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The 23rd International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications

Session P2  Poster Session 2
Time: 16:30 - 18:00 Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Location: 1F Trade Fair Hall

P2-1 ([Circuits & Systems] Linear/Nonlinear Systems)
TitleElectronically Tunable Multiple-Mode Biquadratic Circuit Employing OTAs and Grounded Capacitors
AuthorHiroki Kawakami, *Takao Tsukutani (Matsue National College of Technology, Japan), Noboru Yabuki (Tsuyama National College of Technology, Japan), Yasuaki Sumi (Tottori University of Environmental Studies, Japan)
Pagepp. 1429 - 1432
KeywordOperational transconductance amplifier, Multiple-mode circuit, Biquadratic characteristic
AbstractThis paper introduces an electronically tunable multiple-mode biquadratic circuit employing operational transconductance amplifiers (OTAs) and grounded capacitors. The basic circuit configuration is obtained from a second-order integrator loop structure consisting of loss-less and lossy integrators. The multiple-mode biquadratic circuit can realize low-pass, band-pass, high-pass, band-stop and all-pass transfer functions by suitably choosing the current output terminals. Additionally, the circuit parameters ѡ0, Q and H can be set orthogonally through adjusting the bias currents of the OTAs. The biquadratic circuits enjoy very low sensitivities with respect to the circuit components. Some examples are given together with simulated results by PSPICE.

P2-2 ([Circuits & Systems] Linear/Nonlinear Systems)
TitleAn NIC Voltage Divider for a Linear Transconductor
AuthorFujihiko Matsumoto, Takeshi Sonoda, *Toshio Miyazawa, Shintaro Nakamura, Yasuaki Noguchi (National Defense Academy, Japan)
Pagepp. 1433 - 1436
KeywordIntegrated circuits, Analog circuits, Active filters, CMOS, Transconductor
AbstractA local feedback linear transconductor requires a voltage divider. For realization of a gyrator-C filter, an output terminal of a transconductor in the filter is connected to an input terminal of itself or another transconductor owing to local feedback of gyrators and equivalent resistors. If NIC circuits are employed in a gyrator-C filter, the voltage divider and the NIC are connected in parallel. This paper proposes a NIC divider that has two roles: one is a voltage divider and the other is an NIC for improvement of the output resistance of a transconductor.

P2-3 ([Circuits & Systems] Linear/Nonlinear Systems)
TitlePerformance Enhancement of Doherty Power Amplifier with LINC
Author*Suk-Hui Lee, Sang-Ki Kim, Sung-Il Bang (Dankook University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1437 - 1440
KeywordAmplifier, Compensation, Distortion, Electrothermal effects, Nonlinear distortion
AbstractIn this paper, we analysis doherty amplifier's electric nonlinearity and electrothermal memory effect and propose a proper compensator structure, LINC(LInear amplification using Nonlinear Components), with W-CDMA signal input. A power amplifier is important component that decide efficiency in communication system. A doherty power amplifier is good efficiency. However, it has high distortion characteristic. For high efficiency and linearity, we propose a proper doherty amplifier sheme with temperature compensation. The ACLR characteristics of compensated doherty amplifier is improved 12.55 dB at 5 MHz offset frequency.

P2-4 ([Circuits & Systems] Linear/Nonlinear Systems)
TitleRelaxation Oscillator-Based Resistor Controlled Pulse Waveform Generator using Current Conveyors
Author*Pil-Soo Hyeon (ETA Chips, Republic of Korea), Sung-Ho Yun, Hyeong-Woo Cha (Cheongju University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1441 - 1444
KeywordCurrent convetor, Relaxation oscillator, PWM, Waveform generator
AbstractA class AB current conveyor with low output impe-dance has been designed and simple triangle and square waveform geneators whose frequency can be controlled by exteral resistor(s) also have been proposed. The current conveyor consists of class AB push-pull stage, complementary source-follower, and current mirror. The oscillator based waveform generator consists of two positive current conveyors (CCII+), two comparators, one RS-latch, two grounded capacitors and one(or two) resistors. The circuits are designed in 0.35um CMOS technology. Oscillating frequencies from 420KHz to 1200KHz were attained in the SPICE simulation. The waveform generator shows linearity error less than 2.5% and dissipates 3mW.

P2-5 ([Circuits & Systems] Power Electronics & Circuits)
TitleA High-Level Power Estimation Methodology for Low Power Design
Author*Chi-Ho Lin (Semyung University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1445 - 1448
KeywordHigh-Level Synthesis, Resource Sharing, power consumption , Timing Optimization, Clock Skew
Abstract This work is a contribution to high-level synthesis for low power systems. In this paper, we present an efficient algorithm on performing estimation with an aim of reducing the power consumption in the synthesized data path. In this paper, CDFG represents control flow, data dependency and such constraints as resource constraints and timing constraints. In the scheduling technique, the constraints are substituted by subgraphs, and then the number of subgraphs is minimized by using the inclusion and overlap relation efficiently. Also, The power estimation methods on enable power management and module selection are performed, so as to reduce the power consumption in low power design. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm has been proven by the experiment with the benchmark examples.

P2-7 ([Circuits & Systems] Power Electronics & Circuits)
TitleAn LED Drive Circuit of LCD BLU with Protection Circuits
Author*Yu-Cheol Park, Hoon Kim, Hee-Jun Kim (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea), Gyun Chae, Eui-Byoung Kang (ACROTECH Co.,Ltd., Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1449 - 1452
KeywordProtection circuit, UVLO, LED
AbstractIn this paper, two kinds of the protection circuits are proposed, simulated and experimented to verify their performances. One is an over current protection circuit, and the other is a no load protection circuit which reduces power consumption. These protection circuits which use a method of going down VCC of the controller IC of an LED drive circuit can reduce power consumption and prevent to damage the elements. Also, following the experimental results, the transistors of the output voltage are able to get voltage stress less than previous LED drive circuit.

P2-8 ([Circuits & Systems] Power Electronics & Circuits)
TitleAnalysis of the IGBT with Improved Trade-off Characteristic between Conduction and Turn-off Losses
Author*Samuell Shin, Jongil Won (Seokyeong University, Republic of Korea), Kuidong Kim, Jongki Kwon (ETRI, Republic of Korea), Yongseo Koo (Seokyeong University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1453 - 1456
KeywordIGBT, Power device, Power semiconductor, Switching device, Trade off
Abstract In this paper, we tried different two approach to improve the performance of the IGBT. The first approach is that adding N+ region beside P-base in the conventional IGBT. It can make the conventional IGBT to get faster turn-off time and lower conduction loss. The second approach is that adding P+ region on right side under gate to improve latching current of conventional IGBT. The device simulation results show improved on-state, latch-up and switching characteristics in each structure. The first one was presented lower voltage drop(3.08V) and faster turn-off time(3.4us) than that of conventional one(3.66V/3.65us). Also, second structure has higher latching current(369A/cm2) that of conventional structure. Finally, we present a novel IGBT combined the first approach with second one for improved trade-off characteristic between conduction and turn-off losses. The proposed device has better performance than conventional IGBT.

P2-9 ([Circuits & Systems] Signal Processing)
TitleDefining an Optimal Set of Decimation Ratios Corresponding to Signal and Applying in Audio Signal Subband Coding
Author*Xuan Truong Nguyen (The Audio-Video Broadcasting College I, Viet Nam)
Pagepp. 1457 - 1460
AbstractThe subband coding (SBC) using the multirate filter bank. This paper proposed two methods to find out sets of decimation ratios, and an optimal set is chosen for designing multirate filter bank of subbank coder. Because the optimal set is suitable with PSD distribution of signal, the achieved result does not help only to decrease data rate but also to reduce total error on the reconstruted output signal.

P2-10 ([Circuits & Systems] Signal Processing)
TitleMultiple Embedding for Time-Domain Audio Watermarking Based on Low-Frequency Amplitude Modification
Author*Harumi Murata, Akio Ogihara, Motoi Iwata, Akira Shiozaki (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1461 - 1464
Keyworddigital watermark, information security, signal processing
AbstractThe objective of this work is to increase the capacity of watermark information in the audio watermarking method based on low-frequency amplitude modification. We increase the capacity of watermark information by embedding multiple watermarks in individual data channels

P2-11 ([Circuits & Systems] Signal Processing)
TitleSound Quality Improvement by Eliminating High Frequency Component from Signature Impulse for Audio Watermarking Method Using Smearing Transformation
AuthorAkio Ogihara, *Ryota Sawada, Motoi Iwata, Akira Shiozaki (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1465 - 1468
Keyworddigital watermark, information security, signal processing
AbstractIn this paper, we aim to improve the sound quality of the audio watermarking method using smearing transformation, which is proposed by M.Wakai et al. Since noise is caused by the signature impulse, we aim to reduce the power of the signature impulse. In our method, the signature impulse is filtered by low-pass filter, and then the filtered impulse is embedded.

P2-12 ([Circuits & Systems] Signal Processing)
TitleHigh-Speed Four-Parallel 64-Point Radix-24 MDF FFT/IFFT Processor for MIMO-OFDM Systems
AuthorHang Liu, *Hanho Lee (Inha University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1469 - 1472
KeywordFFT, MDF, MIMO-OFDM, WLAN, communications
AbstractThis paper presents a design and implementation result of a high-speed, low-complexity four data-path 64-point radix-24 FFT/IFFT processor for high-throughput MIMO-OFDM wireless LAN system. The proposed FFT/IFFT processor can provide a higher throughput rate and low hardware complexity by using a four-parallel data-path scheme and a multipath delay feed-back (MDF) structure. The proposed four data-path 64-point MDF FFT/IFFT processor has a throughput rate of up to 600 M sample/s at 150 MHz while requiring much smaller hardware complexity satisfying IEEE 802.11n standard requirements.

P2-13 ([Circuits & Systems] Signal Processing)
TitleIndependent Component Analysis for Pattern Recognition of Gas Sensor Array Measurement Data
Author*Kai Song, Qi Wang (Harbin Institute of Technology, China), Taehwan Kim, Keunsung Bae (Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1473 - 1476
Keywordpattern recognition, independent component analysis
AbstractCommercial metal oxide semiconductor gas sensor array system is generally subject to significant cross-sensitivity due to poor selectivity for different gases. This crosstalk greatly affects the accuracy of gas recognition and concentration measurement. In this paper, we explore the independent component analysis as a novel modeling technique to process the gas sensor array response data for quantitative and qualitative analysis. The process consists of two stages: first the type of gas is classified from the independent components analysis, then gas concentration is computed using the scatter plot of adjacent independent components. Simulation results demonstrate that the ICA-based method show good performance on the qualitative and quantitative gas component analysis.

