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The 23rd International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications

Session P1  Poster Session 1
Time: 17:00 - 18:30 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 1F Trade Fair Hall

P1-1 ([Circuits & Systems] Linear/Nonlinear Systems)
TitleDesign of Cascade Observers for Robot Angular Link Velocity
Author*Dong Hun Kim (Kyungnam University, Republic of Korea), Eung-Seok Kim (Halla University, Republic of Korea), Hua O. Wang (Boston University, United States)
Pagepp. 1013 - 1016
Keywordcascade observer, high-gain observer, robot manipulator, velocity estimation
AbstractA new observer, namely a cascade observer, for a general class of nonlinear SISO systems was presented by the authors [1]. Inspired by but different from a highgain observer, the cascade observer features a cascade structure and adaptive observer gains. In doing so the cascade observer attempts to overcome some of the typical problems that may pose to a high-gain observer. Based on the cascade observer, the estimation problem of the angular link velocity is presented in this paper. As in the case of a highgain observer, the cascade observer structure is simple and universal in the sense that it is independent of the system dynamics and parameters. It is shown that the proposed cascade observer is applicable to robotic state estimation using only joint position measurements effectively.

P1-2 ([Circuits & Systems] Linear/Nonlinear Systems)
TitleElectronically tunable current-mode biquadratic circuit using current controlled unity gain cells
Author*Ayumu Karita, Takao Tsukutani (Matsue National College of Technology, Japan), Noboru Yabuki (Tsuyama National College of Technology, Japan), Yasuaki Sumi (Tottori University of Environmental Studies, Japan)
Pagepp. 1017 - 1020
KeywordCurrent controlled current follower, Voltage follower, Current-mode circuit, Biquadratic characteristic
AbstractThis paper introduces an electronically tunable current-mode biquadratic circuit employing current controlled unity gain cells. The circuit is constructed with two current controlled current followers (CCCFs), two CCCFs with voltage buffers (CCCFBs) and two grounded capacitors. The circuit can realize low-pass, band-pass, high-pass, band-stop and all-pass transfer functions by choosing appropriate current input and output terminals without any component matching conditions. Additionally, the circuit parameters w0 and Q can be tuned orthogonally through adjusting the bias currents. The biquadratic circuit enjoys very low sensitivities with respect to the circuit components. An example is given together with simulated results by PSPICE.

P1-3 ([Circuits & Systems] Linear/Nonlinear Systems)
TitleA Level Shifter for a Bias-Offset Transconductor
AuthorFujihiko Matsumoto, Toshio Miyazawa, *Shintaro Nakamura, Yasuaki Noguchi (National Defense Academy, Japan)
Pagepp. 1021 - 1024
KeywordIntegrated circuits, Analog circuits, Transconductors, Level shift circuit, CMOS
AbstractA transconductor is a fundamental building block for analog signal processing circuits, such as filters and multipliers. For such applications, the transfer characteristic of the transconductor is desired to be linear. The bias-offset transconductor is known as a linear MOS transconductor. The transconductor has floating voltage sources. This paper presents a new design of the floating voltage source.

P1-5 ([Circuits & Systems] Power Electronics & Circuits)
TitleA High Efficiency Boost Converter For TFT-LCD Bias Supply
Author*Hyunseok Nam, Inseok Kim, Youngkook Ahn, Jeongjin Roh (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1025 - 1028
Keyworddc dc converter, boost, tft lcd bias
AbstractA high efficiency boost converter is designed using a 0.5um 5-V, 3.5um 30-V CMOS process for TFT-LCD Bias supply. The boost converter's input power supply range is 2.5V~5V, the output voltage range is 10V-20V. The maximum load current is 120mA at an input power supply of 3V, output voltage of 20V and the maximum efficiency is 92% with input power supply at 5V, output voltage of 12V, and load current of 120mA.

P1-6 ([Circuits & Systems] Power Electronics & Circuits)
TitleIntegrated Circuit of CMOS DC-DC Converter with Second-Order Active Filter
Author*Zhi-Yuan Cui, Chang-Yoon Yeom, Hua-Lan Piao, Nam-Soo Kim (Chungbuk National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1029 - 1032
KeywordOn-Chip, DC-DC converter, active LP filter, CMOS
AbstractThe simple on-chip DC-DC converter is one using a single linear regulator to regulate over the desired frequency and voltage range. Active filter based on an op amp-RC resonator is proposed for a LC filter in DC-DC converter. Replacing a passive LP (low pass) filter to integrated circuit (IC) is important for the power electronics converter to achieve a simple and low-power on-chip DC-DC conversion scheme. We use an op amp-RC resonator for the second-order low-pass filter in the converter. The output ripple voltage is simulated by considering the simulation parameters in 0.35 μm CMOS process. Simulation result shows that the converter operates properly at 200 KHz switching frequency and the output ripple voltage is controlled within 57 mV at the input voltage of 5 V.

