel Rate Control Algorithm for H.264/AVC
Author*Zhao Min, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto (Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems, Waseda University, Japan)
Pagepp. 725 - 728
Keywordrate control, H.264/AVC
AbstractRate control has become an important part in the whole video coding scheme in order to get obtain consecutive and high quality pictures under a certain bandwidth. This paper presents a novel rate control algorithm for H.264/AVC. Instead of the traditional Mean Absolute Difference (MAD) linear prediction model, which is proposed JVT-G012, a new model is proposed including both temporal and spatial information of MAD. Because calculation complexity of the rate control part is not high comparing with other parts, such as motion estimation, this novel algorithm does not focus on reducing the calculation complexity.

A7-2 (Time: 13:18 - 13:36)
TitleFast Retinex Method Based on CMSB-plane for Variable Lighting Face Recognition
Author*Su Young Lee, Seok Lai Park, Young Kyung Park, Joong Kyu Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 729 - 732
KeywordRetinex, adaptive smoothing, CMSB-plane
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a fast Retinex method based on CMSB-plane for variable lighting face recognition. Cast shadow, created by direct light sources, seriously damage face images and ultimately deteriorate the performance of face recognition system. To eliminate cast shadow efficiently in the framework of Retinex theory, they should be preserved in the illumination estimation process. The proposed method estimates the illumination with cast shadow by iteratively convolving the input image with a 3×3 averaging mask adaptively weighted by coefficients based on both the combined most significant bit-plane (CMSB-plane) and image entropy. To improve the performance of the smoothing process, the proposed method employs the multigrid method and combines multi-copies of the estimated illumination with various scales. In this way, we can achieve a fast illumination normalization in which even face images with cast shadow are normalized efficiently. The proposed method has been evaluated based on the CMU PIE database by using PCA. In result, the proposed method has higher recognition rates than other conventional illumination normalization methods such as SSR, MSR and SQI.

A7-3 (Time: 13:36 - 13:54)
TitleMulti-view Range Image Registration using CUDA
Author*Sung-In Choi, Soon-Yong Park (Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea), Jun Kim, Yong-Woon Park (Agency for Defense Development, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 733 - 736
KeywordGPU, CUDA, Multi-view, Range, Registration
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a real-time and on-line 3D registration system which acquires and registers multi-view range images simultaneously. The proposed system implements a 3D registration technique using GPU programming techniques. To register multi-view range images accurately in real-time, the repetitive parts of projection and transformation, which require a large computational overhead, are processed using CUDA. Using a portable range sensor with 320x240 resolution, the system shows about 5 frames per second of matching performance.

A7-4 (Time: 13:54 - 14:12)
TitleEdge-Sensing Demosaicing based on Modified Edge Indicator
Author*Hyun Mook Oh, Moon Gi Kang (Institute of TMS Information Technology, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 737 - 740
KeywordColor interpolaton, Bayer pattern, Directional interpolation, Cross-channel correlation
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a demosaicing algorithm which interpolates the missing pixels on the estimated edge direction with modified edge indicator. We use gradients to estimate the edge direction which considers cross-channel correlation in addition to the within-channel correlation. After the edge direction is estimated, we interpolate the missing color values more precisely in aid of weighted color difference values. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the conventional methods, both on objective and subjective criteria.

Session B6  Image Processing & Video Technology 7
Time: 9:00 - 10:30 Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Location: 9F Kaikyo Hall
Chairs: Noriaki Suetake (Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Yamaguchi University, Japan), Kyung Chan Jin (KITECH, Republic of Korea)

B6-1 (Time: 9:00 - 9:18)
TitleTarget and Background Area Weighted Tracking Algorithm
AuthorEuncheol Choi, *Young Duk Kim (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea), Suk-Ho Lee (Dongseo University, Republic of Korea), Moon Gi Kang (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 741 - 744
Keywordtracking, centroids shift, mean shift, non-stationary camera
AbstractRecently, kernel-based tracking algorithms such as the mean shift tracking algorithm has been proposed. However, there exists an inherent instability problem which is due to the use of an isotropic kernel for spatiality. In this paper, In this paper, we propose a new tracking algorithm : the weighted mean of the centroids corresponding to each color bin of the target. The weight is determined by the area of the color bins and background colors. The tracking based on proposed model contains spatial information on the distribution of the colors, is rather insensitive to the loss of pixels and change in the number of pixels, and takes the colors into account according to the area they cover in the initial target region. Due to these properties, it possible to track the target in difficult conditions such as low-frame-rate environment, severe partial occlusion and partial color change environment. Furthermore, the target position estimation is executed in a one step computation, which makes the algorithm fast. We compare the stableness of the proposed tracking scheme with the conventional mean shift algorithm experimentally.

B6-2 (Time: 9:18 - 9:36)
TitleAn Efficient Threshold Method using Gaussian Modeling and Fuzziness Measurement for Moving Target Detection
Author*Jae-Ho Lee (School of Sensor and Display Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea), Ju-Young Kim, Tae-Kyu Kim (School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea), Ki-Hong Kim (Agency for Defense Development, Republic of Korea), Duk-Gyoo Kim (School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 745 - 748
KeywordATR system, Gaussian modeling, Fuzziness measurement, Target Detection
AbstractIn this paper, we propose an efficient algorithm for moving target detection in many military applications such as automatic target recognition (ATR) systems. This algorithm first utilizes a double change detection method (DCDM) that briefly find the motion information of targets. The proposed algorithm employs adaptive threshold method consisted of Gaussian modeling (GM) for obtaining initial threshold and fuzzy information measurement (FIM) method to measure fuzziness degree on adjacent gray levels of the threshold vale of GM method for obtaining optimal threshold value.The results of simulation show that the proposed algorithm has significantly the good detection performance than the conventional methods.

B6-3 (Time: 9:36 - 9:54)
TitleEvaluation of 3D Data Service Based on Depth Image Based Rendering over T-DMB
Author*Youngjin Oh, Kwanghee Jung, Joong Kyu Kim (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea), Gwangsoon Lee, Hyun Lee, Namho Hur, Jinwoong Kim (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 749 - 752
KeywordDepth-Image-Based-Rendering, 3D-TV, T-DMB, evaluation
Abstract3D data service over Terrestrial-Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (T-DMB) is very attractive because the single user environment of T-DMB is suitable to glassless 3D viewing. However, the bit budget for transmission of additional 3D data over T-DMB is very limited with 32Kbps through data service channel. To overcome this limited condition, Depth-Image-Based-Rendering (DIBR) can be applied, because corresponding depth sequence is only additionally needed to current T-DMB and this can be compressed effectively. Therefore, in this paper, we evaluate 3D data service based on DIBR over T-DMB. Evaluation mainly consists of two experiments. One is to evaluate the coding efficiency of depth sequences and the other is to measure the subjective quality and percived depth of auto-stereosopic image generated by DIBR with coded depth sequence. Therefore, we evaluate the possibility of transmitted depth image through data service channel that transmission rate is 32Kbps. Evaluation results show that DIBR can efficiently be utilized for 3D data service over T-DMB. However, it is also shown that the development of some techniques such as the depth preprocessing is required for the improvement of image quality.

B6-4 (Time: 9:54 - 10:12)
TitleMulti-directional Greedy Stereo Matching
Author*Seung-Hae Baek, Soon-Yong Park, Soon-Ki Jung (Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea), Sang-Hee Kim (ADD, Republic of Korea), Jeong-Hwan Kim (AR Vision Inc, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 753 - 756
KeywordGreedy algorithm, Global stereo matching, RANSAC
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a new stereo matching method to reduce a memory size and handle an large image such as satellite images while its performance satisfies speed and accuracy. Our new method is based on a Multi-directional Greedy algorithm and RANSAC. First, we obtain a depth image along multi-directioanl scanlines using the Greedy algorithm. Then, we find reliable areas from the distribution of several depth images using RANSAC. Finally, we extend the reliable areas by iterating the Greedy algorithm and RANSAC several times starting with the previously obtained reliable areas and decide a final depth image. Experimental results show that our algorithm proves the possibility of stereo matching for an enormous image using low memory size while satisfying the performance from the view point of speed and accuracy

B6-5 (Time: 10:12 - 10:30)
TitleGLORY-DB: A Distributed Data Management System for Large Scale High-Dimensional Data
Author*Hyun Hwa Choi, Hun Soon Lee, Kyeong Hyeon Park, Mi Young Lee (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 757 - 760
Keywordcluster system, column-based DBMS, contents-based retrieval, high-dimensional index
Abstract: Recently, the proliferation of the web and digital photography has resulted in the need of a distributed storage system for managing large scale data and an indexing technique for supporting efficient nearest neighbor search on high-dimensional data. One of the most challenging areas in the fields of a distributed data managing and image processing is scalability of data and machines. Especially, for a large scale image clustering problem, which can not fit on a single machine, the traditional nearest neighbor search can not be applied. This paper presents the design of a distributed data management system, highly available and scalable storage system which provides contents-based retrieval using a hybrid spill tree with local signature files. We describe our scalable index structure and how it can be used to find the nearest neighbors in the cluster environments.

Session B7  Image Processing & Video Technology 9
Time: 13:00 - 13:54 Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Location: 9F Kaikyo Hall
Chairs: Kosin Chamnongthai (King Mongkut's University of Technology, Thailand), Takuya Akashi (Yamaguchi University, Japan)

B7-1 (Time: 13:00 - 13:18)
TitleRegion Adaptive Demosaicing
AuthorChang Won Kim, *Joonyoung Chang, Moon Gi Kang (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 761 - 764
Keyworddemosaicing, color interpolation, Bayer pattern, color filter array
AbstractThe problem of recovering full-color images from color-sampled observation is considered in this paper. In order to avoid artifacts in high frequency regions and improve the performance, region is classified into flat, edge and pattern region, and edge indicator function is used. The horizontal and vertical direction of edge is decided using local statistics based on the concepts of spectral-spatial correlation. As a postprocessing, the modified filtering on color difference domain is adopted to improve the quality of the image. Experimental results illustrate the benefits of the proposed method. When compared to the conventional methods, the proposed method outperforms them on quantitative and qualitative criteria.

B7-2 (Time: 13:18 - 13:36)
TitleRobust Image Watermarking Method Using Discrete Cosine Decomposition and Just Noticeable Distortion
Author*Hyeon-Uk Seo, Jae-Sik Sohn, Byoung-Ik Kim, Tae-Gyoun Lee (School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea), Seung-Ik Lee (Dept. of Digital Imformation Electronics Yonam Institute of digital Technology, Republic of Korea), Duk-Gyoo Kim (School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 765 - 768
KeywordHVS model, JND, DCT
AbstractWe propose a robust image watermarking algorithm using the just noticeable distortion (JND) and discrete cosine transform (DCT). In DCT, the baseband of the discrete decomposed image has the most energy of the host image, so it has crucial effect on the image quality. The conventional algorithms don't utilize the characteristics of the DC coefficients which will participate in the watermark embedding. To reduce the drawbacks of the conventional algorithms, the proposed algorithm uses the DC coefficients in the watermark embedding step unlike the conventional algorithms. To improve the imperceptibility of watermarking system, we use JND value as a embedding strength. The results of simulation show that the proposed algorithm is robust to JPEG compression.

B7-6 (Time: 13:36 - 13:54)
TitleNoise Reduction and Signal Enhancement in IVR Images by ICA Shrinkage Filters and Multiscale Filters
Author*Kiyotaka Matsuo, Xianhua Han (Ritsumeikan University, Japan), Koichi Shibata, Yukio Mishina, Yoshihiro Mukuta (Shimadzu Corporation, Japan), Yen-Wei Chen (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)
Pagepp. 769 - 772
Keywordfilter, noise reduction, enhancement, image processing
AbstractInterventional Radiology (IVR) is an important technique to visualize and diagnosis the vascular disease. In real medical application, a weak x-ray radiation source is used for imaging in order to reduce the radiation dose, resulting in a low contrast noisy image. It is important to develop a method to smooth out the noise while enhance the vascular structure. In this paper, we propose a new method using ICA shrinkage filter for noise reduction and a multiscale filter for enhancement of vascular structure.

Session C6  Modeling & Simulation 1
Time: 9:00 - 10:12 Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Location: 9F 901 Room
Chairs: Morikazu Nakamura (University of the Ryukyus, Japan), Apirat Siritaratiwat (Khon Kaen University, Thailand)

C6-2 (Time: 9:00 - 9:18)
TitleA Note on Three-Dimensional Firing Squad Synchronization Algorithm
Author*Takuya Yamawaki, Takashi Amesara, Hiroshi Umeo (Osaka Electro-Communication University, Japan)
Pagepp. 773 - 776
KeywordCellular automaton, Syncronization algorithm, Three-dimensional cellular automaton, Firing squad synchronization problem
AbstractThe firing squad synchronization problem on cellular automata has been studied extensively for more than forty years, and a rich variety of synchronization algorithms have been proposed [1-10]. In the present paper, we propose an optimumtime firing squad synchronization algorithm for three-dimensional cellular automata. The algorithm can synchronize any threedimensional array of size m × n × l with a general at an arbitrary corner cell at exactly m+ n + l + max(m, n, l) - 4steps. A lower bound in time complexity is also given.

C6-3 (Time: 9:18 - 9:36)
TitleImplementation of a DMAC using SystemC
AuthorYoung-Jin Oh, *Byeong-Deok Kim, Myoung-Keun You, Gi-Yong Song (Chungbuk National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 777 - 780
KeywordSystem-Level Design, SystemC, Channel, DMAC
AbstractRecently, SystemC has been stressed in system-level design methodology because of the capability of system architectural model description and co-design hardware and software design. Also SystemC has many features on modeling as well as verification. DMA is an essential feature of modern systems. It improves performance of system and decreases CPU overhead. This paper describes an implementation of a DMAC using SystemC and compares performance in each channel and each system-level. By comparison of performances, we found out a proper abstraction level model for system-level design.

C6-4 (Time: 9:36 - 9:54)
TitleImplementation of a Functional Verification System using SystemC
AuthorMyoung-Keun You, *Young-Jin Oh, Gi-Yong Song (Chungbuk National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 781 - 784
KeywordFunctional Verification, SystemC, High-Level Abstraction, VPI
AbstractThe implementation of a functional verification system using SystemC, system-level design language, is presented in this paper. SystemC is used in system-level design methodology because of the capability of system architectural model description and hardware/software design. The implemented verification system, which consists of various SystemC modules, in this paper can explore design space using SystemC and verify functional correction of progressive refined module in RTL HDL. The functional verification is performed on a simple device-under-test, the transposed FIR filter. Connections between SystemC simulation kernel and HDL simulator are achieved through user-defined system function of HDL simulator and communication channel.

C6-5 (Time: 9:54 - 10:12)
TitleImplementation of a High-Level Hardware Verification System using Truss
Author*Myoung-Keun You, Joo-Hong Kim, Gi-Yong Song (Chungbuk National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 785 - 788
KeywordFunctional Verification of Hardware, Teal & Truss, OOP, VPI
AbstractThe implementation of a high-level hardware verification system using Truss is presented in this paper. Teal is a C++ class library for functional verification and enables functional verification by providing connections to HDL signals and allowing actions based on changes in the HDL simulation. Truss is an implementation of an open-source verification infrastructure based on layer approach through object-oriented programming techniques. The functional verification is performed on a simple device-under-test, the transposed FIR filter. The FIR filter which processes convolution sum is a typical operation being involved in various applications regarding DSP.

Session C7  Modeling & Simulation 2
Time: 13:00 - 14:12 Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Location: 9F 901 Room
Chairs: Gi-Yong Song (Chungbuk National University, Republic of Korea), Masaki Hashizume (University of Tokushima, Japan)

C7-1 (Time: 13:00 - 13:18)
TitleReliability Assessment Methods and Optimal Bug-fix Release Problems Based on Deterministic Chaos Theory for an Open Source Software
Author*Yoshinobu Tamura (Hiroshima Institute of Technology, Japan), Shigeru Yamada (Tottori University, Japan)
Pagepp. 789 - 792
KeywordReliability, Open source software, optimal bug-fix release problem
AbstractOSS(open source software) systems which serve as key components of critical infrastructures in our social life are still ever-expanding now. However, the poor handling of quality and customer support prohibit the progress of OSS. We focus on the problems in the software quality that prohibit the progress of OSS. In this paper, we propose the method of reliability assessment based on the deterministic chaos theory for OSS. Also, we analyze actual software fault-count data to show numerical examples of software reliability assessment for the OSS.

C7-2 (Time: 13:18 - 13:36)
TitleStatistical Properties and Memory Capacities of Chaos Associative Memory
Author*Masahiro Nakagawa (Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 793 - 796
KeywordChaos Neural Network, Associative Memory, Invariant Measure, Memory Capacity, Memory Retrieval
AbstractIn this report we shall propose a chaos dynamic memory model applied to the chaotic autoassociation memory. The present artificial neuron model is properly characterized in terms of a timedependent sinusoidal activation function to involve a transient chaotic dynamics as well as the energy steepest descent strategy. It is elucidated that the present neural network has a remarkable retrieval ability beyond the conventional models with such a monotonous activation function as sigmoidal one. This advantage is found to result from the property of the analogue periodic mapping accompanied with a chaotic behaviour of the neurons as well as the symmetry of the dynamic equation.

C7-3 (Time: 13:36 - 13:54)
TitleAgent Based Simulation of Hot Strip Rolling Mills with Controllers
Author*Keita Ohe, Koichi Nakano, Yoshihiro Abe, Masami Konishi (Okayama University, Japan)
Pagepp. 797 - 800
Keywordagent, hot strip mills, simulation, control system, diagnosis
AbstractCurrently, operators try to improve their operating situation under the changing production circumstances. It is an important problem in the future to maintain and to extend their technologies having been built up. For the purpose, methods and systems for technical inheritance of advanced techniques like the skilled engineers are needed which can train the unskilled operators and also assist skilled operators. In this research, simulation technology for hot strip rolling mills based on distributed agents is presented aimed to the diagnosis of hot strip rolling mills with controllers. In the operation of hot strip mills, human operators try to maintain rolling conditions in an appropriate situation. To help the operators, it is needed to build an intelligent rolling simulator which can check the whole rolling performances including control apparatus. To help human experts, it is necessary to simulate rolling phenomenon considering operating conditions in detail. It is also required to simulate results by changing control parameters. Visualization of three-dimensional rolling process, and simulation of defects in rolling mills that scarcely occur are studied. In the paper, development of agent based rolling simulator is presented.

C7-4 (Time: 13:54 - 14:12)
TitleA Verification Method for the Risk Management System of the Electric Power Grid (RMS-EPG) using Satellite Communication
Author*Kyeongyuk Min (CAD & SoC Design Center, Hanyang University, Republic of Korea), Kwangkyoon Jung, Kyuwhan O (Korea Electric Power Research Institute, Republic of Korea), Jongwha Chong (CAD & SoC Design Center, Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 801 - 804
Keywordverification system, emulation, satellite communication, electric power grid
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a verification method for risk management system of the electric power grid (RMS-EPG) using satellite communication network. The RMS-EPG with satellite communication network should be verified with various contingencies for its design and maintenance. For the verification of RMS-PG, the proposed system composed of the satellite communication simulator and the Power flow emulator. Proposed simulator of satellite communication can evaluate not only the delay of communication with satellite but also the robustness of satellite communication according to the change of weather using simulation model for ITU-R 839. And the proposed emulator of Phase Measurement Unit for Satellite communication (sPMU) can realize its function that calculates the voltage stability by hardware implementation using FPGA. Using the proposed verification system, we verified its function of RMS-EPG for the power grid of Jeju Island in Korea

Session D6  e-Learning Techonology & Applications 1
Time: 9:00 - 10:30 Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Location: 8F 801 Room
Chairs: Tokuji Hayashi (Yamaguchi University, Japan), Shingo Imai (Yamaguchi University, Japan)

D6-1 (Time: 9:00 - 9:15)
TitleDevelopment of an ICT Training Model for in-Service Teachers in Nicaraguan Schools
Author*Jader Rodriguez, Tokuji Hayashi (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. 805 - 808
KeywordICT integration in Education, ICT training model
AbstractThe Integration of ICT in Education is becoming necessary for the future development of each country. However integrating ICT is not a simple task and requires commitment, collaboration and resources. Nicaragua, despite the important and difficult problems in its educational system, is in the process to integrate ICT in education with the hope to keep pace to the new knowledge based economy and to improve education quality. In order to succeed in Integrating ICT in Education, the creation of an ICT training model for in-service teachers in Nicaragua might be needed and beneficial in order to optimize time and resources.

D6-2 (Time: 9:15 - 9:30)
TitleA Japanese Word Study Model for Chinese Learner by Using Petri Net
Author*Guangwei Yuan (The Graduate School of East Asian Studies, Yamaguchi University, Japan), Qi-Wei Ge (Faculty of education, Yamaguchi University, Japan), Takashi Naritomi (Faculty of Economics, Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. 809 - 812
Keyworde-learning, Japanese word study, Petri net, evaluation
AbstractThis paper proposes a Japanese word study model for Chinese learners by using Petri net. Firstly we classify Japanese words into several groups by considering Chinese learners’ knowledge on Chinese characters. Then analyzing the difficulty levels of these word groups for Chinese learners to learn, we decide the studying order for these word groups. Based on these analytical results, we propose a Japanese word study model by using Petri net. Finally, we introduce an evaluation scheme to the proposed study model in order to evaluate learning effect of the learners.

D6-3 (Time: 9:30 - 9:45)
TitleDesign and Construction of the Cooperation Support Agent for face-to-face class and e-learning
Author*Masaaki Kunishige, Misako Urakami, Seiji Shimizu, Yasukuni Okataku (Oshima National College of Maritime Technology, Japan), Nobukazu Yoshioka (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
Pagepp. 813 - 816
Keywordmobile agent, blended learning, e-learning syllabus, cooperation support, NIME LOM

D6-4 (Time: 9:45 - 10:00)
TitlePractice of Art Education on Blended Type E-Learning for Remote Lecture
Author*Norisuke Kozuki (Shiga University, Japan)
Pagepp. 817 - 820
Keyworde-Learning, Higher education, Mobile phone
AbstractShiga University is consisting of two departments, faculty of economics and faculty of education. Two faculties are about 60km away. Therefore some of classes are performed by the remote lecture using the telecon system. However, there was a problem that it cannot take communication well. I introduce a class of "the world of the art" that improved the problem by inflection of blended type e-Learning. Blended type e-Learning is blended a live class and the on-demand class. By this class, we used the mobile phone of the student for the understanding of class contents.

D6-5 (Time: 10:00 - 10:15)
TitleDevelopment of Japanese-Computerized Adaptive Test
Author*Shingo Imai (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. 821 - 824
KeywordItem response theory, Computerized adaptive test, Testing, Japanese language, J-CAT
AbstractJ-CAT (Japanese-Computerized Adaptive Test) evaluates proficiency in Japanese as a foreign language via web. J-CAT consists of a item pool, test algorithm, and data base for recording the response patterns of test takers. Items are assigned discrimination parameters, difficulty parameters, and guessing parameters based on the Item Response Theory (IRT). The system delivers items matching the ability of test takers. This adaptive technique reduces testing time while keeping high reliability. Furthermore, IRT guarantees that the test is sample-independent and test-independent.

D6-6 (Time: 10:15 - 10:30)
TitleThe participatory training program model to improve communication skills of school principal and vice-principal
AuthorTokuji Hayashi (Yamaguchi University, Japan), Asuka Ichihara (Guizhou University, China), *Maki Kurokawa (Osaka Gakuin University, Japan)
Pagepp. 825 - 828
Keywordcommunication, training model, e-learning
AbstractThis program focuses on comprehensive development in logical thinking ability, assertiveness, self-expression in communication skills. This training is to develop capability to build human relationships at work. The goal is to develop the following capabilities: speaking coherently, thinking and talking from the other person’s viewpoint, appropriate assertiveness, and conveyance of information in various ways. The training program model includes 3 items: "Compulsory Linkage" and "logic tree" for logical thinking training, "Micro Presentation" for communication training, "Assertion" for improve appropriate assertiveness.

Session D7  e-Learning Techonology & Applications 2
Time: 13:00 - 15:00 Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Location: 8F 801 Room
Chairs: Hitoshi Miyata (Shiga University, Japan), Ryo Takaoka (Yamaguchi University, Japan)

D7-1 (Time: 13:00 - 13:15)
TitleMobile & Collaborative Learning Development by a Concept of 'Mobile-as-participation-platform'
Author*Hitoshi Miyata, Norisuke Kozuki (Shiga University, Japan)
Pagepp. 829 - 832
KeywordMobile-as-participation-platform, Ubiquitous Learning Environment, University Lecture Improvement(FD)
AbstractThe Picture Mail Database System was further improved to enable pictures taken from mobile phones equipped with a digital camera to be submitted along with a title and a comment, which the SQL server automatically stores in a picture database. This enabled the students to search for, extract, and view the pictures and the accompanying comments submitted by themselves and others in a ubiquitous learning environment. The application of this system in actual mass lectures indicates that it can promote the exchange of opinions between students and assist those lectures that aim to realize knowledge sharing.

D7-2 (Time: 13:15 - 13:30)
TitleThe Effect of Collaborative Distance Joint Class Using BBS and Video-Conferencing on Information Study at High Schools between Japan and Thailand
Author*Naomasa Sasaki (Kyoto University of Education, Japan)
Pagepp. 833 - 836
KeywordCollaboration, Distance Joint Class, BBS, Video-Conferencing
AbstractTo investigate the effect of collaborative learning using BBS (bulletin board system) and video-conferencing on Information Study, the three sorts of learning formation; simultaneous learning, autonomous learning, collaborative learning, were held for 422 students of 9th grade between Chulalongkorn University Demonstration school in Thailand and Senior high school attached to Kyoto university of Education in Japan, in FY2005. To grasp the consciousness on each learning formation of Thai students and Japanese students, the investigations using questionnaire after every class and pre-post of distance joint class were enforced, then statistical analysis and factor analysis were estimated. According to the result on estimation of analysis, relation between the three learning formations was investigated that the effect of collaborative learning using BBS and video-conferencing was more conspicuous than the other learning formation.

D7-3 (Time: 13:30 - 13:45)
TitleMetadata Translation between LOM and CRM based on Ontology Mapping
Author*Susumu Sawai (Information Reseach Center for Learning, Japan), Toshiko Wakaki, Masakazu Tachikawa (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 837 - 840
KeywordSemantic Web Ontology, LOM, CRM, ontology mapping

D7-4 (Time: 13:45 - 14:00)
TitleLearning Management System 'MOMOTARO' for Cyber Campus
Author*Michio Sakaihara, Soichi Onishi, Fumio Kitagawa (Okayama University of Science, Japan)
Pagepp. 841 - 844
KeywordLearning Management System
AbstractMOMOTARO is the Learning Management System(LMS) that Okayama University of Science originally developed, and MOMOTARO supports Kake Consortium Cyber Campus (KC3). e-Learning on the Internet is an important education method not only for distance education but also improving the education effect by face-to-face lecture done in actual classroom. A cyber campus is constructed by the technology of e-Learning. In many cyber campuses, the lectures are offered by one organization as an university or a high school. In the world, there are some LMS that can correspond for that case. In KC3, a lot of universities are offering the lectures. Moreover, students at a lot of universities and a lot of high schools attend the lectures of KC3. In that case, KC3 has some difficult problems to handling contents and records of learning by students. In order to solve these problems, we originally developed 'MOMOTARO'. We will report on a current state of KC3, and a design policy and effective functions of LMS 'MOMOTARO'.

D7-5 (Time: 14:00 - 14:15)
TitleThe Present Condition and Administrative Issues of e-Learning Programs in Suratthani Rajabhat University
Author*Fumiko Inoue (Suratthani Rajabhat University, Thailand), Tokuji Hayashi (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. 845 - 848
KeywordE-learning, ICT, In-service teachers training, University Lecture Improvement
AbstractThe e-learning programs at the Suratthani Rajabhat University were established three years ago. The various programs provide students to enhance their capabilities. About two thousand students and almost two hundred teachers are registered in this program so far.

D7-6 (Time: 14:15 - 14:30)
TitlePractice and Evaluation of a Web Bulletin Board Monitoring in Distance Teaching Assistant Program
Author*Ryo Takaoka (Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University, Japan), Ayumi Kodama (Graduate School of Instructional Systems, Kumamoto University, Japan), Shinichi Iwasa, Masayuki Shimokawa, Issei Yoshida (Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University, Japan), Toshio Okamoto (The Graduate School of Information Systems, University of Electro-Communications, Japan)
Pagepp. 849 - 852
Keyworde-Pedagogy, Distance Learning Support Model, Distance Teaching Assistant, e-Learning
AbstractThe aim of this research tries to design a learning support model that includes a teacher who gives a lesson in a school and distance teaching assistants (Distance TAs) who asynchronously support group learners, who are engaged in problem-solving activities in a learning support environment and develop Distance TA's learning support methods and some tools used in this model. In addition, we aim at designing a Distnce TA's program in which he/she acquires the ability of distance learning support. In this paper, we describe a framework of the distance learning support model and then explain a function to monitor and activate Web bulletin board among Distance TAs and learner. Furthermore, we describe an educational practice and an evaluation result that used this function.