P2-14 ([Circuits & Systems] Adaptive Systems)
TitleAdaptive Fuzzy Output Feedback Control for the Nonlinear Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning System
Author*Jaeho Baek, Euntai Kim, Mignon Park (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1477 - 1480
Keywordadaptive fuzzy control, HVAC system, nonlinear MIMO system
AbstractHeating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system is a nonlinear MIMO system which is very difficult to control. This paper presents adaptive fuzzy output feedback control based on observer for nonlinear HVAC System whose state variables are not available. Fuzzy systems are employed to approximate the unknown nonlinear functions of the HVAC system and the state observer is designed for estimating the state variables of the HVAC system. In order to overcome the controller singularity problem, in addition, the new adaptive fuzzy output feedback controller is applied to the HVAC system. The obtained control system shows robustness and effectiveness compared with a classical feedback controller.

P2-16 ([Circuits & Systems] Solid-State Circuits)
TitleA Study on the Design of the On-Chip 2.5V-to-1.0V VDC for Semiconductor Devices
Author*Hae-jun Seo, Young-woon Kim, Tae-won Cho (Chungbuk University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1481 - 1484
Keywordvoltage down converter, reference voltage generator, voltage-up, VDC, RVG
Abstract This paper proposes a new on-chip voltage down converter(VDC), which employs a new reference voltage generator(RVG). The converter adopts a temperature-independence reference voltage generator, and a voltage-up converter. The architecture of the proposed VDC has a high-precision, and it was verified based on a 0.25μm 1P5M standard CMOS technology. For 2.5V to 1.0V conversion, the RVG circuit has a good characteristic such as temperature dependency of only 0.2mV/°C, and the voltage-up circuit has a good voltage deviation within 0.12% for 5% variation of supply voltage VDD. The output voltage is stabilized with 1mV for load current varying from 0 to 100mA.

P2-17 ([Circuits & Systems] Solid-State Circuits)
TitleDesign of Low Noise Dualband CMOS RF Front-end for IEEE 802.11n
Author*Sang-Sun Yoo, Yong-Chang Choi, Hyung-Joun Yoo (Information and Communications University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1485 - 1488
Keyworddualband, 802.11n, reconfigurable, multistandard, multimode
AbstractA dualband low noise RF front-end is designed in 0.18um CMOS technology. The operation frequency is selected by turning on and off the switched inductor and capacitor. By using the self-matched capacitor, simultaneous input and noise matching can be easily achieved in 2 GHz and 5 GHz band. Proposed RF front-end has the good performances because self-matched capacitor helps reducing the number of switchable components which can cause the noise and loss in circuit.

P2-18 ([Circuits & Systems] Solid-State Circuits)
TitleA Design of 0.12ppm/Step Digitally Controlled Crystal Oscillator for PHS Application in 0.25μm CMOS Process
Author*DongHyun Ko, Young-Gun Pu, Sangwoo Kim, Joon-Sung Park (Konkuk University, Republic of Korea), Byung-Hak Cho (Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea), Kang-Yoon Lee (Konkuk University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1489 - 1492
KeywordDCXO, tuning range, fine, coarse, PHS
AbstractThis paper presents a integrated Digitally Controlled Crystal Oscillator (DCXO) for PHS application. The frequency tuning is done by two-step MIM capacitor tuning scheme. The coarse tuning covers the frequency range of +-24ppm of the nominal frequency with the resolution of 0.75ppm. On the other hand, the fine tuning covers the frequency range of +-15ppm of the nominal frequency with the resolution of 0.12ppm. This chip is fabricated with 0.25um CMOS technology, and the die area is 0.43mm x 0.55mm including PADs.

P2-19 ([Circuits & Systems] Solid-State Circuits)
TitleA 1.1 mW 60 dB Dynamic Range Received Signal Strength Indicator with Low Power Limiting Amplifier
Author*Moon-Ho Choi, Jong-Soo Lee, Yeong-Seuk Kim (Chungbuk National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1493 - 1496
Keywordlimiting amplifier, received signal strength indicator, low power amplifier
AbstractA low-power CMOS limiting amplifier(LA) and received signal strength indicator(RSSI) are presented. The proposed LA employs folded diode structure with source degeneration load. This structure requires less transconductance than that of conventional structure. The proposed RSSI consists of seven stage of LA, full wave rectifier(FWR), and second order LPF. The RSSI is designed using 0.18 μm CMOS technology. It shows 60 dB input dynamic range and power consumption is 1.1 mW on the 1.8 V supply. Nominal slope of the RSSI transfer curve is 20 mV / dB at 20 kΩ load.

P2-20 ([Circuits & Systems] Solid-State Circuits)
TitleDual Band CMOS Quadrature VCO using Reconfigurable LC Tank and Coupled Transistors
Author*Min-Woo Seo, Cheol-Hoe Kim, Hyung-Joun Yoo (Information and Communications University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1497 - 1500
KeywordCMOS, QVCO, Multiband, Reconfigurable
AbstractIn this paper, a dual band quadrature VCO in 0.18 µm CMOS process is presented. To accomplish dual band operation, reconfigurable LC tank is adopted. Series coupling transistors are attached to generate quadrature phase signal with low power consumption and low phase noise. To improve phase noise performance, current sources are eliminated and a filter inductor at the common source node is added. The measured phase noises of low frequency mode and high frequency mode are -101.81 dBc/Hz and -100.59 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset frequency; and -123.83 dBc/Hz and -115.06 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset frequency and figure of merit (FoM) at 1 MHz offset frequency of -181.8 dB and -180.5 dB with 4 mA current consumption with a 1.7 V supply.

P2-22 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleA New Culling Scheme for Low Power 3D Graphic Processors
Author*Chanho Lee (Soongsil University, Republic of Korea), Kyeongeun Choi (Smasung Electronics, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1501 - 1504
Keyword3D graphics, Clipping, Culling, Geometry, Scan Conversion
AbstractRecently, portable devices employ applications using 3D graphics such as 3D games and 3D navigations. The portable devices require small area and low power consumption. We propose an efficient culling scheme for low power 3D graphics processors. The proposed culling scheme consists of the selection and back-face culling in the geometry engine and the elimination of pixels outside in the rasterizer engine. The new scheme reduced both the hardware complexity and the number of operation cycles of culling operations. We design a 3D graphic pipeline using Verilog-HDL according to the proposed scheme, and verify it on an FPGA prototyping board. The latency of the proposed architecture is reduced by 15 cycles and the gate count of the synthesized result is reduced by 8%.

P2-23 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitlePHY Adapter Layer Design for Low-Power Fast Serial Bus Protocol
AuthorYong-Hwan Lee, *Hyun-Woong Ju (Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1505 - 1508
KeywordLow-Power, PHY Adapter, , Serial Interface, Unified Protocol
AbstractInterface used to connect chips is the main reason of EMI problem and requires excessive space of PCB to accomodate numerous parallel lines. UniPro uses a PHY layer for fast speed of transmission. PHY layer for UniPro generally uses a protocol with fast serial interface. Various approaches are being developed to implement the PHY layer. A PHY adapter can plug various PHY layers into UniPro protocol without modifications of data link layer of UniPro. In this paper, we design a PHY adapter that consists of power management unit and Rx/Tx buffers. The PHY adapter converts data from 2 pairs of data lane of PHY to 17-bit packet for upper layer. The PHY adapter is design in Verilog HDL and verified using ActiveHDL. The synthesis result shows that the gate count is 2,150 and the operation frequency is 199MHz.

P2-24 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleSEJA: SimpleScalar Extensions for Java Applications
Author*Seok Joong Hwang, Seon Wook Kim (School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1509 - 1512
KeywordJava, processor, SimpleScalar, SystemC
AbstractIn spite of remarkable acceptance and popular use in many areas due to its portability across platforms, inherently Java programming language has one serious drawback in terms of performance. The performance problem results from high interpretation overhead. In order to overcome this performance limitation, many alternative software and hardware solutions have been proposed. One of the solutions is to extend a processor architecture for accelerating Java applications. In this paper, we present the SimpleScalar-based extension with Kaffe. Even though several versions of processor extensions are available, none of their simulators are available for research community. Our work is able to help researchers study the Java processors and Java virtual machines in detail.

P2-25 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleSpike-compensated Low-Voltage Unity-Gain-Reset Switched-Capacitor Cyclic Digital-to-Analog Converter
Author*Kenji Ohno (Graduate school of engineering,University of Miyazaki, Japan), Hiroki Matsumoto, Kenji Murao (University of Miyazaki, Japan)
Pagepp. 1513 - 1516
KeywordSwitched-Capacitor, Unity-Gain-Reset, Spike-compensated, Low-Voltage, Digital-to-Analog Converter
AbstractIn this paper, it shows a Low-Voltage SC cyclic DAC. It is proposed which consists of a switch, capacitor, MOSFET and op-amp. To operate under low supply voltage, terminal of NMOS analog switch should connect to ground or virtual ground. However, major performance of conventional algolithmic DAC is limited by offset voltage and spike. C2 and C5 are used so that it may make compensate for the spike. Circuit operation is evaluated on SIMetrix.

P2-26 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleA Design of High-Speed 1-Bit Full Adder Cell using 0.18um CMOS Process
Author*Young Woon Kim, Hae Jun Seo, Tae Won Cho (Chungbuk National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1517 - 1520
KeywordAdders, CMOS digital IC
AbstractWith the recent development of portable system such as mobile communication and multimedia. Full adders are important components in applications such as digital signal processors and microprocessors. We propose a new full adder with modified version of conventional Ratioed logic and Pass Transistor logic. The proposed adder has the advantages over the conventional logic. The delay time is improved by 17% comparing to the average value and PDP(Power Delay Product) is improved by 19% comparing to the average value. The physical design has been evaluated using HSPICE.

P2-27 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleDesign and Implementation of Turbo Decoder for Advanced T-DMB System
Author*Hyuk Kim, Jinkyu Kim, Juehyun Lee, Duckwhan Kim, Bontae Koo (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1521 - 1524
KeywordAdvanced T-DMB, turbo, decoder, max-log-map
AbstractIterative decoders such as turbo decoders have become integral components of modern broadband communication systems such as Advanced Terrestrial DMB (AT-DMB) system because of their ability to provide substantial coding gains. This paper presents a design and FPGA implementation of turbo decoder for AT-DMB system which enables high quality mobile multimedia broadcasting services that exceeds current DMB service's quality and contents capability. The turbo decoder uses the max-log-map algorithm with simple min function. It features an interleaver address generator that computes the interleaved addresses for four block sizes enabling it to quickly switch context to support different data services. The decoder was implemented on a Xilinx Virtex-4 XC4VLX200 device with other functional blocks.

P2-29 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleError Diffusion Method for Improvement of Gray Scale Rendition in PDP
Author*Jae Woon Lee, Myung Jin Park, Young Hwan Kim (Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Pohang University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1525 - 1528
Keywordplasma display panel, error diffusion, halftone artifact
AbstractThis paper proposes an error diffusion method for improvement of gray scale rendition in plasma display panel(PDP). The conventional error diffusion method in PDP, which includes data separation for display and error part, may have a danger of wrong calculation of error to diffuse. The proposed approach suppressed the halftone artifact by calculating the error using the gray level itself. Thus, the proposed method accurately reproduces the gray level by driving the average error to zero. Experimental results, obtained using two benchmark images, nine well-known test images, and 104 random HDTV images, illustrated that the proposed method has smaller halftone artifacts than the conventional method does.