P1-7 ([Circuits & Systems] Power Electronics & Circuits)
TitleA 1MHz High Efficient, Two-Stage Interleaved Synchronous Buck CMOS DC-DC Converter
Author*Jong-Ha Park, Hoon Kim, Hee-Jun Kim (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea), Gyun Chae (ACROTECH Co.,Ltd., Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1033 - 1036
KeywordDC-DC converter, Buck, Interleaved, Synchronous
AbstractThis paper presents a high efficient 3.3 - 1V two-stage interleaved synchronous buck CMOS DC-DC converter designed with standard CMOS 0.35μm process parameter. The proposed circuit has a low ouput voltage ripple. To reduce the ouput voltage ripple, the duty cycle of the interleaved converter is fixed as D=0.5 by an input stage buck converter. It causes the best ripple cancelation of the output current ripple. The proposed circuit was simulated by HSPICE and the simulation results show that the efficiency of the proposed converter is more than 85% in the load current range of 125 - 400mA, and the peak-to-peak output voltage ripple is measured as 10 mV with the 1μF external output capacitor. From these results, the proposed circuit is adequate for the battery-operated system

P1-8 ([Circuits & Systems] Signal Processing)
TitleAn Extended Small Diamond Search Algorithm for Fast Block Motion Estimation
Author*Chang-Uk Jeong, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto (Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems, Waseda University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1037 - 1040
Keywordblock-matching algorithm, motion estimation, video compression
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a fast motion estimation algorithm that is suitable for searching both center-biased motion and large motion by applying the small diamond pattern used in some block-matching algorithms (BMA). The search will be terminated by a small diamond search (SDS) method after performing a large search based on a modified three-step search (3SS) strategy. The results of the experiment show an increase about 220% in the search speed compared to that of diamond search (DS) and efficient three-step search (E3SS) in a sequence that represent small motions in objects. Experimental results also demonstrate reasonable search points in the estimation of rough motions in high-resolution images, maintaining a performance better than other fast BMAs in terms of PSNR.

P1-9 ([Circuits & Systems] Signal Processing)
TitleA Method of Increasing Watermark Information Capacity with Five Sections for Audio Watermarking Method Based on Amplitude Modification
AuthorAkio Ogihara, *Naoya Inoue, Motoi Iwata, Akira Shiozaki (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1041 - 1044
Keyworddigital watermark, information security, signal processing
AbstractThe objective of this work is to increase the capacity of watermark information in the audio watermarking method based on amplitude modification. We increase the capacity of watermark information by dividing a GOS (Group of Samples) into five sections.

P1-10 ([Circuits & Systems] Signal Processing)
TitleSound Quality Improvement by Embedding Position Grouping for Audio Watermarking Method Using Smearing Transformation
AuthorAkio Ogihara, *Takashi Iwamoto, Motoi Iwata, Akira Shiozaki (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1045 - 1048
Keyworddigital watermark, information security, signal processing
AbstractThe objective of this work is to improve the sound quality of the audio watermarking method using smearing transformation. In this paper, we propose “Embedding Position Grouping” to improve the sound quality of watermarked audio.

P1-11 ([Circuits & Systems] Signal Processing)
TitleDesign for IIR Digital Filters with Discrete Coefficients Using Weighted Modified Least-Square Criterion
Author*Masayoshi Nakamoto, Yuuki Hayakawa, Yutaka Kurumaji, Takao Hinamoto (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1049 - 1052
KeywordIIR Digital Filters, Weighted Modified Least-Square Criterion, Discrete Coefficients, Branch and Bound Method, Lagrange Multiplier Method
AbstractIn this paper, we formulate the filter design problem based on modified least square criterion in the frequency domain. Here the problem is expressed as quadratic form and we optimize the filter coefficients by using branch and bound method in discrete space. In the branch and bound method, we calculate the relaxation solution based on the Lagrange multiplier method and search in the domain in which good possible solutions exist. In this method, the stable solutions whose poles are all inside the unit circle are just acceptable, so the stability of the filter can be guaranteed. Finally, numerical example is given to illustrate the utility of the proposed method.