D7-7 (Time: 14:30 - 14:45)
TitleLearning Management System for Project Based Learning via The Internet in Teacher Training and Teacher Education
Author*Hisayoshi Inoue (Joetsu University of Education, Japan)
Pagepp. 853 - 856
KeywordProject Based Learning, Leaning Management System, Instructional Design, Problem-Solving, Work Flow
AbstractThe purpose of this study is development of the distance learning system for the teacher training and the teacher education that builds in the project based working by the group members' cooperation. The training program of the practicality was executed. As a result of the evaluation, it was suggested that the feature of PBL, that is the activity process, activity looked into oneself, and cooperative activity, have effectively acted on those who attended a lecture by "Activity guide" proposed by this research.

D7-8 (Time: 14:45 - 15:00)
TitleDevelopment of e-Learning Materials for Japanese Language Study - Preparatory Lessons for Beginning Level Students before Their Arrival in Japan-
Author*Tomoko Nakamizo (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. 857 - 860
AbstractTwo sets of e-learning materials for Basic Japanese Courses have been developed to respond to the needs of the international students at Yamaguchi University. One, is the material the students should study before coming to Japan. The material consists of necessary topics for their early days in Japan, aiming to achieve their easy adaptation and more efficient classes in the Japanese courses. The next step is to develop materials to encourage the students to study on a daily basis in their own country to attain a higher level skills in Japanese before coming to Japan.

Session E6  Communication Systems
Time: 9:00 - 10:30 Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Location: 8F 802 Room
Chairs: Hiromasa Habuchi (Ibaraki University, Japan), Seung-Hoon Hwang (Dongguk University, Republic of Korea)

E6-1 (Time: 9:00 - 9:18)
TitleSmall Ceramic Patch Antenna for UHF RFID Tag Mountable On Metallic Objects
Author*Jeong-Seok Kim, Won-Kyu Choi, Gil-Young Choi (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 861 - 864
KeywordRFID, Metal tag, Patch, Ceramic
Abstract A very small UHF band RFID tag antenna using ceramic material mountable on metallic objects is presented. The proposed tag size is 25x25x3 mm. The impedance of the antenna can be easily matched to the complex conjugate of the tag chip impedance from the size of the shorting plate of the side patch and the size of the feeding loop. The antenna satisfactorily operates on metal plates, so it is applicable in many applications. The proposed design is verified by simulation and measurements which show good agreement.

E6-2 (Time: 9:18 - 9:36)
TitleMulti-Band Internal Antenna for DVB-H and GSM Services
Author*Jeongpyo Kim (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea), Giho Kim, Wonmo Seong (E.M.W. Antenna. Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea), Jaehoon Choi (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 865 - 868
Keywordtunable, pifa, dvb-h, gsm
AbstractWe propose a multi-band internal antenna for the DVB-H and the GSM services. The proposed antenna consists of a tunable PIFA for the DVB-H service and a dual band folded monopole for the GSM 900 and the DCS 1800. The resonant frequencies of the designed antenna are independently adjusted. It can be used for a complex mobile set for a broadcasting service.

E6-3 (Time: 9:36 - 9:54)
TitleSemi-Blind Channel Estimation for OFDM with Multiple Receive Antennas
Author*Jin-Goog Kim, Kyun-Sang Park, Hyun-wook Jo, Jong-Tae Lim (Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 869 - 872
Keywordchannel estimation, OFDM, semi-blind
AbstractThis paper presents a semi-blind channel estimation scheme for OFDM systems with multiple receive antennas. Using the statistical property of the received signal, we combine the pilot-based least-squares estimator with the subspace-based blind estimator. To improve the performance of the subspace-based method, we reduce the effect on the residual error which affects the accuracy of the noise subspace. Simulation results show that the proposed method is effective and improves the performance.

E6-4 (Time: 9:54 - 10:12)
TitleSimultaneous Estimation of Azimuth and Elevation Angles and Frequency of Plane Wave Signals Using a Modified Matrix Pencil Method
Author*Muhammad Faisal Khan, Muhammad Tufail (Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Pakistan)
Pagepp. 873 - 876
KeywordMatrix Pencil, DOA, Parameter Estimation
AbstractThe modified matrix pencil method is extended from 2D to 3D for simultaneously estimating azimuth and elevation angles and frequency of multiple signals impinging on a volumetric array of sensors. Conventional matrix pencil method, which is used to estimate unknown parameters, needs a separate algorithm to associate the estimated components with each other to get proper groups of azimuth and elevation angles and frequencies of incoming signals. Proposed method automatically estimates unknown parameters in grouped form, thereby bypassing the computationally expensive pairing operation.

E6-5 (Time: 10:12 - 10:30)
TitleThe Variation of Ionospheric Slab Thickness at Thailand Equatorial Latitude Station
AuthorPusit Suvannasang, *Noraset Wichaipanich, Nipa Leelaruji (King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand), Mamoru Ishii (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan), Pornchai Supnithi (King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
Pagepp. 877 - 880
Keywordionospheric slab thickness, TEC, NmF2, foF2
AbstractThis paper presents the study and analysis of ionospheric slab thickness during the solar minimum in year 2006. The ionospheric slab thickness is obtained from the ratio of the total electron content (TEC) to the peak electron density in the F2 region (NmF2). According to the analysis of the total electron content and the peak electron density in the F2 region, the peak electron density in the F2 region by critical frequency (foF2) are determined by ionosonde technique. In addition, the total electron content are determined by the correlation of different time delay of 2 L - band signals from GPS satellites. All three parameters, critical frequency, total electron content, and peak electron density in the F2 region, are analyzed at the Chumphon campus King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang station, located at longitude 99.3 °E and latitude 10.7 °N. The analyzed results show that there are irregularities of all parameters during the equinox period and the ionospheric slab thickness at low latitude peaks in the pre-sunrise.

Session E7  EMI & EMC- RF Circuits & Components
Time: 13:00 - 14:12 Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Location: 8F 802 Room
Chairs: Koichi Tanno (Faculty of Engineering, University of Miyazaki, Japan), Young Yun (Korea Maritime University, Republic of Korea)

E7-1 (Time: 13:00 - 13:18)
TitleHighly Miniaturized RF Components Employing Metamaterial Structure on MMIC
AuthorHan-Nah Joh, *Young-Bae Park, Se-Ho Kim, Young Yun (Korea Maritime University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 881 - 884
KeywordRF passive components, metamaterial, MMIC
AbstractIn this study, we introduce highly miniaturized on-chip impedance transformer and Wilkinson power divider, which were fabricated using metamaterial structure on MMIC. Concretely, a microstrip line employing metamaterial was used for a fabrication of the RF passive components. The size of the impedance transformer and power divider were reduced to 2.3 and 6 % of the conventional one, respectively.

E7-2 (Time: 13:18 - 13:36)
TitleMiniaturized Active Balun MMIC Employing Active Device
Author*Young-Bae Park, Se-Ho Kim, Han-Nah Joh, Young Yun (Korea Maritime University, Republic of Korea), Kyu-Ho Park, Kwang-Ho Ahn (Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 885 - 888
Keywordactive balun, MMIC, power coupling, InGaP/GaAs HBT
AbstractIn this paper, miniaturized active baluns employing active device were proposed. The miniaturized active baluns were fabricated employing InGaP/GaAs HBT (heterojunction bipolar transistor) on GaAs substrate for MMIC applications, and especially a composite structure employing common-emitter (CE) and common-collector (CC) circuits was used for 90° power coupling. The size of the active balun for power coupling was about 1.9 % of conventional passive branch-line coupler. The active baluns for power coupling showed good RF performances comparable to passive branch-line couplers.

E7-3 (Time: 13:36 - 13:54)
TitleMiniaturized RF Components Employing π-type Multiple Coupled Microstrip Line Structure
AuthorSe-Ho Kim, *Young-Bae Park, Han-Nah Joh, Young Yun (Department of Radio Communication Engineering, Korea Maritime University, Republic of Korea), Kyu-Ho Park, Kwang-Ho Ahn (Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 889 - 892
KeywordWilkinson power divider, PPGM, MMIC
AbstractIn this work, using a π-type multiple coupled microstrip line structure (MCMLS), we fabricated highly miniaturized Wilkinson power divider and branch-line coupler. The line length of the Wilkinson power divider and branch-line coupler were reduced to about λ/44 and λ/38, respectively, and their size were 11.2 % and 14.6 % of conventional ones, respectively. The miniaturized Wilkinson power divider and branch-line coupler showed good RF performances in C band.

E7-4 (Time: 13:54 - 14:12)
TitleCommon-Mode Current of a PCB to Cable and Its Suppression of the Radiated Emission by Decoupling Capacitor
AuthorKi-bum Jung, *Min-Seok Han (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea), Yeon-choon Chung (Seokyeong University, Republic of Korea), Jaehoon Choi (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 893 - 896
KeywordPCB, EMI , Common-Mode Current, Signal Integrity
AbstractDecoupling capacitors on packages and printed circuit boards are often essential to reduce voltage fluctuation and maintain power and signal integrity. This paper presents the effect of decoupling capacitor on signal integrity and radiated emission about critical trace change by reference plane. It was observed that the decoupling capacitor is not to enhance signal integrity but to reduce the unnecessary radiation.

Session F6  Adaptive Systems & Modern Controls
Time: 9:00 - 10:30 Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Location: 8F 803 Room
Chairs: Arata Kawamura (Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, Japan), Piya Kovintavewat (Nakorn Pathom Rajaphat University, Thailand)

F6-1 (Time: 9:00 - 9:18)
TitleMethod for Estimating Amount of Delay of Sparse Channel Based on Phase-Only Correlation
Author*Atsushi Imamizu, Kiyoshi Nishikawa, Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
Pagepp. 897 - 900
Keywordadaptive filter, POC, sparse system, LMS
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a method for estimating an amount of delay of a sparse system using phase-only correlation(POC). The performance of the normalized-least-mean-square(NLMS) algorithm is largely affected by sparse systems, namely its rate of convergence decreases. Although proportionate NLMS(PNLMS) was proposed to improve the performance when the unknown system is a sparse system, only the NLMS algorithm could be used to update the filter. Therefore its performance depends on the correlation of the input signal. By taking advantages of property of POC, we exploit the amount of delay of the unknown sparse system without the effect of the correlation. Simulation results show that the proposed method could provide better estimation of the amount of delay compared to PNLMS when the input signal is correlated, such as speech signals.

F6-2 (Time: 9:18 - 9:36)
TitleConvex Combination of Affine Projection Filters with Individual Regularization
Author*Kwang-Hoon Kim (Pohang University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea), Young-Seok Choi (Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, United States), Seong-Eun Kim, Woo-Jin Song (Pohang University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 901 - 904
KeywordAffine projection algorithm, convex combination, regularization parameter
AbstractWe propose a convex combination of affine projection algorithm (APA) filters with individual regularization. Two APA filters with different regularization are adapted independently in order to keep the advantages of both component filters. By using their own error signals, separate filters are independently adapted, while the combination is adjusted by means of a stochastic gradient rule so as to minimize the error of the overall filter. This novel scheme provides improvement of performance in term of the convergence rate and the steady-state error. Experimental results in channel identification show the validity of the proposed algorithm when compared to the APA.

F6-3 (Time: 9:36 - 9:54)
TitlePartial-Update Linfinity-Norm Adaptive Filtering Algorithm with Sparse Updates
Author*Seong-Eun Kim (Pohang University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea), Young-Seok Choi (Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, United States), Yun-Ki Han, Woo-Jin Song (Pohang University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 905 - 908
KeywordAdaptive filtering, Linfinity-norm, partial-update, sparse updates
AbstractThis paper provides a partial-update normalized sign least-mean square (NSLMS) algorithm with sparse updates. The proposed algorithm reduces the computational complexity compared with the conventional L1-norm adaptive filtering algorithms by decreasing the frequency of updating the filter coefficients and updating only a part of the filter coefficients. And we develop a mean square analysis to present the convergence of the proposed algorithm. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has the good convergence performance with greatly reduced computational complexity.

F6-4 (Time: 9:54 - 10:12)
TitleA New Robust Narrowband Active Noise Control System Structure with Only One Channel for Referernce Signal Filtering
Author*Yegui Xiao (Prefectural University of Hiroshima, Japan)
Pagepp. 909 - 912
KeywordNarrowband active noise control , Filtered-x LMS, Secondary-path, IIR notch filter, Computational cost
AbstractIn a conventional narrowband active noise control system, each reference cosine wave has to be filtered by an estimate of the secondary-path. We call this part {\it x-filtering} block. The number of x-filtering blocks is equal to the number of targeted frequencies. The computational cost of the system due to the x-filtering operations may form a bottleneck in real system implementation. In this paper, we propose a new narrowband ANC system structure which requires only one x-filtering block regardless of $q$. All the cosine waves are combined as an input to a x-filtering block whose output is decomposed by an efficient bandpass filter bank into filtered cosine waves for the FXLMS that follows. As a result, the computaional cost of the system is considerably reduced. The new structure is further implanted in a recently developed ANC system that is capable of mitigating the frequency mismatch (FM). Simulations demonstrate that the new systems present robust performance very similar to that of their counterparts, but enjoy considerable advantages in system implementation.

F6-5 (Time: 10:12 - 10:30)
TitleOn-line and Off-line Based Approximation Algorithm for Model Predictive Control of Hybrid Systems
AuthorKoichi Kobayashi, *Van Tang Nguyen, Kunihiko Hiraishi (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 913 - 916
Keywordmodel predictive control, hybrid systems
AbstractIn this paper, an approximate algorithm for model predictive control of hybrid systems is proposed. The proposed algorithm consists of the off-line and the on-line computations. In the off-line computation, lower and upper bounds of the optimal value of a given cost function are calculated. In the on-line computation, after the mode sequence is decided by using off-line computation results, the finite-time optimal control problem is solved. So the reduction of the computation time in the on-line computation is achieved.

Session F7  Hard-Disk Drive Technology
Time: 13:00 - 14:48 Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Location: 8F 803 Room
Chair: Apirat Siritaratiwat (Khon Kaen University, Thailand)

F7-1 (Time: 13:00 - 13:18)
TitleStudy of Current Density Phenomenon on Scratched Media Magnetic Disk
Author*Yutthasak Todtong, Apirat Siritaratiwat (Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
Pagepp. 917 - 920
Keywordscratched media, current density
AbstractIn hard-disk drive industry, a media disk is one important part. It contains multilayer of various materials, i.e. magnetic, nonmagnetic, DLC etc [1]. In the production line, during a test performed, contamination or nano-particles can cause scratching on media disk. The size of scratch can be in a range of nanometer-millimeter. In this paper, a technique of current density applied to media disk is proposed in association with thermal observation. A constant current is applied to media disk and then a current density on detecting point is measured. A variation of bias current, detecting point and scratch depth is studied.

F7-2 (Time: 13:18 - 13:36)
TitleEffect of Write Current and Capacitive Coupling on Write-Read Traces
Author*Krisada Prachumrasee (Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University, Thailand), Apirat Siritaratiwat (I/U CRC in HDD Component, Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
Pagepp. 921 - 924
KeywordWrite-Current , Capacitive-Coupling , Write-Read Traces
AbstractThis study aims to investigate the effect of write-read coupling between write-read traces of recording head. It has been reported that a high data rate causes a serious coupling. Since a write-current is a main coupling source, the study of this current on the coupling is to investigate in association with the effect of capacitive-coupling. The results and discussions are explained.

F7-3 (Time: 13:36 - 13:54)
TitleGUI-Based Read Channel Simulation Tools in Magnetic Recording System
Author*Kitiyaporn Boonserm, Pornchai Supnithi (King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
Pagepp. 925 - 928
KeywordRead Channel, Magnetic Recording System, GUI tools
AbstractThis paper presents a simulation and visualization tool for the read channel in magnetic recording system based on MATLAB and GUI tools. The system consists of read-back signal generator, low-pass filter (LPF), FIR equalizer, Viterbi detector and Graphical user interface (GUI) structure. Simulation results show the signals of each component in read channel model and users can modify important relevant parameters in each subsystem.

F7-4 (Time: 13:54 - 14:12)
TitleAn MMSE Infinite Impulse Response Equalizer for Perpendicular Recording Channels with Jittter Noise
Author*Piya Kovintavewat (Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, Thailand), Chanon Warisarn, Pornchai Supnithi (King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
Pagepp. 929 - 932
KeywordIIR equalizer, perpendicular recording, partial response target, jitter noise
AbstractA finite impulse response (FIR) equalizer is practically employed in conjunction with the Viterbi detector for data detection process in magnetic recording channels. However, the FIR equalizer with a large number of taps is required at high density storage channels. It is well-known that an infinite impulse response (IIR) filter with a small number of taps can closely approximate such an FIR filter. In this paper, we propose the IIR filter for perpendicular recording channels, based on a minimum mean-squared error approach, and compare its performance with the FIR equalizer in the presence and in the absence of media jitter noise. Results indicate that the IIR equalizer performs better than the FIR equalizer for all jitter noise levels, especially when the number of equalizer taps is small (e.g., 3 taps) and the normalized recording density is high.

F7-5 (Time: 14:12 - 14:30)
TitleThe Performance Comparison Between DC-Full and DC-Attenuation Partial-Response Targets in Perpendicular Magnetic Recording Channel
Author*Yupin Suppakhun, Pornchai Supnithi (King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
Pagepp. 933 - 936
KeywordPerpendicular magnetic recording(PMR), dc-full target, dc-attenuation target, Noise-Predictive Maximum Likelihood(NPML)
Abstract In this paper, we investigate the performance of perpendicular recording channel for dc-full and dc-attenuation partial response targets under the environment of electronics noise and jitter noise. We compare the performance of partial-response maximum-likelihood (PRML) and noise-predictive maximum–likelihood (NPML) detector for both types of targets. The NPML system is more suited for dc-attenuation targets, whereas the dc-full targets are suited to PRML system at low jitter noise.

F7-6 (Time: 14:30 - 14:48)
TitleImprovement of Hard Disk Drive's Arm Bending Machine using Fuzzy Logic
Author*Settha Tangkawanit (Naresuan University, Thailand), Somyot Kaitwanidvilai (King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand), Surachet Kanprachar (Naresuan University, Thailand)
Pagepp. 937 - 940
Keywordhard disk drive, fuzzy logic, force control
AbstractHard Disk Drive’s arm (HDD’s arm) is one of the key elements in the HDD assembly. This element has to have the height of the arm measured from the reference be in the required range. To get such requirement, HDD’s arms have to pass to a bending machine in order to measure and adjust the height of the arms accordingly. Currently, if needed, a pre-defined bending force is applied to the arm. In this paper, the fuzzy logic rule to control the bending force is proposed. From the experimental data, it is found that the performance of the proposed technique in terms of the process capability index of the arm height error is superior to the conventional technique.

Session G6  Signal Processing for Communications
Time: 9:00 - 10:30 Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Location: 8F 804 Room
Chairs: Masaaki Yamanaka (Hiroshma International University, Japan), Sung-Bum Park (Samsung Electronics, Republic of Korea)

G6-1 (Time: 9:00 - 9:18)
TitleA Packet Loss Concealment Algorithm Robust to Burst Packet Loss for CELP-type Speech Coders
AuthorChoong Sang Cho (SoC Research Center, Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Republic of Korea), *Nam In Park, Hong Kook Kim (Department of Information and Communications, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 941 - 944
KeywordG.729, G.729.1, PLC
AbstractIn this paper, we proposed a packet loss concealment algo-rithm for a CELP-type speech coder that reduces the degra-dation of speech quality due to packet loss. The proposed PLC consists of a voicing probability, a periodic/random excitation generation, and speech amplitude control. We evaluated the performance of the proposed algorithm on G.729 under random and burst packet loss rates of 3% and 5% and compare it with PLC employed in G.729. From the PESQ measure, an A-B preference tests and a waveform comparison, it was shown that the proposed PLC algorithm provided better speech quality than the PLC employed in G.279 under packet loss rates of 3% and 5%.

G6-2 (Time: 9:18 - 9:36)
TitlePredictor Order and Error Distribution of MMAE Predictors for Lossless Image Coding
Author*Hirokazu Ueno, Yoshitaka Morikawa (Okayama University, Japan)
Pagepp. 945 - 948
Keywordlossless image coding, MMAE predictor, predictor order, error distribution
AbstractThis paper investigates the relation between an error distribution and a predictive order of minimum mean abusolute error predictors(MMAE predictors) designed for lossless coding of greyscale images. Design of MMAE predictors reduces to the linear programming problem. Let k is the number of coefficients in a predictor(predictor order), we imagine that predictor order k have a distribution shaping effect. Main purpose of this paper is to ensure that k have such an effect.

G6-3 (Time: 9:36 - 9:54)
TitleHigh Dynamic Range Image Watermarking
AuthorFabrizio Guerrini (University of Brescia, Italy), Masahiro Okuda (The University of Kitakyushu, Japan), *Nicola Adami, Riccardo Leonardi (University of Brescia, Italy)
Pagepp. 949 - 952
Keywordwatermarking , high dynamic range images
AbstractHigh Dynamic Range (HDR) images represent the future format for digital images since they allow more sensitive rendering. However, nowadays special types of pre-processing collectively known as tone mapping operators are needed to adapt HDR images to currently existing displays. Tone mapped images, although of reduced dynamic range, have nonetheless high quality and hence retain some commercial value. In this paper we propose a solution to the problem of HDR watermarking, e.g. for copyright embedding, that should survive tone mapping. Therefore, the requirements imposed on the watermark encompass imperceptibility, a certain degree of security and robustness to tone mapping operators. The proposed watermarking system belongs to the blind, detectable category, it is based on the QIM paradigm and employs a higher order statistic as feature. Preliminary experimental analysis shows positive results; more work is needed and currently underway.

G6-4 (Time: 9:54 - 10:12)
TitleLossless Compression of Color Halftone Images using Color Channel Adaptive Templates
Author*Sung-Bum Park, Woo-Sung Shim, Young-Ho Moon, Jong-Bum Choi, Dai-Woong Choi, Jae-Won Yoon (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 953 - 956
Keywordlossless compression, color halftone image, template design, line pattern
AbstractA novel lossless compression scheme is presented for color halftone images dithered by a clustered dot ordered screen. In the encoder, the context template is designed according to the line pattern of each color channel image. Based on the designed template, then, each channel image is compressed by a context-based arithmetic encoder. Finally, both the compressed image data and the template information are transmitted to the decoder. In the decoder, the template shape information is reconstructed, and then, the halftone image is decoded losslessly. Based on the adaptiveness of the template to the input image, the proposed system yields better compression performance than the conventional JBIG, which saves 35% of the JBIG bitstream.

G6-5 (Time: 10:12 - 10:30)
TitleSynthesis of a Complex Filter Using Lossy Transformers
Author*Kazuhiro Shouno, Yukio Ishibashi (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Pagepp. 957 - 960
Keyworddissipative, passive, analog, complex, filter
AbstractIn this paper, the synthesis of a dissipative complex filter is proposed. The proposed circuit is realized by using resistors, capacitors, and lossy transformers. As an example, a third-order complex filter is designed and its validity of the proposed method was confirmed through computer simulation.

Session G7  Network Systems
Time: 13:00 - 14:30 Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Location: 8F 804 Room
Chairs: Rardchawadee Silapunt (King Mongkut University of Technology, Thailand), Atsushi Ohta (Aichi Prefectural University, Japan)

G7-1 (Time: 13:00 - 13:18)
TitleSpam Traffic Characterization
Author*Jung-Yoon Kim, Hyoung-Kee Choi (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 961 - 964
KeywordSpam Traffic, Traffic Characterization, Spam, Email
AbstractIn recent years, email traffic has increased in the Internet. However, as the usage of emails has increased dramatically, the amount of spam traffic has increased tremendously too. There are many filters for spam detection and prevention, but most of them are not sufficiently efficient or accurate for use in practical filtering systems. To enhance the efficiency and accuracy of spam filtering, we first need to characterize and analyze the spam traffic. To accomplish this, we first collected spam traffic by capturing the email traffic on the backbone network of Sungkyunkwan University over a period of 24 hours and then classifying it into several categories using various approach levels in order to discover the characteristics and patterns within it. This study forms the basis for research into efficient and accurate spam filtering techniques.

G7-2 (Time: 13:18 - 13:36)
TitleSIDS Monitoring System using the LVQ
Author*Kyung Kwon Jung (Hallym University, Republic of Korea), Kyo Hwan Hyun, Joo Woong Kim, Jung Hoon Oh, Hyung Gook Joh, Ki Hwan Eom (Dongguk University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 965 - 968
KeywordSIDS, tri-axis accelerometer, LVQ
AbstractSudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the leading cause of unexplained death of an apparently healthy infant aged one month to one year. This paper presents an infant monitoring system which detects the movement of infants to prevent SIDS. The proposed system is composed of a movement sensing part and a motion detecting part. The movement sensing part uses a tri-axis accelerometer. The motion detecting part is based on the LVQ algorithm. The proposed monitoring system connects to an alarm for alerting a parent when an infant is in a predetermined position. We evaluated the performance of the monitoring system through experiments.

G7-3 (Time: 13:36 - 13:54)
TitleAn MMSE Channel Estimation Algorithm based on the Conjugate Gradient Method for OFDM Systems
Author*Shigenori Kinjo (Japan Coast Guard Academy, Japan)
Pagepp. 969 - 972
KeywordOFDM systems, MMSE channel estimation, Conjugate gradient method
AbstractIn this report, we propose a new scheme in order to implement an MMSE channel estimator for OFDM systems.We know that the time domain maximum likelihood estimator (MSE) can achieve highly accurate impulse response estimation by using a time domain long preamble of an OFDM frame.

G7-4 (Time: 13:54 - 14:12)
TitleOn Verification of Marking-Dependent Terminacy for Data-Flow Program Nets
AuthorShingo Yamaguchi, *Keisuke Komiya, Qi-Wei Ge, Minoru Tanaka (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. 973 - 976
Keyworddata-flow program, program net, terminacy, dead, verification
AbstractIn this paper, we discuss terminacy at the initial marking for (data-flow) program nets. Ge et al. have proposed an algorithm to verify terminacy at any marking, i.e. structurally terminacy. However, there is no algorithm to verify terminacy at the initial marking. In this paper, we give a necessary and sufficient condition to verify the terminacy. Using this condition, we construct a polynomial time algorithm for a subclass of program nets. We also show that the problem to verify the terminacy for general program nets is undecidable.

G7-5 (Time: 14:12 - 14:30)
TitleConstruction of Petri Nets and Calculation of Elementary T-invariants for Multi-stage-Encryptions Public-Key Cryptography: MEPKC
Author*Ryo Yamaguchi, Qi-Wei Ge, Mitsuru Nakata (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. 977 - 980
Keywordpublic-key cryptography, MEPKC, key generator, Petri net, elementary T-invariant
AbstractThis paper aims at automatically generating Petri nets that are used as key generator of a public-key cryptography MEPKC. MEPKC is different from general public-key cryptography, which opens a key-generator to the public and uses the elementary T-invariants as the encryption keys to repeatedly encrypt a plain text stage by stage, and so that the its security can be as strong as expected. The Petri net used as a key generator must include a lot of elementary T-invariants, and the creator of the Petri net must be able to grasp all the elementary T-invariants. In this paper, we propose a method of generating Petri nets whose complexity is enough to be a key generator and obtaining all its the elementary T-invariants.

Session H6  Power Electronics & Circuits 1
Time: 9:00 - 10:12 Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Location: 8F 805 Room
Chairs: Apinunt Thanachayanont (King Mongkut's Institute of Technology, Thailand), Fujihiko Matsumoto (National Defence Academy of Japan, Japan)

H6-1 (Time: 9:00 - 9:18)
TitleMaximum Output Power of Class E Amplifier for a Given Transistor, Operating Frequency, and DC Supply Voltage
Author*Takeshi Yasukouchi, Tadashi Suetsugu (Fukuoka University, Japan)
Pagepp. 981 - 984
KeywordClass E amplifier, MOSFET, maximum power
AbstractThis paper analyzes maximum output power of class E amplifier with arbitrary transistor. It is important to estimate maximum output power of class E amplifier when a specification of transistor is given. In this paper, values of circuit parameters that gives maximum output power for given operating frequency, dc supply voltage, and output capacitance of the transistor are calculated. This paper presents scheme to calculate circuit parameters that maximum output power in this condition. Finally, some example calculations are shown when this scheme was applied to some actual power MOSFET transistors.

H6-2 (Time: 9:18 - 9:36)
TitleAn Inductor-Type Current-Mode Buck Converter For Mobile Applications
Author*Youngkook Ahn, Donghun Heo, Hyunseok Nam, Jeongjin Roh (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 985 - 988
KeywordDC-DC converter, buck converter
AbstractAn inductor-type current-mode DC-DC buck converter was evaluated through HSPICE simulation with 0.18um CMOS process parameters. The current programmed mode (CPM) controller is designed for improved controllability of the DC-DC converter. A DC-DC buck converter is able to operate from 2.5V to 3.3V supply voltage. Overall peak efficiency is about 92%.

H6-3 (Time: 9:36 - 9:54)
TitleA Low Power Analog to Digital Interface for Digitally Controlled DC-DC Converter
Author*Dong Han (Institute of Microelectronics, Singapore), Liansoon Ng, YH, Yvonne Lam (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Pagepp. 989 - 992
KeywordDC-DC Converter, Digitally Controlled
AbstractThis paper presents a novel low power analog to digital interface (ADI) for digitally controlled DC-DC Converter. The whole ADI has been implemented in commercial 0.18 µm CMOS process design kit. Simulation results validate the design concept. The proposed ADI consumes 7.5 µA current under 1 V supply voltage with 500 KHz sampling rate and 4-bit resolution. It is very suitable for digitally controlled pulse width modulation (PWM) mode DC-DC converter.