P2-30 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleEnhanced Heuristic Algorithms K-LAG-V and K-LAG-S for the Constrained Via Minimization Problem
Author*Yuji Suga, Daisuke Takafuji, Toshimasa Watanabe (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1529 - 1532
Keywordmulti-layer routing problems, vias, layer assignment, via minimization, heuristic algorithms
AbstractCVM requires finding any layer assignment of wire-segments, whose topology has already been given, so that the total number of vias may be minimized. A given topology of wire-segments is called an initial wiring layout. Let kCVM denote CVM in which k layers are available for routing. In this paper, only rectilinear routing is considered. The subject of the paper is to propose heuristic algorithms K-LAG-V and K-LAG-S that are enhanced versions of K-LAG. Based on experimental results, it is shown that they are promising ones for solving kCVM, k=4, 12.

P2-31 ([Circuits & Systems] Test Technology)
TitleCurrent Testable Design of Resistor String DACs for Open Defects
Author*Yutaka Hata, Masaki Hashizume, Hiroyuku Yotsuyanagi (The University of Tokushima, Japan), Yukiya Miura (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1533 - 1536
KeywordDA Converter, testable design, open defect
AbstractA DFT method of resistor string digital-to-analog converters (DACs) is proposed so as to be tested fully by supply current testing. Targeted defects are opens in the DACs. Testability of opens in testable designed DACs is examined experimentally. The results show that all of the opens in an N-bits testable designed DAC will be detected with test vectors of about 2(N-1) by supply current testing.

P2-33 ([Circuits & Systems] Medical Electronics & Circuits)
TitleVHDL Implementation of Sigma-delta Beamformers for Ultrasound Application
Author*Yirui Deng, Jia Hao Cheong, Yvonne, Ying Hung Lam, Lian Soon Ng (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Pagepp. 1537 - 1540
KeywordDigital beamforming algorithms, sigma-delta beamforming, VHDL implementation, image quality, power and area consumption
AbstractThis paper presents the VHDL implementat1ion and the evaluation, in terms of hardware and power consumption, for 3 different sigma-delta beamforming (SDBF) algorithms. Synthesis was done at 160MHz operating frequency using Synopsys Design Vision with 0.18μm process. By taking the pre-delay reconstruction SBDF algorithm as reference, the post-delay reconstruction SDBF consumes only 10.71% of total dynamic power and 6.49% of total area. On the other hand, the post-delay reconstruction algorithm with insert-0 artifact correction technique consumes 11.68% of total dynamic power and 6.90% of total area.

P2-34 ([Circuits & Systems] Medical Electronics & Circuits)
TitleE-mail-based Telemonitoring System of Television's Operating State for Elderly Persons Living Alone
Author*Kazuki Nakajima, Takahiro Motoya (University of Toyama, Japan), Takatoshi Suenaga (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan), Kazuo Sasaki (University of Toyama, Japan)
Pagepp. 1541 - 1544
Keywordelderly parent, living alone, remotely located family, telemonitoring, television
AbstractTo improve the relationship between families and elderly parents who live far apart, we have developed a telemonitoring system using the television's operating-state (TVOS). The aim of the present study was to develop a novel system that monitors the TVOS by utilizing e-mails to solve the problems of the previous system.

P2-35 ([Circuits & Systems] Intelligent Transportation Systems)
TitleThe Reliability and Safety Enhancement Method of GNSS for Train Control Application
Author*Kyung-Ho Shin, Ducko Shin, Eui-Jin Joung, Young-Gyu Kim (Korea Railroad Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1545 - 1548
KeywordGNSS, Railway, Reliability, Safety
AbstractIn this paper, we present the integrity level of Korean augmentation system and analyze the integrity level of GNSS in the railway domain. Then we propose dual-mode GNSS configuration method which is applicable to train control which safety and reliability of higher level are required. We also analyze the reliability and safety of the configuration method by calculating positioning failure rates.

P2-36 ([Circuits & Systems] Other)
TitleThe Design of TFT-LCD Source Driver using Offset Cancellation Method by High Frequency Modulation and Layout Scheme
Author*Wan Jik Lee, Jong Bae Son, Ram Woo Lee, Sang Hee Son, Won Sup Chung (Cheongju University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1549 - 1552
Keywordlow-offset, auto-zeroing, chopping
AbstractIn this paper, a dynamic offset cancellation method using simple high frequency modulation has been proposed, designed and verified with SPICE simulation. It was realized the 8-bit source driver channel structure layout using the proposed layout scheme. The proposed offset cancellation method can realized low offset compared to the conventional method. The offset voltages of differential amplifiers with same input signal can be modulated from DC to the KHz frequency region in the conventional method but proposed method can be modulated from DC to the MHz frequency region. After modulation is performed through low pass filtering, the error voltage magnitude can be minimized to the level of sub mV. Also the output glitches normally associated with “hand-over” events by some switching operation can be attenuated by the proposed method. HSPICE simulation using 0.3-μm 18-V high voltage CMOS process parameters to verify the performance of proposed method is extensively performed and shows an input-referred offset variation of less than 1mV and hand-over glitches below 5mV.

P2-37 ([Circuits & Systems] Other)
TitleLow Power Consumption Level Shifter Using LTPS TFTs for System-On-Panel
Author*Eun-Woo Jeong (Division of Information and Display Engineering, Hanyang University, Republic of Korea), Oh-Kyong Kwon (Division of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1553 - 1556
KeywordLTPS, Level shifter, Poly-Si TFT
AbstractA capacitive coupling type level shifter for low power consumption using low temperature poly-Si(LTPS) TFTs is proposed. The concept of the proposed level shifter is to use capacitive coupling effect to reduce short circuit current and power consumption. The fast switching characteristic of capacitive coupling effect reduces the short circuit current during the transition time of input signal. By simulation results, it is verified that the power consumption of the proposed level shifter is reduced up to 53 %, compared to that of the previously reported cross-coupled latch type level shifter.

P2-38 ([Circuits & Systems] Other)
TitleA New Voltage-Programmed Pixel Structure Compensating for Threshold Voltage Shift of Organic Thin Film Transistor
Author*Jongchan Choi, Aram Shin, Jae-In Lee, Bongno Yoon, Man Young Sung (Korea University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1557 - 1560
KeywordActive matrix organic light emitting diode (AMOLED), organic thin film transistor (OTFT), threshold voltage shift, HSPICE simulation
AbstractA new voltage-programmed pixel circuit using soluble-processed organic thin film transistors (OTFTs) for an active matrix organic light emitting diode (AMOLED) is proposed. The proposed circuit is composed of four switching TFTs, one driving TFT and one storage capacitor, which is simulated by HSPICE. The proposed circuit can compensate for the non-uniformity of OLED current caused by the threshold voltage degradation of the OTFT. The simulation results demonstrate that the variation of OLED current corresponding to a 3V threshold voltage shift is decreased by 30% compared to the conventional 2-TFT pixel circuit.

P2-40 ([Computers] Computer Systems/Applications)
TitleApplication-Adaptive Pseudo Random Number Generators and Binding Selector
Author*Suk Han Lee, Ha Young Jeong, Yong Surk Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1561 - 1564
Keywordrandom number generator, ASIP, hardware implementation, reconfigurable hardware
AbstractIn this paper, we propose hardware based random number generators according to an equation that uses area, speed, randomness level, and parallelism – depending on how many numbers are generated at a time. In addition, we propose a selector which can choose a suitable random generator among the others in the specific application using C language. Each random number generator is verified and synthesized. For each case, the instruction to delay random generation is compared with general software implementation. As a result, in keeping a rational trade-off line, the selector chose a suitable random generator which is about four times faster than software random number generation with a 2.25% area increase on average.

P2-42 ([Computers] Computer Systems/Applications)
TitleCultivation History Entry System for Agricultural Products
Author*Hitoshi Nitta, Hiroki Takeda (Technology Research Institute of Osaka Prefecture, Japan), Teruhisa Hochin (Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 1565 - 1568
Keywordsystem, agriculture, pesticide legislation, AJAX
AbstractPesticide legislation in Japan is very complex. It is a virtually impossible task that the farmer understands all of this law. To solve this problem, the authors have developed "Cultivation History Entry System for Agricultural Products". Even the farmer who does not completely understand pesticide legislation comes to be able to do farm works that uphold pesticide legislation by using this system. This system equips improved usability by adoption of AJAX technology.

P2-43 ([Computers] Computer Systems/Applications)
TitleEmotion Recognition from Text Using Knowledge-based ANN
Author*Yong-Soo Seol (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea), Dong-Joo Kim (Anyang University, Republic of Korea), Han-Woo Kim (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1569 - 1572
Keywordemotion recognition, affective computing, emotion, recognition
AbstractThis paper proposes an emotion recognition system. Human emotion can be expressed through many kinds of medium such as speech, image, facial expression, and so forth. This paper focuses on the textual data of them. Proposed system is a hybrid system that uses alternatively two methods, keyword-based and machine learning method. Keyword-based methods are traditional approaches using emotional keywords to make a decision of emotional state. They are very correct if emotional keywords exist within text segment. However, there is nothing to do if keywords to be able to catch emotional state do not exist. Therefore, in the case of no emotional keywords, our proposed method uses KBANN to able to infer emotional state through implicit knowledge constructed with the third-party information. Finally, through experiments, we show that the proposed system is more accurate than some previous approaches.

P2-45 ([Computers] Computer Aided Design)
TitleExploration of Schedule Space by Random Walk
AuthorLiangwei Ge, Song Chen, *Takeshi Yoshimura (Waseda University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1573 - 1576
KeywordScheduling, high-level synthesis, random walk
AbstractScheduling, an important step in high-level synthesis, is a searching process in the solution space. Due to the vastness of solution space, it is usually difficult to search schedules efficiently. In this paper, we present a random walk based perturbation method to explore the schedule space. The method first limits the search within a specific sub-solution space (SSS). Then, the SSS is repeatedly perturbed by using an N-dimension random walk so that better schedules can be searched in the new SSS. To improve the search efficiency, a guided perturbation strategy is presented that leads the random walk toward promising directions. Experiment shows that in runtime comparable to existing methods, ours finds schedules of better quality.