P1-12 ([Circuits & Systems] Signal Processing)
TitleDesign of Mobile Digital Stereo Amplifier System using TPA2008D2 & Secondary Battery
AuthorJoon-Hoon Park, *Min-Kyu Park, Ki-Seo Lee, Young-Gyu Choi (Chungju National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1053 - 1056
Keywordclass-D Amplifier, PCM, Mobile IT
AbstractExisting audio power amplifiers do not satisfy the requirement of recent digital products such as PMP and MP3 that requires mobility and miniaturization, because of large volume due to high power, and inconvenient transfer to direct connection back of power supply. To solve these problems, we designed class-D digital stereo amplifier to use TI 's TPA2008D2, which power dissipation and low caloric value. The second lithium ion polymer battery applied and implemented low electric power and high effectiveness mobile digital audio system. Designed digital audio system can fill up the battery through power adapter and USB port. We passed through efficient circuit pattern design process and analysis experiment about inside noise for stable digital audio system design. Also, we could improve the reliability of product development by using 3D digital amplifier circuit, which is applicable to mobile digital audio system design.

P1-13 ([Circuits & Systems] Signal Processing)
TitleBoundary Estimation with a Modified Multi-Layer Neural Network
Author*Jae-Hyoung Kim, Chan Yong Kim, Jung Chul An, Bong-Yeol Choi (Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea), Sin Kim, Jeong Seong Lee, Kyung Youn Kim (Cheju National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1057 - 1060
Keywordmultilayer neural network, boundary estimation, electrical impedance tomography, sigmoid function
AbstractThis work presents a boundary estimation approach for binary mixture fields based on a modified multi-layered neural network and front point approach. The boundary shape of anomaly is expressed with front points and the unknown front points are estimated with the proposed multi-layered neural network. Numerical experiments show that the proposed approach has a good possibility for the application in the visualization of a binary mixture boundary for real-time monitoring and has enhanced performances.

P1-14 ([Circuits & Systems] Solid-State Circuits)
TitleA Frequency Synthesizer with Passive Mixer and LC-Tuned BPF for UWB Applications
Author*Tae-won Ahn (Dongyang Technical College, Republic of Korea), Je-cheol Moon (FCI Inc., Republic of Korea), Yong-woo Kim, Yong Moon (Soongsil University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1061 - 1064
Keywordfrequency synthesizer, passive mixer, BPF, UWB
AbstractA fast-hopping frequency synthesizer that reduces complexity and power consumption is presented for MB-OFDM UWB applications. The proposed architecture uses 3960 MHz LC VCO, 528 MHz ring oscillator, passive mixer and LC-tuned Q-enhancement BPF to generate Band Group 1 frequencies. The adjacent channel rejection ratio is less than -40 dBc for 3432 MHz and -44 dBc for 4488 MHz. A fast switching SCL-type MUX is used to produce the required channel output signal and it takes less than 2.2 ns for band switching. The total power consumption is 47.9 mW from a 1.8-V supply.

P1-15 ([Circuits & Systems] Solid-State Circuits)
TitleLinearity-Optimized 3.5 GHz GaN HEMT Doherty Amplifier
AuthorYong-Sub Lee, *Mun-Woo Lee, Yoon-Ha Jeong (Pohang University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1065 - 1068
KeywordDoherty amplifier, efficiency, GaN HEMT, linearity
AbstractThis paper reports the linearity optimization of GaN HEMT Doherty amplifier for 3.5 GHz WiMAX applications. For the linearity optimization of the Doherty amplifier, not only gate biases but also shunt capacitors in output matching circuits of the carrier and peaking cells are controlled. For experimental verifications, a Doherty amplifier is designed and implemented using Cree CGH40010 with 10-W peak envelope power (PEP) and tested using a 1-carrier WCDMA and WiMAX signals. The Doherty amplifier is optimized for a WiMAX signal at an output power of 33 dBm, which is a 9.5-dB back-off power from the saturation power of 42.5 dBm. From the measured results, the relative constellation error (RCE) is –34.2 dB with the drain efficiency of 27.8%, compared to the class-AB power amplifier with the RCE and drain efficiency of -24.3 dB and 16.3 %.