H6-5 (Time: 9:54 - 10:12)
TitleMinimization of Power Consumption for the Monitoring of Mobile-WiMAX Service Coverage in DBDM Handsets
AuthorChangmin Lee, *Youngcheol Park (School of Electronics and Information Engineering Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 993 - 996
KeywordWiMAX, DBDM , Detector , Power consumption
AbstractThis paper presents a wideband active detector to scan the mobile WiMAX(mWiMAX) service area when a mWiMAX+cellular DBDM terminal is out of the mWiMAX coverage. The device, which consists of a wideband LNA and an envelope detector to minimize the power consumption for the scanning of signal existence, is designed to detect 10MHz of mWiMAX signal at 2.35GHz with the gain of 10~11dB. Measurement result shows 30~60mW of power consumption over the input power of -50 dBm~ 0 dBm, which is significantly lower power consumption compared to the case of conventional reception with full demodulation of mWiMAX signal.

Session H7  Power Electronics & Circuits 2
Time: 13:00 - 14:12 Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Location: 8F 805 Room
Chairs: Tadashi Suetsugu (Fukuoka University, Japan), Chiranut Sa-ngiamsak (Khon Kaen University, Thailand)

H7-1 (Time: 13:00 - 13:18)
TitleA Micropower CMOS Preamplifier for Cochlear Implant System
Author*Apiradee Yodtean, Apinunt Thanachayanont (King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
Pagepp. 997 - 1000
Keyword Low power CMOS
AbstractThis paper proposes a CMOS low-power low-voltage microphone preamplifier for a cochlear implant system. The proposed preamplifier using the Flipped Voltage Follower Current Sensing (FVFCS) technique to achieve low voltage, low power consumption. The proposed circuit was designed and simulated using a 0.35 μm CMOS process. Simulation results showed that the preamplifier can achieve 22-dB voltage gain while dissipating only 5.2 μW from 1.4-V power supply voltage.

H7-3 (Time: 13:18 - 13:36)
TitleAnalysis of the Radiation Noise and Efficiency Characteristics in a Quasi-resonant Converter
Author*Hironobu Shiroyama (Fuji Electric Device Technology Co., Ltd., Japan), Hirofumi Matsuo, Yoichi Ishizuka (Graduate School of Science and Technology, Nagasaki University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1001 - 1004
Keywordquasi-resonant converter, zero voltage switching, efficiency, radiation noise
AbstractIn this paper, the radiation noise and efficiency of the quasi-resonant converter are analyzed. A quasi-resonant converter using the flyback topology can realize the soft switching with simpler circuit. The performance characteristics such as the efficiency and radiation noise are analyzed on the quasi-resonant converter with the ZVS and the non-ZVS. As a result, it is clarified that the low radiation noise and high power efficiency are achieved with the non-ZVS.

H7-4 (Time: 13:36 - 13:54)
TitleVoltage Reference Circuitry Operating in Weak Inversion Region with Reduced Fluctuations of Supply Voltage and Ambient Temperature for LTPS TFT
Author*Yoshikazu Ishii, Yasoji Suzuki, Takafumi Satoh (Tokai University, Japan), Shigeki Imai (SHARP Corporation, Japan)
Pagepp. 1005 - 1008
Keywordvoltage reference circuit, LTPS TFT, kink effects
AbstractIn this paper, a modified voltage reference circuitry using LTPS TFT is proposed. The new modified voltage reference circuitry is unaffected by fluctuations of the power supply voltage and the ambient temperature due to the utilization of enhancement-depletion (E-D) reference circuit and the operation in the weak inversion region for generation of a stable reference voltage. To verify the performance of the new modified circuitry, the circuit simulation is carried out by using SPICE. As a result of the simulation, the supply voltage dependability (SVD) and the temperature coefficient (TC) achieves to values of 0.08967 [%/V] and 0.00203[%/°C], respectively, when the ambient temperature (Ta) is +25 °C and the supply voltage (VDD) is +8V. In brief, these characterisitcs of the new modified circuitry are improved comparing with that of the conventional circuit.

H7-5 (Time: 13:54 - 14:12)
TitleAn Emission Control Driver Using P-type TFTs for AMOLED Displays
Author*Bo-Yong Chung, Oh-Kyong Kwon (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea), Yojiro Matsueda, Hye-Dong Kim (Samsung SDI Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1009 - 1012
KeywordP-TFT, AMOLED, emission control driver, low power consumption, motion blur
AbstractWe designed an emission control driver using P-type TFTs to adjust the light emission period of an active matrix organic light emitting diode (AMOLED) displays. The P-TFT emission control driver has achieved rail-to-rail driving and low power consumption. Using this circuit, we can control peak brightness dynamically to reduce panel power consumption and motion blur. We developed 4.3 inch WQVGA AMOLED panel with the integrated proposed circuit. The output rising and falling times of P-TFT emission control driver measured on panel are 300 ns and 1.2 μs, respectively. The power consumption of the emission control driver with 272 stages is 0.2 W according to the measurement data.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Session P1  Poster Session 1
Time: 17:00 - 18:30 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 1F Trade Fair Hall

P1-1 ([Circuits & Systems] Linear/Nonlinear Systems)
TitleDesign of Cascade Observers for Robot Angular Link Velocity
Author*Dong Hun Kim (Kyungnam University, Republic of Korea), Eung-Seok Kim (Halla University, Republic of Korea), Hua O. Wang (Boston University, United States)
Pagepp. 1013 - 1016
Keywordcascade observer, high-gain observer, robot manipulator, velocity estimation
AbstractA new observer, namely a cascade observer, for a general class of nonlinear SISO systems was presented by the authors [1]. Inspired by but different from a highgain observer, the cascade observer features a cascade structure and adaptive observer gains. In doing so the cascade observer attempts to overcome some of the typical problems that may pose to a high-gain observer. Based on the cascade observer, the estimation problem of the angular link velocity is presented in this paper. As in the case of a highgain observer, the cascade observer structure is simple and universal in the sense that it is independent of the system dynamics and parameters. It is shown that the proposed cascade observer is applicable to robotic state estimation using only joint position measurements effectively.

P1-2 ([Circuits & Systems] Linear/Nonlinear Systems)
TitleElectronically tunable current-mode biquadratic circuit using current controlled unity gain cells
Author*Ayumu Karita, Takao Tsukutani (Matsue National College of Technology, Japan), Noboru Yabuki (Tsuyama National College of Technology, Japan), Yasuaki Sumi (Tottori University of Environmental Studies, Japan)
Pagepp. 1017 - 1020
KeywordCurrent controlled current follower, Voltage follower, Current-mode circuit, Biquadratic characteristic
AbstractThis paper introduces an electronically tunable current-mode biquadratic circuit employing current controlled unity gain cells. The circuit is constructed with two current controlled current followers (CCCFs), two CCCFs with voltage buffers (CCCFBs) and two grounded capacitors. The circuit can realize low-pass, band-pass, high-pass, band-stop and all-pass transfer functions by choosing appropriate current input and output terminals without any component matching conditions. Additionally, the circuit parameters w0 and Q can be tuned orthogonally through adjusting the bias currents. The biquadratic circuit enjoys very low sensitivities with respect to the circuit components. An example is given together with simulated results by PSPICE.

P1-3 ([Circuits & Systems] Linear/Nonlinear Systems)
TitleA Level Shifter for a Bias-Offset Transconductor
AuthorFujihiko Matsumoto, Toshio Miyazawa, *Shintaro Nakamura, Yasuaki Noguchi (National Defense Academy, Japan)
Pagepp. 1021 - 1024
KeywordIntegrated circuits, Analog circuits, Transconductors, Level shift circuit, CMOS
AbstractA transconductor is a fundamental building block for analog signal processing circuits, such as filters and multipliers. For such applications, the transfer characteristic of the transconductor is desired to be linear. The bias-offset transconductor is known as a linear MOS transconductor. The transconductor has floating voltage sources. This paper presents a new design of the floating voltage source.

P1-5 ([Circuits & Systems] Power Electronics & Circuits)
TitleA High Efficiency Boost Converter For TFT-LCD Bias Supply
Author*Hyunseok Nam, Inseok Kim, Youngkook Ahn, Jeongjin Roh (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1025 - 1028
Keyworddc dc converter, boost, tft lcd bias
AbstractA high efficiency boost converter is designed using a 0.5um 5-V, 3.5um 30-V CMOS process for TFT-LCD Bias supply. The boost converter's input power supply range is 2.5V~5V, the output voltage range is 10V-20V. The maximum load current is 120mA at an input power supply of 3V, output voltage of 20V and the maximum efficiency is 92% with input power supply at 5V, output voltage of 12V, and load current of 120mA.

P1-6 ([Circuits & Systems] Power Electronics & Circuits)
TitleIntegrated Circuit of CMOS DC-DC Converter with Second-Order Active Filter
Author*Zhi-Yuan Cui, Chang-Yoon Yeom, Hua-Lan Piao, Nam-Soo Kim (Chungbuk National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1029 - 1032
KeywordOn-Chip, DC-DC converter, active LP filter, CMOS
AbstractThe simple on-chip DC-DC converter is one using a single linear regulator to regulate over the desired frequency and voltage range. Active filter based on an op amp-RC resonator is proposed for a LC filter in DC-DC converter. Replacing a passive LP (low pass) filter to integrated circuit (IC) is important for the power electronics converter to achieve a simple and low-power on-chip DC-DC conversion scheme. We use an op amp-RC resonator for the second-order low-pass filter in the converter. The output ripple voltage is simulated by considering the simulation parameters in 0.35 μm CMOS process. Simulation result shows that the converter operates properly at 200 KHz switching frequency and the output ripple voltage is controlled within 57 mV at the input voltage of 5 V.

P1-7 ([Circuits & Systems] Power Electronics & Circuits)
TitleA 1MHz High Efficient, Two-Stage Interleaved Synchronous Buck CMOS DC-DC Converter
Author*Jong-Ha Park, Hoon Kim, Hee-Jun Kim (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea), Gyun Chae (ACROTECH Co.,Ltd., Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1033 - 1036
KeywordDC-DC converter, Buck, Interleaved, Synchronous
AbstractThis paper presents a high efficient 3.3 - 1V two-stage interleaved synchronous buck CMOS DC-DC converter designed with standard CMOS 0.35μm process parameter. The proposed circuit has a low ouput voltage ripple. To reduce the ouput voltage ripple, the duty cycle of the interleaved converter is fixed as D=0.5 by an input stage buck converter. It causes the best ripple cancelation of the output current ripple. The proposed circuit was simulated by HSPICE and the simulation results show that the efficiency of the proposed converter is more than 85% in the load current range of 125 - 400mA, and the peak-to-peak output voltage ripple is measured as 10 mV with the 1μF external output capacitor. From these results, the proposed circuit is adequate for the battery-operated system

P1-8 ([Circuits & Systems] Signal Processing)
TitleAn Extended Small Diamond Search Algorithm for Fast Block Motion Estimation
Author*Chang-Uk Jeong, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto (Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems, Waseda University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1037 - 1040
Keywordblock-matching algorithm, motion estimation, video compression
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a fast motion estimation algorithm that is suitable for searching both center-biased motion and large motion by applying the small diamond pattern used in some block-matching algorithms (BMA). The search will be terminated by a small diamond search (SDS) method after performing a large search based on a modified three-step search (3SS) strategy. The results of the experiment show an increase about 220% in the search speed compared to that of diamond search (DS) and efficient three-step search (E3SS) in a sequence that represent small motions in objects. Experimental results also demonstrate reasonable search points in the estimation of rough motions in high-resolution images, maintaining a performance better than other fast BMAs in terms of PSNR.

P1-9 ([Circuits & Systems] Signal Processing)
TitleA Method of Increasing Watermark Information Capacity with Five Sections for Audio Watermarking Method Based on Amplitude Modification
AuthorAkio Ogihara, *Naoya Inoue, Motoi Iwata, Akira Shiozaki (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1041 - 1044
Keyworddigital watermark, information security, signal processing
AbstractThe objective of this work is to increase the capacity of watermark information in the audio watermarking method based on amplitude modification. We increase the capacity of watermark information by dividing a GOS (Group of Samples) into five sections.

P1-10 ([Circuits & Systems] Signal Processing)
TitleSound Quality Improvement by Embedding Position Grouping for Audio Watermarking Method Using Smearing Transformation
AuthorAkio Ogihara, *Takashi Iwamoto, Motoi Iwata, Akira Shiozaki (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1045 - 1048
Keyworddigital watermark, information security, signal processing
AbstractThe objective of this work is to improve the sound quality of the audio watermarking method using smearing transformation. In this paper, we propose “Embedding Position Grouping” to improve the sound quality of watermarked audio.

P1-11 ([Circuits & Systems] Signal Processing)
TitleDesign for IIR Digital Filters with Discrete Coefficients Using Weighted Modified Least-Square Criterion
Author*Masayoshi Nakamoto, Yuuki Hayakawa, Yutaka Kurumaji, Takao Hinamoto (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1049 - 1052
KeywordIIR Digital Filters, Weighted Modified Least-Square Criterion, Discrete Coefficients, Branch and Bound Method, Lagrange Multiplier Method
AbstractIn this paper, we formulate the filter design problem based on modified least square criterion in the frequency domain. Here the problem is expressed as quadratic form and we optimize the filter coefficients by using branch and bound method in discrete space. In the branch and bound method, we calculate the relaxation solution based on the Lagrange multiplier method and search in the domain in which good possible solutions exist. In this method, the stable solutions whose poles are all inside the unit circle are just acceptable, so the stability of the filter can be guaranteed. Finally, numerical example is given to illustrate the utility of the proposed method.

P1-12 ([Circuits & Systems] Signal Processing)
TitleDesign of Mobile Digital Stereo Amplifier System using TPA2008D2 & Secondary Battery
AuthorJoon-Hoon Park, *Min-Kyu Park, Ki-Seo Lee, Young-Gyu Choi (Chungju National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1053 - 1056
Keywordclass-D Amplifier, PCM, Mobile IT
AbstractExisting audio power amplifiers do not satisfy the requirement of recent digital products such as PMP and MP3 that requires mobility and miniaturization, because of large volume due to high power, and inconvenient transfer to direct connection back of power supply. To solve these problems, we designed class-D digital stereo amplifier to use TI 's TPA2008D2, which power dissipation and low caloric value. The second lithium ion polymer battery applied and implemented low electric power and high effectiveness mobile digital audio system. Designed digital audio system can fill up the battery through power adapter and USB port. We passed through efficient circuit pattern design process and analysis experiment about inside noise for stable digital audio system design. Also, we could improve the reliability of product development by using 3D digital amplifier circuit, which is applicable to mobile digital audio system design.

P1-13 ([Circuits & Systems] Signal Processing)
TitleBoundary Estimation with a Modified Multi-Layer Neural Network
Author*Jae-Hyoung Kim, Chan Yong Kim, Jung Chul An, Bong-Yeol Choi (Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea), Sin Kim, Jeong Seong Lee, Kyung Youn Kim (Cheju National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1057 - 1060
Keywordmultilayer neural network, boundary estimation, electrical impedance tomography, sigmoid function
AbstractThis work presents a boundary estimation approach for binary mixture fields based on a modified multi-layered neural network and front point approach. The boundary shape of anomaly is expressed with front points and the unknown front points are estimated with the proposed multi-layered neural network. Numerical experiments show that the proposed approach has a good possibility for the application in the visualization of a binary mixture boundary for real-time monitoring and has enhanced performances.

P1-14 ([Circuits & Systems] Solid-State Circuits)
TitleA Frequency Synthesizer with Passive Mixer and LC-Tuned BPF for UWB Applications
Author*Tae-won Ahn (Dongyang Technical College, Republic of Korea), Je-cheol Moon (FCI Inc., Republic of Korea), Yong-woo Kim, Yong Moon (Soongsil University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1061 - 1064
Keywordfrequency synthesizer, passive mixer, BPF, UWB
AbstractA fast-hopping frequency synthesizer that reduces complexity and power consumption is presented for MB-OFDM UWB applications. The proposed architecture uses 3960 MHz LC VCO, 528 MHz ring oscillator, passive mixer and LC-tuned Q-enhancement BPF to generate Band Group 1 frequencies. The adjacent channel rejection ratio is less than -40 dBc for 3432 MHz and -44 dBc for 4488 MHz. A fast switching SCL-type MUX is used to produce the required channel output signal and it takes less than 2.2 ns for band switching. The total power consumption is 47.9 mW from a 1.8-V supply.

P1-15 ([Circuits & Systems] Solid-State Circuits)
TitleLinearity-Optimized 3.5 GHz GaN HEMT Doherty Amplifier
AuthorYong-Sub Lee, *Mun-Woo Lee, Yoon-Ha Jeong (Pohang University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1065 - 1068
KeywordDoherty amplifier, efficiency, GaN HEMT, linearity
AbstractThis paper reports the linearity optimization of GaN HEMT Doherty amplifier for 3.5 GHz WiMAX applications. For the linearity optimization of the Doherty amplifier, not only gate biases but also shunt capacitors in output matching circuits of the carrier and peaking cells are controlled. For experimental verifications, a Doherty amplifier is designed and implemented using Cree CGH40010 with 10-W peak envelope power (PEP) and tested using a 1-carrier WCDMA and WiMAX signals. The Doherty amplifier is optimized for a WiMAX signal at an output power of 33 dBm, which is a 9.5-dB back-off power from the saturation power of 42.5 dBm. From the measured results, the relative constellation error (RCE) is –34.2 dB with the drain efficiency of 27.8%, compared to the class-AB power amplifier with the RCE and drain efficiency of -24.3 dB and 16.3 %.

P1-16 ([Circuits & Systems] Solid-State Circuits)
TitleLogarithmic and Antilogarithmic Circuit with Gate - to - Substrate Biasing Technique
AuthorSanchai Harnsoongnoen, *Chiranut Sa-ngiamsak, Poonsak Intarakul (Khon Kaen University, Thailand), Rardchawadee Silapunt (King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand)
Pagepp. 1069 - 1072
Keywordweak inversion, logarithmic circuit, antilogarithmic circuit, G-B biasing technique
AbstractThis is a report on a high frequency response and low static power dissipation logarithmic and antilogarithmic circuit generated by a single MOS transistor operating in a weak inversion mode with the gate–to–substrate (G-B) biasing technique. A comparison of the simulation results and the measurements is shown in this paper. The simulation results are generated by PSPICE with AMS 0.8µm technology. The simulation results are also compared with the case of conventional biasing technique. The comparison intriguingly reveals that the frequency response of the proposed circuit is 45k times higher than that of the conventional circuit; its static power consumption is zero watt due to none of biasing current to operate the device when there is no input signal.

P1-17 ([Circuits & Systems] Solid-State Circuits)
TitleA Multi-Standard 13.56MHz RFID Reader System
Author*Yong-Chang Choi, Min-Woo Seo, Young-Han Kim, Hyung-Joun Yoo (Information and Communications University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1073 - 1076
KeywordRFID, 13.56MHz, Multistandard, ISO14443, ISO15693
Abstractwe consider analyzing 13.56MHz RFID system and generating required specifications of RFID system. Through these processes, we proposed a compatible 13.56MHz RFID reader system.

P1-18 ([Circuits & Systems] Solid-State Circuits)
TitleMethod of Comparator Offset Manipulation by Fowler-Nordheim Stress
Author*In-Young Chung (Kwangwoon University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1077 - 1080
Keywordoffset, comparator, FN stress, threshold voltage, ROM
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a method to manipulate offsets of comparator circuits. By selective FN stressing on MOS transistors, it alters MOS threshold voltages and the comparator offset resultantly. This method has numerous advantages over the conventional offset cancelling methods, not increasing circuit area, nor degrading operation timings, nor demanding the floating gate process. This method also can be utilized for a read-only memory cell by intentionally implanting positive or negative offsets, which is multiple times programmable with the standard CMOS process. We apply it to the latch-type comparator and show that the offset get adjusted to the desired value through experiments.

P1-19 ([Circuits & Systems] Solid-State Circuits)
TitleA Multimode CMOS Low Noise Amplifier Using Wideband Matching
Author*Young-Han Kim, Hyung-Joun Yoo (Information and Communications University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1081 - 1084
Keywordmultimode, LNA, wideband, WLAN, Wibro
AbstractThis paper describes a 0.18 um CMOS wideband multimode LNA for wireless applications, such as WAVE (802.11p), WLAN (802.11a/b/g), WCDMA and Wibro. The circuit topology is a cascode structure with selective input path and wideband output matching for high gain with a low noise figure. By reducing the the quality factor (Q factor) of the narrowband LNA, it can get the flat passband gain. This structure is able to keep high gains in desired bands by adding a buffer. Simulation results show gains of 13.5 dB in 2 GHz and 13 ~ 15 dB over a bandwidth range from 3 to 5 GHz. This LNA achieves noise figures of 2.3 dB and 1.92~2.9 dB and power dissipations of 15.5 mW and 12.5 mW at 2 GHz and 3 ~ 5 GHz bands, under a power supply of 1.8V. The input/output return loss is less than -10 dB.

P1-21 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleA Hybrid SA-GA Method for Finding the Maximum Number of Switching Gates in a Combinational Circuit
Author*Ichiro Ruben Ruiz Obregon, Alberto Palacios Pawlovsky (Toin University of Yokohama, Japan)
Pagepp. 1085 - 1088
KeywordGenetic Algorithms, Switching Gates, Combinational Circuits, Simulated Annealing
AbstractThis work shows the results obtained with the combined application of simulating annealing (SA) and genetic algorithms (GA) in the generation of inputs pairs that cause the maximum number of switching gates in combinational circuits. We found that a combination of SA and GA produces better results than those obtained using only one of them.

P1-22 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleDesign of Clock Gears for Low-power Media Bus
Author*Yong-Hwan Lee, Hoon-Ju Chung, Chang-Gu Rho (Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1089 - 1092
KeywordLow-Power, Media Bus, Clock Gears, Serial Interface
AbstractIn this paper, we design and verify a clock gear for low-power media bus. An audio applications use various sample rates i.e. 4K family (4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 96 KHz) and 11.025K family (11.025, 22.05, 44.1, 88.2 KHz) frequencies. To support those frequencies, many clock sources are required and the fixed frequency of clock source often results in unnecessary power dissipation. Clock gears can simplify the problem related to clock. There is no need to use many clock sources but only one clock source can generate various clock frequencies. Clock gears can dynamically change the frequency of clock according to the amount of data for optimal power consumption. The Clock gear is designed in Verilog HDL and simulated. During simulation, the frequency of clock is calculated and automatically checked by a result verification program to validate the function of the clock gears

P1-23 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleAn Efficient Hardware Allocation Algorithm for Optimal Hardware Architecture Design
Author*Kyung-Min Eom (School of Computer Science, Semyung University, Republic of Korea), Dal-Hwan Yoon (Department of Electronic Engineering, Semyung University, Republic of Korea), Chi-Ho Lin (School of Computer Science, Semyung University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1093 - 1096
KeywordAllocation, Binding, Algorithm, Dynamic Register
AbstractThe proposed algorithm works on scheduled input graph and allocates binds function-al units, registers and interconnections by considering interdependency between operations and memory in elements in each control step, in order to share registers and interconnections connected to functional units, as much as possible. Also, the register allocation is especially executes the allocation optimal using graph coloring techniques. Therefore the overall resource is reduced

P1-24 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleThe Regularized FPGA Development Platform Verification Flow for Wireless Mobile SoC
Author*Hyunil Kwon (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea), Jookwang Kim, Sangmin Bae, Kyungho Kim (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea), Chungyong Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1097 - 1100
KeywordFPGA, Development Platform, Mobile SoC
AbstractIn the development and commercialization phase of information technology products embedded with the special purposed system on a chip (SoC), field-programmable gate array (FPGA) based platform has been widely used as the logic function test methodology for basic or advanced features and mobile station emulator. In this situation, to define the uniform verification approach on FPGA development platform, we introduce a regularized verification flow. To evaluate its availability, we consider 3rd generation partnership project (3GPP)-series Release 7 high speed packet access (HSPA) specifications. Finally along with this regularized verification flow, we have fully evaluated our implemented physical/higher layer of HSPA.

P1-25 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleAn Analysis of On-Chip-Network Communication Properties on Shared and Multiple Channel Architecture
Author*Sanghun Lee, Chanho Lee (Soongsil University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1101 - 1104
KeywordOn-Chip-Network, SoC Bus, AMBA, AHB, SNA
AbstractThe AMBA AHB has been popular bus architecture so far due to its simple architecture. Complex system-on-chips (SoCs) with multiple masters usually employ bus architecture with multiple layers or multiple channels because they require large bandwidth. We construct four systems with different bus configuration to analyze and compare the performance of shared buses and on-chip-network with multiple channels. The systems include multiple masters in parallel processing. The shared bus architecture with multiple layers provides less bandwidth than expected and the on-chip-networks with independent multiple channels show better performance. The system with multiple channels shows 2-3 times better performance than that with the AHB. The results are verified by simulation and implementation using an FPGA.

P1-26 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleArea Efficient H.264/AVC CAVLC Decoder Architecture
Author*Byung-Sik Choi, Jong-Yeol Lee (Chonbuk National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1105 - 1108
KeywordH.264/AVC, CAVLC Decoder, Low area
AbstractIn this paper, we propose an area-efficient VLSI architecture of H.264/AVC CAVLC decoder. In the proposed architecture, we reduce the decoder area by rearranging the lookup tables. We also save the bus area and cycles by delaying T1s decoding to the final reordering step which is performed in output buffer. To remove the overlapped logics we combine a controller and a barrel shifter. By using the proposed architecture, we can reduce the area by about 30% compared with previous work. We design the proposed decoder using Verilog HDL and synthesize using 0.35μm standard cell library. We verify the proposed architecture by simualation that the designed decoder can run at the frequency of 50Mhz.

P1-27 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleDesign of Low-Power Asynchronous MSP430 Processor Core Using AFSM Based Controllers
Author*Myeong-Hoon Oh (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea), Chihoon Shin (University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea), Seongwoon Kim (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1109 - 1112
Keywordasynchronous circuit, AFSM, low-power processor, sensor node, MSP430
AbstractAs an asynchronous design method, TiDE tool chain supports the robust design flow at a high level with an asynchronous specialized language, HASTE. However, there is a limitation at an optimized step, since it is difficult for designers to know and manage inner synthesis operations. With a button-up manner based on the synthesis method with asynchronous finite state machine (AFSM), we design an asynchronous MSP430 core which is widely used in the sensor nodes. The designed asynchronous MSP430 core was compared with an already designed asynchronous MSP430 core which employed the TiDE tool flow and a clock based synchronous MSP430 core at 0.13 um CMOS technology. The maximum performance of the TiDE tool version was only 40.6 % of the synchronous or the AFSM version. The AFSM version saves the energy consumption of the synchronous version and the TiDE tool version by about 31.9 % and 28.8 %, respectively.

P1-28 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleFuzzy Inference Models Appropriate for Digital Circuit
Author*Shinya Nagamine, Noritaka Shigei, Hiromi Miyajima (Kagoshima University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1113 - 1116
Keywordfuzzy inference, FPGA, division-free, ensemble learning
AbstractIn this paper, we propose fuzzy learning models suitable for digital circuit implementation. In the first place, we propose a division-free model which is advantageous in the circuit size and the processing speed. Next, we also consider to improve the accuracy of the division-free model by using ensemble learning. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is demonstrated by numerical simulations. Further, we describe a digital circuit design of the proposed model, and show the effectiveness of the design by the implementation on FPGA.

P1-29 ([Circuits & Systems] Test Technology)
TitleTest Case Generation of Concurrent Programs Based On Event Graph
Author*Zuohua Ding, Kao Zhang, Jueliang Hu (Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, China)
Pagepp. 1117 - 1120
KeywordSoftware testing, concurrent program, test case, event graph
AbstractThis paper attempts to generate test cases for concurrent programs based on event graph. Through the analysis of state transition of event graph, sub-event-graphs can be generated. Each sub-event-graph corresponds to a test case. We may get benefits from this method in the following. 1) While executing the test case, we can monitor the state transition. 2) Every sub-event-graph is an execution path, or a simulation, thus all test cases are feasible. 3) Since the number of states in the event graph is finite, it is not likely to hit state explosion problem in the test generation process.

P1-30 ([Circuits & Systems] Test Technology)
TitleImplementation of Emulator for Evaluating the RF Characteristics of Active RFID
Author*Taeseung Song (Korea Testing Laboratory, Republic of Korea), Joon Lyou (Chungnam National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1121 - 1124
Keywordemulator, RF characteristic, reader, tag, RFID
AbstractIn this study, an emulator for standard conformance test on active RFID has been designed and substantiated. The developed evaluating device is a standard signal generator with reproducibility for standard conformance testing. It was designed so that the emulator would give commands or responses to the reader and tag to be tested, and that can check the malfunction of the reader and the tag using a standard signal. Further, some random functional changes, (i.e., transmission output, frequency shift, bit rate accuracy), have been made to the evaluating device to check for various errors and malfunctions raised in the testing sample for improvements to be made.

P1-31 ([Circuits & Systems] Neural Networks)
TitleOptimization of Distances for a Stochastic Embedding and Clustering of High-Dimensional Data
Author*Naoto Nishikawa, Shinji Doi (Osaka University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1125 - 1128
Keyworddata mining, data clustering, data visualization, stochastic proximity embedding
AbstractThe stochastic proximity embedding (SPE) is a method of data visualization in research area of data clustering and mining. The SPE can visualize high-dimensional data by embedding them in a low-dimensional space according to a given similarity among input data. This paper extends the SPE by applying a simple iterative learning process. Without any knowledge on data, the extended SPE can automatically optimize the similarity of data and can produce low-dimensional embeddings more accurately than the original SPE.