P2-46 ([Computers] Computer Networks)
TitleRouting Protocols in Delay Tolerant Networks: A Comparative Survey
Author*Jian Shen, Sangman Moh, Ilyong Chung (Chosun University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1577 - 1580
Keyworddelay tolerant network, routing protocol, intermittent connectivity, flooding, forwarding
AbstractDelay Tolerant Networks (DTNs) are a class of emerging networks that experience frequent and long-duration partitions. Compared with the conventional networks, the distinguished feature is that there is no end-to-end connectivity between source and destination. The network topology may change dynamically and randomly, and the non-existence of an end-to-end path poses a number of challenges in routing in DTNs. In this paper, we survey the state-of-the-art routing protocols and give a comparison of them with respect to the important challenging issues in DTNs. The routing protocols are classified into two categories based on which property is used to find the destination: flooding families and forwarding families. The pros and cons as well as performance are disccused and compared for the routing protocols.

P2-47 ([Computers] Computer Networks)
TitleSimulation of Performance Enhancement in the AAA Protocol
Author*Ji-Sun Kim, Eun-Chul Cha, Hyoung-Kee Choi (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1581 - 1584
KeywordAAA, Diameter, RADIUS, HOL blocking, Silly Window Syndrome
AbstractThis paper analyzes the AAA performance improvement issues and the solution provided by IETE AAA WG, and measures the actual level of the performance improved. The issues of The Head-Of-Line (HOL) and Silly Window Syndrome (SWS) and their solutions have been adapted for this study since they are connected to AAA protocol. Also, the NS-2 simulator has been used as a simulator, and IEEE 802.16 has been selected as the network framework. The results showed that the solution of HOL and SWS enhanced the performance of AAA 37.5 %, 30%, respectively.

P2-48 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleReal Time Object Tracking and Identification Using a Camera
Author*Budi Sugandi, Hyoungseop Kim, Joo Kooi Tan, Seiji Ishikawa (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 1585 - 1588
Keywordobject tracking, object identification, block matching technique
AbstractIn this paper, we proposed a method for detecting and tracking of moving objects based on low resolution image employing a block matching technique and also proposed an identification method using a color and spatial information. Many tracking algorithms have better performance under static background but sometimes mistracking results are obtained under background with complex motions. Since a low resolution image has a nice property that it can remove the small size pixels, it is adopted to solve this problem due to the fact that most of the fake motions in the background have small region. In tracking the moving object, many applications have problems when objects occlude each other. The peripheral increment sign correlation is used to solve this problem. The identification object is performed using a color and spatial information of the tracked object. The experimental results prove the feasibility and usefulness of the proposed method.

P2-49 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleA Scalable Pattern Omission Method of Deblocking Filter for H.264/AVC Baseline Profile
Author*Jae Gon Kim, Jin Woo Hwang, Jun-Dong Cho (Sung Kyun Kwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1589 - 1592
KeywordH.264/AVC, pattern omission, deblocking, filter, baseline
AbstractIn this paper, we present the so-called scalable pattern omission method for a deblocking filter. This exploits specific characteristics of the human visual system. The baseline of our method is to reduce processing time of the deblocking filter. In the development of the H.264/AVC decoder, the processing Deblocking filter consumes the most computation resource. We proposed a scalable pattern omission method during filtering to decrease macroblocks that are filtered by the deblocking filter. Simulation result shows that our method can achieved performance enhancement ranging about 20% to 70% in the processing time.

P2-50 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleInverse Diamond Search Algorithm for 3D Medical Image Sets Compression
Author*Wen-Jan Chen, Hui-Min Chen (Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Da-Yeh University, Taiwan)
Pagepp. 1593 - 1596
Keyworddiamond search, inverse diamond search, lossless compression, 3D medical image sets
AbstractThe scheme of motion estimation is introduced to exploit the redundancy between continuous frames of 3D medical image sets in this paper. The proposed scheme is based on inter-frame motion estimation of inverse diamond search algorithm. The residual images are encoded by the Huffman encoder. The test images include five sets of the heart and two sets of the brain MRI images. The average compression ratio of the inverse diamond search algorithm is similar to the JPEG_LS and diamond search algorithm. The inverse diamond search leads to speed improvement around 5 % over diamond search for all the tested MRI sets.

P2-51 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleWSSG Filter using LUT for Vein Identification
Author*Sang-Woo Sin, Kyung-Sik Jang (Korea University of Technology and Education, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1597 - 1600
Keywordbiometric, vein identification, preprocessing, image processing
AbstractThe problem of 2D-Gabor filter is very slow. So some filters are proposed such as Separable Gabor fitler and WSSG filter. However, these filters are alos slow in the embedded systems that have no floating-point unit. So we propose using LUT for WSSG filter instead of multiplication operations with floating point numbers. This filtering consumes approximately 25 time faster than the normal WSSG fitlering with compareble enhancement results.

P2-54 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleA Multi-Dimensional Transform for Future Video Coding
Author*Woo-Jin Choi, Su-Yeol Jeon, Chang-Beom Ahn, Seoung-Jun Oh (Kwangwoon University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1601 - 1604
KeywordH.264/AVC, Video Coding, Multi-Dimensional Transform, Integer Transform
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a Multi-Dimensional Transform(MDT) technique for future video coding. Unlike traditional video codecs, H.264/AVC uses an integer 4×4 block transform. Using small block size coding, H.264/AVC obtains high temporal prediction efficiency, but it has limitation in utilizing spatial redundancy. The proposed MDT is a new method for additionally reducing spatial redundancies of image. Experimental results indicate MDT can provide better R-D performance than the conventional H.264/AVC transform.

P2-55 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleCompatible Image Compression
Author*Lifeng Zhang, Shinosuke Ohta, Hiroshi Kondo (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 1605 - 1608
KeywordJPEG-Compatible, Directional optimal estimator, Cubic Convolution
AbstractNew image compression method is presented. The presented system is compatible with JPEG one. Compatibility is one of the most important factors for image compression, because JPEG system is utilized for almost every imaging devices and mobiles, etc. First the image is divided into 4 small similar images and one of the 4 images is compressed and coded by using JPEG system. At the receiver side the left 3 images are reconstructed by an interpolation technique.

P2-57 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleA Feature-Based Tumor Detection for MRI Breast Imaging
Author*Guo-Shiang Lin (Da-Yeh University, Taiwan), Sin-Kuo Chai (China Medical University, Taiwan), Wei-Cheng Yeh (Radiology dept., Nantou Hospital, dept. of Health, Executive Yuan, Taiwan), Lin-Jie Cheng (Da-Yeh University, Taiwan)
Pagepp. 1609 - 1612
Keywordtumor detection, breast MRI, neural network
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a feature-based scheme composed of the intra-slice, texture and inter-slice analyses to achieve tumor region identification in MRI breast images. Our intra-slice analysis evaluates the intensity and size information of candidate regions. To find a precise region, a region growing algorithm is proposed based on ellipse fitness. In the texture analysis, some texture features are extracted and combined with a neural network to reduce the false alarms. The inter-slice analysis is based on the continuity characteristic to verify the static behavior of tumor regions. The experimental results show that our proposed scheme can correctly identify tumor regions.

P2-58 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleColor Image Descriptor using Wavelet Correlogram
AuthorSeung-Jun Lee, Yong-Hwan Lee, *Hyochang Ahn, Sang-Burm Rhee (Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Dankook University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1613 - 1616
KeywordImage Search, CBIR, Wavelet Correlogram
AbstractImage descriptor performs two major tasks of the extracting algorithm. One is to encode image into feature vectors and the other is to measure for comparing a query image and the images in database. This paper proposes a new efficient image descriptor that uses the color feature based on wavelet color-spatial information of an image. In order to evaluate the proposed descriptor, we perform the comparative analysis of existing methods such as color histogram, correlogram, Scalable Color Descriptor (SCD) and wavelet correlogram. Experimantal results provide that the proposed method shows a slightly improvement in the retrieval effectiveness. Especially the proposed image descriptor is more efficient in the search and retrieval of multi-resolution images.

P2-59 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleHigh Speed Gabor Filter using Haar Wavelets
Author*Woochan Seo, Minsue Park, Jinguk Kwon, Hoon Kang (Chung-Ang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1617 - 1620
KeywordGabor Filter, Matching Pursuit, Wavelet, High Speed, Fast
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a new way of improving the operation speed of Gabor filters. If the mask is applied to some images, a number of mathmatical operations increase due to complexity. If the mask size is reduced as small as possible in an allowable range, the operation time may decrease. But it would make a problem because the small mask is difficult to represent both frequency and orientation characteristics. Therefore, the operation speed is overcome by substituting multiplications for additions, instead of changing the mask size. First, Haar wavelets are generated in terms of binary data. We divide the mask into two groups, 1’s and -1’s. Thus, Haar wavelets show both frequency and orientation characteristics. Then, by applying 'Matching Pursuit', we obtain the correlations between the original Gabor filters and our binary Haar wavelets. The Gabor filter can be described by linear combinations of Haar wavelets. As a result, the binary wavelets give a benefit to the operation speed. However, some trade-off is necessary between accuracy and speed since it may cause some errors.

P2-60 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleMoving Object Segmentation using Weighted Coefficients Ratio Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform
Author*Tae-Gyoun Lee, Ju-Young Kim, Tae-Yeon Jung, Jae-Sik Sohn, Duk-Gyoo Kim (Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1621 - 1624
Keywordimage processing, segmentation, wavelet transform, DWT, weighted coefficient
AbstractIn this paper, it is proposed that edge detection using weighted coefficients ratio (WCR) video object segmentation algorithm based on discrete wavelet transform (DWT). The proposed method is applied DWT to two successive frames. Also, we utilize detection method with different thresholds in four wavelet sub-bands and make the map of boundary using Prewitt edge operator in wavelet domain. As mixing the difference and division operation, our algorithm improved the performance test that is able to find more accurate monving objects. on DWT. After the inverse discrete wavelet transform (IDWT), the robust edge map can be obtained. Through combination with the current frame's moving edges and previous can be detected and tracked. It is then used to extract video object planes (VOPs) by a simple filling technique. The proposed algorithm is robust to the entire motion object detection and can obtain fruther shape information, more accurate extraction of moving object. The experimental results are proved the effectiveness of our algorithm.

P2-61 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleHybrid Block-based Motion Estimation Considering Regional Motion Characteristics
Author*Young Duk Kim, Joonyoung Chang, Moon Gi Kang (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1625 - 1628
Keywordmotion estimation, regional motion characteristics, Hybrid search
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a hybrid block-based motion estimation algorithm that considers regional motion characteristics. The proposed method combines multiple search algorithms according to regional motion types to produce more accurate motion vector fields while preventing the increase of the computational cost. For these reasons, the proposed method first divides an entire image into three regions with different motion types. Experimental results show that the proposed motion estimation method improves the accuracy of the estimated motion vector fields over the existing algorithms.

P2-62 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleA High Compression Ratio Image Coding for Frame Memory Reduction in LCD Overdrive
AuthorJun Wang, Kyeongyuk Min, *Jongwha Chong (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1629 - 1632
KeywordLCD, Overdrive, Compression
Abstract In this paper, we developed a high compression ratio image coding (HCRIC) for frame memory reduction in LCD overdrive to reduce motion blur. We have used the characteristic of human visual system (HVS) to separate the luminance data and chrominance data, firstly. And then use different methods to compress them. The image codec can reduce the frame memory to 1/6, and by using a new architecture it can reduce the line buffer to 50% without any image degradation. The simulation results show that it can gain the mean image degradation of 35.27dB in peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR).