P1-16 ([Circuits & Systems] Solid-State Circuits)
TitleLogarithmic and Antilogarithmic Circuit with Gate - to - Substrate Biasing Technique
AuthorSanchai Harnsoongnoen, *Chiranut Sa-ngiamsak, Poonsak Intarakul (Khon Kaen University, Thailand), Rardchawadee Silapunt (King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand)
Pagepp. 1069 - 1072
Keywordweak inversion, logarithmic circuit, antilogarithmic circuit, G-B biasing technique
AbstractThis is a report on a high frequency response and low static power dissipation logarithmic and antilogarithmic circuit generated by a single MOS transistor operating in a weak inversion mode with the gate–to–substrate (G-B) biasing technique. A comparison of the simulation results and the measurements is shown in this paper. The simulation results are generated by PSPICE with AMS 0.8µm technology. The simulation results are also compared with the case of conventional biasing technique. The comparison intriguingly reveals that the frequency response of the proposed circuit is 45k times higher than that of the conventional circuit; its static power consumption is zero watt due to none of biasing current to operate the device when there is no input signal.

P1-17 ([Circuits & Systems] Solid-State Circuits)
TitleA Multi-Standard 13.56MHz RFID Reader System
Author*Yong-Chang Choi, Min-Woo Seo, Young-Han Kim, Hyung-Joun Yoo (Information and Communications University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1073 - 1076
KeywordRFID, 13.56MHz, Multistandard, ISO14443, ISO15693
Abstractwe consider analyzing 13.56MHz RFID system and generating required specifications of RFID system. Through these processes, we proposed a compatible 13.56MHz RFID reader system.

P1-18 ([Circuits & Systems] Solid-State Circuits)
TitleMethod of Comparator Offset Manipulation by Fowler-Nordheim Stress
Author*In-Young Chung (Kwangwoon University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1077 - 1080
Keywordoffset, comparator, FN stress, threshold voltage, ROM
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a method to manipulate offsets of comparator circuits. By selective FN stressing on MOS transistors, it alters MOS threshold voltages and the comparator offset resultantly. This method has numerous advantages over the conventional offset cancelling methods, not increasing circuit area, nor degrading operation timings, nor demanding the floating gate process. This method also can be utilized for a read-only memory cell by intentionally implanting positive or negative offsets, which is multiple times programmable with the standard CMOS process. We apply it to the latch-type comparator and show that the offset get adjusted to the desired value through experiments.

P1-19 ([Circuits & Systems] Solid-State Circuits)
TitleA Multimode CMOS Low Noise Amplifier Using Wideband Matching
Author*Young-Han Kim, Hyung-Joun Yoo (Information and Communications University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1081 - 1084
Keywordmultimode, LNA, wideband, WLAN, Wibro
AbstractThis paper describes a 0.18 um CMOS wideband multimode LNA for wireless applications, such as WAVE (802.11p), WLAN (802.11a/b/g), WCDMA and Wibro. The circuit topology is a cascode structure with selective input path and wideband output matching for high gain with a low noise figure. By reducing the the quality factor (Q factor) of the narrowband LNA, it can get the flat passband gain. This structure is able to keep high gains in desired bands by adding a buffer. Simulation results show gains of 13.5 dB in 2 GHz and 13 ~ 15 dB over a bandwidth range from 3 to 5 GHz. This LNA achieves noise figures of 2.3 dB and 1.92~2.9 dB and power dissipations of 15.5 mW and 12.5 mW at 2 GHz and 3 ~ 5 GHz bands, under a power supply of 1.8V. The input/output return loss is less than -10 dB.

P1-21 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleA Hybrid SA-GA Method for Finding the Maximum Number of Switching Gates in a Combinational Circuit
Author*Ichiro Ruben Ruiz Obregon, Alberto Palacios Pawlovsky (Toin University of Yokohama, Japan)
Pagepp. 1085 - 1088
KeywordGenetic Algorithms, Switching Gates, Combinational Circuits, Simulated Annealing
AbstractThis work shows the results obtained with the combined application of simulating annealing (SA) and genetic algorithms (GA) in the generation of inputs pairs that cause the maximum number of switching gates in combinational circuits. We found that a combination of SA and GA produces better results than those obtained using only one of them.

P1-22 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleDesign of Clock Gears for Low-power Media Bus
Author*Yong-Hwan Lee, Hoon-Ju Chung, Chang-Gu Rho (Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1089 - 1092
KeywordLow-Power, Media Bus, Clock Gears, Serial Interface
AbstractIn this paper, we design and verify a clock gear for low-power media bus. An audio applications use various sample rates i.e. 4K family (4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 96 KHz) and 11.025K family (11.025, 22.05, 44.1, 88.2 KHz) frequencies. To support those frequencies, many clock sources are required and the fixed frequency of clock source often results in unnecessary power dissipation. Clock gears can simplify the problem related to clock. There is no need to use many clock sources but only one clock source can generate various clock frequencies. Clock gears can dynamically change the frequency of clock according to the amount of data for optimal power consumption. The Clock gear is designed in Verilog HDL and simulated. During simulation, the frequency of clock is calculated and automatically checked by a result verification program to validate the function of the clock gears