P1-32 ([Circuits & Systems] Medical Electronics & Circuits)
TitleMeasurement Site and Applied Pressure Consideration in Wrist Photoplethysmography
Author*Eun Geun Kim, Hyun Heo, Ki Chang Nam, Young Huh (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1129 - 1132
Keywordphotoplethysmography, wrist, position, pressure, u-health
AbstractThe objective of this study is to describe preliminary evaluation of a new optical reflectance sensor module with air pressure cuff. In order to improve PPG signals from the wrist as an example of wearable PPG, the optical reflectance sensor module includes two identical photodiodes and a pair of red and infrared LED. The sensor module was packaged inside of a cuff to demonstrate the effects of pressure applied to reflectance probe at the radial artery in the wrist. PPG signals with large amplitude were measured when the induced cuff pressure was close to mean blood pressure. This result will be applied to development of a wrist type healthcare device.

P1-33 ([Circuits & Systems] Intelligent Transportation Systems)
TitleSuggestions of Development Methodology for Railway Software
Author*Eui-jin Joung, Kyung-ho Shin (Korea Railroad Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1133 - 1136
KeywordRailway software, safety criteria, development methodology
AbstractOne of the main concerns of railway system is to secure safety. Nowadays digital technology has been rapidly applied to safety critical system. The digital system performs more varying and highly complex functions efficiently compared to the existing analog system because software can be flexibly designed and implemented. The flexible design makes it difficult to predict the software failures. For this reason, the safety criteria are suggested to secure the software safety for the field of railway system. Following them, the railway software has to be examined whether it is properly developed according to the safety criteria and certification process. Also because the articles suggested in safety criteria are written in legal term, it is difficult to apply the criteria to develop railway software. This paper suggests and discusses a development methodology to solve these issues.

P1-34 ([Circuits & Systems] Other)
TitleA Low-Cost Resistance-to-Time Converter for Resistive Bridge Sensors
Author*Jin-Woong Jeong, Chang-Soo Won, Won-Sup Chung, Sang-Hee Son (Cheongju University, Republic of Korea), Kyoung-Rok Cho (Chungbuk National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1137 - 1140
KeywordCircuit theory and design, Resistance-to-time converters, Resistive bridge sensors
AbstractA low-cost resistance-to-time converter is presented for interfacing resistive bridge sensors. It consists of a resistive half bridge, two current-mode Schmitt triggers, a ramp voltage generator, a one-shot multivibrator, and two logic gates. SPICE simulations using discrete components exhibit a conversion sensitivity amounting to 6186.7 μs/Ω over the resistance deviation range of 0-2 Ω, and its linearity error is less than 0.0006 %. Power dissipation of the converter is 15.57 mW.

P1-35 ([Circuits & Systems] Other)
TitleDesign and Layout of CMOS Interface Circuit for Measuring Photoplethysmogram
Author*Woo Ram Lee, Wan Jik Lee, Chang Soo Won, Sang Hee Son, Won Sup Chung (Cheongju University, Republic of Korea), Kyoung Rok Cho (Chungbuk University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1141 - 1144
KeywordCMOS interface, OTA, analog circuit, PPG, Photo sensor
AbstractA CMOS interface circuit for measuring PPG(Photoplethysmogram) is proposed and designed by using current-control Schmitt trigger in this paper,. This circuit detects the blood beat using PPG which occurs in bloodbeat sensor and composed of analog and digital parts. Current signal of sensor is converted into voltage in analog parts and then converted into digital signal in digital parts. Compared to the conventional method, operation speed is increased and linear error is diminished by applying OTA(Operational transconductance amplifier) to Schmitt trigger circuit and oscillator. Also, proposed and designed circuit has some features of low power consumption, simple structure and high resolution compared with previous method.

P1-36 ([Circuits & Systems] Other)
TitleDesign and Analysis of the Lens Converting the Spot Light into the Line Light
Author*Kyu-Man Choi, Yun-Sic Lee, Sang-Hun Lee, Yong-Woo Choi (Kwandong University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1145 - 1148
KeywordLED, LED Lens, BLU, LGP
AbstractA CCFL which commonly used in the back light units for the LCD, possess very high brightness hence, was widely used as a line light source. However, the use of CCFL, caused for several environmental concerns since it contain highly toxic mercury, gradually replaced into a LED. But the LED is a spot light source, the dark area occurs in the surface of the back light units. In this paper, we proposed the lens that can convert the spot light into the line light and it can remove the dark area in the surface of the back light units. The lens is composed with the light condensation part and the light guiding part. The conditions obtained will be helpful to plan an optimum structure for such preparation.

P1-37 ([Circuits & Systems] Other)
TitleFabrication of Drug Delivery System with Piezoelectric Micropump for Neural Probe
Author*Sewan Park (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea), Hyeon Cheol Kim (University of Ulsan, Republic of Korea), Kukjin Chun (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1149 - 1152
Keywordneural probe, micropump
AbstractThis paper describes a microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) micromachined drug delivery system with micropump and microchannel for neural probe capable of selectively delivering chemicals as well as electrically recording. The neural probe is developed to support research in neurophysiology. For the realization of chemical stimulating at controlled release rate, the micropump and fluidic microchannel are integrated. The micropump is a peristaltic type with diffuser/nozzle elements actuated by the piezoelectric force. The process for the neural probe are performed with one silicon wafer. The structure of neural probe, microchannel and chamber of micropump are defined by silicon deep etch process. The membrane of micropump and dielectric passivation layer is fabricated by polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS).

P1-38 ([Computers] Computer Systems/Applications)
TitleAnalysis and Accuracy Improvement for Perceptron-based Branch Prediction Method
Author*Jiajing Liu, Shinji Kimura (Waseda University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1153 - 1156
Keywordbranch prediction, Perceptron, accuracy improvement
AbstractIn the modern microarchitecture, high accuracy of branch predictors is essential for improving the overall performance of the processors. With the emergence of the Perceptron-based predictors, prediction based on long global branch history becomes possible, and this advantage gives this type of strategies much potential in achieving extremely high prediction accuracy. This paper devises two methods to obtain further accuracy improvement through slight modifications on the original structure, and presents the analysis of the limitation of indexing function refinement on Perceptron-based branch predictor. The performance of the two methods and the limitation analysis are evaluated with the championship branch prediction framework.

P1-39 ([Computers] Computer Systems/Applications)
TitleNetwork Protocol based Power Management Architecture and Method in Always-On Home-Network devices
Author*Chang-Sic Choi, Wan-Ki Park, Kwang-Roh Park (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1157 - 1160
Keywordpower-controll, home-gateway, sleep-wakeup, home-network, ACPI
AbstractAggregated power consumption of home-network devices is rapidly increased because these devices are operated in powered-on state to support anyone, anywhere, anytime services. In this papare, we propose network-protocol based power management method and its architecture for our developing home-gateway. Proposed method maintains network informtion database at normal state, and set home-gateway into standby-state without loss of network connections or working contexts. Thus our proposed method and developing home-gateway can save power consumption dramatically in always-on home-network environments.

P1-40 ([Computers] Computer Systems/Applications)
TitleA Novel Instruction Set for the Packet Processing on the Network ASIP
Author*Won-Young Chung, Yeo-Phil Yoon, Yong-Surk Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1161 - 1164
KeywordASIP, LISA, network router, packet processing
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a new instruction set for a network ASIP(Application Specific Instruction-set Processor). The new instruction set was designed for the packet processing engine on a network router. The network ASIP to accelerate the packet processing operation was built on a baseline ASIP, which is based on the general RISC structure. The new instruction set is divided into two groups. They are operated on each of its functional unit within the execution stage. After the derivation of the HDL-model from LISA, the functional units were replaced by a hand-written Verilog-HDL.

P1-41 ([Computers] Computer Systems/Applications)
TitleDetection and Correction of Accidental Semantic Errors
Author*Dong-Joo Kim (Anyang University, Republic of Korea), Han-Woo Kim (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1165 - 1168
Keywordspelling checker, accidental errors, co-occurrence frequency, abstract dependency structure
AbstractOne of the most important characteristics of accidental errors to result from simple mistyping is that there is serious discrepancy between erroneous words and their surrounding context. To detect and correct these errors, contextual information such as n-gram or co-occurrence frequency is needed. However, despite these and other advances, detection and correction of accidental errors in agglutinative languages such as Korean is crawling yet due to relatively freely movable component. This paper presents another method to detect and correct accidental errors using abstract dependency structure to remove functional dependency relations. To capture contextual information of word from abstract dependency structure, our method uses the co-occurrence frequency for words in immediate dependency relations between content words.

P1-42 ([Computers] Computer Systems/Applications)
TitleSome Properties of Quantum Data Search Algorithms
Author*Keisuke Arima, Hiromi Miyajima, Noritaka Shigei (Kagoshima University, Japan), Michiharu Maeda (Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 1169 - 1172
Keywordquantum computer, file searching, Grover's algorithm, Ventura's algorithm
AbstractThis paper deals with some properties of quantum data search algorithms. First, Grover's and Ventura's algorithms for quantum data search are introduced and compared with each other. As a result, it is shown that both algorithms are not always universal with the number of stored data. Further, some properties on the data search algorithms are shown.

P1-43 ([Computers] Computer Systems/Applications)
TitlePerformance Evaluation of the Nano OS Kernel based on System State-Monitor for Ubiquitous Sensor Network
Author*Dong Myung Lee (Tongmyong University, Republic of Korea), Kwangyong Lee (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1173 - 1176
Keywordubiquitous, sensor, Nano Qplus, zigbee, state-monitor
AbstractNot only the MCU stopping and the auto-reset problems but also the dead end transition problems in the Nano OS kernel of the sensor modules are analyzed in this paper. In order to avoid and control these problems, the stack-safe Nano OS kernel suitable for USN and the system state-monitor mechanism in the Nano OS are suggested, and the performance is evaluated by a number of experimentation. The evaluation results show that the reliability and stability enhancements can be adapted and achieved by implementing thread-driven Nano OS kernel based on system state-monitor for USN.

P1-44 ([Computers] Computer Aided Design)
TitleA Synthesis Method of General Floating-Point Arithmetic Units by Aligned Partition
AuthorLiangwei Ge, Song Chen (Waseda University, Japan), *Yuichi Nakamura (NEC, Japan), Takeshi Yoshimura (Waseda University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1177 - 1180
Keywordhigh-level synthesis, floating-point arithmetic, polynomial approximation
AbstractFloating-point arithmetic units (FPU) have paramount importance in applications that involve intensive mathematic operations. However, previous implementations of FPU either require much manual work or only support special functions (e.g. reciprocal, square root, logarithm, etc.). In this paper, we present an automatic method to synthesize general FPU by aligned partition. Based on the novel partition algorithm, our method supports functions of wide, irreducible domain. The synthesized FPU achieves smaller area, higher frequency, and greater accuracy. Experimental results show that our method obtains 1) on average 90% smaller and 2.1 times faster indexer than the conventional automatic method; 2) on the hyperbolic functions, 20k times smaller error rate and 50% use of LUTs and flip-flops than the conventional manual design.

P1-45 ([Computers] Computer Aided Design)
TitleEnergy-Aware Task Scheduling for Multi-Processor Systems considering Battery Lifetime
Author*Il-jong Jung, Jong-wha Chong (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1181 - 1184
Keywordscheduling, DVS, battery, multi-processor
AbstractIncreasing needs of large-scale tasks, using single processor in a system is inefficient because it causes waste of energy consumption due to high operating frequency. To overcome the defect of a single processor, multi-processor systems which can operate tasks on low frequency are required to minimize energy consumption. Since the multi-processor systems are expanded to portable devices such like PDAs, laptop computers and cellular phones, it is necessary to not only minimize energy consumption but also optimize battery lifetime because these devices are powered by batteries. This paper presents two solutions to maximize the portable device lifetime. First, the tasks are partitioned to subtasks have the different operating frequencies, which are higher than the previous subtask in a task. The operating frequencies and the subtasks’ execution cycles are decided by the formulation to guarantee the deadlines and the energy efficiency. This method maximizes the energy reduction because the latter subtasks operated by the higher frequency are not executed if tasks’ execution cycles are decreased. To minimize the average energy consumption, the tasks’ execution times are extended to the deadlines to lower the operating frequencies. Second, the frequencies of tasks scheduled in processors are adjusted by Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS) to avoid that the maximum frequency of each task overlaps. This process optimizes the battery lifetime, satisfying recovery effect. The simulation results show that the proposed method saves 15%~50% more energy than the existing method.

P1-46 ([Computers] Computer Networks)
TitleDomain Name Autoconfiguration in IP-based Wireless Sensor Networks
Author*Sungjin Park, Seongkyun Oh (Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Sejong University, Republic of Korea), Seok Lee, Sun Ho Kim (Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea), Hyung Seok Kim (Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Sejong University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1185 - 1188
Keyworddomain name, IPv6, Wireless sensor network, location
AbstractThis paper provides a method for domain name autoconfiguration capable of enabling a user easily to obtain information on a sensor in a desired area through the Internet in a wireless sensor network using an IP address and enabling a domain name to be automatically set and registered without additional setting of a network operator by using the domain name of a new system for simply representing a type and a geographical position of the sensor.

P1-47 ([Computers] Computer Networks)
TitleTest Framework for Reducing Power in NoC
Author*Seok-hee Yi, Byung-Gyu Ahn, Jong-Wha Chong (College of Information & Communications, Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1189 - 1192
KeywordNoC, Power, testing
AbstractIn this paper, we propose the test framework for reducing power in Network-on-Chip (NoC). First, the possibility of using embedded processor and on-chip network are introduced and evaluated with benchmark system to test the other embedded cores. Second, a new generation method of test pattern, which is called "don't care mapping", is presented to reduce the power consumption of on-chip network. The experimental results show that the power consumption is reduced up to 8% at the communication components.

P1-48 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitlePost-Processing Algorithm for Reducing Ringing Artefacts in Deblurred Images
AuthorSergey Chalkov (LG Electronics, Republic of Korea), Natalie Meshalkina (Korea University, Republic of Korea), *Chang-Su Kim (Korea University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1193 - 1196
Keyworddeblurring, PSF estimation, image enhancement, ringing artefact reduction
AbstractIn this paper, we propose grey-scale image post-processing based deblurring framework. Our algorithm is considered to be applied to real camera image, corrupted by linear motion blur. The system outputs a single blur- and ringing-free image obtained as a result of deblurring and deringing steps. Our post-processing scheme based on edge detection approach builds the ringing artifacts' map for each image. This map is used in the deringing routine. Experiment results show that the proposed framework can be used for the efficient removal of motion blur caused by camera shake.

P1-49 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleBlocking Artifacts Reduction using Two Modes Shift Block Filter
Author*Ying-Wen Chang, Yen-Yu Chen (Chungchou Institute of Technology, Taiwan)
Pagepp. 1197 - 1200
Keywordblocking effect, DCT, PSNR
AbstractBlocking effect is the major drawbacks in DCT-based codec at low bit-rate. An efficient anti-blocking effect algorithm is induced in the DCT domain. The proposed algorithm eases the false edges with low computational complexity. Two operations are suggested to different region according the region feature. One operation applies to the smooth region and the boundary edges become to linear distribution and more gradual. The other operation tries to remove some high frequency DCT component and to make the false edge smoothness but not harm for the image quality. The proposed scheme can take best quality in both objective and subjective metrics. Moreover, the objective metric, Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), can improve to 0.5 dB.

P1-50 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleRandom Scrambling and Running Addition of PCA coefficients for Cancelable biometrics
Author*MinYi Jeong, Jeung-Yoon Choi, Jaihie Kim (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1201 - 1204
Keywordcancelable biometrics, face recognition, principle component analysis
AbstractIn terms of user authentication, biometric systems offer numerous advantages in terms of convenience. However, they also suffer from disadvantages in some applications, for example, in the area of privacy protection. To enhance security and privacy in biometrics, cancelable biometrics have been introduced. In this paper, we propose cancelable biometrics for face recognition using a PCA method approach. In the proposed method, our experiment compares the performance between the cases where PCA coefficient vectors, and the transformed coefficient vectors are respectively used for verification. As a result, the proposed method satisfies a good level of condition for cancelable biometrics. The proposed method not only resolves a weak point of biometric systems, but also the method is simple.

P1-51 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleRecognition of Fainting Motion from Fish-eye Lens Camera Images
Author*In-Mi So, Dae-Kyung Han, Sun-Kyung Kang, Young-Un Kim, Sung-Tae Jung (Wonkwang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1205 - 1208
Keywordfaint motion recognition, object extraction, object tracking
AbstractThis study is to present a fainting motion recognizing method by using fish-eye lens images to sense emergency situations. The camera with fish-eye lens located at the center of the ceiling of the living room sends images, and then the forground pixels are extracted by means of the adaptive background modeling method based on the Gaussian complex model, which is followed by tracing of outer points in the foreground pixel area and the elliptical mapping. During the elliptical tracing, the fish-eye lens images are converted to fluoroscope images, the size and location changes, and moving speed information are extracted to judge whether the movement, pause, and motion are similar to fainting motion. The results show that compared to using fish-eye lens image, extraction of the size and location changes, and moving speed by means of the conversed fluoroscope images has good recognition rates.

P1-52 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleDirectional Adaptive WSSG Filter
Author*Won-Seok Choi, Kyung-Sik Jang (Korea University of Technology and Education, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1209 - 1212
Keywordbiometric, vein identification, preprocessing
AbstractThe image recognition performance depends on the quality of images. In this paper, we propose a method which applies a directional adaptive Weight Separable Symmetrical Gabor filter for vein recognition. The proposed filter is the improved 2D Gabor filter. It has the attributes including separation, symmetry, weight and directional adaptation. In feature of this, our method contributes to the short time and the small cost for image recognition.

P1-53 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleEfficient Algorithms for Automatic Detection of Cracks on a Concrete Bridge
Author*Jeong Ho Lee, Jong Min Lee, Jin Wook Park, Young Shik Moon (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1213 - 1216
Keywordbridge inspection, crack detection, machine vision
AbstractIn the bridge inspection, the information of cracks is important to maintain a bridge. Therefore, automatic crack detection is highly desirable for efficiency and objectivity of crack assessment. In this paper, we propose a machine vision system for automatic inspection of bridges. The proposed machine vision system can detect cracks in real time, and it has some utility functions for supervised manipulation. The experimental results show that the proposed method is superior to the conventional methods for detecting cracks.

P1-54 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleSegmentation of Premolar Based on Geodesic Active Region
Author*Kyung-Chan Jin (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1217 - 1220
KeywordSegmentation, Geodesic Active Contour, Computerized Tomography
Abstract To find borders between homogeneous regions in the various morphologies, several segmentation resulting from edge-based and region-growing can not produce exactly the same, and a combination of results often work more accurately. Also, clinically usable segmentation for medical imaging requires a high degree of interaction with registration algorithms such as the Insight Toolkit (ITK) and the Visualization Toolkit (VTK). In this paper, we proposed the geodesic active region segmentation to find the inner structure of premolar teeth acquired by micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) scanner. As a result, we discriminated enamel, dentin and pulp zones. Furthermore, we showed that the 3D geometric models of premolar would be useful for the tooth morphology.

P1-55 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleTemporal Error Concealment Algorithm Using Adaptive Multi-Side Boundary Matching Principle
Author*Seung-soo Jeong, Chae-Bong Sohn, Seoung-Jun Oh (Department of Electronic Engineering, Kwangwoon University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1221 - 1224
Keywordtemporal error concealment, error resilience, H.264/AVC
AbstractThis paper proposes a method of Adaptive Multi-Side Boundary Matching Principle (AMSBM). After executing the analysis of conformity degree about the boundary information of lost block, this method determines how much it can use the most confidential information for a block-matching. It presents higher performance than related method that was researched formerly. Experiment result shows better performance of 0.7 dB at maximum than MSBM method which is known as the one of the most outperforming methods in temporal error concealment.

P1-56 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleDCT-based Image Compression with Efficient Enhancement Filter
Author*Wen-Chien Yen, Yen-Yu Chen (Department of Information Management, Chung Chou Institute of Technology, Taiwan)
Pagepp. 1225 - 1228
KeywordJPEG, JPEG 2000, enhancement filter
AbstractThis work adopts DCT and modifies the SPIHT algorithm to encode DCT coefficients. The algorithm represents the DCT coefficients to concentrate signal energy and proposes combination and dictator to eliminate the correlation in the same level subband for encoding the DCT-based images. The proposed algorithm also provides the enhancement function in low bit rate in order to improve the perceptual quality. This work contribution is that the coding complexity of the proposed algorithm for DCT coefficients is just close to JPEG but the performance is higher than JPEG2000. Experimental results indicate that the proposed technique improves the quality of the reconstructed image in terms of both PSNR and the perceptual results close to JPEG2000 at the same bit rate.

P1-57 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleAn Early SKIP Mode Decision Method using PSNR Prediction in H.264/AVC
Author*Sung-Jae Park, Chae-Bong Sohn, Ho-Chong Park, Seoung-Jun Oh (Kwangwoon University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1229 - 1232
KeywordSKIP mode , PSNR prediction, H.264/AVC
AbstractH.264/AVC shows high coding efficiency more than previous video coding standard by using new coding tools. However, the encoder complexity greatly increases due to these coding tools. In this paper, we propose early SKIP mode decision method to reduce the computational complexity. Simulation results show that the proposed method could reduce encoding time of the overall sequences by 33% on average than JM 10.2 without noticeable degradation of coding efficiency

P1-58 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleA Consideration of Spatial Video Coding Schemes for Updatable Video Delivery
Author*Mei Kodama (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1233 - 1236
KeywordScalable video coding, spatial coding, transcoding, video delivery
AbstractRecently, over the broadband internet, we had often used many video and music contents supported by MPEG-1,2,4, H.261, H.263, H.264/AVC video coding standards. In video coding standards, layer coding methods had been studied by many researchers and for example, SNR scalability, spatial scalability and temporal scalability had been adopted. In addition, we had proposed “the concept of updatable scalable video coding (USVC)”, considering the functionality of video data. It shows the renewal of video quality for video data from the viewpoints of coding distortion and image resolutions and so on. In this study, we focus on data prediction of DCT coefficient domain, the coding efficiency of USVC for the change of quantization accuracy using quantization parameters based on coding controller. Especially, spatial scalable coding types are used. In the theoretical approach, the prediction coding of differential data among layers is proposed newly. By the simulation results, the relation between the coding tendency of some test sequences and quantization parameters in low quality and high quality layers are shown.

P1-59 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleCandidate Narrowing for Face Identification Using Face Expression
Author*Lifeng Zhang, Lin Zhao (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan), Keisuke Korekoda (ZENRIN Co., Ltd., Japan), Hiroshi Kondo (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 1237 - 1240
KeywordExpression recognition, face identification, DCT
AbstractFace authentication becomes a hot topic not only in security system but also in home entertainment field. But it is difficult to perform a perfect authentication with and only with a face, so in fact the identification is combined with other authentication method. On the other hand, recognition of facial expressions researched from long before. This paper has aimed to unite these two researches, and to find a new approach to narrow candidate for face identification.

P1-60 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleDevelopment of Paper Automation Recognition System Using Brain Modeling of Hippocampal Neural Network Algorithm
Author*Hye-Youn Lim, Jang-Hui Kim, Dae-Seong Kang (Department of Electronics Engineering, Dong-A University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1241 - 1244
KeywordHippocampal Neural Network, Paper auto-recognition, thinning algorithm, feature extraction
AbstractIn this paper, we present the paper automation recognition system using brain modeling of hippocampal neural network algorithm. The system reads image through scanner, analyzes the content of data, and transforms the letter region into the text form. To recognize the letter effectively, the features of letter image are extracted in the text region and then the text is learned at high speed using brain modeling of hippocampal neural network algorithm. In engineering, this algorithm is based of modeling hippocampus which combines new memories and then makes memory. Experimental results are reported to implement system with a high recognition rate.

P1-61 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleFace Detection Using The Embedded System
Author*Yong Jun Lee, Dong Hwan Ko, Seung Min Song, Hoon Kang (Chung-Ang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1245 - 1248
KeywordFace detection, Adaboost, Embedded System
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a face detection algorithm using embedded system. Generally, face detection algorithms are degraded by changing illumination in an image. To avoid this, we use the Adaboost algorithm for face detection. Adaboost is a very rapid and robust algorithm. We exploit the intel pxa 320 type's board as the target board of embedded system.

P1-62 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleAction Synthesis Using Body Segmentation
Author*Jin-Hong Kim, Rae-Hong Park (Sogang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1249 - 1252
Keywordaction synthesis, star skeleton, body segmentation, motion descriptors
AbstractRecognizing action is an important part of a video surveillance and video retrieval system, in which motion information extracted from video is useful. This paper proposes an action synthesis method, in which Efros et al.'s action recognition method, Chen et al.'s body segmentation method, and Fujiyosi et al.'s method are combined. Chen et al.'s method and Fujiyosi et al.'s method are used as preprocessing of action synthesis. Experimental results with a number of test sequences show that the proposed method works efficiently for human action synthesis.

P1-63 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleTemporal Error Concealment Using Recursive Boundary Matching Method
Author*Byoung-Ik Kim, Tae-Wuk Bae, Tae-Kyu Kim (Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea), Young-Choon Kim (Youngdong University, Republic of Korea), Sang-Ho Ahn (Inje University, Republic of Korea), Duk-Gyoo Kim (Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1253 - 1256
Keywordmacro-block, motion vector, boundary matching, error concealment
AbstractIn this paper, we proposed a temporal error concealment (EC) using recursive boundary matching method. The proposed recursive boundary matching method improves the spatial correlation of the macroblocks (MBs) by reusing the pixels of the concealed MB and control weighting factor of the concealed MB recursively. And proposed algorithm has both forward concealment and backward concealment to prevent error propagation. Experimental results show that proposed algorithm gives better results than the conventional algorithms from a subjective and an objective viewpoint.

P1-65 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleAuto White Balance Using Chromatic Coordinates of Detected Human Faces
Author*Jung-Wook Lee, Kyu-Ik Sohng (School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1257 - 1260
Keywordauto white balance, color constancy, human skin, camera characterization
AbstractThis paper proposes auto white balance algorithm for the picture that is taken for people. General white balance algorithms bring neutral region into focus. But, other objects can be basis if its spectral reflectance is known. In this paper the basis for white balance is human face. For experiment, first, transper characteristic of image sensor is analyzed and camera output RGB on average face chromaticity under standard illumination is caculated. Second, Output rate for the image is adjusted to make RGB rate for the face photo area taken under unknown ilumination RGB rate that is already caculated. Input tristimulus XYZ can be calculated from camera outpu RGB by camera transfer matrix. And input tristimulus XYZ is transformed to standard color space (sRGB) using sRGB transfer matrix. For display, RGB data is encoded as eight-bit data after gamma correction. Algorithm is applied to average face color that is light skin color of Macbeth color chart and average color of various face colors that are actually measured.

P1-67 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleYoung Shrimp Detection by Using Modified Directional Wavelet Coefficients
Author*Jitti Addthajaroon, Supaporn Kiattisin, Werapon Chiracharit, Kosin Chamnongthai (King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand)
Pagepp. 1261 - 1264
KeywordYoung Shrimp Detection, Wavelet Transform
AbstractNowadays, young shrimps in any farm are counted manually for sales by using ladle tools. It takes time and there is a lot of estimation and errors. In this paper, we present a digital image processing method to detect young shrimps in order to count a number of young shrimps automatically. Basic wavelet transform based method is proposed. Coefficients of wavelet transform are modified with mophological technique in vertical, horizontal, and diagonal subbands, and inverse transform is then taken to get an output young shrimp image. Torso of any young shrimps are identified. The experimental results show that the proposed is more effective than the conventional method.

P1-68 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleDesign of a De-Ringing Filter for Wavelet-Based Compressed Image
Author*Yen-Yu Chen, Ying-Wen Chang, Wen-Chien Yen (Department of Information Management, Chung Chou Institute of Technology, Taiwan)
Pagepp. 1265 - 1268
Keyword ringing artefact, post-processing, PSNR , VRM
AbstractJPEG2000 Standard is a new generation image compression technique, enabling encoding images at low bit-rates with acceptable quality. Since JPEG2000 is based on wavelet transforms, the reconstructed image will contain perceivable ringing artifacts in medium and low bit-rate regimes of lossy compression. This work utilizes a quad-tree partitioning scheme for post-processing the reconstructed image in a spatially varying manner and presents a voting strategy to determine a set of morphological filters to be used for reducing the ringing artifacts. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed technique enhances reconstructed image quality compared to unprocessed JPEG2000 output at an equivalent bit-rate accounting for the side-information overhead, in terms of both Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Visible Ringing Measure (VRM).