P2-65 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleA Vector Graphic Accelerator for Embedded Systems
Author*Yong Choi, Eun-Kyung Hong, Kwon-Hyung Lee, Yong-Luo Shen, Taek-Gyu Kim (Korea University, Republic of Korea), Hyun-Gyu Kim (Advanced Digital Chips, Republic of Korea), Hyeong-Cheol Oh (Korea University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1633 - 1636
KeywordOpenVG, accelerator
AbstractThis paper presents a prototype hardware accelerator for two-dimensional vector graphics applications based on the OpenVG standard. Since our design mainly targets embedded applications, we focus on efficient uses of limited resources, especially the memory bandwidth. The designed accelerator can process the images of 640x240 pixels with moderate complexity at the rate of 30 frames per second. Our current design costs approximately .40 million equivalent gates when it is implemented using a 0.18um CMOS standard cell library.

P2-66 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleMicroscopic Stereo Camera with Simultaneous Vergence and Focus Control
Author*Namho Lee (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Republic of Korea), Jaekyoung Moon, Soon-Yong Park (Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1637 - 1640
KeywordStereoscopic, Vergence, Focus, Microscopic, Video
AbstractThis paper introduces a stereoscopic stereo camera which equipped with two microscopic video sensors, a micro motor, and a linear stage. Mechanism of simultaneously controlling both vergence and focus of the camera is presented. Parallel-axis design of two video sensors enables the stereo camera to converge and focus on an interesting object simultaneously. Calibration of the camera is done to reconstruct 3D models of real objects using the camera. Experimental results show that the vergence and focus of the camera change with respect to the motion of an object.

P2-67 ([Computers] Internet Application and Technology)
TitleWeb Application for Discovering Association Rules in Social Welfare Data Base
Author*Carlos Enrique Gutierrez, Mohammad Reza Alsharif (Department of Information Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Japan)
Pagepp. 1641 - 1644
KeywordData Mining, Association Rules, Web Application, Large Databases
AbstractThe current algorithms for fiding association rules are mainly batch processes. Several efforts are carried out to improve the algorithm’s performance and response’s speed. Besides that the dynamic and quick search of knowledge is becoming a necessity in the traditional Data Mining techniques. In this paper we explain step by step our web implementation of a fast asociation rules’ retrieval system in order to provide useful information to take decisions. Our system is based on the creation of temporary tables and the use of Structured Query Language "SQL" that allow a good exploitation of the database engine’s advantages. We present a simple web interface where the user chooses the attributes on which the mining algorithm will be executed.

P2-68 ([Computers] Internet Application and Technology)
TitleDesigning Image Contents Retrieval Method by using Color Information in SCORM LMS
AuthorJun Chul Chun (Department of Computer Science,Kyonggi University, Republic of Korea), *Yei Seon Hwang (Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Media Technology, Indiana State University, United States), Taehwa Han (Department of Medical Informatics, Ajou University School of Medicine, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1645 - 1648
Keywordimage contents retrieval, color information, SCORM, metadata
AbstractOne of the important parts of learning processing is retrieving images that are related to learning context. The SCORM uses metadata to retrieve various learning content in the e-learning environment. There are some possibilities to make metadata differently depending on individual interpretations even though the content is same because metadata is made manually. This paper proposes a new method that uses a combination of the SCORM metadata model and a content-based image retrieval method for enhancing the efficiency of retrieving image content.

P2-69 ([Computers] Modeling & Simulation)
TitleCharacterizing User Behavior and Data Service Patterns in Cellular Networks
AuthorChong-Wook Kwon, *Yae Hoe Kim, Hyoung-Kee Choi (School of Information and Communication Engineering Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1649 - 1652
KeywordTraffic analysis, Characterization, CDMA, Cellular network
AbstractThis paper analyses billing records from the CDMA 1x EV-DO networks. The billing records were obtained from the largest commercial mobile service provider in Korea. We analyze the billing records that include useful information in order to understand the features of the entire network. Since it is impossible to check all the network data, billing information gives insight into user behavior and characteristics of the packet core network. The aim of this study is to proffer understanding of user behavior and service patterns that are valuable for the management of commercial cellular networks.

P2-72 ([Computers] Other)
TitleDesign of Risk Analysis and Assessment Model Based on the Business Process
Author*Moon Goo Lee (Kimpo College, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1653 - 1656
Keywordvulnerability, confidentiality, integrity, availability
AbstractWith dependency of companies and government agencies on the networks growing as ever, current patch-up security solution is not an ideal and effective remedy against the increasing threats. Worse, current security system costs excessive amount of resources to recover from an emergency should such a crisis occur. Thus effective risk management system is necessary for today's business, and at the core of such system is the risk analysis-assessment model. However, most of existing risk-analysis methodologies at work domestically has one critical problem; they've been developed abroad, and have been applied without necessary modifications to reflect the domestic conditions. First, assessment methods have not been clarified. Also non-existent is the mapping process of assets and risks. Secondly, asset-evaluating process doesn't reflect the organizational characteristics of the domestic businesses, which in turn undermines the reliability of such assessment results. To overcome the drawbacks described above, this paper suggests a new risk analysis-assessment model based on the business process approach.

P2-73 ([Computers] Other)
TitleNonlinear Modeling of Super-Resolution Near Field Structure System based on the Volterra and Neural Network Models
Author*Manjung Seo, Sungbin Im (School of Electronic Engineering, Soongsil University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1657 - 1660
KeywordSuper-RENS, Volterra, neural network, nonlinearity, MSE
AbstractReliable channel modeling becomes an important measure in performance evaluation on various data detection algorithms. For this reason, correct and accurate modeling is required. This paper presents a nonlinear modeling of Super-RENS (Super-Resolution Near Field Structure) read-out signal using the second-order Volterra and neural network models. The experiment results verified the possibility that Volterra and neural network models can be utilized for nonlinear modeling of Super-RENS systems. Furthermore, nonlinear equalizers can be developed based on the information obtained from this nonlinear modeling.

P2-74 ([Computers] Other)
TitlePersonalization Method of Multimedia Data Retrieval System Based on Impression
Author*Teruhisa Hochin (Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 1661 - 1664
KeywordMultimedia data retrieval, Impression, Personalization
AbstractThis paper addresses to two major issues to the personalization of multimedia data retrieval system based on impression. One is on the decrease of the learning burden. The proposed method estimates the scores of an individual based on the grouping. The other is on the stability of the retrieval system. The proposed method uses a kind of rotation of a matrix. This method could keep the factors used in the system. This brings the stability to the retrieval system. By using these two methods, the user adaptation is easily, quickly, and stably attained.

P2-75 ([Computers] Other)
TitleCharacteristic Enhancement of Trench IGBT by Deep P+ Layer beneath the Trench Emitter Ion Implantation
Author*Sin Su Kyoung, Jae In Lee, Jong-Seok Lee (Korea University, Republic of Korea), Ey-Goo Kang (Far East University, Republic of Korea), Man Young Sung (Korea University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1665 - 1668
Keywordtrench gate, field distribution, deep P+ layer, breakdown voltage
AbstractThe Trench Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (TIGBT) was invented for lower on-state voltage drop and higher integration due to smaller cell pitch, but TIGBTs suffer from breakdown voltage degradation due to the concentrated electric field at the corner of the trench gate in the forward blocking state. In this paper, we report on a new TIGBT structure that solve this problem. The proposed structure has a deep P+ layer beneath the trench emitter to distribute the concentrated electric field at the trench gate corners in the forward blocking state. The deep P+ layer of the structure is formed by ion-implantation at the bottom of the trench after partial etching of the P-base region. The electrical characteristics of the proposed IGBT structure are verified by device simulation, namely, MEDICI and TSUPREM. The proposed structure improves the breakdown voltage compared to conventional TIGBTs without changing the threshold voltage and the on-state voltage drop. The distribution of the electric field is also changed by its design parameters. When the depth of the trench gate corner and the deep P+ layer are the same, the breakdown voltage is at the highest point. As the gap distance between the trench the gate corner and the deep P+ layer gets shorter, the breakdown voltage gets higher. The distribution effect operates when the doping level of the deep P+ layer exceeds the appropriate value to prevent punch-through between the metal electrode and the N-drift region. This structure can be applied easily to various TIGBTs with simple processes addition.

P2-76 ([Communications] Communication Theory)
TitlePhase Offset Error Detection Algorithm without Parity Check Bit
AuthorYoung Yearl Han (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea), *Young Joon Song (Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1669 - 1672
Keywordphase offset, error detection, binary code, CDMA, PN code
AbstractThis paper proposes an efficient error detection algorithm for phase offset enumeration of binary codes including PN (Pseudo Noise) sequences based on the number theoretical approach. The proposed error detection scheme does not need a parity check bit. The error detection failure probability of the proposed method is derived, and it is confirmed by simulation results. And very efficient circuit realization of the proposed algorithm is also discussed

P2-77 ([Communications] Communication Theory)
TitleAn Efficient Design Methodology of Serial Concatenate Coding Scheme for CATV Transmission System
Author*Minhyuk Kim, Jongtae Bae, Suksoon Choi, Taedoo Park, Namsoo Kim, Jiwon Jung (Department of Radio Communication Engineering, Korea Maritime University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1673 - 1676
KeywordFPGA, QAM, RS code, TCM, VHDL
AbstractThis paper describes the design methodology of serial concatenate of cable systems. In implementing the cable modem, there are some problems to fabricate and fitting on FPGA chip. First, many clocks are needed in implementing cable modem. To reduce the number of clocks, we use the two memories. Second, the decoder must detect the unique sync-word. In this paper, we use 5-stage registers. The cable modem is fabricated on FPGA chip name as Vertex II pro xc2vp30-5 by Xilinx.

P2-78 ([Communications] Communication Theory)
TitleHybrid ARQ System using the Cross Layer Coding
Author*Taedoo Park, Minhyuk Kim, Jongtae Bae, Seoksoon Choi, Namsoo Kim, Jiwon Jung (Korea Maritime University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1677 - 1680
KeywordHARQ system, Punctured LDPC code, RS code , Cross layer
AbstractHybrid automatic repeat request (H-ARQ) system using the cross layer coding suitable for future mobile communication and radio data communication system. In this paper introduce cross layer coding and H-ARQ type, proposed H-ARQ system using cross layer coding methods. Simulate BER performance and Throughput. And we suggest that according to channel condition suitable H-ARQ type.