P1-23 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleAn Efficient Hardware Allocation Algorithm for Optimal Hardware Architecture Design
Author*Kyung-Min Eom (School of Computer Science, Semyung University, Republic of Korea), Dal-Hwan Yoon (Department of Electronic Engineering, Semyung University, Republic of Korea), Chi-Ho Lin (School of Computer Science, Semyung University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1093 - 1096
KeywordAllocation, Binding, Algorithm, Dynamic Register
AbstractThe proposed algorithm works on scheduled input graph and allocates binds function-al units, registers and interconnections by considering interdependency between operations and memory in elements in each control step, in order to share registers and interconnections connected to functional units, as much as possible. Also, the register allocation is especially executes the allocation optimal using graph coloring techniques. Therefore the overall resource is reduced

P1-24 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleThe Regularized FPGA Development Platform Verification Flow for Wireless Mobile SoC
Author*Hyunil Kwon (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea), Jookwang Kim, Sangmin Bae, Kyungho Kim (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea), Chungyong Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1097 - 1100
KeywordFPGA, Development Platform, Mobile SoC
AbstractIn the development and commercialization phase of information technology products embedded with the special purposed system on a chip (SoC), field-programmable gate array (FPGA) based platform has been widely used as the logic function test methodology for basic or advanced features and mobile station emulator. In this situation, to define the uniform verification approach on FPGA development platform, we introduce a regularized verification flow. To evaluate its availability, we consider 3rd generation partnership project (3GPP)-series Release 7 high speed packet access (HSPA) specifications. Finally along with this regularized verification flow, we have fully evaluated our implemented physical/higher layer of HSPA.

P1-25 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleAn Analysis of On-Chip-Network Communication Properties on Shared and Multiple Channel Architecture
Author*Sanghun Lee, Chanho Lee (Soongsil University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1101 - 1104
KeywordOn-Chip-Network, SoC Bus, AMBA, AHB, SNA
AbstractThe AMBA AHB has been popular bus architecture so far due to its simple architecture. Complex system-on-chips (SoCs) with multiple masters usually employ bus architecture with multiple layers or multiple channels because they require large bandwidth. We construct four systems with different bus configuration to analyze and compare the performance of shared buses and on-chip-network with multiple channels. The systems include multiple masters in parallel processing. The shared bus architecture with multiple layers provides less bandwidth than expected and the on-chip-networks with independent multiple channels show better performance. The system with multiple channels shows 2-3 times better performance than that with the AHB. The results are verified by simulation and implementation using an FPGA.

P1-26 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleArea Efficient H.264/AVC CAVLC Decoder Architecture
Author*Byung-Sik Choi, Jong-Yeol Lee (Chonbuk National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1105 - 1108
KeywordH.264/AVC, CAVLC Decoder, Low area
AbstractIn this paper, we propose an area-efficient VLSI architecture of H.264/AVC CAVLC decoder. In the proposed architecture, we reduce the decoder area by rearranging the lookup tables. We also save the bus area and cycles by delaying T1s decoding to the final reordering step which is performed in output buffer. To remove the overlapped logics we combine a controller and a barrel shifter. By using the proposed architecture, we can reduce the area by about 30% compared with previous work. We design the proposed decoder using Verilog HDL and synthesize using 0.35μm standard cell library. We verify the proposed architecture by simualation that the designed decoder can run at the frequency of 50Mhz.

P1-27 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleDesign of Low-Power Asynchronous MSP430 Processor Core Using AFSM Based Controllers
Author*Myeong-Hoon Oh (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea), Chihoon Shin (University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea), Seongwoon Kim (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1109 - 1112
Keywordasynchronous circuit, AFSM, low-power processor, sensor node, MSP430
AbstractAs an asynchronous design method, TiDE tool chain supports the robust design flow at a high level with an asynchronous specialized language, HASTE. However, there is a limitation at an optimized step, since it is difficult for designers to know and manage inner synthesis operations. With a button-up manner based on the synthesis method with asynchronous finite state machine (AFSM), we design an asynchronous MSP430 core which is widely used in the sensor nodes. The designed asynchronous MSP430 core was compared with an already designed asynchronous MSP430 core which employed the TiDE tool flow and a clock based synchronous MSP430 core at 0.13 um CMOS technology. The maximum performance of the TiDE tool version was only 40.6 % of the synchronous or the AFSM version. The AFSM version saves the energy consumption of the synchronous version and the TiDE tool version by about 31.9 % and 28.8 %, respectively.