P1-71 ([Computers] Modeling & Simulation)
TitleOptimization Surface Roughness Parameters for Oak Color Sprayings
Author*Patcharee Chantanabubpha (University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Thailand)
Pagepp. 1269 - 1272
AbstractThis paper presents the optimization condition on oak color spraying. Factors impacted on spraying are controllable and uncontrollable. Controllable factors are a) color viscosity, b) distant between part and nozzle c) nozzle speed, d) Feed rate and e) nozzle pressure. Uncontrollable is temperature (T). The first step of this study finds out the controllable factors, which is the internal factors by using experimental design method. The design of experiment technique (DOE) [3] is used to reduce numbers of experimental, base on standard orthogonal array- table, 5 main factors 2 levels; L16 (215). The experimentation is focus on numbers of defect part. The parameters a) and e) are screened from 5 factors by variant of analysis. It is found that the viscosity and nozzle pressure are significant impact to defect part at 95% confidence (α = 0.05). The second step is to study relationship between significant internal factors and temperature, finding out the optimal condition. The results was received from running software are the optimal-condition at viscosity, temperature and nozzle pressure are 10.22 poise 4 bars and 41 degree Celsius respectively. The rejected part is minor 0.0947 and desirability is 1. It means that a number of rejected parts are zero and it is a best case. The adjusted optimize results for the practical work is viscosity; temperature and pressure are 10.5 poise 4 bars and 41 degree Celsius. The rework parts 0.1944 pieces and 0.88 desirability. It can be accepted and this can be practically adjusted. Keyword: DOE (design of experiment), Taguchi Method

P1-73 ([Computers] Other)
TitleChaotic Analysis of DNA Codes
Author*Jiguo Dong (The University of Electro-Communications, Japan), Takako Yamada (Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan), Katsufusa Shono (selic, Japan)
Pagepp. 1273 - 1276
Keywordchaos, logistic map, quantization, closed loop
AbstractBy synthesizing the logistic map $x_{t+1}=4x_t(1-x_t)$, $x_{t+1}=f(f(x_t))$ produces chaos having $L=4$ where Lyapunov exponent is $\lambda={\it{ln}}L$. The successive backward calculation $x_t=\frac{1\pm \sqrt{1-x_{t+1}}}{2}$,$x_t=f^{-1}(f^{-1}(x_{t+1}))$ can accept external four bit codes such as DNA(A,G,T,C) for the sign determination, the internal state $x_t$ obtained gives us the Lyapunov exponent $L'$ along the external codes and can be compared with $L=4$ chaos. The Lyapunov exponent $L'$ obtained is a measure of evolution of a gene, and the entropy $G_2$ gives characteristic distributions.

P1-74 ([Computers] Other)
TitleArithmetic Circuit Optimization in Finite Word Length Approximation of Arbitrary Functions
Author*Takao Sasaki, Koji Kotani, Hisamichi Toyoshima (Kanagawa University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1277 - 1280
Keywordfinite word length approximation, coefficient quantization, optimization , tabu search
AbstractIn this research, for an arbitrary function, we propose the optimization technique of minimizing the hardware cost. The proposed method starts with multiple initial solutions based on two hardware models. Furthermore, for optimization algorithm, tabu search is used, and it is parallelized to make a global search.

P1-75 ([Computers] Other)
TitleA New Synthesizing Cluster Labels Algorithm for Thai Web Search Results
Author*Nawaporn Leardtharatat, Worapoj Kreesuradej (Faculty of Information Technology, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
Pagepp. 1281 - 1284
Keywordsynthesizing cluster label , suffix tree, web search result clustering
AbstractCurrently, there is a large amount of information on internet. Users usually find information using search engine. But, number of results returned from search engine is often irrelevant information to users wanted. As a solution to the problem, clustering web search results will help users finding relevant information to user’s goal quickly. Suffix tree clustering (STC) technique is the most known for clustering web search results. However, when the technique is applied to cluster web search results for Thai language web pages, STC technique usually gives incomplete phrases for cluster labels. Therefore, this paper is proposed a new approach for synthesis cluster labels obtained from STC technique. The proposed technique can give more readable and complete phrases for cluster labels than that from STC technique.

P1-77 ([Computers] Other)
TitleMURASAKI: Web-based Word Sense Description System
Author*Fumito Masui, Yosifumi Kawamura (Mie University, Japan), Jun'ichi Fukumoto (Ritsumeikan University, Japan), Naoki Isu (Mie University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1285 - 1288
Keyworddescription, word sense, comparative expression
AbstractThis paper describes a method to descriptive a Japanese word sense with associative knowledge. The associative knowledge, which are called as descriptors, are extracted from world wide web(www) by focusing on collocation with comparative structure.For extracting descriptors, the specific comparative expressions with context which was generated with a pair of a query word and each related descriptor are retrieved from www.

P1-78 ([Communications] Communication Theory)
TitleAnalysis of Noise Threshold of Regular LDPC Codes on LEO Satellite Channel
Author*Hyojoon Bae (Sk telecom, Republic of Korea), Hyungmyung Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science Technology, Republic of Korea), Keunsung Bae (Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1289 - 1292
Keywordchannel coding, LDPC
AbstractThe purpose of this research is twofold. One is to analyze the noise threshold of the regular LDPC codes with a BPSK system on an LEO satellite channel. Through analysis of noise threshold, we can determine minimum SNR to achieve the best performance of regular LDPC codes among different code rates and degree parameters. The other is to analyze the effect of fading parameters of the LEO satellite channel on the performance of regular LDPC codes. For this, we investigate the probability density function of a fading factor depending on the parameter values of the Loo's model and analyze the performance of regular LDPC codes. Numerical analysis and simulation results are shown with discussions.

P1-79 ([Communications] Communication Theory)
TitleA Study on MPE-FEC decoding base on LLR method in DVB-SSP system
Author*Namsoo Kim, Minhyuk Kim, Jongtae Bae, Seoksoon Choi, Taedoo Park, Jiwon Jung (Korea Maritime University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1293 - 1296
KeywordDVB-S2, DVB-T, DVB-H, erasure RS code, LDPC code
AbstractIn this paper, we described DVB-SSP system for mobility. The DVB-SSP for mobility system used cross layer scheme which is consist of e-RS(erasure Reed-Solomon), virtual interleaver and LDPC. Erasure data for e-RS decoding is detected by CRC check in conventional DVB-SSP system. However, this paper proposed erasure data detecting method by LLR value of LDPC. It is called LLR method. Through the simulation results, we know that the performance of LLR method is better than conventional CRC method as 0.2dB.

P1-80 ([Communications] High Speed Networks)
TitleBackhaul Network for Beyond 3G Environment
Author*Zahir Uddin Ahmad (Information and Communications University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1297 - 1300
KeywordBackhaul network
AbstractBackhaul network will be the key issue to deploy services in beyond 3G environment. This paper provides some key factors to consider for deploying the future backhual network and also propose one scenerio of future backhaul network architecture.

P1-81 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleMeasurement of Transmission Range Effect to the Connectivity of Vehicular Telematics Networks
Author*Junghoon Lee (Cheju National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1301 - 1304
Keywordvehicular telematics, event simulator, real movement data, connectivity analysis, connection duration
AbstractThis paper measures the effect of transmission range on the connectivity for the vehicular telematics network. A discrete event simulator has been implemented to trace the movement of each vehicle, not using a simulated movement model but genuine movement data. The connectivity is analyzed by performing the Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm from each vehicle to a stationary gateway in multi-hop base. The experiment result indicates that the transmission range, having the great impact on the connectivity, can achieve up to 70 % connectivity on the common parameter values. The connection lasts mostly for about 2 minutes. This result provides a guideline to design a new location-based service.

P1-82 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleAntenna Selection for Single Carrier Cyclic Prefixed Transmission
AuthorShuichi Ohno, *Emmanuel Manasseh (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1305 - 1308
Keywordantenna, SIMO, MISO
AbstractSingle carrier cyclic prefixed transmissions between a base station having multiple antenna and a terminal having one antenna are considered. We propose two antenna selections based on the channel norm and on the worst channel gain. Our selection schemes do not always yield the optimal selection but have less computational complexities. The channel norm criterion has the least complexity, while the channel gain criterion exhibits almost the same performance with the optimal selection.

P1-83 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleISI and ICI Compensation for TFI-OFDM in Time-Variant Large Delay Spread Channel
Author*Yuta Ida, Chang-Jun Ahn, Takeshi Kamio, Hisato Fujisaka, Kazuhisa Haeiwa (Hiroshima City University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1309 - 1312
AbstractIn general, if the maximum delay spread is longer than guard interval (GI), the system performance is significantly degraded. The conventional time-frequency interferometry (TFI) for OFDM does not consider with time-variant large delay spread channel. In this paper, we propose a novel time domain inter-symbol-interference (ISI) cancellation scheme with replica signal based inter-carrier-interference (ICI) compensation for TFI-OFDM.

P1-84 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitlePerformance Enhancement of TFI-OFDM with Path Selection based on Channel Identification
Author*Takeshi Yoshimura, Chang-Jun Ahn, Takeshi Kamio, Hisato Fujisaka, Kazuhjsa Haeiwa (Hiroshima City University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1313 - 1316
KeywordOFDM, path selection
AbstractRecently time-frequency interferometry (TFI)-OFDM has been proposed as a channel identification scheme. If the total channel paths are reduced, the performance might be degraded. For the case with reduced channel paths, the selected time spectrum signals include the noise terms. In this case, the channel identification is poorly operated due to the noise. To reduce this problem, in the paper, we propose the channel identification method with path selection for performance enhancement of TFI-OFDM.

P1-86 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleArchitectural Design and Optimization of IPv6-Based Sensor Protocols for Wireless Personal Area Networks
Author*Hyoung Jun Kim, Eunsook Kim (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea), Won Jay Song (University of Virginia, United States), Wan Jik Lee (Pusan National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1317 - 1320
KeywordLight-weighted Internet protocol version 6, low-power wireless personal area networks, optimization
AbstractThis paper proposes the architecture of light-weight IPv6 (LWIPv6) for low-power wireless personal area networks (LoWPANs), optimize the functions of the architecture’s protocols, and reports typical results from the power consumption simulation for LWIPv6. The LoWPAN architecture is oriented to a simple and low-cost wireless communication system, which allows wireless connectivity in a variety of applications with requirements of limited power and relaxed throughput. LoWPAN devices conform to the IEEE 802.15.4 standard specified by the IEEE Standards Society. This paper describes systems requirements analysis (SRA) of LoWPANs with regard to the Internet protocol (IP) layer, the architecture of LWIPv6, and its optimization and performance analysis. The proposed architecture and its protocols in LWIPv6 are substantially optimized for the IP stack, such as header compression, simplified neighbor discovery, and reduction of overhead in the Internet control message protocol (ICMP) functionality. The computer simulation of the proposed architecture is also implemented in the viewpoint of power consumption depending on neigh cache size.

P1-87 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleA Precautionary Congestion Control Scheme in WSNs : Cross layer approach
Author*Yoon-Pil Sung, Myung-June Youn, Jai-Yong Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1321 - 1324
Keywordwireless sensor network, QoS, cross layer
AbstractThis paper proposes algorithms for preventing congestion and assigning the priority to the important events. Most existing algorithms use the backpressure messages to control the rate of sources. In contrast with them, proposed novel algorithm prevents from congestion previously using queue monitoring. Proposed algorithm is composed of 3-states, Non-Congestion state, Pre-Congestion state and Congestion state. Each state has own algorithm and congestion is prevented by them. In addition, each node has two queues, one for the RT[real-time] event and the other for the NRT[non real-time] event, to control each event efficiently and give priority to the RT event.

P1-88 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleMobile Gateway Effect on the Load Distribution of Telematics Networks
Author*Junghoon Lee (Cheju National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1325 - 1328
Keywordtelematics network, mobile gateway, network load, gateway ratio, transmission range
AbstractThis paper has measured the effect of transmission range and gateway ratio to the degree of interference in terms of MNC, namely, the maximum number of connection in a cell, on the telematics network. A discrete event simulator has been implemented to trace the load distribution behavior of the network based on genuine movement data obtained from the Jeju taxi telematics system currently in operation. The experiment result indicates that the increase of transmission range up to 220 m can mitigate the congestion on the hot spot area with an appropriate gateway allocation scheme especially in the downtown area. In addition, gateway ratio around 28 % brings a great reduction in MNC, showing reasonable load distribution and vehicle assignment.

P1-89 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitlePerformance Evaluation using Reduced Neighbor Lists in Cellular Based Multi-Hop Relay Network
Author*Hun-je Yeon, Eunhyun Kwon, Sung-gook Lim, Jaiyong Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea), Mi-Sun Do, Rakesh Taori (Samsung AIT, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1329 - 1332
KeywordMultihop, Relay, neighbor seleciton
AbstractIn this paper, we introduce neighbor list composition scheme that organizes small numbers of adjacent neighbors for cellular based multi-hop relay network so that the neighbor advertisement with small number of neighbors could increase average transmission rate of MR network. Wireless multi-hop environment based on cellular system, such as 802.16j, requires an algorithm that organizes neighbor lists dynamically due to the mobility and impermanancy of relay station. From the study, we've concluded that the location based neighbor lists composition could reduces the wastage of wireless resources, which improves the transmission rate of cellular based wireless multi-hop network.

P1-91 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleTwo Stages Search Scheme for High-Ordered BOC Modulation in Future GNSSs
Author*Seung Hwan Yoo, Seungsoo Yoo (Konkuk University, Republic of Korea), Sangho Ahn, Seokho Yoon (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea), Sun Yong Kim (Konkuk University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1333 - 1336
KeywordGNSS, BOC, Acquisition, Two stages search
AbstractThe future global navigation satellite system uses high-ordered binary offset carrier (BOC) modulated spreading signals. By the way, it causes a narrower main lobe and multiple side lobes in correlation function. Thus, the serial search scheme, a well-known method for code acquisition, has a number of search cells to acquire the offset, and the time to first fix will also increases. To tackle this problem, we propose a rapid code acquisition scheme when the serial search scheme is used for high-order BOC modulated spreading signals.

P1-93 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleRobust Frame Synchronization Algorithm on the cell edge in the Mobile-WiMax System
Author*Jeong Mi You (Telecommunication R&D Center, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1337 - 1340
KeywordOFDMA, Mobile-WiMax, frame synchronization
AbstractThe Mobile-WiMax system is susceptive to inter-cell interference. At the cell edge, particularly, a severe synchronization error may occur due to decreased signal-to-interference ratio. In this paper, therefore, we propose a robust frame synchronization algorithm in inter-cell interference for the Mobile-WiMax system. The proposed algorithm shows a clear peak at the correct frame timing and has low computational complexity.

P1-95 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleAn Efficient Implementation of LDPC Decoder with Partial Parallel Algorithm for DVB-S2 System
Author*Suksoon Choi, Minhyuk Kim, Jongtae Bae, Taedoo Park, Namsoo Kim, Jiwon Jung (Korea Maritime University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1341 - 1344
KeywordLDPC, Partial parallel decoder, FPGA, DVB-S2
AbstractIn this paper, we investigate the encoding and decoding method of the irregular LDPC (Low Density Parity Check) codes that offer diverse coding rates from 1/2 to 9/10 defined in the Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB-S2) standard. We study the efficient memory assignment and the implementing method in the LDPC codes.

P1-96 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleHierarchical Information Acquisition Scheme on The Local Broadcasting System
Author*Yusuke Oka, Hiromasa Habuchi (Ibaraki University, Japan), Kouji Ohuchi (Shizuoka University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1345 - 1348
KeywordITS, Broadcast system, RVC
AbstractIn this paper, it is proposed the information delivery system that the transmission signal embraces together the wide-area information and the local area information. The distant user from the base station receives the wide-area information only and the nearby user receives together the widearea information and the local-area information. The proposed system uses the code shift keying(CSK) for transmitting the local-area information and the amplitude shift keying( ASK) for the wide-area information. In the proposed system, the broadcast information is hierarchized by combining ASK with CSK.

P1-97 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleNetwork Reconfiguration for Energy Efficient Clustering of Wireless Sensor Networks
Author*Dujdow Buranapanichkit, Ekavic Chanpen (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)
Pagepp. 1349 - 1352
KeywordReconfiguration, Wireless Sensor Networks
AbstractThis paper presents an autonomic network reconfiguration for energy efficient clustering of wireless sensor networks. Due to the main constraint of sensor nodes is their very low finite battery enery, which limits the lifetime and the quality of the network. For this reason, the protocols running on sensor networks must consume the resources of the nodes efficiently in order to achieve a longer network lifetime. Our approach is to reorganize the cluster head node by setting the mininum cluster head node remaining energy. If problem happens, cluster head will change to be a new node. This network reconfiguration will help to increase prolonging the node average working time and improving the network load balance.

P1-98 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleA Simple ICI Pre-suppression Method for OFDM Systems
Author*Kyung-Doc Jang, Se-Bin Im (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea), Hyun-Suk Lee (Central R&D Institute, Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea), Hyung-Jin Choi (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1353 - 1356
KeywordOFDM, ICI compensation, channel estimation
Abstractwe propose a simple ICI pre-suppression method to mitigate the effect of channel variations. The proposed method consists of three steps; average channel impulse response estimation, time-varying CIR estimation by Gaussian interpolation, and time-domain suppression. Since the proposed method utilizes CIR estimation scheme, we can also obtain noise reduction effect by zero-padding such as in traditional discrete Fourier transform-based channel estimation. Simulation results show that the proposed method can sufficiently reduce the ICI-induced performance degradation of the frequency-domain one-tap equalizer.

P1-99 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleA Packet Scheduling Algorithm based on the Estimation of Packet Loss Amount for Supporting Real-Time Traffic in IEEE 802.22 WRAN Systems
Author*Youngdu Lee, Insoo Koo (University of Ulsan, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1357 - 1360
KeywordWRAN, packet scheduling algorithm, packet loss amount, real-time traffic
AbstractIn this paper, we propose and evaluate a new packet scheduling algorithm in order to support real-time traffic more effectively in IEEE 802.22 WRAN system where Quiet Period (QP) frame exists per superframe. During QP frame, BS and CPEs stop data transmission, and scan TV channels used by themselves to perform in-band measurements of incumbent users. It will cause packet delay as long as the length of QP, and degrade quality of service of traffic time traffic. The proposed scheme utilizes not only the delay of Head of Line(HOL) packets in buffer of each user but also the amount of expected loss packets in next frame when a service will not be given in current frame. The performances of the proposed scheme are compared with those of PLFS and M-LWDF in terms of average packet loss rate and throughput. The simulation results show that the proposed scheduling algorithm performs much better than the PLFS and M-LWDF algorithms.

P1-100 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitlePilot Interference Cancellation in a WCDMA Wireless Repeater
Author*Sunho Kim, Sungbin Im (Soongsil University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1361 - 1364
Keywordpilot, interference, NLMS, adaptive filtering, WCDMA
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a mitigation method to reduce the effect of pilot interference at the wireless repeater. Using an adaptive estimation algorithm, we estimates undesired pilot signals from neighboring base stations and eliminate these interference signals from the received signals. This approach is based on the conventional pilot signal cancellation techniques for a user equipment. This improves the signal to interference ratio (SIR), and enables increased cell capacity and/or better bits error rates (BER) performance in the wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA) systems. Simulation studies have been carried out to verify the proposed approach and promising results are observed.

P1-101 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleDynamic Pilot Arrangement Scheme in Wireless OFDM Systems
Author*Chia-Chang Hu, Hong-Da Shih (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan)
Pagepp. 1365 - 1368
Keywordchannel estimation, OFDM, time-varying channels
AbstractAn adaptive pilot-symbol assignment scheme is proposed for interpolation-based channel estimation in wireless OFDM communication systems. The channel transfer functions of data tones are interpolated by the piecewise-linear and the second-order polynomial interpolation methods due to their inherent simplicity. Simulations are conducted to demonstrate system performance and bandwidth (BW) superiority. A comparative evaluation of the proposed dynamic pilot scheme with conventional fixed pilot-symbol channel estimation schemes is performed as well.

P1-102 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleRobust Speech Recognition Features Based on Temporal Trajectory Filtering and Non-Uniform Spectral Compression
Author*Sang-Ho Lee, Jeong-Hyun Ha, Woo-Young Lee, Jae-Keun Hong (Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1369 - 1372
KeywordSpeech Recognition, Non-Uniform Spectral Compression, Temporal Trajectory filtering, MFCC
AbstractThis paper proposes a new feature extraction method based on temporal trajectory filtering and non-uniform spectral compression and examines its performance with two tasks in noisy environments. Temporal trajectory filtering is effective for robust speech recognition in noisy environments, due to human hearing is more sensitive to relative values rather than absolute values and the effect of additive noise which varies slowly may be removed. However, even if noise is stationary, it is not removed exactly due to the random fluctuation. Thus we use non-uniform spectral compression after temporal trajectory filtering and this method shows better performances than the respective methods.

P1-103 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleAn Improved Block Tomlinson-Harashima Precoder for Multi-user MIMO Systems
Author*Joon-doo Kim, Jiwon Kang (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea), Dongseung Kwon (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea), Chungyong Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1373 - 1376
KeywordMU MIMO, block THP, ML receiver, diversity
AbstractIn this paper, we propose two algorithms which improve the error performance of the Block Tomlinson-Harashima precoding (BTHP) system. The proposed expanded ML (eML) algorithm provides an approach to apply the ML receiver to the BTHP system. The proposed block QR (bQR) algorithm makes the effective MIMO channel from which the proposed eML can obtain spatial diversity gain. By applying the proposed methods, BTHP can obtain the spatial diversity and considerable error performance improvement.

P1-104 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleAdaptive Radar Pulses Clustering based on Density Cluster Window
Author*Dong-Weon Lee, Jin-Woo Han (Agency for Defense Development, Republic of Korea), Won-Don Lee (Chungnam National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1377 - 1380
KeywordCluster Window, Electronic Warfare, Electronic Warfare Support, Radar
AbstractThis paper presents the adaptive clustering algorithm of radar pulses based on the density cluser window to alleviate the load of signal analysis process and support reliable analysis in an ES(Electronic warfare Support). The proposed clustering algorithm determines the size of cluster window based on the type of frequency modulation of received radar signals.

P1-105 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleAn Application of Channel Shortening to Multiuser Communications
Author*Hiroaki Watahiki, Teruyuki Miyajima (Ibaraki University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1381 - 1384
KeywordOFDM, inter-block interference, blind equalization, time-domain equalization
AbstractIn block transmission systems, when there are multipaths with delays exceeding CP length, performance degrades due to IBI. Channel shortening is a promising technique for reducing the effect of IBI. Most channel shortening methods presented before can be applied only to single-user communications. In this paper, we propose to apply a channel shortening method, which exploits the second order statistics (SOS) of the received signals, to multiuser communications.

P1-106 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleEfficient Maximum Likelihood Approach to Channel Estimation for Space-Time Coded Systems
Author*Tomoya Aizawa, Teruyuki Miyajima (Ibaraki University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1385 - 1388
Keywordspace-time block code, symbol detection, channel estimation, blind estimation
AbstractIn wireless communication systems, there is a performance degradation due to fading. Orthogonal space-time block coded (OSTBC) systems are known to be useful to improve the performance in fading channels. In OSTBC systems, the knowledge of the channel is required to detect symbols. This paper proposes a channel estimation method using M-algorithm. The proposed method can drastically reduce a computational complexity of the maximum likelihood approach and provide sufficient estimate accuracy. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

P1-107 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleCharacterization of Wireless Feedback Channels near a Highway Based on Sounding Measurements
Author*Woosik Moon, Sungbin Im (School of Electronic Engineering, Soongsil University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1389 - 1392
Keywordfeedback, interference, channel, modeling
AbstractThis paper presents the method of measuring the feedback channel, which is developed between the transmit and receive antennas of a wireless repeater by receiving the transmit singal from its tranmit antenna at the receive antenna of the identical repeater, and experiment results otained by anlyzing the measurements. This experiment uses 2GHz W-CDMA signal and is carried out near a highway.

P1-109 ([Communications] Radar/Remote Sensing)
TitleA Data Fusion Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks
Author*Joy Iong-Zong Chen (Department of Communication Engineering, Da-Yeh University, Taiwan), Chun-Jen Chen, Chin-Chung Yu (Department of Communication Engineering Da-Yeh University, Taiwan)
Pagepp. 1393 - 1396
KeywordCML (conditional maximum , MSDFT (mobile sensor data fusion tracking), WSN (wireless sensor networks)
AbstractThe scenario deployed with mobile sensors for tracking both of non-maneuvering and maneuvering targets traveling in the phenomena exploits with mobile WSN (wireless sensor networks) is simulated in this paper. In order to solve the complicated situation and reduce computation burden because of the multiple sensing event exists mobile WSN environments is proposed. Moreover, a variable structure model is established as an adaptive maneuvering compensator to solve both data association and sensor maneuvering problems simultaneously, that is, the detection algorithm for multi-mobile sensor tracking in WSN investigated too. The simulations of multi-mobile sensor tracking based on the proposed method are conducted for tracking the targets. Computer simulation results indicate that the approach successfully tracks multiple sensors and has good precision also.

P1-110 ([Communications] EMI & EMC- RF Circuits & Components)
TitleA Fully Integrated MMIC chip set Employing InGaP/GaAs HBT for Application to Ku band Satellite Communication System
Author*Young-Bae Park, Han-Nah Joh, Se-Ho Kim, Young Yun (Korea Maritime University, Republic of Korea), Kyu-Ho Park, Kwang-Ho Ahn (Korea Electronics Technology Institude, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1397 - 1400
Keyworddownconverter, MMIC, HBT, Ku band, satellite communication system
AbstractA highly integrated monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) chip set employing InGap/GaAs/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) were developed for satellite communication applications. Concretely, using InGap/GaAs/GaAs HBT, downconverter MMIC and an active balun were developed. The downconverter MMIC showed a conversion gain of 9.5 dB and an LO suppression of -30 dBc. The fabricated chip, including a mixer, 2 stage IF amplifier, and LO rejection filter, exhibited a small size of 0.8×2.4 mm2. The size of the active balun was about 31.6 % of conventional passive branch-line coupler.

P1-111 ([Communications] Antenna & Wave Propagation)
TitleDesign of GPS Antenna using Dielectric Resonator
Author*Sinhyung Jeon, Hyengcheul Choi, Hojeong Kim, Junghwan Yeom, Hyeongdong Kim (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1401 - 1404
KeywordGPS antenna, DRA, RHCP, circular polarization, dielectric resonator antenna
AbstractIn this paper, the design of the RHCP (right hand circular polarization) dielectric resonator antenna for GPS (Global Positioning Systems) is proposed. For the miniaturization size of antenna, high-permittivity dielectric (εr =30) is used. Also in order to obtain circular polarization of low-profile rectangular dielectric resonator antenna, the proposed antenna is simply excited by single strip line. The proposed single feeding method consisting of a loop shape can easily excite two orthogonal modes (TExδ11,TEyδ11) within the single resonator and easily achieve circular polarization. Using EM simulation, antenna characteristic parameters are found. Based on these results, antenna is manufactured. The simulated and measured results of proposed design are presented.

P1-112 ([Communications] Optical Communications/Components)
TitleChannel Characteristic and Transmission Performance of An Indoor Wireless Optical Communication System
Author*Chuan Peng, Jae Kyung Pan (Chonbuk National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1405 - 1408
Keywordindoor wireless optical communication, channel characteristic, LOS and diffuse, Gaussian pulse, PPM
AbstractChannel characteristics of an indoor wireless optical communication system is provided here. A channel impulse response includes the power ratio and time delay due to bounce times. Based on the scenario of the indoor structure, we obtained and discussed the received power distribution according to six configurations in Table 1, which vary with respect to transmitter and receiver positions and reflection coefficients. We used the input Gaussian pulse, Rectangular pulse, and Practical pulse, which are applied to pulse position modulation (PPM) and OOK, based on the impulse response of indoor channels in Configuration D. We evluated the BER with respect to the signal-to-noise ratio per bit for various input pulses in line- of-sight (LOS) and diffuse channels.

P1-113 ([Communications] Optical Communications/Components)
TitleDesign and Fabrication of Directional Coupler Type Hollow Waveguide Optical Switch with Variable Air Core
Author*Chang-Hwan Bae (Hoseo University, Republic of Korea), Yong-Hwan Son (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1409 - 1412
Keywordoptical switch, directional coupler, hollow waveguide, air-core, effective refractive index
AbstractWe present a device design and fabrication of a novel hollow-waveguide optical switch consisting of a directional coupler with variable air cores. The numerical simulation and experimental characterization of the proposed optical switch performance is discussed. Switching operation is achieved by mode-field change and coupling beat length in the directional coupler section, as the air core thickness is adjusted mechanically. Our modeling results show a possibility of a compact optical switch with a sub-mm switch length. A proof-of-concept experimental device is fabricated with microstructured Au-mirror waveguide on GaAs substrates. We observed optical switching extinction of about 17 dB with a switching length of 0.9 mm and a small change of an air core thickness.

P1-114 ([Communications] Optical Communications/Components)
TitleModified Pseudo Orthogonal M-sequence Sets for Synchronous Optical-CDMA
Author*Yusuke Kozawa, Hiromasa Habuchi (Ibaraki University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1413 - 1416
Keywordm-sequence, orthogonal sequence, optical code-division multiple-access (CDMA), Multi-pulse pulse potision modulation (PPM), avalanche photo-diode (APD)
AbstractIn this paper, to increase normalized throughput of the optical code-division multiple-access (CDMA) system, optical-CDMA systems with multi-pulse pulse position modulation (MPPM) using the modified pseudo orthogonal M-sequence sets is proposed. The throughput performance and bit error rate (BER) are evaluated by theoretical analysis. Consequently, the normalized throughput of the proposed system can achieve 1.35 [bit/chip] when the number of slots per frame is 16. Furthermore, BER of the proposed system is superior to that of the conventional systems.