P2-79 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleAdvanced CI/OFDM System Robust to the Phase Noise
Author*Seon-Ae Kim, Heung-Gyoon Ryu (Chungbuk National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1681 - 1684
KeywordOFDM, PAPR, CI-OFDM, ICI, Phase noise
Abstract High PAPR (peak-to-average power ratio) and ICI (inter carrier interference) are serious problems in the OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) system. Recently, CI/OFDM (carrier interferometry coded OFDM) system has been proposed for reducing the PAPR and it shows good PAPR reduction performance. However, the CI/OFDM system is very sensitive to the ICI (inter carrier interference) problem since the phase offset mismatch happens due to the frequency offset and phase noise. In this paper, we propose an ACI/OFDM (advanced-CI/OFDM) to simultaneously handle the PAPR and ICI problems for the overall BER performance improvement. This method basically increases the margin of phase offset in CI codes. Even though it shows a little bit higher PAPR than conventional CI/OFDM, but it improves the total BER performance. From the simulation results, we can show the performance comparison between the conventional OFDM, CI/OFDM and ACI/OFDM.

P2-80 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitlePerformance Evaluation of Equalization based On-Channel Repeater for Terrestrial Digital Multimedia Broadcast
Author*Donghyun Kim (Dankook University, Republic of Korea), Sora Park, Sung-ik Park (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea), Seokhyun Yoon (Dankook University, Republic of Korea), Youngtae Lee (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1685 - 1688
KeywordEqualizer, echo canceller, On-channel repeater, Terrestrial DMB
AbstractIn this paper, the performance of equalization-based on-channel repeater for terrestrial DMB is analyzed. A primary concern in on-channel repeater is the performance degradation due to the echo and one of key component for on-channel repeater is the echo canceller, which usually employs LMS algorithm utilizing the repeater output as a reference for echo channel estimation and compensation. One problem using LMS algorithm is the tracking capability and there necessarily exists residual echo that has not been cancelled. To effectively remove the residual echo, we consider an equalization based on-channel repeater where the echo-canceller is followed by an equalizer that performs channel estimation using pilot symbol and the channel inversion utilizing homomorphic decomposition. According to the simulation result, the performance degradation caused by the residual echo can be considerably alleviated by using the equalizer following the echo-canceller.

P2-81 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleModeling and Performance Analysis of Wireless Sensor Network Systems Using Petri Nets
Author*Song Chen (Fudan University, China), Qi-Wei Ge (Yamaguchi University, Japan), Qian-Ming Shao, Qian Zhu (Fudan University, China)
Pagepp. 1689 - 1692
Keywordpetri net, wireless sensor networks, location
AbstractWireless sensor network (WSN), composed by sensors, microprocessor and wireless communication interface, is an interesting field, and gains more and more attentions. The importance of sensor networks is highlighted by the number of recent funding initiatives, including the DARPA SENSIT program, military programs, and NSF Program Announcements. The wide application prospects make it developing rapidly in some fields such as health care, environment monitoring and military field. Petri nets are chosen for their ability to describe and study discrete event systems that characterized as being event systems that are characterized as being concurrent, asynchronous, parallel, nondeterministic, and stochastic. We construct ordinary and temporal Petri net models for wireless sensor network systems and use the model to solve the problem of location of nodes of wireless sensor network.

P2-82 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleDistance Adaptive Contention Window Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks
Author*Young Duk Kim, Won Seok Kang, Dong Ha Lee (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea), Jae Hwang Yu (SKTelecom, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1693 - 1696
KeywordWireless Sensor Networks, MAC, Contention Window
AbstractWe propose Distance Adaptive Contention Window (DACW) modified IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The key mechanism of DCAW is a dynamical channel access MAC protocol, which is to adjust Contention Window (CW) according to the hop count distance to sink and traffic condition. With DACW, each sensor node can achieve self-routing capability with low overhead and performance enhancement. Furthermore, DACW can be easily applied to existing routing protocols without additional overhead and shows that its performance is better than the existing MAC protocol by the simulation result.

P2-83 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitlePerformance Improvement of Block Turbo Coded OFDM System Using Channel State Information
Author*Hanjong Kim (Korea University of Technology and Education, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1697 - 1700
KeywordBlock Turbo Codes, OFDM, Channel State Information
AbstractIn this paper, we present a block turbo coded OFDM system. In case of OFDM system which makes use of block turbo codes or shorted block turbo codes as an error correcting code, we propose a new decoding algorithm which is better using the Channel State Information(CSI) in order to improve error correcting capability.

P2-84 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleJoint Beamforming and Precoding in TD-SCDMA Downlink System
Author*Wan-hong Ba, Xian-zhong Xie (Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)
Pagepp. 1701 - 1704
KeywordMIMO, TD-SCDMA, beamforming, precoding, TxZF
AbstractIn this paper, beamforming and precoding is combined to improve the performance of TD-SCDMA downlink based on MIMO. The performance of scheme with precoding based on SINR and SLNR outperform than the scheme without precoding. As the user number or the number of receive antenna increase, the beamforming scheme with precoding outperform the traditional beamforming still, and the beamforming precoding based on SLNR is superior gradually to the beamforming precoding based on SINR.

P2-85 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleThe Effects of Frequency Offset and Timing Jitter on the Performance of CSS System
Author*Jin Whan Kang, Sang-Hyo Kim, Seokho Yoon (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1705 - 1708
Keywordchirp spread spectrum, frequency offset, timing jitter, linear frequency sweep
AbstractChirp spread spectrum (CSS) is a wideband modulation technique employing linear frequency sweep. We analyze the effects of frequency offset and timing jitter on the performance of CSS system. The exact bit error rate (BER) expressions of CSS system are derived in the presence of frequency offset and timing jitter. It is shown that analytical and experimental results match exactly and the frequency offset and the timing jitter degrade the CSS performance. In addition, we suggest tolerance criterion of the frequency offset and the timing jitter for reliable CSS based communication systems using simulation results.

P2-86 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleAnalysis Model for the Transport Delay of NAK-based SR-ARQ with a Finite Retransmission Persistence
Author*Jechan Han, Jaiyong Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1709 - 1712
KeywordNAK-based SR-ARQ, retransmission, traffic load, transport delay
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a simple analysis model for the transport delay of the negative acknowledgment (NAK)-based selective repeat automatic repeat request (SR-ARQ). We define the transport delay as the time from a packet's first transmission until its successful arrival at the receiver. By analyzing the transport delay, we can evaluate the efficiency of SR-ARQ's loss recovery procedures as well as its delay performance. Particularly, the model considers the traffic condition and a finite retransmission persistence of SR-ARQ as well as the packet loss rate over a wireless link. Finally, the analysis model's accuracy is verified by the simulation results.

P2-87 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitlePerformance Enhancement of Multi-Band OFDM using Spectrum Equalizer
AuthorSeong-Hyun Jang, Sang-Hun Yoon, Jong-Wha Chong, *Jin-Doo Jeong (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1713 - 1716
KeywordMB-OFDM, UWB, Spectrum Equalizer
AbstractIn this paper, equalization for frequency slope of path loss in Multi-Band(MB) OFDM UWB is proposed. The path loss of a signal is proportionate to the square of the signal’s frequency. So, the received signal amplitudes of OFDM subcarrier can be different up to 3dB when MB-OFDM occupies bandwidth over 1.5GHz. The differences of subcarrier-amplitudes make an effective of 0.3 bit reduction of soft decision bits of Viterbi decoder, and when the effective of 0.3 bit reduction can cause 0.5dB SNR degradation. This paper proposes two modem architectures which compensate for the degraded subcarrier by multiplying the reciprocal of degraded values in analog or digital domain. It is shown that, for the proposed architecture applied to MB-OFDM UWB, the performance improvements up to 0.5dB can be obtained over the conventional uncompensated receiver architecture.

P2-88 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleEnhanced TCP Congestion Control for Vertical Handover with the RTT inflation and the measured-RTT of the new network
Author*Kwang-il Kim, Jechan Han, Jaiyong Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1717 - 1720
KeywordWireless TCP, Congestion Control, Vertical Handover
AbstractThe recent trend is that the mobile internet service has been offered in the integration of various wireless networks. In such heterogeneous networks, vertical handover is more common and important handover technologies. But during vertical handover, standard TCP has experienced many problems such as multiple packet losses, the packet reordering, the under-utilization due to the drastic change of the Bandwidth Delay Product (BDP) and the network transmission delay (Round Trip Time :RTT). In this paper, we propose "Enhanced TCP congestion control scheme with RTT inflation and the measured-RTT of the new network" for the seamless soft vertical handover and evaluate this by OPNET simulation. We assume the proposed scheme uses the cross-layer design in a TCP receiver and a TCP time-stamp option. OPNET simulation results show that our proposed scheme improves better TCP performance than other handover congestion control schemes such as Freeze-TCP or SS-TCP during the vertical handover

P2-89 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleAn Iterative SNR Estimator For Link Adaptation In IEEE 802.11n System
Author*Min Li Huang, Jin Lee, Sin-Chong Park (Information and Communications University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1721 - 1724
KeywordSNR Estimator, Link Adaptation, IEEE 802.11n
AbstractA dynamic and reliable link adaptation algorithm is essential to achieving higher throughput limits in a distributed and diverse wireless network. However, SNR based Link Adaptations reported in literature thus far assume that SNR estimation is always ideal. In this paper, ideal is defined as the absolute performance of the SNR estimator which approaches the Cramer-Rao Bound (CRB) with almost no bias or variance. In real wireless communication systems, this assumption doesn’t hold true. We extend the SNR estimator for Single Input Single Output (SISO) system to a Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) Physical Layer (PHY) model, and show the actual performance of a cross layer SNR based link adaptation. Simulation results prove that the SNR estimates are unstable and fluctuate in a multi-path Rayleigh fading channel, degrading the effectiveness of link adaptation algorithm. This motivates us to propose an iterative SNR estimator for link adaptation algorithm that allows the efficient utilization of channel bandwidth to achieve a throughput gain for IEEE 802.11n based system.

P2-90 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleAn Efficient Rake Receiver Design for WCDMA System
Author*Seongsu Yang, Jinyong Lee (Department of Electronic Engineering and Program of Integrated Biotechnology, Sogang University, Republic of Korea), Soojin Kim (Department of Electronic Engineering and Program of Integrated Biotechnology, Sogang University, Republic of Korea), Younglok Kim (Department of Electronic Engineering and Program of Integrated Biotechnology, Sogang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1725 - 1728
KeywordWCDMA, Rake, equalizer
AbstractIn wideband code division multiple access system, Rake receiver is gernerally applied as it equalization algorithm. The equalizaer is the most critical part in terms of the computational complexity of the receiver. Hence more efficient receiver implementin is needed to save power consumption and reduce the computational complexity. In this paper, we uses channel capacity and optimal energy allocation algorithm of multi input multiple output (MIMO) system. We choose effective Rake fingers among multi path components. Then we reallocate weight factors and combine effective Rake fingers. Applying proposed algorithm, we obtain advantage up to 2dB of performance at 0.1% of bit error rate. With about 0.57% additional computational complexity, we can find the optimal number of Rake fingers and reduce computations of unused Rake fingers.