P1-28 ([Circuits & Systems] VLSI Design & Applications)
TitleFuzzy Inference Models Appropriate for Digital Circuit
Author*Shinya Nagamine, Noritaka Shigei, Hiromi Miyajima (Kagoshima University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1113 - 1116
Keywordfuzzy inference, FPGA, division-free, ensemble learning
AbstractIn this paper, we propose fuzzy learning models suitable for digital circuit implementation. In the first place, we propose a division-free model which is advantageous in the circuit size and the processing speed. Next, we also consider to improve the accuracy of the division-free model by using ensemble learning. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is demonstrated by numerical simulations. Further, we describe a digital circuit design of the proposed model, and show the effectiveness of the design by the implementation on FPGA.

P1-29 ([Circuits & Systems] Test Technology)
TitleTest Case Generation of Concurrent Programs Based On Event Graph
Author*Zuohua Ding, Kao Zhang, Jueliang Hu (Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, China)
Pagepp. 1117 - 1120
KeywordSoftware testing, concurrent program, test case, event graph
AbstractThis paper attempts to generate test cases for concurrent programs based on event graph. Through the analysis of state transition of event graph, sub-event-graphs can be generated. Each sub-event-graph corresponds to a test case. We may get benefits from this method in the following. 1) While executing the test case, we can monitor the state transition. 2) Every sub-event-graph is an execution path, or a simulation, thus all test cases are feasible. 3) Since the number of states in the event graph is finite, it is not likely to hit state explosion problem in the test generation process.

P1-30 ([Circuits & Systems] Test Technology)
TitleImplementation of Emulator for Evaluating the RF Characteristics of Active RFID
Author*Taeseung Song (Korea Testing Laboratory, Republic of Korea), Joon Lyou (Chungnam National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1121 - 1124
Keywordemulator, RF characteristic, reader, tag, RFID
AbstractIn this study, an emulator for standard conformance test on active RFID has been designed and substantiated. The developed evaluating device is a standard signal generator with reproducibility for standard conformance testing. It was designed so that the emulator would give commands or responses to the reader and tag to be tested, and that can check the malfunction of the reader and the tag using a standard signal. Further, some random functional changes, (i.e., transmission output, frequency shift, bit rate accuracy), have been made to the evaluating device to check for various errors and malfunctions raised in the testing sample for improvements to be made.

P1-31 ([Circuits & Systems] Neural Networks)
TitleOptimization of Distances for a Stochastic Embedding and Clustering of High-Dimensional Data
Author*Naoto Nishikawa, Shinji Doi (Osaka University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1125 - 1128
Keyworddata mining, data clustering, data visualization, stochastic proximity embedding
AbstractThe stochastic proximity embedding (SPE) is a method of data visualization in research area of data clustering and mining. The SPE can visualize high-dimensional data by embedding them in a low-dimensional space according to a given similarity among input data. This paper extends the SPE by applying a simple iterative learning process. Without any knowledge on data, the extended SPE can automatically optimize the similarity of data and can produce low-dimensional embeddings more accurately than the original SPE.

P1-32 ([Circuits & Systems] Medical Electronics & Circuits)
TitleMeasurement Site and Applied Pressure Consideration in Wrist Photoplethysmography
Author*Eun Geun Kim, Hyun Heo, Ki Chang Nam, Young Huh (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1129 - 1132
Keywordphotoplethysmography, wrist, position, pressure, u-health
AbstractThe objective of this study is to describe preliminary evaluation of a new optical reflectance sensor module with air pressure cuff. In order to improve PPG signals from the wrist as an example of wearable PPG, the optical reflectance sensor module includes two identical photodiodes and a pair of red and infrared LED. The sensor module was packaged inside of a cuff to demonstrate the effects of pressure applied to reflectance probe at the radial artery in the wrist. PPG signals with large amplitude were measured when the induced cuff pressure was close to mean blood pressure. This result will be applied to development of a wrist type healthcare device.