P1-115 ([Communications] Other)
TitleRequirement of Analog Front End ASIC for Power Line Communication Modem of Korean Industrial Standard
Author*Youngsun Kim, Soon Woo Lee, Sungsoo Choi, Hui-Myoung Oh, Haesoo Park (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1417 - 1420
Keywordpower line communication (PLC), ASIC, analog front end (AFE)
AbstractRecently, in Korea, the commercialization of power line communication (PLC) is accelerated due to the testing deployment of automatic meter reading (AMR) modem using PLC. As the test site increases, the needs for analog front end (AFE) ASIC for PLC modem, which was previously implemented by printed circuit board (PCB), arise. In this paper, we present the technical requirement of an AFE ASIC for PLC modem which complies the Korean Industrial Standard (KS)

P1-117 ([Communications] Other)
TitleFusion of Communications and Broadcasting through the Internet Satellite
Author*Tomohiro Kitagawa, Takao Nishitani (Graduate School of System Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan), Hiroaki Komatsu (Research Collaboration Center, Kochi University of Technology, Japan), Hironori Katoh, Norishige Omoto (Japan Manned Space Systems Corporation, Japan)
Pagepp. 1421 - 1424
KeywordFusion of communication and broadcasting, Multibeam Satellite, H.264 Intra Picture Prediction
AbstractThis paper describes a proposal and a preliminary experimental result on re-transmission of terrestrial digital broadcasting on a multi-beam satellite for eliminating uncovered terrestrial broadcasting areas. As the satellite is for the internet purpuse, this approach will be a good example of fusion of communications and broadcasting. The re-transmission bit-rate are designed to be less than 15% of one beam capacity, in order to keep the satellite for internet use. Subscribers in the uncovered areas can at least watch terrestrial digital broadcasting program all day long even at heavy traffic conditions. The experimental system by using JGN (Japan Gigabit Network) demonstrates the possibility of the fusion.

P1-118 ([Communications] Other)
TitleGeneralization of Even-Shift Orthogonal Sequences to Multi-Dimension
Author*Yukari Tsuchiyama, Shinya Matsufuji, Takahiro Matsumoto (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1425 - 1428
Keywordsequence design, spread spectrum, digital wartermaking, spreading code, correlation
AbstractThe even-shift orthogonal sequence (E-sequences) is a binary sequence, whose out-of-phase aperiodic auto-correlation function takes zero at any even shift. This paper considers the generalization of E-sequence to multi-dimension. It is shown that multi-dimensional E-sequences can be constructed by multi-dimensional complementary sequences. Especially a logic function generating multi-dimensional E-sequences of power-of-two length is formulated, which can give multi-dimensional E-sequences with a good correlation property that almost 3/4 of all shifts is zero.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Session P2  Poster Session 2
Time: 16:30 - 18:00 Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Location: 1F Trade Fair Hall

P2-1 ([Circuits & Systems] Linear/Nonlinear Systems)
TitleElectronically Tunable Multiple-Mode Biquadratic Circuit Employing OTAs and Grounded Capacitors
AuthorHiroki Kawakami, *Takao Tsukutani (Matsue National College of Technology, Japan), Noboru Yabuki (Tsuyama National College of Technology, Japan), Yasuaki Sumi (Tottori University of Environmental Studies, Japan)
Pagepp. 1429 - 1432
KeywordOperational transconductance amplifier, Multiple-mode circuit, Biquadratic characteristic
AbstractThis paper introduces an electronically tunable multiple-mode biquadratic circuit employing operational transconductance amplifiers (OTAs) and grounded capacitors. The basic circuit configuration is obtained from a second-order integrator loop structure consisting of loss-less and lossy integrators. The multiple-mode biquadratic circuit can realize low-pass, band-pass, high-pass, band-stop and all-pass transfer functions by suitably choosing the current output terminals. Additionally, the circuit parameters ѡ0, Q and H can be set orthogonally through adjusting the bias currents of the OTAs. The biquadratic circuits enjoy very low sensitivities with respect to the circuit components. Some examples are given together with simulated results by PSPICE.

P2-2 ([Circuits & Systems] Linear/Nonlinear Systems)
TitleAn NIC Voltage Divider for a Linear Transconductor
AuthorFujihiko Matsumoto, Takeshi Sonoda, *Toshio Miyazawa, Shintaro Nakamura, Yasuaki Noguchi (National Defense Academy, Japan)
Pagepp. 1433 - 1436
KeywordIntegrated circuits, Analog circuits, Active filters, CMOS, Transconductor
AbstractA local feedback linear transconductor requires a voltage divider. For realization of a gyrator-C filter, an output terminal of a transconductor in the filter is connected to an input terminal of itself or another transconductor owing to local feedback of gyrators and equivalent resistors. If NIC circuits are employed in a gyrator-C filter, the voltage divider and the NIC are connected in parallel. This paper proposes a NIC divider that has two roles: one is a voltage divider and the other is an NIC for improvement of the output resistance of a transconductor.

P2-3 ([Circuits & Systems] Linear/Nonlinear Systems)
TitlePerformance Enhancement of Doherty Power Amplifier with LINC
Author*Suk-Hui Lee, Sang-Ki Kim, Sung-Il Bang (Dankook University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1437 - 1440
KeywordAmplifier, Compensation, Distortion, Electrothermal effects, Nonlinear distortion
AbstractIn this paper, we analysis doherty amplifier's electric nonlinearity and electrothermal memory effect and propose a proper compensator structure, LINC(LInear amplification using Nonlinear Components), with W-CDMA signal input. A power amplifier is important component that decide efficiency in communication system. A doherty power amplifier is good efficiency. However, it has high distortion characteristic. For high efficiency and linearity, we propose a proper doherty amplifier sheme with temperature compensation. The ACLR characteristics of compensated doherty amplifier is improved 12.55 dB at 5 MHz offset frequency.

P2-4 ([Circuits & Systems] Linear/Nonlinear Systems)
TitleRelaxation Oscillator-Based Resistor Controlled Pulse Waveform Generator using Current Conveyors
Author*Pil-Soo Hyeon (ETA Chips, Republic of Korea), Sung-Ho Yun, Hyeong-Woo Cha (Cheongju University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1441 - 1444
KeywordCurrent convetor, Relaxation oscillator, PWM, Waveform generator
AbstractA class AB current conveyor with low output impe-dance has been designed and simple triangle and square waveform geneators whose frequency can be controlled by exteral resistor(s) also have been proposed. The current conveyor consists of class AB push-pull stage, complementary source-follower, and current mirror. The oscillator based waveform generator consists of two positive current conveyors (CCII+), two comparators, one RS-latch, two grounded capacitors and one(or two) resistors. The circuits are designed in 0.35um CMOS technology. Oscillating frequencies from 420KHz to 1200KHz were attained in the SPICE simulation. The waveform generator shows linearity error less than 2.5% and dissipates 3mW.

P2-5 ([Circuits & Systems] Power Electronics & Circuits)
TitleA High-Level Power Estimation Methodology for Low Power Design
Author*Chi-Ho Lin (Semyung University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1445 - 1448
KeywordHigh-Level Synthesis, Resource Sharing, power consumption , Timing Optimization, Clock Skew
Abstract This work is a contribution to high-level synthesis for low power systems. In this paper, we present an efficient algorithm on performing estimation with an aim of reducing the power consumption in the synthesized data path. In this paper, CDFG represents control flow, data dependency and such constraints as resource constraints and timing constraints. In the scheduling technique, the constraints are substituted by subgraphs, and then the number of subgraphs is minimized by using the inclusion and overlap relation efficiently. Also, The power estimation methods on enable power management and module selection are performed, so as to reduce the power consumption in low power design. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm has been proven by the experiment with the benchmark examples.

P2-7 ([Circuits & Systems] Power Electronics & Circuits)
TitleAn LED Drive Circuit of LCD BLU with Protection Circuits
Author*Yu-Cheol Park, Hoon Kim, Hee-Jun Kim (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea), Gyun Chae, Eui-Byoung Kang (ACROTECH Co.,Ltd., Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1449 - 1452
KeywordProtection circuit, UVLO, LED
AbstractIn this paper, two kinds of the protection circuits are proposed, simulated and experimented to verify their performances. One is an over current protection circuit, and the other is a no load protection circuit which reduces power consumption. These protection circuits which use a method of going down VCC of the controller IC of an LED drive circuit can reduce power consumption and prevent to damage the elements. Also, following the experimental results, the transistors of the output voltage are able to get voltage stress less than previous LED drive circuit.

P2-8 ([Circuits & Systems] Power Electronics & Circuits)
TitleAnalysis of the IGBT with Improved Trade-off Characteristic between Conduction and Turn-off Losses
Author*Samuell Shin, Jongil Won (Seokyeong University, Republic of Korea), Kuidong Kim, Jongki Kwon (ETRI, Republic of Korea), Yongseo Koo (Seokyeong University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1453 - 1456
KeywordIGBT, Power device, Power semiconductor, Switching device, Trade off
Abstract In this paper, we tried different two approach to improve the performance of the IGBT. The first approach is that adding N+ region beside P-base in the conventional IGBT. It can make the conventional IGBT to get faster turn-off time and lower conduction loss. The second approach is that adding P+ region on right side under gate to improve latching current of conventional IGBT. The device simulation results show improved on-state, latch-up and switching characteristics in each structure. The first one was presented lower voltage drop(3.08V) and faster turn-off time(3.4us) than that of conventional one(3.66V/3.65us). Also, second structure has higher latching current(369A/cm2) that of conventional structure. Finally, we present a novel IGBT combined the first approach with second one for improved trade-off characteristic between conduction and turn-off losses. The proposed device has better performance than conventional IGBT.

P2-9 ([Circuits & Systems] Signal Processing)
TitleDefining an Optimal Set of Decimation Ratios Corresponding to Signal and Applying in Audio Signal Subband Coding
Author*Xuan Truong Nguyen (The Audio-Video Broadcasting College I, Viet Nam)
Pagepp. 1457 - 1460
AbstractThe subband coding (SBC) using the multirate filter bank. This paper proposed two methods to find out sets of decimation ratios, and an optimal set is chosen for designing multirate filter bank of subbank coder. Because the optimal set is suitable with PSD distribution of signal, the achieved result does not help only to decrease data rate but also to reduce total error on the reconstruted output signal.

P2-10 ([Circuits & Systems] Signal Processing)
TitleMultiple Embedding for Time-Domain Audio Watermarking Based on Low-Frequency Amplitude Modification
Author*Harumi Murata, Akio Ogihara, Motoi Iwata, Akira Shiozaki (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1461 - 1464
Keyworddigital watermark, information security, signal processing
AbstractThe objective of this work is to increase the capacity of watermark information in the audio watermarking method based on low-frequency amplitude modification. We increase the capacity of watermark information by embedding multiple watermarks in individual data channels

P2-11 ([Circuits & Systems] Signal Processing)
TitleSound Quality Improvement by Eliminating High Frequency Component from Signature Impulse for Audio Watermarking Method Using Smearing Transformation
AuthorAkio Ogihara, *Ryota Sawada, Motoi Iwata, Akira Shiozaki (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1465 - 1468
Keyworddigital watermark, information security, signal processing
AbstractIn this paper, we aim to improve the sound quality of the audio watermarking method using smearing transformation, which is proposed by M.Wakai et al. Since noise is caused by the signature impulse, we aim to reduce the power of the signature impulse. In our method, the signature impulse is filtered by low-pass filter, and then the filtered impulse is embedded.

P2-12 ([Circuits & Systems] Signal Processing)
TitleHigh-Speed Four-Parallel 64-Point Radix-24 MDF FFT/IFFT Processor for MIMO-OFDM Systems
AuthorHang Liu, *Hanho Lee (Inha University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1469 - 1472
KeywordFFT, MDF, MIMO-OFDM, WLAN, communications
AbstractThis paper presents a design and implementation result of a high-speed, low-complexity four data-path 64-point radix-24 FFT/IFFT processor for high-throughput MIMO-OFDM wireless LAN system. The proposed FFT/IFFT processor can provide a higher throughput rate and low hardware complexity by using a four-parallel data-path scheme and a multipath delay feed-back (MDF) structure. The proposed four data-path 64-point MDF FFT/IFFT processor has a throughput rate of up to 600 M sample/s at 150 MHz while requiring much smaller hardware complexity satisfying IEEE 802.11n standard requirements.

P2-13 ([Circuits & Systems] Signal Processing)
TitleIndependent Component Analysis for Pattern Recognition of Gas Sensor Array Measurement Data
Author*Kai Song, Qi Wang (Harbin Institute of Technology, China), Taehwan Kim, Keunsung Bae (Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1473 - 1476
Keywordpattern recognition, independent component analysis
AbstractCommercial metal oxide semiconductor gas sensor array system is generally subject to significant cross-sensitivity due to poor selectivity for different gases. This crosstalk greatly affects the accuracy of gas recognition and concentration measurement. In this paper, we explore the independent component analysis as a novel modeling technique to process the gas sensor array response data for quantitative and qualitative analysis. The process consists of two stages: first the type of gas is classified from the independent components analysis, then gas concentration is computed using the scatter plot of adjacent independent components. Simulation results demonstrate that the ICA-based method show good performance on the qualitative and quantitative gas component analysis.

P2-14 ([Circuits & Systems] Adaptive Systems)
TitleAdaptive Fuzzy Output Feedback Control for the Nonlinear Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning System
Author*Jaeho Baek, Euntai Kim, Mignon Park (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1477 - 1480
Keywordadaptive fuzzy control, HVAC system, nonlinear MIMO system
AbstractHeating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system is a nonlinear MIMO system which is very difficult to control. This paper presents adaptive fuzzy output feedback control based on observer for nonlinear HVAC System whose state variables are not available. Fuzzy systems are employed to approximate the unknown nonlinear functions of the HVAC system and the state observer is designed for estimating the state variables of the HVAC system. In order to overcome the controller singularity problem, in addition, the new adaptive fuzzy output feedback controller is applied to the HVAC system. The obtained control system shows robustness and effectiveness compared with a classical feedback controller.

P2-16 ([Circuits & Systems] Solid-State Circuits)
TitleA Study on the Design of the On-Chip 2.5V-to-1.0V VDC for Semiconductor Devices
Author*Hae-jun Seo, Young-woon Kim, Tae-won Cho (Chungbuk University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1481 - 1484
Keywordvoltage down converter, reference voltage generator, voltage-up, VDC, RVG
Abstract This paper proposes a new on-chip voltage down converter(VDC), which employs a new reference voltage generator(RVG). The converter adopts a temperature-independence reference voltage generator, and a voltage-up converter. The architecture of the proposed VDC has a high-precision, and it was verified based on a 0.25μm 1P5M standard CMOS technology. For 2.5V to 1.0V conversion, the RVG circuit has a good characteristic such as temperature dependency of only 0.2mV/°C, and the voltage-up circuit has a good voltage deviation within 0.12% for 5% variation of supply voltage VDD. The output voltage is stabilized with 1mV for load current varying from 0 to 100mA.

P2-17 ([Circuits & Systems] Solid-State Circuits)
TitleDesign of Low Noise Dualband CMOS RF Front-end for IEEE 802.11n
Author*Sang-Sun Yoo, Yong-Chang Choi, Hyung-Joun Yoo (Information and Communications University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1485 - 1488
Keyworddualband, 802.11n, reconfigurable, multistandard, multimode
AbstractA dualband low noise RF front-end is designed in 0.18um CMOS technology. The operation frequency is selected by turning on and off the switched inductor and capacitor. By using the self-matched capacitor, simultaneous input and noise matching can be easily achieved in 2 GHz and 5 GHz band. Proposed RF front-end has the good performances because self-matched capacitor helps reducing the number of switchable components which can cause the noise and loss in circuit.

P2-18 ([Circuits & Systems] Solid-State Circuits)
TitleA Design of 0.12ppm/Step Digitally Controlled Crystal Oscillator for PHS Application in 0.25μm CMOS Process
Author*DongHyun Ko, Young-Gun Pu, Sangwoo Kim, Joon-Sung Park (Konkuk University, Republic of Korea), Byung-Hak Cho (Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea), Kang-Yoon Lee (Konkuk University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1489 - 1492
KeywordDCXO, tuning range, fine, coarse, PHS
AbstractThis paper presents a integrated Digitally Controlled Crystal Oscillator (DCXO) for PHS application. The frequency tuning is done by two-step MIM capacitor tuning scheme. The coarse tuning covers the frequency range of +-24ppm of the nominal frequency with the resolution of 0.75ppm. On the other hand, the fine tuning covers the frequency range of +-15ppm of the nominal frequency with the resolution of 0.12ppm. This chip is fabricated with 0.25um CMOS technology, and the die area is 0.43mm x 0.55mm including PADs.

P2-19 ([Circuits & Systems] Solid-State Circuits)
TitleA 1.1 mW 60 dB Dynamic Range Received Signal Strength Indicator with Low Power Limiting Amplifier
Author*Moon-Ho Choi, Jong-Soo Lee, Yeong-Seuk Kim (Chungbuk National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1493 - 1496
Keywordlimiting amplifier, received signal strength indicator, low power amplifier
AbstractA low-power CMOS limiting amplifier(LA) and received signal strength indicator(RSSI) are presented. The proposed LA employs folded diode structure with source degeneration load. This structure requires less transconductance than that of conventional structure. The proposed RSSI consists of seven stage of LA, full wave rectifier(FWR), and second order LPF. The RSSI is designed using 0.18 μm CMOS technology. It shows 60 dB input dynamic range and power consumption is 1.1 mW on the 1.8 V supply. Nominal slope of the RSSI transfer curve is 20 mV / dB at 20 kΩ load.

P2-20 ([Circuits & Systems] Solid-State Circuits)
TitleDual Band CMOS Quadrature VCO using Reconfigurable LC Tank and Coupled Transistors
Author*Min-Woo Seo, Cheol-Hoe Kim, Hyung-Joun Yoo (Information and Communications University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1497 - 1500
KeywordCMOS, QVCO, Multiband, Reconfigurable
AbstractIn this paper, a dual band quadrature VCO in 0.18 µm CMOS process is presented. To accomplish dual band operation, reconfigurable LC tank is adopted. Series coupling transistors are attached to generate quadrature phase signal with low power consumption and low phase noise. To improve phase noise performance, current sources are eliminated and a filter inductor at the common source node is added. The measured phase noises of low frequency mode and high frequency mode are -101.81 dBc/Hz and -100.59 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset frequency; and -123.83 dBc/Hz and -115.06 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset frequency and figure of merit (FoM) at 1 MHz offset frequency of -181.8 dB and -180.5 dB with 4 mA current consumption with a 1.7 V supply.

P2-22 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleA New Culling Scheme for Low Power 3D Graphic Processors
Author*Chanho Lee (Soongsil University, Republic of Korea), Kyeongeun Choi (Smasung Electronics, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1501 - 1504
Keyword3D graphics, Clipping, Culling, Geometry, Scan Conversion
AbstractRecently, portable devices employ applications using 3D graphics such as 3D games and 3D navigations. The portable devices require small area and low power consumption. We propose an efficient culling scheme for low power 3D graphics processors. The proposed culling scheme consists of the selection and back-face culling in the geometry engine and the elimination of pixels outside in the rasterizer engine. The new scheme reduced both the hardware complexity and the number of operation cycles of culling operations. We design a 3D graphic pipeline using Verilog-HDL according to the proposed scheme, and verify it on an FPGA prototyping board. The latency of the proposed architecture is reduced by 15 cycles and the gate count of the synthesized result is reduced by 8%.

P2-23 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitlePHY Adapter Layer Design for Low-Power Fast Serial Bus Protocol
AuthorYong-Hwan Lee, *Hyun-Woong Ju (Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1505 - 1508
KeywordLow-Power, PHY Adapter, , Serial Interface, Unified Protocol
AbstractInterface used to connect chips is the main reason of EMI problem and requires excessive space of PCB to accomodate numerous parallel lines. UniPro uses a PHY layer for fast speed of transmission. PHY layer for UniPro generally uses a protocol with fast serial interface. Various approaches are being developed to implement the PHY layer. A PHY adapter can plug various PHY layers into UniPro protocol without modifications of data link layer of UniPro. In this paper, we design a PHY adapter that consists of power management unit and Rx/Tx buffers. The PHY adapter converts data from 2 pairs of data lane of PHY to 17-bit packet for upper layer. The PHY adapter is design in Verilog HDL and verified using ActiveHDL. The synthesis result shows that the gate count is 2,150 and the operation frequency is 199MHz.

P2-24 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleSEJA: SimpleScalar Extensions for Java Applications
Author*Seok Joong Hwang, Seon Wook Kim (School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1509 - 1512
KeywordJava, processor, SimpleScalar, SystemC
AbstractIn spite of remarkable acceptance and popular use in many areas due to its portability across platforms, inherently Java programming language has one serious drawback in terms of performance. The performance problem results from high interpretation overhead. In order to overcome this performance limitation, many alternative software and hardware solutions have been proposed. One of the solutions is to extend a processor architecture for accelerating Java applications. In this paper, we present the SimpleScalar-based extension with Kaffe. Even though several versions of processor extensions are available, none of their simulators are available for research community. Our work is able to help researchers study the Java processors and Java virtual machines in detail.

P2-25 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleSpike-compensated Low-Voltage Unity-Gain-Reset Switched-Capacitor Cyclic Digital-to-Analog Converter
Author*Kenji Ohno (Graduate school of engineering,University of Miyazaki, Japan), Hiroki Matsumoto, Kenji Murao (University of Miyazaki, Japan)
Pagepp. 1513 - 1516
KeywordSwitched-Capacitor, Unity-Gain-Reset, Spike-compensated, Low-Voltage, Digital-to-Analog Converter
AbstractIn this paper, it shows a Low-Voltage SC cyclic DAC. It is proposed which consists of a switch, capacitor, MOSFET and op-amp. To operate under low supply voltage, terminal of NMOS analog switch should connect to ground or virtual ground. However, major performance of conventional algolithmic DAC is limited by offset voltage and spike. C2 and C5 are used so that it may make compensate for the spike. Circuit operation is evaluated on SIMetrix.

P2-26 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleA Design of High-Speed 1-Bit Full Adder Cell using 0.18um CMOS Process
Author*Young Woon Kim, Hae Jun Seo, Tae Won Cho (Chungbuk National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1517 - 1520
KeywordAdders, CMOS digital IC
AbstractWith the recent development of portable system such as mobile communication and multimedia. Full adders are important components in applications such as digital signal processors and microprocessors. We propose a new full adder with modified version of conventional Ratioed logic and Pass Transistor logic. The proposed adder has the advantages over the conventional logic. The delay time is improved by 17% comparing to the average value and PDP(Power Delay Product) is improved by 19% comparing to the average value. The physical design has been evaluated using HSPICE.

P2-27 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleDesign and Implementation of Turbo Decoder for Advanced T-DMB System
Author*Hyuk Kim, Jinkyu Kim, Juehyun Lee, Duckwhan Kim, Bontae Koo (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1521 - 1524
KeywordAdvanced T-DMB, turbo, decoder, max-log-map
AbstractIterative decoders such as turbo decoders have become integral components of modern broadband communication systems such as Advanced Terrestrial DMB (AT-DMB) system because of their ability to provide substantial coding gains. This paper presents a design and FPGA implementation of turbo decoder for AT-DMB system which enables high quality mobile multimedia broadcasting services that exceeds current DMB service's quality and contents capability. The turbo decoder uses the max-log-map algorithm with simple min function. It features an interleaver address generator that computes the interleaved addresses for four block sizes enabling it to quickly switch context to support different data services. The decoder was implemented on a Xilinx Virtex-4 XC4VLX200 device with other functional blocks.

P2-29 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleError Diffusion Method for Improvement of Gray Scale Rendition in PDP
Author*Jae Woon Lee, Myung Jin Park, Young Hwan Kim (Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Pohang University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1525 - 1528
Keywordplasma display panel, error diffusion, halftone artifact
AbstractThis paper proposes an error diffusion method for improvement of gray scale rendition in plasma display panel(PDP). The conventional error diffusion method in PDP, which includes data separation for display and error part, may have a danger of wrong calculation of error to diffuse. The proposed approach suppressed the halftone artifact by calculating the error using the gray level itself. Thus, the proposed method accurately reproduces the gray level by driving the average error to zero. Experimental results, obtained using two benchmark images, nine well-known test images, and 104 random HDTV images, illustrated that the proposed method has smaller halftone artifacts than the conventional method does.

P2-30 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleEnhanced Heuristic Algorithms K-LAG-V and K-LAG-S for the Constrained Via Minimization Problem
Author*Yuji Suga, Daisuke Takafuji, Toshimasa Watanabe (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1529 - 1532
Keywordmulti-layer routing problems, vias, layer assignment, via minimization, heuristic algorithms
AbstractCVM requires finding any layer assignment of wire-segments, whose topology has already been given, so that the total number of vias may be minimized. A given topology of wire-segments is called an initial wiring layout. Let kCVM denote CVM in which k layers are available for routing. In this paper, only rectilinear routing is considered. The subject of the paper is to propose heuristic algorithms K-LAG-V and K-LAG-S that are enhanced versions of K-LAG. Based on experimental results, it is shown that they are promising ones for solving kCVM, k=4, 12.

P2-31 ([Circuits & Systems] Test Technology)
TitleCurrent Testable Design of Resistor String DACs for Open Defects
Author*Yutaka Hata, Masaki Hashizume, Hiroyuku Yotsuyanagi (The University of Tokushima, Japan), Yukiya Miura (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1533 - 1536
KeywordDA Converter, testable design, open defect
AbstractA DFT method of resistor string digital-to-analog converters (DACs) is proposed so as to be tested fully by supply current testing. Targeted defects are opens in the DACs. Testability of opens in testable designed DACs is examined experimentally. The results show that all of the opens in an N-bits testable designed DAC will be detected with test vectors of about 2(N-1) by supply current testing.

P2-33 ([Circuits & Systems] Medical Electronics & Circuits)
TitleVHDL Implementation of Sigma-delta Beamformers for Ultrasound Application
Author*Yirui Deng, Jia Hao Cheong, Yvonne, Ying Hung Lam, Lian Soon Ng (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Pagepp. 1537 - 1540
KeywordDigital beamforming algorithms, sigma-delta beamforming, VHDL implementation, image quality, power and area consumption
AbstractThis paper presents the VHDL implementat1ion and the evaluation, in terms of hardware and power consumption, for 3 different sigma-delta beamforming (SDBF) algorithms. Synthesis was done at 160MHz operating frequency using Synopsys Design Vision with 0.18μm process. By taking the pre-delay reconstruction SBDF algorithm as reference, the post-delay reconstruction SDBF consumes only 10.71% of total dynamic power and 6.49% of total area. On the other hand, the post-delay reconstruction algorithm with insert-0 artifact correction technique consumes 11.68% of total dynamic power and 6.90% of total area.

P2-34 ([Circuits & Systems] Medical Electronics & Circuits)
TitleE-mail-based Telemonitoring System of Television's Operating State for Elderly Persons Living Alone
Author*Kazuki Nakajima, Takahiro Motoya (University of Toyama, Japan), Takatoshi Suenaga (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan), Kazuo Sasaki (University of Toyama, Japan)
Pagepp. 1541 - 1544
Keywordelderly parent, living alone, remotely located family, telemonitoring, television
AbstractTo improve the relationship between families and elderly parents who live far apart, we have developed a telemonitoring system using the television's operating-state (TVOS). The aim of the present study was to develop a novel system that monitors the TVOS by utilizing e-mails to solve the problems of the previous system.

P2-35 ([Circuits & Systems] Intelligent Transportation Systems)
TitleThe Reliability and Safety Enhancement Method of GNSS for Train Control Application
Author*Kyung-Ho Shin, Ducko Shin, Eui-Jin Joung, Young-Gyu Kim (Korea Railroad Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1545 - 1548
KeywordGNSS, Railway, Reliability, Safety
AbstractIn this paper, we present the integrity level of Korean augmentation system and analyze the integrity level of GNSS in the railway domain. Then we propose dual-mode GNSS configuration method which is applicable to train control which safety and reliability of higher level are required. We also analyze the reliability and safety of the configuration method by calculating positioning failure rates.

P2-36 ([Circuits & Systems] Other)
TitleThe Design of TFT-LCD Source Driver using Offset Cancellation Method by High Frequency Modulation and Layout Scheme
Author*Wan Jik Lee, Jong Bae Son, Ram Woo Lee, Sang Hee Son, Won Sup Chung (Cheongju University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1549 - 1552
Keywordlow-offset, auto-zeroing, chopping
AbstractIn this paper, a dynamic offset cancellation method using simple high frequency modulation has been proposed, designed and verified with SPICE simulation. It was realized the 8-bit source driver channel structure layout using the proposed layout scheme. The proposed offset cancellation method can realized low offset compared to the conventional method. The offset voltages of differential amplifiers with same input signal can be modulated from DC to the KHz frequency region in the conventional method but proposed method can be modulated from DC to the MHz frequency region. After modulation is performed through low pass filtering, the error voltage magnitude can be minimized to the level of sub mV. Also the output glitches normally associated with “hand-over” events by some switching operation can be attenuated by the proposed method. HSPICE simulation using 0.3-μm 18-V high voltage CMOS process parameters to verify the performance of proposed method is extensively performed and shows an input-referred offset variation of less than 1mV and hand-over glitches below 5mV.