P2-91 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleA New Receiver Structure for Performance Enhancement in CSS
AuthorYeong-Sam Kim, *Jin-Doo Jeong, Jong-Wha Chong (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1729 - 1732
Keywordchirp speard spectrum, performance enhancement, receiver structure
AbstractWe propose a new receiver structure for chirp spread spectrum (CSS) based on the characteristics of the CSS signals which are alternatively transmitted in low and high band in order to improve detection performance. The conventional channel filter performs the filtering of entire signal bandwidth in a passband, but there happens a problem that excessive noise in neighboring sub-band is added while one of signals in two sub-bands is received. The dual-band filtering method proposed in this letter is based on two filters which are designed to be matched well with alternatively received CSS signals and excludes the undesired noise. Simulation result shows that the proposed method has better bit error rate (BER) performance about 1.6dB than the conventional one.

P2-93 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleRoute Optimization Using Collective Binding Update and Mobile Network Prefix for Nested Mobile Networks
Author*Jaewoo Kim, Hyunduk Jung, Jaiyong Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1733 - 1736
KeywordNetwork Mobility (NEMO), route optimization, nested mobile network, handoff
AbstractNetwork Mobility (NEMO) supports the movement of some part of network that a group of Mobile Nodes (MNs) or Mobile Routers (MRs) moves together. To support NEMO, the NEMO basic support protocol (NBSP) was proposed [1]. In the nested mobile network, however, the NBSP exhibits pinball routing problem. In this paper, we propose a new NEMO management scheme that can achieve route optimization. Performance analysis indicates that proposed scheme can reduce packet delay.

P2-94 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleMiller Decoding Algorithm Using Sample Recovery and Correlation Method for UHF Gen2 RFID System
Author*Cheng Jin (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea), Ki Yong Jeon (Samsung Techwin Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea), Sung Ho Cho (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1737 - 1740
KeywordRFID , Gen2, Correlation, Miller
Abstract In this paper, by analyzing the characteristics of the received signal in both practical and theory environment, a Miller decoding algorithm basing on a sample recovery method and correlation concept is designed. The sample recovery method is designed to apply on the samples of the received signal which often include some degree of distortions caused by noise or timing jitter. Basing on the concept of matched filter, which is obtained by correlating the received signal with a known reference signal to detect the presence of the data symbol in the received signal, a Miller decoding algorithm utilizing correlation is designed. Together with the signal recovery method, the Miller decoding algorithm using correlation shows a good decoding performance under condition of timing jitter and high signal corruption rate caused by noise.

P2-95 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleAnalysis and Improvement of the 802.11i 4-Way Handshake
Author*In-Hwan Kim, Sung-Hyun Eum, Hyoung-Kee Choi (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1741 - 1744
Keyword802.11i, 4-way handshake, security, WLAN
AbstractWireless LAN (WLAN) is a type of wireless service that has higher data transmission than current networks. The usage is continually increasing. There are many vulnerabilities in wireless network, due to the properties of the wireless environment, regardless of its popularity. IEEE announced the 802.11i security standard to solve these problems. The vulnerable point of messages used in the process of key distribution for 802.11i makes the target node attacked lose memory through continuous messages and blocks the legitimate WLAN service. In this paper, we proposed a new scheme to solve this problem. We analyze this and compare our proposal with the current process.

P2-97 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleMultiple Autocorrelation Function-based Maximum Doppler Frequency Estimation
Author*Jong-Gun Moon, Se-Bin Im (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea), Hee-Jin Roh (Telecommunication R&D Center, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea), Hyung-Jin Choi (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1745 - 1748
KeywordMaximum Doppler Frequency Estimation, OFDM, ACF, CFR
AbstractWe propose a modified ACF-based Doppler frequency estimation algorithm for OFDM systems. The traditional ACF-based estimation scheme has a trade-off relationship between estimation range of the maximum Doppler frequency and the corresponding performances such as convergence time and steady-state jitter. Since this relationship depends on correlation interval between two OFDM symbols, it is important to design a flexible algorithm in known channel environment. Therefore, we propose an algorithm to guarantee stable performances such as estimation range and steady-state jitter regardless of correlation interval.

P2-98 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleThe Performance Enhancement of UHF RFID Reader in Multi-path Fading Environment Using Antenna Diversity
Author*Chang Seok Yoon (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea), Ki Yong Jeon (Samsung Techwin Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea), Sung Ho Cho (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1749 - 1752
KeywordRFID, Antenna , Multi-path, Enhancement
AbstractIn wireless communication, the multi-path fading effect has big influence on the system performance. Especially, in passive UHF RFID system where tag is operated by the power supplied with the RF signal of the reader, the influence of multi-path fading increases. Therefore the communication performance changes drastically depending on the locations of tags and reader. In this paper, we propose a method to improve the performance of identification area and identifacation stability by using the antenna diversity. It decreases the shadow area and the bit error rate (BER) in situation of uniformly distributed tags.

P2-99 ([Communications] Multimedia Service and Technology)
TitlePacket-Aware Transport System to Effectively Apply Ethernet Services to Service Provider Networks
Author*Jiwook Youn, Byungjun Ahn (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1753 - 1756
KeywordEthernet, Transport networks, TDM/data convergence, Quality of service
AbstractWe propose and experimentally demonstrate a packet-aware transport system that effectively supports both Ethernet services and legacy TDM service over existing SONET/SDH based service provider networks. The proposed transport system has a connection-oriented configuration operating packet switch basis and provides L2 VPN service and premium multimedia service based on MPLS protocol. Through the use of VCGs provisioned by centralized control plane, we can effectively provide QoS guaranteed Ethernet service, leased line service, and best-effort service in a single link. The SONET/SDH based OAM and protection scheme ensure Ethernet services of high reliability required in the broadband transport networks.

P2-100 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleVHF Data Link Mode 2 Ground System Supporting the ATS Services based on the ACARS over AVLC (AOA)
Author*Hyoun-Kyoung Kim, Tae-Sik Kim, Joong-Won Bae (Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1757 - 1760
KeywordVDL Mode 2, DSP, CMU, VDR, AOA
AbstractKARI is developing the VDL M2 system with a simple ATS application system for test and future use. Now, the design and implementation of the system is finishing and the unit tests for the each sub systems are finished. KARI is preparing the ground test and flight test. This paper mainly describes the status of the development of the ground VDL M2 system.

P2-101 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleLinear Precoding Techniques for 2-Hop MIMO Relaying
Author*Byungwook Yoo (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea), Kyu Ha Lee, Hyundo Kim (Samsung Thales, Republic of Korea), Chungyong Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1761 - 1764
Keywordmultiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, relay networks, codebook, quantized precoding
AbstractIn this paper, we deal with the linear precoding techniques for 2-hop multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relaying, where limited feedback is available at source and relay nodes. Among the various linear precoding schemes, we utilize quantized precoding technique which is more implementable than precoding schemes with full feedback due to short feedback length. Based on quantized precoding technique, we propose the source and relay precoding matrix selection criterion in the given codebook to improve the bit error rate (BER) performance. As a results, the performance of the proposed algorithm exceeds than that of open-loop MIMO relaying using optimum maximum likelihood (ML) receiver and Alamouti's scheme which is optimum open-loop orthogonal space-time block coding (OSTBC). Moreover, simulation results show that the proposed scheme has more diversity gain comparing with other open-loop schemes.

P2-102 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleQuantized Precoding Techniques for Spatially Correlated Channels without Correlation Feedback
Author*Myoung-Seok Kim (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea), Myeongcheol Shin (Samsung Electronics, Republic of Korea), Wonwoo Park, Chungyong Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1765 - 1768
Keywordquantized precoder, spatial correlation, estimation of correlation, combined codebook, transformed codebook
AbstractThis thesis deals with the quantized precoding techniques for spatially correlated MISO (multiple-input single-output) channels. The transformed codebook, which has been proposed recently for correlated channel, has problem of loosing diversity despite using additional feedback for channel correlation matrix. In this thesis, an efficient algorithm to estimate the correlation matrix without additional feedback and also prevent diversity loss is proposed. In the proposed algorithm, the estimation can be done using the codeword selection patterns. In order to estimate and get SNR gain simultaneously, the proposed algorithm uses both transformed codebook and specific forms of IID (independent identically distributed) codebook for estimation, which also prevents diversity loss.

P2-103 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleES Detection Range Model of Circular Scan Radars
Author*Dong-Weon Lee, Young-Jin Ryoo (Agency for Defense Development, Republic of Korea), Won-Don Lee (Chungnam National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1769 - 1772
KeywordDetection Range, Electronic Warfare, Electronic Warfare Support, Radar
AbstractThe signal power received at an ES(Electronic warfare Support) system varies over the time due to the scan characteristics of radar, which results in the ES detection range. This paper analyzes the ES detection range for the circular scan and proposes a model to evaluate it quantitatively. Experimental results using real radars demonstrate that the proposed model is suitable for the evaluation of the ES detection range related with the circular scan of radars.

P2-104 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleOptimizing Coexistence System with Interference Temperature for Multi-user Environments
Author*Joo-pyoung Choi, Won-cheol Lee (School of Electronic Engineering, Soongsil University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1773 - 1776
Keywordcoexistence, interference temperature, cognitive radio, spectrum allocation
AbstractWe explore the coexistence potential of cognitive system based on interference temperature. The characteristic feature of this interference temperature metric would be their ability to adapt the transmit power and bandwidth of their communication scheme to maximize the QoS for the secondary users while minimizing the interference to the primary users. Considering generalized interference temperature model as a baseline, we investigate the throughput variation of the secondary user in the heterogeneous communication environment.

P2-105 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleGeneralized Advanced Region Correlation (G-ARC) Scheme for BOC(m,n) Modulated Code Tracking in Future GNSS
Author*Seungsoo Yoo (Konkuk University, Republic of Korea), Youngyoon Lee, Seokho Yoon (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea), Sun Yong Kim (Konkuk University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1777 - 1780
KeywordGNSS, MBOC, Code tracking, ARC method, DS/SS
AbstractThis paper proposes a generalized advanced region correlation (G-ARC) scheme for BOC($m,n$) modulated code tracking, and demonstrates tracking bias and running average in static channels. The correlation values between the time-delayed pseudo noise code and received signal remain almost unchanged, due to the multipath signals being received later than a line-of-sight signal. Based on this observation, we have proposed the advanced region correlation (ARC) scheme. However, the ARC scheme uses only one ARC branch. So, the energy of the other sub-peaks is wasted. To tackle this problem, we proposed a generalized the ARC scheme that exploits all sub-peaks for BOC($m,n$) modulated spreading code tracking.