P1-33 ([Circuits & Systems] Intelligent Transportation Systems)
TitleSuggestions of Development Methodology for Railway Software
Author*Eui-jin Joung, Kyung-ho Shin (Korea Railroad Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1133 - 1136
KeywordRailway software, safety criteria, development methodology
AbstractOne of the main concerns of railway system is to secure safety. Nowadays digital technology has been rapidly applied to safety critical system. The digital system performs more varying and highly complex functions efficiently compared to the existing analog system because software can be flexibly designed and implemented. The flexible design makes it difficult to predict the software failures. For this reason, the safety criteria are suggested to secure the software safety for the field of railway system. Following them, the railway software has to be examined whether it is properly developed according to the safety criteria and certification process. Also because the articles suggested in safety criteria are written in legal term, it is difficult to apply the criteria to develop railway software. This paper suggests and discusses a development methodology to solve these issues.

P1-34 ([Circuits & Systems] Other)
TitleA Low-Cost Resistance-to-Time Converter for Resistive Bridge Sensors
Author*Jin-Woong Jeong, Chang-Soo Won, Won-Sup Chung, Sang-Hee Son (Cheongju University, Republic of Korea), Kyoung-Rok Cho (Chungbuk National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1137 - 1140
KeywordCircuit theory and design, Resistance-to-time converters, Resistive bridge sensors
AbstractA low-cost resistance-to-time converter is presented for interfacing resistive bridge sensors. It consists of a resistive half bridge, two current-mode Schmitt triggers, a ramp voltage generator, a one-shot multivibrator, and two logic gates. SPICE simulations using discrete components exhibit a conversion sensitivity amounting to 6186.7 μs/Ω over the resistance deviation range of 0-2 Ω, and its linearity error is less than 0.0006 %. Power dissipation of the converter is 15.57 mW.

P1-35 ([Circuits & Systems] Other)
TitleDesign and Layout of CMOS Interface Circuit for Measuring Photoplethysmogram
Author*Woo Ram Lee, Wan Jik Lee, Chang Soo Won, Sang Hee Son, Won Sup Chung (Cheongju University, Republic of Korea), Kyoung Rok Cho (Chungbuk University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1141 - 1144
KeywordCMOS interface, OTA, analog circuit, PPG, Photo sensor
AbstractA CMOS interface circuit for measuring PPG(Photoplethysmogram) is proposed and designed by using current-control Schmitt trigger in this paper,. This circuit detects the blood beat using PPG which occurs in bloodbeat sensor and composed of analog and digital parts. Current signal of sensor is converted into voltage in analog parts and then converted into digital signal in digital parts. Compared to the conventional method, operation speed is increased and linear error is diminished by applying OTA(Operational transconductance amplifier) to Schmitt trigger circuit and oscillator. Also, proposed and designed circuit has some features of low power consumption, simple structure and high resolution compared with previous method.

P1-36 ([Circuits & Systems] Other)
TitleDesign and Analysis of the Lens Converting the Spot Light into the Line Light
Author*Kyu-Man Choi, Yun-Sic Lee, Sang-Hun Lee, Yong-Woo Choi (Kwandong University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1145 - 1148
KeywordLED, LED Lens, BLU, LGP
AbstractA CCFL which commonly used in the back light units for the LCD, possess very high brightness hence, was widely used as a line light source. However, the use of CCFL, caused for several environmental concerns since it contain highly toxic mercury, gradually replaced into a LED. But the LED is a spot light source, the dark area occurs in the surface of the back light units. In this paper, we proposed the lens that can convert the spot light into the line light and it can remove the dark area in the surface of the back light units. The lens is composed with the light condensation part and the light guiding part. The conditions obtained will be helpful to plan an optimum structure for such preparation.

P1-37 ([Circuits & Systems] Other)
TitleFabrication of Drug Delivery System with Piezoelectric Micropump for Neural Probe
Author*Sewan Park (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea), Hyeon Cheol Kim (University of Ulsan, Republic of Korea), Kukjin Chun (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1149 - 1152
Keywordneural probe, micropump
AbstractThis paper describes a microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) micromachined drug delivery system with micropump and microchannel for neural probe capable of selectively delivering chemicals as well as electrically recording. The neural probe is developed to support research in neurophysiology. For the realization of chemical stimulating at controlled release rate, the micropump and fluidic microchannel are integrated. The micropump is a peristaltic type with diffuser/nozzle elements actuated by the piezoelectric force. The process for the neural probe are performed with one silicon wafer. The structure of neural probe, microchannel and chamber of micropump are defined by silicon deep etch process. The membrane of micropump and dielectric passivation layer is fabricated by polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS).