P2-37 ([Circuits & Systems] Other)
TitleLow Power Consumption Level Shifter Using LTPS TFTs for System-On-Panel
Author*Eun-Woo Jeong (Division of Information and Display Engineering, Hanyang University, Republic of Korea), Oh-Kyong Kwon (Division of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1553 - 1556
KeywordLTPS, Level shifter, Poly-Si TFT
AbstractA capacitive coupling type level shifter for low power consumption using low temperature poly-Si(LTPS) TFTs is proposed. The concept of the proposed level shifter is to use capacitive coupling effect to reduce short circuit current and power consumption. The fast switching characteristic of capacitive coupling effect reduces the short circuit current during the transition time of input signal. By simulation results, it is verified that the power consumption of the proposed level shifter is reduced up to 53 %, compared to that of the previously reported cross-coupled latch type level shifter.

P2-38 ([Circuits & Systems] Other)
TitleA New Voltage-Programmed Pixel Structure Compensating for Threshold Voltage Shift of Organic Thin Film Transistor
Author*Jongchan Choi, Aram Shin, Jae-In Lee, Bongno Yoon, Man Young Sung (Korea University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1557 - 1560
KeywordActive matrix organic light emitting diode (AMOLED), organic thin film transistor (OTFT), threshold voltage shift, HSPICE simulation
AbstractA new voltage-programmed pixel circuit using soluble-processed organic thin film transistors (OTFTs) for an active matrix organic light emitting diode (AMOLED) is proposed. The proposed circuit is composed of four switching TFTs, one driving TFT and one storage capacitor, which is simulated by HSPICE. The proposed circuit can compensate for the non-uniformity of OLED current caused by the threshold voltage degradation of the OTFT. The simulation results demonstrate that the variation of OLED current corresponding to a 3V threshold voltage shift is decreased by 30% compared to the conventional 2-TFT pixel circuit.

P2-40 ([Computers] Computer Systems/Applications)
TitleApplication-Adaptive Pseudo Random Number Generators and Binding Selector
Author*Suk Han Lee, Ha Young Jeong, Yong Surk Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1561 - 1564
Keywordrandom number generator, ASIP, hardware implementation, reconfigurable hardware
AbstractIn this paper, we propose hardware based random number generators according to an equation that uses area, speed, randomness level, and parallelism – depending on how many numbers are generated at a time. In addition, we propose a selector which can choose a suitable random generator among the others in the specific application using C language. Each random number generator is verified and synthesized. For each case, the instruction to delay random generation is compared with general software implementation. As a result, in keeping a rational trade-off line, the selector chose a suitable random generator which is about four times faster than software random number generation with a 2.25% area increase on average.

P2-42 ([Computers] Computer Systems/Applications)
TitleCultivation History Entry System for Agricultural Products
Author*Hitoshi Nitta, Hiroki Takeda (Technology Research Institute of Osaka Prefecture, Japan), Teruhisa Hochin (Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 1565 - 1568
Keywordsystem, agriculture, pesticide legislation, AJAX
AbstractPesticide legislation in Japan is very complex. It is a virtually impossible task that the farmer understands all of this law. To solve this problem, the authors have developed "Cultivation History Entry System for Agricultural Products". Even the farmer who does not completely understand pesticide legislation comes to be able to do farm works that uphold pesticide legislation by using this system. This system equips improved usability by adoption of AJAX technology.

P2-43 ([Computers] Computer Systems/Applications)
TitleEmotion Recognition from Text Using Knowledge-based ANN
Author*Yong-Soo Seol (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea), Dong-Joo Kim (Anyang University, Republic of Korea), Han-Woo Kim (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1569 - 1572
Keywordemotion recognition, affective computing, emotion, recognition
AbstractThis paper proposes an emotion recognition system. Human emotion can be expressed through many kinds of medium such as speech, image, facial expression, and so forth. This paper focuses on the textual data of them. Proposed system is a hybrid system that uses alternatively two methods, keyword-based and machine learning method. Keyword-based methods are traditional approaches using emotional keywords to make a decision of emotional state. They are very correct if emotional keywords exist within text segment. However, there is nothing to do if keywords to be able to catch emotional state do not exist. Therefore, in the case of no emotional keywords, our proposed method uses KBANN to able to infer emotional state through implicit knowledge constructed with the third-party information. Finally, through experiments, we show that the proposed system is more accurate than some previous approaches.

P2-45 ([Computers] Computer Aided Design)
TitleExploration of Schedule Space by Random Walk
AuthorLiangwei Ge, Song Chen, *Takeshi Yoshimura (Waseda University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1573 - 1576
KeywordScheduling, high-level synthesis, random walk
AbstractScheduling, an important step in high-level synthesis, is a searching process in the solution space. Due to the vastness of solution space, it is usually difficult to search schedules efficiently. In this paper, we present a random walk based perturbation method to explore the schedule space. The method first limits the search within a specific sub-solution space (SSS). Then, the SSS is repeatedly perturbed by using an N-dimension random walk so that better schedules can be searched in the new SSS. To improve the search efficiency, a guided perturbation strategy is presented that leads the random walk toward promising directions. Experiment shows that in runtime comparable to existing methods, ours finds schedules of better quality.

P2-46 ([Computers] Computer Networks)
TitleRouting Protocols in Delay Tolerant Networks: A Comparative Survey
Author*Jian Shen, Sangman Moh, Ilyong Chung (Chosun University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1577 - 1580
Keyworddelay tolerant network, routing protocol, intermittent connectivity, flooding, forwarding
AbstractDelay Tolerant Networks (DTNs) are a class of emerging networks that experience frequent and long-duration partitions. Compared with the conventional networks, the distinguished feature is that there is no end-to-end connectivity between source and destination. The network topology may change dynamically and randomly, and the non-existence of an end-to-end path poses a number of challenges in routing in DTNs. In this paper, we survey the state-of-the-art routing protocols and give a comparison of them with respect to the important challenging issues in DTNs. The routing protocols are classified into two categories based on which property is used to find the destination: flooding families and forwarding families. The pros and cons as well as performance are disccused and compared for the routing protocols.

P2-47 ([Computers] Computer Networks)
TitleSimulation of Performance Enhancement in the AAA Protocol
Author*Ji-Sun Kim, Eun-Chul Cha, Hyoung-Kee Choi (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1581 - 1584
KeywordAAA, Diameter, RADIUS, HOL blocking, Silly Window Syndrome
AbstractThis paper analyzes the AAA performance improvement issues and the solution provided by IETE AAA WG, and measures the actual level of the performance improved. The issues of The Head-Of-Line (HOL) and Silly Window Syndrome (SWS) and their solutions have been adapted for this study since they are connected to AAA protocol. Also, the NS-2 simulator has been used as a simulator, and IEEE 802.16 has been selected as the network framework. The results showed that the solution of HOL and SWS enhanced the performance of AAA 37.5 %, 30%, respectively.

P2-48 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleReal Time Object Tracking and Identification Using a Camera
Author*Budi Sugandi, Hyoungseop Kim, Joo Kooi Tan, Seiji Ishikawa (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 1585 - 1588
Keywordobject tracking, object identification, block matching technique
AbstractIn this paper, we proposed a method for detecting and tracking of moving objects based on low resolution image employing a block matching technique and also proposed an identification method using a color and spatial information. Many tracking algorithms have better performance under static background but sometimes mistracking results are obtained under background with complex motions. Since a low resolution image has a nice property that it can remove the small size pixels, it is adopted to solve this problem due to the fact that most of the fake motions in the background have small region. In tracking the moving object, many applications have problems when objects occlude each other. The peripheral increment sign correlation is used to solve this problem. The identification object is performed using a color and spatial information of the tracked object. The experimental results prove the feasibility and usefulness of the proposed method.

P2-49 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleA Scalable Pattern Omission Method of Deblocking Filter for H.264/AVC Baseline Profile
Author*Jae Gon Kim, Jin Woo Hwang, Jun-Dong Cho (Sung Kyun Kwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1589 - 1592
KeywordH.264/AVC, pattern omission, deblocking, filter, baseline
AbstractIn this paper, we present the so-called scalable pattern omission method for a deblocking filter. This exploits specific characteristics of the human visual system. The baseline of our method is to reduce processing time of the deblocking filter. In the development of the H.264/AVC decoder, the processing Deblocking filter consumes the most computation resource. We proposed a scalable pattern omission method during filtering to decrease macroblocks that are filtered by the deblocking filter. Simulation result shows that our method can achieved performance enhancement ranging about 20% to 70% in the processing time.

P2-50 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleInverse Diamond Search Algorithm for 3D Medical Image Sets Compression
Author*Wen-Jan Chen, Hui-Min Chen (Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Da-Yeh University, Taiwan)
Pagepp. 1593 - 1596
Keyworddiamond search, inverse diamond search, lossless compression, 3D medical image sets
AbstractThe scheme of motion estimation is introduced to exploit the redundancy between continuous frames of 3D medical image sets in this paper. The proposed scheme is based on inter-frame motion estimation of inverse diamond search algorithm. The residual images are encoded by the Huffman encoder. The test images include five sets of the heart and two sets of the brain MRI images. The average compression ratio of the inverse diamond search algorithm is similar to the JPEG_LS and diamond search algorithm. The inverse diamond search leads to speed improvement around 5 % over diamond search for all the tested MRI sets.

P2-51 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleWSSG Filter using LUT for Vein Identification
Author*Sang-Woo Sin, Kyung-Sik Jang (Korea University of Technology and Education, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1597 - 1600
Keywordbiometric, vein identification, preprocessing, image processing
AbstractThe problem of 2D-Gabor filter is very slow. So some filters are proposed such as Separable Gabor fitler and WSSG filter. However, these filters are alos slow in the embedded systems that have no floating-point unit. So we propose using LUT for WSSG filter instead of multiplication operations with floating point numbers. This filtering consumes approximately 25 time faster than the normal WSSG fitlering with compareble enhancement results.

P2-54 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleA Multi-Dimensional Transform for Future Video Coding
Author*Woo-Jin Choi, Su-Yeol Jeon, Chang-Beom Ahn, Seoung-Jun Oh (Kwangwoon University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1601 - 1604
KeywordH.264/AVC, Video Coding, Multi-Dimensional Transform, Integer Transform
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a Multi-Dimensional Transform(MDT) technique for future video coding. Unlike traditional video codecs, H.264/AVC uses an integer 4×4 block transform. Using small block size coding, H.264/AVC obtains high temporal prediction efficiency, but it has limitation in utilizing spatial redundancy. The proposed MDT is a new method for additionally reducing spatial redundancies of image. Experimental results indicate MDT can provide better R-D performance than the conventional H.264/AVC transform.

P2-55 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleCompatible Image Compression
Author*Lifeng Zhang, Shinosuke Ohta, Hiroshi Kondo (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 1605 - 1608
KeywordJPEG-Compatible, Directional optimal estimator, Cubic Convolution
AbstractNew image compression method is presented. The presented system is compatible with JPEG one. Compatibility is one of the most important factors for image compression, because JPEG system is utilized for almost every imaging devices and mobiles, etc. First the image is divided into 4 small similar images and one of the 4 images is compressed and coded by using JPEG system. At the receiver side the left 3 images are reconstructed by an interpolation technique.

P2-57 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleA Feature-Based Tumor Detection for MRI Breast Imaging
Author*Guo-Shiang Lin (Da-Yeh University, Taiwan), Sin-Kuo Chai (China Medical University, Taiwan), Wei-Cheng Yeh (Radiology dept., Nantou Hospital, dept. of Health, Executive Yuan, Taiwan), Lin-Jie Cheng (Da-Yeh University, Taiwan)
Pagepp. 1609 - 1612
Keywordtumor detection, breast MRI, neural network
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a feature-based scheme composed of the intra-slice, texture and inter-slice analyses to achieve tumor region identification in MRI breast images. Our intra-slice analysis evaluates the intensity and size information of candidate regions. To find a precise region, a region growing algorithm is proposed based on ellipse fitness. In the texture analysis, some texture features are extracted and combined with a neural network to reduce the false alarms. The inter-slice analysis is based on the continuity characteristic to verify the static behavior of tumor regions. The experimental results show that our proposed scheme can correctly identify tumor regions.

P2-58 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleColor Image Descriptor using Wavelet Correlogram
AuthorSeung-Jun Lee, Yong-Hwan Lee, *Hyochang Ahn, Sang-Burm Rhee (Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Dankook University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1613 - 1616
KeywordImage Search, CBIR, Wavelet Correlogram
AbstractImage descriptor performs two major tasks of the extracting algorithm. One is to encode image into feature vectors and the other is to measure for comparing a query image and the images in database. This paper proposes a new efficient image descriptor that uses the color feature based on wavelet color-spatial information of an image. In order to evaluate the proposed descriptor, we perform the comparative analysis of existing methods such as color histogram, correlogram, Scalable Color Descriptor (SCD) and wavelet correlogram. Experimantal results provide that the proposed method shows a slightly improvement in the retrieval effectiveness. Especially the proposed image descriptor is more efficient in the search and retrieval of multi-resolution images.

P2-59 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleHigh Speed Gabor Filter using Haar Wavelets
Author*Woochan Seo, Minsue Park, Jinguk Kwon, Hoon Kang (Chung-Ang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1617 - 1620
KeywordGabor Filter, Matching Pursuit, Wavelet, High Speed, Fast
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a new way of improving the operation speed of Gabor filters. If the mask is applied to some images, a number of mathmatical operations increase due to complexity. If the mask size is reduced as small as possible in an allowable range, the operation time may decrease. But it would make a problem because the small mask is difficult to represent both frequency and orientation characteristics. Therefore, the operation speed is overcome by substituting multiplications for additions, instead of changing the mask size. First, Haar wavelets are generated in terms of binary data. We divide the mask into two groups, 1’s and -1’s. Thus, Haar wavelets show both frequency and orientation characteristics. Then, by applying 'Matching Pursuit', we obtain the correlations between the original Gabor filters and our binary Haar wavelets. The Gabor filter can be described by linear combinations of Haar wavelets. As a result, the binary wavelets give a benefit to the operation speed. However, some trade-off is necessary between accuracy and speed since it may cause some errors.

P2-60 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleMoving Object Segmentation using Weighted Coefficients Ratio Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform
Author*Tae-Gyoun Lee, Ju-Young Kim, Tae-Yeon Jung, Jae-Sik Sohn, Duk-Gyoo Kim (Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1621 - 1624
Keywordimage processing, segmentation, wavelet transform, DWT, weighted coefficient
AbstractIn this paper, it is proposed that edge detection using weighted coefficients ratio (WCR) video object segmentation algorithm based on discrete wavelet transform (DWT). The proposed method is applied DWT to two successive frames. Also, we utilize detection method with different thresholds in four wavelet sub-bands and make the map of boundary using Prewitt edge operator in wavelet domain. As mixing the difference and division operation, our algorithm improved the performance test that is able to find more accurate monving objects. on DWT. After the inverse discrete wavelet transform (IDWT), the robust edge map can be obtained. Through combination with the current frame's moving edges and previous can be detected and tracked. It is then used to extract video object planes (VOPs) by a simple filling technique. The proposed algorithm is robust to the entire motion object detection and can obtain fruther shape information, more accurate extraction of moving object. The experimental results are proved the effectiveness of our algorithm.

P2-61 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleHybrid Block-based Motion Estimation Considering Regional Motion Characteristics
Author*Young Duk Kim, Joonyoung Chang, Moon Gi Kang (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1625 - 1628
Keywordmotion estimation, regional motion characteristics, Hybrid search
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a hybrid block-based motion estimation algorithm that considers regional motion characteristics. The proposed method combines multiple search algorithms according to regional motion types to produce more accurate motion vector fields while preventing the increase of the computational cost. For these reasons, the proposed method first divides an entire image into three regions with different motion types. Experimental results show that the proposed motion estimation method improves the accuracy of the estimated motion vector fields over the existing algorithms.

P2-62 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleA High Compression Ratio Image Coding for Frame Memory Reduction in LCD Overdrive
AuthorJun Wang, Kyeongyuk Min, *Jongwha Chong (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1629 - 1632
KeywordLCD, Overdrive, Compression
Abstract In this paper, we developed a high compression ratio image coding (HCRIC) for frame memory reduction in LCD overdrive to reduce motion blur. We have used the characteristic of human visual system (HVS) to separate the luminance data and chrominance data, firstly. And then use different methods to compress them. The image codec can reduce the frame memory to 1/6, and by using a new architecture it can reduce the line buffer to 50% without any image degradation. The simulation results show that it can gain the mean image degradation of 35.27dB in peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR).

P2-65 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleA Vector Graphic Accelerator for Embedded Systems
Author*Yong Choi, Eun-Kyung Hong, Kwon-Hyung Lee, Yong-Luo Shen, Taek-Gyu Kim (Korea University, Republic of Korea), Hyun-Gyu Kim (Advanced Digital Chips, Republic of Korea), Hyeong-Cheol Oh (Korea University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1633 - 1636
KeywordOpenVG, accelerator
AbstractThis paper presents a prototype hardware accelerator for two-dimensional vector graphics applications based on the OpenVG standard. Since our design mainly targets embedded applications, we focus on efficient uses of limited resources, especially the memory bandwidth. The designed accelerator can process the images of 640x240 pixels with moderate complexity at the rate of 30 frames per second. Our current design costs approximately .40 million equivalent gates when it is implemented using a 0.18um CMOS standard cell library.

P2-66 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleMicroscopic Stereo Camera with Simultaneous Vergence and Focus Control
Author*Namho Lee (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Republic of Korea), Jaekyoung Moon, Soon-Yong Park (Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1637 - 1640
KeywordStereoscopic, Vergence, Focus, Microscopic, Video
AbstractThis paper introduces a stereoscopic stereo camera which equipped with two microscopic video sensors, a micro motor, and a linear stage. Mechanism of simultaneously controlling both vergence and focus of the camera is presented. Parallel-axis design of two video sensors enables the stereo camera to converge and focus on an interesting object simultaneously. Calibration of the camera is done to reconstruct 3D models of real objects using the camera. Experimental results show that the vergence and focus of the camera change with respect to the motion of an object.

P2-67 ([Computers] Internet Application and Technology)
TitleWeb Application for Discovering Association Rules in Social Welfare Data Base
Author*Carlos Enrique Gutierrez, Mohammad Reza Alsharif (Department of Information Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Japan)
Pagepp. 1641 - 1644
KeywordData Mining, Association Rules, Web Application, Large Databases
AbstractThe current algorithms for fiding association rules are mainly batch processes. Several efforts are carried out to improve the algorithm’s performance and response’s speed. Besides that the dynamic and quick search of knowledge is becoming a necessity in the traditional Data Mining techniques. In this paper we explain step by step our web implementation of a fast asociation rules’ retrieval system in order to provide useful information to take decisions. Our system is based on the creation of temporary tables and the use of Structured Query Language "SQL" that allow a good exploitation of the database engine’s advantages. We present a simple web interface where the user chooses the attributes on which the mining algorithm will be executed.

P2-68 ([Computers] Internet Application and Technology)
TitleDesigning Image Contents Retrieval Method by using Color Information in SCORM LMS
AuthorJun Chul Chun (Department of Computer Science,Kyonggi University, Republic of Korea), *Yei Seon Hwang (Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Media Technology, Indiana State University, United States), Taehwa Han (Department of Medical Informatics, Ajou University School of Medicine, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1645 - 1648
Keywordimage contents retrieval, color information, SCORM, metadata
AbstractOne of the important parts of learning processing is retrieving images that are related to learning context. The SCORM uses metadata to retrieve various learning content in the e-learning environment. There are some possibilities to make metadata differently depending on individual interpretations even though the content is same because metadata is made manually. This paper proposes a new method that uses a combination of the SCORM metadata model and a content-based image retrieval method for enhancing the efficiency of retrieving image content.

P2-69 ([Computers] Modeling & Simulation)
TitleCharacterizing User Behavior and Data Service Patterns in Cellular Networks
AuthorChong-Wook Kwon, *Yae Hoe Kim, Hyoung-Kee Choi (School of Information and Communication Engineering Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1649 - 1652
KeywordTraffic analysis, Characterization, CDMA, Cellular network
AbstractThis paper analyses billing records from the CDMA 1x EV-DO networks. The billing records were obtained from the largest commercial mobile service provider in Korea. We analyze the billing records that include useful information in order to understand the features of the entire network. Since it is impossible to check all the network data, billing information gives insight into user behavior and characteristics of the packet core network. The aim of this study is to proffer understanding of user behavior and service patterns that are valuable for the management of commercial cellular networks.

P2-72 ([Computers] Other)
TitleDesign of Risk Analysis and Assessment Model Based on the Business Process
Author*Moon Goo Lee (Kimpo College, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1653 - 1656
Keywordvulnerability, confidentiality, integrity, availability
AbstractWith dependency of companies and government agencies on the networks growing as ever, current patch-up security solution is not an ideal and effective remedy against the increasing threats. Worse, current security system costs excessive amount of resources to recover from an emergency should such a crisis occur. Thus effective risk management system is necessary for today's business, and at the core of such system is the risk analysis-assessment model. However, most of existing risk-analysis methodologies at work domestically has one critical problem; they've been developed abroad, and have been applied without necessary modifications to reflect the domestic conditions. First, assessment methods have not been clarified. Also non-existent is the mapping process of assets and risks. Secondly, asset-evaluating process doesn't reflect the organizational characteristics of the domestic businesses, which in turn undermines the reliability of such assessment results. To overcome the drawbacks described above, this paper suggests a new risk analysis-assessment model based on the business process approach.

P2-73 ([Computers] Other)
TitleNonlinear Modeling of Super-Resolution Near Field Structure System based on the Volterra and Neural Network Models
Author*Manjung Seo, Sungbin Im (School of Electronic Engineering, Soongsil University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1657 - 1660
KeywordSuper-RENS, Volterra, neural network, nonlinearity, MSE
AbstractReliable channel modeling becomes an important measure in performance evaluation on various data detection algorithms. For this reason, correct and accurate modeling is required. This paper presents a nonlinear modeling of Super-RENS (Super-Resolution Near Field Structure) read-out signal using the second-order Volterra and neural network models. The experiment results verified the possibility that Volterra and neural network models can be utilized for nonlinear modeling of Super-RENS systems. Furthermore, nonlinear equalizers can be developed based on the information obtained from this nonlinear modeling.

P2-74 ([Computers] Other)
TitlePersonalization Method of Multimedia Data Retrieval System Based on Impression
Author*Teruhisa Hochin (Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 1661 - 1664
KeywordMultimedia data retrieval, Impression, Personalization
AbstractThis paper addresses to two major issues to the personalization of multimedia data retrieval system based on impression. One is on the decrease of the learning burden. The proposed method estimates the scores of an individual based on the grouping. The other is on the stability of the retrieval system. The proposed method uses a kind of rotation of a matrix. This method could keep the factors used in the system. This brings the stability to the retrieval system. By using these two methods, the user adaptation is easily, quickly, and stably attained.

P2-75 ([Computers] Other)
TitleCharacteristic Enhancement of Trench IGBT by Deep P+ Layer beneath the Trench Emitter Ion Implantation
Author*Sin Su Kyoung, Jae In Lee, Jong-Seok Lee (Korea University, Republic of Korea), Ey-Goo Kang (Far East University, Republic of Korea), Man Young Sung (Korea University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1665 - 1668
Keywordtrench gate, field distribution, deep P+ layer, breakdown voltage
AbstractThe Trench Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (TIGBT) was invented for lower on-state voltage drop and higher integration due to smaller cell pitch, but TIGBTs suffer from breakdown voltage degradation due to the concentrated electric field at the corner of the trench gate in the forward blocking state. In this paper, we report on a new TIGBT structure that solve this problem. The proposed structure has a deep P+ layer beneath the trench emitter to distribute the concentrated electric field at the trench gate corners in the forward blocking state. The deep P+ layer of the structure is formed by ion-implantation at the bottom of the trench after partial etching of the P-base region. The electrical characteristics of the proposed IGBT structure are verified by device simulation, namely, MEDICI and TSUPREM. The proposed structure improves the breakdown voltage compared to conventional TIGBTs without changing the threshold voltage and the on-state voltage drop. The distribution of the electric field is also changed by its design parameters. When the depth of the trench gate corner and the deep P+ layer are the same, the breakdown voltage is at the highest point. As the gap distance between the trench the gate corner and the deep P+ layer gets shorter, the breakdown voltage gets higher. The distribution effect operates when the doping level of the deep P+ layer exceeds the appropriate value to prevent punch-through between the metal electrode and the N-drift region. This structure can be applied easily to various TIGBTs with simple processes addition.

P2-76 ([Communications] Communication Theory)
TitlePhase Offset Error Detection Algorithm without Parity Check Bit
AuthorYoung Yearl Han (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea), *Young Joon Song (Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1669 - 1672
Keywordphase offset, error detection, binary code, CDMA, PN code
AbstractThis paper proposes an efficient error detection algorithm for phase offset enumeration of binary codes including PN (Pseudo Noise) sequences based on the number theoretical approach. The proposed error detection scheme does not need a parity check bit. The error detection failure probability of the proposed method is derived, and it is confirmed by simulation results. And very efficient circuit realization of the proposed algorithm is also discussed

P2-77 ([Communications] Communication Theory)
TitleAn Efficient Design Methodology of Serial Concatenate Coding Scheme for CATV Transmission System
Author*Minhyuk Kim, Jongtae Bae, Suksoon Choi, Taedoo Park, Namsoo Kim, Jiwon Jung (Department of Radio Communication Engineering, Korea Maritime University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1673 - 1676
KeywordFPGA, QAM, RS code, TCM, VHDL
AbstractThis paper describes the design methodology of serial concatenate of cable systems. In implementing the cable modem, there are some problems to fabricate and fitting on FPGA chip. First, many clocks are needed in implementing cable modem. To reduce the number of clocks, we use the two memories. Second, the decoder must detect the unique sync-word. In this paper, we use 5-stage registers. The cable modem is fabricated on FPGA chip name as Vertex II pro xc2vp30-5 by Xilinx.

P2-78 ([Communications] Communication Theory)
TitleHybrid ARQ System using the Cross Layer Coding
Author*Taedoo Park, Minhyuk Kim, Jongtae Bae, Seoksoon Choi, Namsoo Kim, Jiwon Jung (Korea Maritime University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1677 - 1680
KeywordHARQ system, Punctured LDPC code, RS code , Cross layer
AbstractHybrid automatic repeat request (H-ARQ) system using the cross layer coding suitable for future mobile communication and radio data communication system. In this paper introduce cross layer coding and H-ARQ type, proposed H-ARQ system using cross layer coding methods. Simulate BER performance and Throughput. And we suggest that according to channel condition suitable H-ARQ type.

P2-79 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleAdvanced CI/OFDM System Robust to the Phase Noise
Author*Seon-Ae Kim, Heung-Gyoon Ryu (Chungbuk National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1681 - 1684
KeywordOFDM, PAPR, CI-OFDM, ICI, Phase noise
Abstract High PAPR (peak-to-average power ratio) and ICI (inter carrier interference) are serious problems in the OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) system. Recently, CI/OFDM (carrier interferometry coded OFDM) system has been proposed for reducing the PAPR and it shows good PAPR reduction performance. However, the CI/OFDM system is very sensitive to the ICI (inter carrier interference) problem since the phase offset mismatch happens due to the frequency offset and phase noise. In this paper, we propose an ACI/OFDM (advanced-CI/OFDM) to simultaneously handle the PAPR and ICI problems for the overall BER performance improvement. This method basically increases the margin of phase offset in CI codes. Even though it shows a little bit higher PAPR than conventional CI/OFDM, but it improves the total BER performance. From the simulation results, we can show the performance comparison between the conventional OFDM, CI/OFDM and ACI/OFDM.

P2-80 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitlePerformance Evaluation of Equalization based On-Channel Repeater for Terrestrial Digital Multimedia Broadcast
Author*Donghyun Kim (Dankook University, Republic of Korea), Sora Park, Sung-ik Park (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea), Seokhyun Yoon (Dankook University, Republic of Korea), Youngtae Lee (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1685 - 1688
KeywordEqualizer, echo canceller, On-channel repeater, Terrestrial DMB
AbstractIn this paper, the performance of equalization-based on-channel repeater for terrestrial DMB is analyzed. A primary concern in on-channel repeater is the performance degradation due to the echo and one of key component for on-channel repeater is the echo canceller, which usually employs LMS algorithm utilizing the repeater output as a reference for echo channel estimation and compensation. One problem using LMS algorithm is the tracking capability and there necessarily exists residual echo that has not been cancelled. To effectively remove the residual echo, we consider an equalization based on-channel repeater where the echo-canceller is followed by an equalizer that performs channel estimation using pilot symbol and the channel inversion utilizing homomorphic decomposition. According to the simulation result, the performance degradation caused by the residual echo can be considerably alleviated by using the equalizer following the echo-canceller.

P2-81 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleModeling and Performance Analysis of Wireless Sensor Network Systems Using Petri Nets
Author*Song Chen (Fudan University, China), Qi-Wei Ge (Yamaguchi University, Japan), Qian-Ming Shao, Qian Zhu (Fudan University, China)
Pagepp. 1689 - 1692
Keywordpetri net, wireless sensor networks, location
AbstractWireless sensor network (WSN), composed by sensors, microprocessor and wireless communication interface, is an interesting field, and gains more and more attentions. The importance of sensor networks is highlighted by the number of recent funding initiatives, including the DARPA SENSIT program, military programs, and NSF Program Announcements. The wide application prospects make it developing rapidly in some fields such as health care, environment monitoring and military field. Petri nets are chosen for their ability to describe and study discrete event systems that characterized as being event systems that are characterized as being concurrent, asynchronous, parallel, nondeterministic, and stochastic. We construct ordinary and temporal Petri net models for wireless sensor network systems and use the model to solve the problem of location of nodes of wireless sensor network.