P2-106 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleThroughput Enhancement for Multiband-OFDM UWB System Based on Extensive Preamble Utilization
Author*Jin-Doo Jeong, Jong-Wha Chong (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1781 - 1784
KeywordMB-OFDM UWB, Initial Channel Estimation
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a method to improve the performance of initial channel estimation (CE) for the multiband-OFDM (MB-OFDM) UWB. The performance of the initial CE can be generally improved as increasing the number of the used preamble symbols. The MB-OFDM specification presents two CE symbols per band in preamble format. The performance of CE estimation with two CE symbols may be satisfied in relatively high sensitivity ~77.5 and ~72.5 dBm for 200 Mbps and 480 Mbps data rate, respectively, but can not be enough in the degraded 55 Mbps and 110 Mbps sensitivities such as ~83.5 and ~80.5 dBm, respectively. A method proposed in this paper achieves the performance improvement by extending CE estimation region to packet synchronization (PS) symbols and frame synchronization (FS) symbols including two CE symbols. This can improve the CE performance in the degraded SNR and increase the link-margin by reducing the error rate in physical-layer header. The link-margin improvement obtained by the proposed CE preamble can induce the decrease of error-rate in physical-layer header and increase of communication throughput. Simulation results for the proposed initial method show that the performance is improved by about 0.6 dB at 10~4 bit-error-rate using '3' symbols than initial method using only two CE symbols.

P2-107 ([Communications] Network Management & Design)
TitleKernel Reference Set and Its Computation Algorithm
Author*Ding-Yuan Bian (Fudan University, China), Qi-Wei Ge (Yamaguchi University, Japan), Qian Zhu, Qian-Ming Shao (Fudan University, China)
Pagepp. 1785 - 1788
Keywordkernel reference set, wireless sensor networks, anchor nodes, localization, graph matching
AbstractThis paper proposes a new concept of graphs: kernel reference set. A kernel reference set is a fraction of vertices in a graph such that if their positions are known, positions of all other vertices can be derived from information of the distance matrix. We present an algorithm to find kernel reference set of graphs. Because the problem of kernel reference set is firstly proposed in this paper, and the theoretical limit of computation complexity is unknown currently. So we implement our algorithm with C to do the simulation. From simulation results, we verified the validity of our algorithm and evaluate its performance.

P2-108 ([Communications] EMI & EMC- RF Circuits & Components)
TitleIntegration of RF Passive Components into Semiconducting Device Through 3D Capacitive Coupling for Application to Fully-Integrated MMIC
AuthorYoung Yun, Han-Nah Joh, *Young-Bae Park, Se-Ho Kim (Korea Maritime University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1789 - 1792
Keywordintegration, RF passive component, MMIC
AbstractIn this work, a 3D capacitive coupling structure employing periodic pattern was used for application to miniaturized on-chip passive components on MMIC (Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit). Unlike conventional periodic structure, the characteristic impedance of the 3D capacitive coupling structure was hardly dependent on frequency. Using the 3D capacitive coupling structure, RF passive component was highly miniaturized in comparison with conventional one.

P2-109 ([Communications] EMI & EMC- RF Circuits & Components)
TitleA Reconfigurable CMOS Low Noise Amplifier for Wireless LAN Applications
Author*Eun-Pyo Hong, Dae-Joon Kim, Hyung-Joun Yoo (School of Engineering, Information and Communications University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1793 - 1796
KeywordCMOS, LNA, Multiband, Reconfigurability
AbstractThis paper presents the designed and implemented CMOS Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) for multiband operation in TSMC 0.18 μm process. To operate in multibands and multistandards, switched inductor and switched capacitor array are used in input and output signal paths. Due to filtering characteristic of input stage, the LNA can suppress spurious signal effectively. The designed reconfigurable LNA is targeted to IEEE 802.11n application which operates in dual band: 2.4~2.485 GHz and 5.15~ 5.825 GHz. At each frequency mode; 2.4 GHz, 5.25 GHz and 5.75 GHz, gains are more than 12 dB while NFs are kept less than 2.2 dB. The LNA can be optimized the performance to each operation frequency by using LC resonant circuits and capacitor array networks.

P2-110 ([Communications] Antenna & Wave Propagation)
TitleDual Band Dipole-Loaded Notch Antenna
Author*Ching-Lieh Li, Chun-Feng Wen, Ya-Kuan Ling (Electrical Engineering Department, Tamkang University, Taiwan)
Pagepp. 1797 - 1800
Keyword Dual-band antenna, notch antenna, dipole antenna, microstrip antenna
AbstractThis paper presents a dipole-loaded notch antenna designed for the operation of the dual-band WLAN application. The antenna structure starts with a quarter-wavelength slit cut on a ground plane with suitable addition of a planar wire dipole connected to the open ends of the notch. The monopole notch is designed to radiate at the low frequency band, 2.4 GHz for IEEE 802.11b/g, while the planar wire dipole is responsible for the other band, 5.2/5.8 GHz for IEEE 802.11a. It is found that the wire dipole has the side effect of reducing the slit length due to its capacitive loading effect at the low frequency band. The parametric study is performed to demonstrate the characteristics of the proposed antenna, from which the guidelines for the design of the proposed antenna are provided.

P2-111 ([Communications] Optical Communications/Components)
TitleAn Electro Optical Honeycomb Networks-on-Chip based on a New Nonblocking Switch
Author*Xiaojie Yin (School of Telecommunication Engineering, Xidian University, China), Huaxi Gu (State Key Lab of Integrated Service Networks, Xidian University, China), Honghao Ju, Lin Jia (School of Telecommunication Engineering, Xidian University, China)
Pagepp. 1801 - 1804
Keywordoptical, NoC, non-blocking, switch, honeycomb
AbstractNetwork-on-Chip (NoC) is an emerging paradigm for communications within large VLSI systems implemented on a single silicon chip. However, the electronic network on chip design faces many problems like energy consumption, bandwidth and QoS. Compared with traditional electronic NoC, optical Network on Chip exhibits advantages of high-bandwidth, low latency and power dissipation. In this paper, a new 4×4 optical non-blocking switch is introduced on the basis of the latest development of nanophotonic technologies and of the prompt progress of optical integration technologies. The new approach can solve the problem of internal blocking with a fine symmetrical feature, while it needs the minimal number of resonators. Optical-loss budget under this architecture is also evaluated, calculated and compared with currently existing optical switches in this paper. An electro optical honeycomb network-on-chip is constructed based on the new switch architecture. It functions with low power dissipation and high bandwidth for the future network on chip.

P2-112 ([Communications] Optical Communications/Components)
TitleThermal Characteristics of Fiber Bragg Grating Temperature Sensor in Ge Doped and Ge & Boron Co-doped Fiber
Author*Yong-Hwan Son, Yong-Yuk Won (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea), Chang-Hwan Bae (Hoseo University, Republic of Korea), Sang-Kook Han (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1805 - 1808
KeywordFBG, temperature sensor, reflectivity, refractive index change, FWHM linewidth
Abstract In this paper, we report thermal characteristics of a FBG temperature sensor in germanium(Ge) doped and Ge & Boron(B) co-doped fiber, including peak reflectivity, FWHM line-width, and various refractive index change as well as thermal stability of a FBG temperature sensor. Ge doped FBG temperature sensor has thermally stability better than Ge & B co-doped FBG temperature sensor. Also, both FBG temperature sensor has thermally stability up to about 500°C and 1000 hours.

P2-113 ([Communications] Optical Communications/Components)
TitleExperimental Evaluation of Optical ZCZ-CDMA System
Author*Yu Suwaki, Takahiro Matsumoto, Shinya Matsufuji (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1809 - 1812
KeywordOptical wireless communication, Optical ZCZ code, Optical CDMA system, Field programmable gate array
AbstractThe optical ZCZ code, which is a set of pairs of binary and bi-phase sequences with zero correlation zone, can provide optical code division multiple access (CDMA) communication system without co-channel interference. We proposed the compact construction of a code generator and a bank of matched filters for this code. This paper gives and evaluates an optical ZCZ-CDMA wireless communication system, consisting of a infrared light emitting diode(LED), an avalanche photo diode(APD) module and field programmable gate array(FPGA) boards corresponding to 400,000 logic gates.

P2-114 ([Communications] Other)
TitleComparison of the Message-Passing Algorithm SCCC and LDPC Code for PMR Channel
Author*Donghyuk Park, Jaejin Lee, Yoan Shin (School of Electronic Engineering, Soongsil University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1813 - 1816
KeywordLDPC code, Perpendicular magnetic recording, Serial concatenated convolutional code
AbstractIn storage system, the higher density perpendicular magnetic recording (PMR) channel requires more advanced signal setection method to satisfy the bit error rate performance. Recently the iterative decoding is in the limelight part of the coding theory for the storage system. Famous iterative codes are the LDPC code and the Turbo code. In this paper, we consider the serial concatenated convolutional code (SCCC) with the message-passing algorithm. LDPC code has the inner iterations by using Sum-Product Algorithm (SPA). The iterative decoding of LDPC code leads to increase the performance of the PMR channel. Meanwhile, the SCCC system has no inner iterations. Therefore we consider the channel iteration between channel detector and channel decoder in SCCC system. This iterative decoding scheme expects to improve the performance of the PMR channel. We increase the number of the channel iterations in order to improve the performance.

P2-115 ([Communications] Other)
TitleA Study of Performances on a Wireless Robot Based on Various Brands of IEEE 802.11g Standard and Controlled by Notebook
Author*Adisorn Leelasantitham (University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Thailand)
Pagepp. 1817 - 1820
Keywordpersonal computer (PC), wireless robot, various brands of IEEE 802.11g standard, notebook
AbstractThis paper presents a study of performances on a wireless robot based on various brands of IEEE 802.11g standard and controlled by notebook. The robot acts a personal computer (PC) controlling equipments (e.g. motors) through a printer port. OS Windows XP is setup on the PC robot which is received commands from notebook linked through the use of a remote desktop program. The IEEE 802.11g wireless standard is employed for the transmitter and receiver between the notebook and PC robot, respectively. The study of the performances on the IEEE 802.11g wireless-standard robot based on various brands is measured in terms of a distance and a delay time between the robot and notebook. The maximum distance of receiving and transmitting the data is approximately at 40 m. whilst the delay times in case of no images and including images are approximately at 0.1 s. and 0.5 s., respectively.

P2-116 ([Communications] Other)
TitleProposed CDMA-QAM Modulation Method and Application to High-Speed Rail Transmission Technology for Railway Signaling
Author*Hiroshi Mochizuki, Sei Takahashi, Hideo Nakamura (Nihon University, Japan), Satoshi Nishida, Ryo Ishikawa (Kyosan Electric Mfg Co., Ltd., Japan)
Pagepp. 1821 - 1824
KeywordCDMA, QAM, railway signaling, DSP
AbstractWe propose a new modulation method combining code-division multiple access (CDMA) and quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), called CDMA-QAM. It transmits QAM symbols allocated based on a CDMA signal, and it has the benefit that QAM errors can be recovered if they are in a range where they can be absorbed by CDMA demodulation. We applied the method to railway signaling. We also conducted a field experiment using a rail and verified that the system can achieve favorable constellation characteristics.