P2-82 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleDistance Adaptive Contention Window Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks
Author*Young Duk Kim, Won Seok Kang, Dong Ha Lee (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea), Jae Hwang Yu (SKTelecom, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1693 - 1696
KeywordWireless Sensor Networks, MAC, Contention Window
AbstractWe propose Distance Adaptive Contention Window (DACW) modified IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The key mechanism of DCAW is a dynamical channel access MAC protocol, which is to adjust Contention Window (CW) according to the hop count distance to sink and traffic condition. With DACW, each sensor node can achieve self-routing capability with low overhead and performance enhancement. Furthermore, DACW can be easily applied to existing routing protocols without additional overhead and shows that its performance is better than the existing MAC protocol by the simulation result.

P2-83 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitlePerformance Improvement of Block Turbo Coded OFDM System Using Channel State Information
Author*Hanjong Kim (Korea University of Technology and Education, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1697 - 1700
KeywordBlock Turbo Codes, OFDM, Channel State Information
AbstractIn this paper, we present a block turbo coded OFDM system. In case of OFDM system which makes use of block turbo codes or shorted block turbo codes as an error correcting code, we propose a new decoding algorithm which is better using the Channel State Information(CSI) in order to improve error correcting capability.

P2-84 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleJoint Beamforming and Precoding in TD-SCDMA Downlink System
Author*Wan-hong Ba, Xian-zhong Xie (Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)
Pagepp. 1701 - 1704
KeywordMIMO, TD-SCDMA, beamforming, precoding, TxZF
AbstractIn this paper, beamforming and precoding is combined to improve the performance of TD-SCDMA downlink based on MIMO. The performance of scheme with precoding based on SINR and SLNR outperform than the scheme without precoding. As the user number or the number of receive antenna increase, the beamforming scheme with precoding outperform the traditional beamforming still, and the beamforming precoding based on SLNR is superior gradually to the beamforming precoding based on SINR.

P2-85 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleThe Effects of Frequency Offset and Timing Jitter on the Performance of CSS System
Author*Jin Whan Kang, Sang-Hyo Kim, Seokho Yoon (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1705 - 1708
Keywordchirp spread spectrum, frequency offset, timing jitter, linear frequency sweep
AbstractChirp spread spectrum (CSS) is a wideband modulation technique employing linear frequency sweep. We analyze the effects of frequency offset and timing jitter on the performance of CSS system. The exact bit error rate (BER) expressions of CSS system are derived in the presence of frequency offset and timing jitter. It is shown that analytical and experimental results match exactly and the frequency offset and the timing jitter degrade the CSS performance. In addition, we suggest tolerance criterion of the frequency offset and the timing jitter for reliable CSS based communication systems using simulation results.

P2-86 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleAnalysis Model for the Transport Delay of NAK-based SR-ARQ with a Finite Retransmission Persistence
Author*Jechan Han, Jaiyong Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1709 - 1712
KeywordNAK-based SR-ARQ, retransmission, traffic load, transport delay
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a simple analysis model for the transport delay of the negative acknowledgment (NAK)-based selective repeat automatic repeat request (SR-ARQ). We define the transport delay as the time from a packet's first transmission until its successful arrival at the receiver. By analyzing the transport delay, we can evaluate the efficiency of SR-ARQ's loss recovery procedures as well as its delay performance. Particularly, the model considers the traffic condition and a finite retransmission persistence of SR-ARQ as well as the packet loss rate over a wireless link. Finally, the analysis model's accuracy is verified by the simulation results.

P2-87 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitlePerformance Enhancement of Multi-Band OFDM using Spectrum Equalizer
AuthorSeong-Hyun Jang, Sang-Hun Yoon, Jong-Wha Chong, *Jin-Doo Jeong (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1713 - 1716
KeywordMB-OFDM, UWB, Spectrum Equalizer
AbstractIn this paper, equalization for frequency slope of path loss in Multi-Band(MB) OFDM UWB is proposed. The path loss of a signal is proportionate to the square of the signal’s frequency. So, the received signal amplitudes of OFDM subcarrier can be different up to 3dB when MB-OFDM occupies bandwidth over 1.5GHz. The differences of subcarrier-amplitudes make an effective of 0.3 bit reduction of soft decision bits of Viterbi decoder, and when the effective of 0.3 bit reduction can cause 0.5dB SNR degradation. This paper proposes two modem architectures which compensate for the degraded subcarrier by multiplying the reciprocal of degraded values in analog or digital domain. It is shown that, for the proposed architecture applied to MB-OFDM UWB, the performance improvements up to 0.5dB can be obtained over the conventional uncompensated receiver architecture.

P2-88 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleEnhanced TCP Congestion Control for Vertical Handover with the RTT inflation and the measured-RTT of the new network
Author*Kwang-il Kim, Jechan Han, Jaiyong Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1717 - 1720
KeywordWireless TCP, Congestion Control, Vertical Handover
AbstractThe recent trend is that the mobile internet service has been offered in the integration of various wireless networks. In such heterogeneous networks, vertical handover is more common and important handover technologies. But during vertical handover, standard TCP has experienced many problems such as multiple packet losses, the packet reordering, the under-utilization due to the drastic change of the Bandwidth Delay Product (BDP) and the network transmission delay (Round Trip Time :RTT). In this paper, we propose "Enhanced TCP congestion control scheme with RTT inflation and the measured-RTT of the new network" for the seamless soft vertical handover and evaluate this by OPNET simulation. We assume the proposed scheme uses the cross-layer design in a TCP receiver and a TCP time-stamp option. OPNET simulation results show that our proposed scheme improves better TCP performance than other handover congestion control schemes such as Freeze-TCP or SS-TCP during the vertical handover

P2-89 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleAn Iterative SNR Estimator For Link Adaptation In IEEE 802.11n System
Author*Min Li Huang, Jin Lee, Sin-Chong Park (Information and Communications University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1721 - 1724
KeywordSNR Estimator, Link Adaptation, IEEE 802.11n
AbstractA dynamic and reliable link adaptation algorithm is essential to achieving higher throughput limits in a distributed and diverse wireless network. However, SNR based Link Adaptations reported in literature thus far assume that SNR estimation is always ideal. In this paper, ideal is defined as the absolute performance of the SNR estimator which approaches the Cramer-Rao Bound (CRB) with almost no bias or variance. In real wireless communication systems, this assumption doesn’t hold true. We extend the SNR estimator for Single Input Single Output (SISO) system to a Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) Physical Layer (PHY) model, and show the actual performance of a cross layer SNR based link adaptation. Simulation results prove that the SNR estimates are unstable and fluctuate in a multi-path Rayleigh fading channel, degrading the effectiveness of link adaptation algorithm. This motivates us to propose an iterative SNR estimator for link adaptation algorithm that allows the efficient utilization of channel bandwidth to achieve a throughput gain for IEEE 802.11n based system.

P2-90 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleAn Efficient Rake Receiver Design for WCDMA System
Author*Seongsu Yang, Jinyong Lee (Department of Electronic Engineering and Program of Integrated Biotechnology, Sogang University, Republic of Korea), Soojin Kim (Department of Electronic Engineering and Program of Integrated Biotechnology, Sogang University, Republic of Korea), Younglok Kim (Department of Electronic Engineering and Program of Integrated Biotechnology, Sogang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1725 - 1728
KeywordWCDMA, Rake, equalizer
AbstractIn wideband code division multiple access system, Rake receiver is gernerally applied as it equalization algorithm. The equalizaer is the most critical part in terms of the computational complexity of the receiver. Hence more efficient receiver implementin is needed to save power consumption and reduce the computational complexity. In this paper, we uses channel capacity and optimal energy allocation algorithm of multi input multiple output (MIMO) system. We choose effective Rake fingers among multi path components. Then we reallocate weight factors and combine effective Rake fingers. Applying proposed algorithm, we obtain advantage up to 2dB of performance at 0.1% of bit error rate. With about 0.57% additional computational complexity, we can find the optimal number of Rake fingers and reduce computations of unused Rake fingers.

P2-91 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleA New Receiver Structure for Performance Enhancement in CSS
AuthorYeong-Sam Kim, *Jin-Doo Jeong, Jong-Wha Chong (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1729 - 1732
Keywordchirp speard spectrum, performance enhancement, receiver structure
AbstractWe propose a new receiver structure for chirp spread spectrum (CSS) based on the characteristics of the CSS signals which are alternatively transmitted in low and high band in order to improve detection performance. The conventional channel filter performs the filtering of entire signal bandwidth in a passband, but there happens a problem that excessive noise in neighboring sub-band is added while one of signals in two sub-bands is received. The dual-band filtering method proposed in this letter is based on two filters which are designed to be matched well with alternatively received CSS signals and excludes the undesired noise. Simulation result shows that the proposed method has better bit error rate (BER) performance about 1.6dB than the conventional one.

P2-93 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleRoute Optimization Using Collective Binding Update and Mobile Network Prefix for Nested Mobile Networks
Author*Jaewoo Kim, Hyunduk Jung, Jaiyong Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1733 - 1736
KeywordNetwork Mobility (NEMO), route optimization, nested mobile network, handoff
AbstractNetwork Mobility (NEMO) supports the movement of some part of network that a group of Mobile Nodes (MNs) or Mobile Routers (MRs) moves together. To support NEMO, the NEMO basic support protocol (NBSP) was proposed [1]. In the nested mobile network, however, the NBSP exhibits pinball routing problem. In this paper, we propose a new NEMO management scheme that can achieve route optimization. Performance analysis indicates that proposed scheme can reduce packet delay.

P2-94 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleMiller Decoding Algorithm Using Sample Recovery and Correlation Method for UHF Gen2 RFID System
Author*Cheng Jin (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea), Ki Yong Jeon (Samsung Techwin Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea), Sung Ho Cho (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1737 - 1740
KeywordRFID , Gen2, Correlation, Miller
Abstract In this paper, by analyzing the characteristics of the received signal in both practical and theory environment, a Miller decoding algorithm basing on a sample recovery method and correlation concept is designed. The sample recovery method is designed to apply on the samples of the received signal which often include some degree of distortions caused by noise or timing jitter. Basing on the concept of matched filter, which is obtained by correlating the received signal with a known reference signal to detect the presence of the data symbol in the received signal, a Miller decoding algorithm utilizing correlation is designed. Together with the signal recovery method, the Miller decoding algorithm using correlation shows a good decoding performance under condition of timing jitter and high signal corruption rate caused by noise.

P2-95 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleAnalysis and Improvement of the 802.11i 4-Way Handshake
Author*In-Hwan Kim, Sung-Hyun Eum, Hyoung-Kee Choi (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1741 - 1744
Keyword802.11i, 4-way handshake, security, WLAN
AbstractWireless LAN (WLAN) is a type of wireless service that has higher data transmission than current networks. The usage is continually increasing. There are many vulnerabilities in wireless network, due to the properties of the wireless environment, regardless of its popularity. IEEE announced the 802.11i security standard to solve these problems. The vulnerable point of messages used in the process of key distribution for 802.11i makes the target node attacked lose memory through continuous messages and blocks the legitimate WLAN service. In this paper, we proposed a new scheme to solve this problem. We analyze this and compare our proposal with the current process.

P2-97 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleMultiple Autocorrelation Function-based Maximum Doppler Frequency Estimation
Author*Jong-Gun Moon, Se-Bin Im (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea), Hee-Jin Roh (Telecommunication R&D Center, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea), Hyung-Jin Choi (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1745 - 1748
KeywordMaximum Doppler Frequency Estimation, OFDM, ACF, CFR
AbstractWe propose a modified ACF-based Doppler frequency estimation algorithm for OFDM systems. The traditional ACF-based estimation scheme has a trade-off relationship between estimation range of the maximum Doppler frequency and the corresponding performances such as convergence time and steady-state jitter. Since this relationship depends on correlation interval between two OFDM symbols, it is important to design a flexible algorithm in known channel environment. Therefore, we propose an algorithm to guarantee stable performances such as estimation range and steady-state jitter regardless of correlation interval.

P2-98 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleThe Performance Enhancement of UHF RFID Reader in Multi-path Fading Environment Using Antenna Diversity
Author*Chang Seok Yoon (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea), Ki Yong Jeon (Samsung Techwin Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea), Sung Ho Cho (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1749 - 1752
KeywordRFID, Antenna , Multi-path, Enhancement
AbstractIn wireless communication, the multi-path fading effect has big influence on the system performance. Especially, in passive UHF RFID system where tag is operated by the power supplied with the RF signal of the reader, the influence of multi-path fading increases. Therefore the communication performance changes drastically depending on the locations of tags and reader. In this paper, we propose a method to improve the performance of identification area and identifacation stability by using the antenna diversity. It decreases the shadow area and the bit error rate (BER) in situation of uniformly distributed tags.

P2-99 ([Communications] Multimedia Service and Technology)
TitlePacket-Aware Transport System to Effectively Apply Ethernet Services to Service Provider Networks
Author*Jiwook Youn, Byungjun Ahn (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1753 - 1756
KeywordEthernet, Transport networks, TDM/data convergence, Quality of service
AbstractWe propose and experimentally demonstrate a packet-aware transport system that effectively supports both Ethernet services and legacy TDM service over existing SONET/SDH based service provider networks. The proposed transport system has a connection-oriented configuration operating packet switch basis and provides L2 VPN service and premium multimedia service based on MPLS protocol. Through the use of VCGs provisioned by centralized control plane, we can effectively provide QoS guaranteed Ethernet service, leased line service, and best-effort service in a single link. The SONET/SDH based OAM and protection scheme ensure Ethernet services of high reliability required in the broadband transport networks.

P2-100 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleVHF Data Link Mode 2 Ground System Supporting the ATS Services based on the ACARS over AVLC (AOA)
Author*Hyoun-Kyoung Kim, Tae-Sik Kim, Joong-Won Bae (Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1757 - 1760
KeywordVDL Mode 2, DSP, CMU, VDR, AOA
AbstractKARI is developing the VDL M2 system with a simple ATS application system for test and future use. Now, the design and implementation of the system is finishing and the unit tests for the each sub systems are finished. KARI is preparing the ground test and flight test. This paper mainly describes the status of the development of the ground VDL M2 system.

P2-101 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleLinear Precoding Techniques for 2-Hop MIMO Relaying
Author*Byungwook Yoo (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea), Kyu Ha Lee, Hyundo Kim (Samsung Thales, Republic of Korea), Chungyong Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1761 - 1764
Keywordmultiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, relay networks, codebook, quantized precoding
AbstractIn this paper, we deal with the linear precoding techniques for 2-hop multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relaying, where limited feedback is available at source and relay nodes. Among the various linear precoding schemes, we utilize quantized precoding technique which is more implementable than precoding schemes with full feedback due to short feedback length. Based on quantized precoding technique, we propose the source and relay precoding matrix selection criterion in the given codebook to improve the bit error rate (BER) performance. As a results, the performance of the proposed algorithm exceeds than that of open-loop MIMO relaying using optimum maximum likelihood (ML) receiver and Alamouti's scheme which is optimum open-loop orthogonal space-time block coding (OSTBC). Moreover, simulation results show that the proposed scheme has more diversity gain comparing with other open-loop schemes.

P2-102 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleQuantized Precoding Techniques for Spatially Correlated Channels without Correlation Feedback
Author*Myoung-Seok Kim (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea), Myeongcheol Shin (Samsung Electronics, Republic of Korea), Wonwoo Park, Chungyong Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1765 - 1768
Keywordquantized precoder, spatial correlation, estimation of correlation, combined codebook, transformed codebook
AbstractThis thesis deals with the quantized precoding techniques for spatially correlated MISO (multiple-input single-output) channels. The transformed codebook, which has been proposed recently for correlated channel, has problem of loosing diversity despite using additional feedback for channel correlation matrix. In this thesis, an efficient algorithm to estimate the correlation matrix without additional feedback and also prevent diversity loss is proposed. In the proposed algorithm, the estimation can be done using the codeword selection patterns. In order to estimate and get SNR gain simultaneously, the proposed algorithm uses both transformed codebook and specific forms of IID (independent identically distributed) codebook for estimation, which also prevents diversity loss.

P2-103 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleES Detection Range Model of Circular Scan Radars
Author*Dong-Weon Lee, Young-Jin Ryoo (Agency for Defense Development, Republic of Korea), Won-Don Lee (Chungnam National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1769 - 1772
KeywordDetection Range, Electronic Warfare, Electronic Warfare Support, Radar
AbstractThe signal power received at an ES(Electronic warfare Support) system varies over the time due to the scan characteristics of radar, which results in the ES detection range. This paper analyzes the ES detection range for the circular scan and proposes a model to evaluate it quantitatively. Experimental results using real radars demonstrate that the proposed model is suitable for the evaluation of the ES detection range related with the circular scan of radars.

P2-104 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleOptimizing Coexistence System with Interference Temperature for Multi-user Environments
Author*Joo-pyoung Choi, Won-cheol Lee (School of Electronic Engineering, Soongsil University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1773 - 1776
Keywordcoexistence, interference temperature, cognitive radio, spectrum allocation
AbstractWe explore the coexistence potential of cognitive system based on interference temperature. The characteristic feature of this interference temperature metric would be their ability to adapt the transmit power and bandwidth of their communication scheme to maximize the QoS for the secondary users while minimizing the interference to the primary users. Considering generalized interference temperature model as a baseline, we investigate the throughput variation of the secondary user in the heterogeneous communication environment.

P2-105 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleGeneralized Advanced Region Correlation (G-ARC) Scheme for BOC(m,n) Modulated Code Tracking in Future GNSS
Author*Seungsoo Yoo (Konkuk University, Republic of Korea), Youngyoon Lee, Seokho Yoon (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea), Sun Yong Kim (Konkuk University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1777 - 1780
KeywordGNSS, MBOC, Code tracking, ARC method, DS/SS
AbstractThis paper proposes a generalized advanced region correlation (G-ARC) scheme for BOC($m,n$) modulated code tracking, and demonstrates tracking bias and running average in static channels. The correlation values between the time-delayed pseudo noise code and received signal remain almost unchanged, due to the multipath signals being received later than a line-of-sight signal. Based on this observation, we have proposed the advanced region correlation (ARC) scheme. However, the ARC scheme uses only one ARC branch. So, the energy of the other sub-peaks is wasted. To tackle this problem, we proposed a generalized the ARC scheme that exploits all sub-peaks for BOC($m,n$) modulated spreading code tracking.

P2-106 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleThroughput Enhancement for Multiband-OFDM UWB System Based on Extensive Preamble Utilization
Author*Jin-Doo Jeong, Jong-Wha Chong (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1781 - 1784
KeywordMB-OFDM UWB, Initial Channel Estimation
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a method to improve the performance of initial channel estimation (CE) for the multiband-OFDM (MB-OFDM) UWB. The performance of the initial CE can be generally improved as increasing the number of the used preamble symbols. The MB-OFDM specification presents two CE symbols per band in preamble format. The performance of CE estimation with two CE symbols may be satisfied in relatively high sensitivity ~77.5 and ~72.5 dBm for 200 Mbps and 480 Mbps data rate, respectively, but can not be enough in the degraded 55 Mbps and 110 Mbps sensitivities such as ~83.5 and ~80.5 dBm, respectively. A method proposed in this paper achieves the performance improvement by extending CE estimation region to packet synchronization (PS) symbols and frame synchronization (FS) symbols including two CE symbols. This can improve the CE performance in the degraded SNR and increase the link-margin by reducing the error rate in physical-layer header. The link-margin improvement obtained by the proposed CE preamble can induce the decrease of error-rate in physical-layer header and increase of communication throughput. Simulation results for the proposed initial method show that the performance is improved by about 0.6 dB at 10~4 bit-error-rate using '3' symbols than initial method using only two CE symbols.

P2-107 ([Communications] Network Management & Design)
TitleKernel Reference Set and Its Computation Algorithm
Author*Ding-Yuan Bian (Fudan University, China), Qi-Wei Ge (Yamaguchi University, Japan), Qian Zhu, Qian-Ming Shao (Fudan University, China)
Pagepp. 1785 - 1788
Keywordkernel reference set, wireless sensor networks, anchor nodes, localization, graph matching
AbstractThis paper proposes a new concept of graphs: kernel reference set. A kernel reference set is a fraction of vertices in a graph such that if their positions are known, positions of all other vertices can be derived from information of the distance matrix. We present an algorithm to find kernel reference set of graphs. Because the problem of kernel reference set is firstly proposed in this paper, and the theoretical limit of computation complexity is unknown currently. So we implement our algorithm with C to do the simulation. From simulation results, we verified the validity of our algorithm and evaluate its performance.

P2-108 ([Communications] EMI & EMC- RF Circuits & Components)
TitleIntegration of RF Passive Components into Semiconducting Device Through 3D Capacitive Coupling for Application to Fully-Integrated MMIC
AuthorYoung Yun, Han-Nah Joh, *Young-Bae Park, Se-Ho Kim (Korea Maritime University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1789 - 1792
Keywordintegration, RF passive component, MMIC
AbstractIn this work, a 3D capacitive coupling structure employing periodic pattern was used for application to miniaturized on-chip passive components on MMIC (Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit). Unlike conventional periodic structure, the characteristic impedance of the 3D capacitive coupling structure was hardly dependent on frequency. Using the 3D capacitive coupling structure, RF passive component was highly miniaturized in comparison with conventional one.

P2-109 ([Communications] EMI & EMC- RF Circuits & Components)
TitleA Reconfigurable CMOS Low Noise Amplifier for Wireless LAN Applications
Author*Eun-Pyo Hong, Dae-Joon Kim, Hyung-Joun Yoo (School of Engineering, Information and Communications University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1793 - 1796
KeywordCMOS, LNA, Multiband, Reconfigurability
AbstractThis paper presents the designed and implemented CMOS Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) for multiband operation in TSMC 0.18 μm process. To operate in multibands and multistandards, switched inductor and switched capacitor array are used in input and output signal paths. Due to filtering characteristic of input stage, the LNA can suppress spurious signal effectively. The designed reconfigurable LNA is targeted to IEEE 802.11n application which operates in dual band: 2.4~2.485 GHz and 5.15~ 5.825 GHz. At each frequency mode; 2.4 GHz, 5.25 GHz and 5.75 GHz, gains are more than 12 dB while NFs are kept less than 2.2 dB. The LNA can be optimized the performance to each operation frequency by using LC resonant circuits and capacitor array networks.

P2-110 ([Communications] Antenna & Wave Propagation)
TitleDual Band Dipole-Loaded Notch Antenna
Author*Ching-Lieh Li, Chun-Feng Wen, Ya-Kuan Ling (Electrical Engineering Department, Tamkang University, Taiwan)
Pagepp. 1797 - 1800
Keyword Dual-band antenna, notch antenna, dipole antenna, microstrip antenna
AbstractThis paper presents a dipole-loaded notch antenna designed for the operation of the dual-band WLAN application. The antenna structure starts with a quarter-wavelength slit cut on a ground plane with suitable addition of a planar wire dipole connected to the open ends of the notch. The monopole notch is designed to radiate at the low frequency band, 2.4 GHz for IEEE 802.11b/g, while the planar wire dipole is responsible for the other band, 5.2/5.8 GHz for IEEE 802.11a. It is found that the wire dipole has the side effect of reducing the slit length due to its capacitive loading effect at the low frequency band. The parametric study is performed to demonstrate the characteristics of the proposed antenna, from which the guidelines for the design of the proposed antenna are provided.

P2-111 ([Communications] Optical Communications/Components)
TitleAn Electro Optical Honeycomb Networks-on-Chip based on a New Nonblocking Switch
Author*Xiaojie Yin (School of Telecommunication Engineering, Xidian University, China), Huaxi Gu (State Key Lab of Integrated Service Networks, Xidian University, China), Honghao Ju, Lin Jia (School of Telecommunication Engineering, Xidian University, China)
Pagepp. 1801 - 1804
Keywordoptical, NoC, non-blocking, switch, honeycomb
AbstractNetwork-on-Chip (NoC) is an emerging paradigm for communications within large VLSI systems implemented on a single silicon chip. However, the electronic network on chip design faces many problems like energy consumption, bandwidth and QoS. Compared with traditional electronic NoC, optical Network on Chip exhibits advantages of high-bandwidth, low latency and power dissipation. In this paper, a new 4×4 optical non-blocking switch is introduced on the basis of the latest development of nanophotonic technologies and of the prompt progress of optical integration technologies. The new approach can solve the problem of internal blocking with a fine symmetrical feature, while it needs the minimal number of resonators. Optical-loss budget under this architecture is also evaluated, calculated and compared with currently existing optical switches in this paper. An electro optical honeycomb network-on-chip is constructed based on the new switch architecture. It functions with low power dissipation and high bandwidth for the future network on chip.

P2-112 ([Communications] Optical Communications/Components)
TitleThermal Characteristics of Fiber Bragg Grating Temperature Sensor in Ge Doped and Ge & Boron Co-doped Fiber
Author*Yong-Hwan Son, Yong-Yuk Won (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea), Chang-Hwan Bae (Hoseo University, Republic of Korea), Sang-Kook Han (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1805 - 1808
KeywordFBG, temperature sensor, reflectivity, refractive index change, FWHM linewidth
Abstract In this paper, we report thermal characteristics of a FBG temperature sensor in germanium(Ge) doped and Ge & Boron(B) co-doped fiber, including peak reflectivity, FWHM line-width, and various refractive index change as well as thermal stability of a FBG temperature sensor. Ge doped FBG temperature sensor has thermally stability better than Ge & B co-doped FBG temperature sensor. Also, both FBG temperature sensor has thermally stability up to about 500°C and 1000 hours.

P2-113 ([Communications] Optical Communications/Components)
TitleExperimental Evaluation of Optical ZCZ-CDMA System
Author*Yu Suwaki, Takahiro Matsumoto, Shinya Matsufuji (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1809 - 1812
KeywordOptical wireless communication, Optical ZCZ code, Optical CDMA system, Field programmable gate array
AbstractThe optical ZCZ code, which is a set of pairs of binary and bi-phase sequences with zero correlation zone, can provide optical code division multiple access (CDMA) communication system without co-channel interference. We proposed the compact construction of a code generator and a bank of matched filters for this code. This paper gives and evaluates an optical ZCZ-CDMA wireless communication system, consisting of a infrared light emitting diode(LED), an avalanche photo diode(APD) module and field programmable gate array(FPGA) boards corresponding to 400,000 logic gates.

P2-114 ([Communications] Other)
TitleComparison of the Message-Passing Algorithm SCCC and LDPC Code for PMR Channel
Author*Donghyuk Park, Jaejin Lee, Yoan Shin (School of Electronic Engineering, Soongsil University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1813 - 1816
KeywordLDPC code, Perpendicular magnetic recording, Serial concatenated convolutional code
AbstractIn storage system, the higher density perpendicular magnetic recording (PMR) channel requires more advanced signal setection method to satisfy the bit error rate performance. Recently the iterative decoding is in the limelight part of the coding theory for the storage system. Famous iterative codes are the LDPC code and the Turbo code. In this paper, we consider the serial concatenated convolutional code (SCCC) with the message-passing algorithm. LDPC code has the inner iterations by using Sum-Product Algorithm (SPA). The iterative decoding of LDPC code leads to increase the performance of the PMR channel. Meanwhile, the SCCC system has no inner iterations. Therefore we consider the channel iteration between channel detector and channel decoder in SCCC system. This iterative decoding scheme expects to improve the performance of the PMR channel. We increase the number of the channel iterations in order to improve the performance.

P2-115 ([Communications] Other)
TitleA Study of Performances on a Wireless Robot Based on Various Brands of IEEE 802.11g Standard and Controlled by Notebook
Author*Adisorn Leelasantitham (University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Thailand)
Pagepp. 1817 - 1820
Keywordpersonal computer (PC), wireless robot, various brands of IEEE 802.11g standard, notebook
AbstractThis paper presents a study of performances on a wireless robot based on various brands of IEEE 802.11g standard and controlled by notebook. The robot acts a personal computer (PC) controlling equipments (e.g. motors) through a printer port. OS Windows XP is setup on the PC robot which is received commands from notebook linked through the use of a remote desktop program. The IEEE 802.11g wireless standard is employed for the transmitter and receiver between the notebook and PC robot, respectively. The study of the performances on the IEEE 802.11g wireless-standard robot based on various brands is measured in terms of a distance and a delay time between the robot and notebook. The maximum distance of receiving and transmitting the data is approximately at 40 m. whilst the delay times in case of no images and including images are approximately at 0.1 s. and 0.5 s., respectively.

P2-116 ([Communications] Other)
TitleProposed CDMA-QAM Modulation Method and Application to High-Speed Rail Transmission Technology for Railway Signaling
Author*Hiroshi Mochizuki, Sei Takahashi, Hideo Nakamura (Nihon University, Japan), Satoshi Nishida, Ryo Ishikawa (Kyosan Electric Mfg Co., Ltd., Japan)
Pagepp. 1821 - 1824
KeywordCDMA, QAM, railway signaling, DSP
AbstractWe propose a new modulation method combining code-division multiple access (CDMA) and quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), called CDMA-QAM. It transmits QAM symbols allocated based on a CDMA signal, and it has the benefit that QAM errors can be recovered if they are in a range where they can be absorbed by CDMA demodulation. We applied the method to railway signaling. We also conducted a field experiment using a rail and verified that the system can achieve favorable constellation characteristics.