P1-38 ([Computers] Computer Systems/Applications)
TitleAnalysis and Accuracy Improvement for Perceptron-based Branch Prediction Method
Author*Jiajing Liu, Shinji Kimura (Waseda University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1153 - 1156
Keywordbranch prediction, Perceptron, accuracy improvement
AbstractIn the modern microarchitecture, high accuracy of branch predictors is essential for improving the overall performance of the processors. With the emergence of the Perceptron-based predictors, prediction based on long global branch history becomes possible, and this advantage gives this type of strategies much potential in achieving extremely high prediction accuracy. This paper devises two methods to obtain further accuracy improvement through slight modifications on the original structure, and presents the analysis of the limitation of indexing function refinement on Perceptron-based branch predictor. The performance of the two methods and the limitation analysis are evaluated with the championship branch prediction framework.

P1-39 ([Computers] Computer Systems/Applications)
TitleNetwork Protocol based Power Management Architecture and Method in Always-On Home-Network devices
Author*Chang-Sic Choi, Wan-Ki Park, Kwang-Roh Park (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1157 - 1160
Keywordpower-controll, home-gateway, sleep-wakeup, home-network, ACPI
AbstractAggregated power consumption of home-network devices is rapidly increased because these devices are operated in powered-on state to support anyone, anywhere, anytime services. In this papare, we propose network-protocol based power management method and its architecture for our developing home-gateway. Proposed method maintains network informtion database at normal state, and set home-gateway into standby-state without loss of network connections or working contexts. Thus our proposed method and developing home-gateway can save power consumption dramatically in always-on home-network environments.

P1-40 ([Computers] Computer Systems/Applications)
TitleA Novel Instruction Set for the Packet Processing on the Network ASIP
Author*Won-Young Chung, Yeo-Phil Yoon, Yong-Surk Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1161 - 1164
KeywordASIP, LISA, network router, packet processing
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a new instruction set for a network ASIP(Application Specific Instruction-set Processor). The new instruction set was designed for the packet processing engine on a network router. The network ASIP to accelerate the packet processing operation was built on a baseline ASIP, which is based on the general RISC structure. The new instruction set is divided into two groups. They are operated on each of its functional unit within the execution stage. After the derivation of the HDL-model from LISA, the functional units were replaced by a hand-written Verilog-HDL.

P1-41 ([Computers] Computer Systems/Applications)
TitleDetection and Correction of Accidental Semantic Errors
Author*Dong-Joo Kim (Anyang University, Republic of Korea), Han-Woo Kim (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1165 - 1168
Keywordspelling checker, accidental errors, co-occurrence frequency, abstract dependency structure
AbstractOne of the most important characteristics of accidental errors to result from simple mistyping is that there is serious discrepancy between erroneous words and their surrounding context. To detect and correct these errors, contextual information such as n-gram or co-occurrence frequency is needed. However, despite these and other advances, detection and correction of accidental errors in agglutinative languages such as Korean is crawling yet due to relatively freely movable component. This paper presents another method to detect and correct accidental errors using abstract dependency structure to remove functional dependency relations. To capture contextual information of word from abstract dependency structure, our method uses the co-occurrence frequency for words in immediate dependency relations between content words.

P1-42 ([Computers] Computer Systems/Applications)
TitleSome Properties of Quantum Data Search Algorithms
Author*Keisuke Arima, Hiromi Miyajima, Noritaka Shigei (Kagoshima University, Japan), Michiharu Maeda (Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 1169 - 1172
Keywordquantum computer, file searching, Grover's algorithm, Ventura's algorithm
AbstractThis paper deals with some properties of quantum data search algorithms. First, Grover's and Ventura's algorithms for quantum data search are introduced and compared with each other. As a result, it is shown that both algorithms are not always universal with the number of stored data. Further, some properties on the data search algorithms are shown.

P1-43 ([Computers] Computer Systems/Applications)
TitlePerformance Evaluation of the Nano OS Kernel based on System State-Monitor for Ubiquitous Sensor Network
Author*Dong Myung Lee (Tongmyong University, Republic of Korea), Kwangyong Lee (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1173 - 1176
Keywordubiquitous, sensor, Nano Qplus, zigbee, state-monitor
AbstractNot only the MCU stopping and the auto-reset problems but also the dead end transition problems in the Nano OS kernel of the sensor modules are analyzed in this paper. In order to avoid and control these problems, the stack-safe Nano OS kernel suitable for USN and the system state-monitor mechanism in the Nano OS are suggested, and the performance is evaluated by a number of experimentation. The evaluation results show that the reliability and stability enhancements can be adapted and achieved by implementing thread-driven Nano OS kernel based on system state-monitor for USN.

P1-44 ([Computers] Computer Aided Design)
TitleA Synthesis Method of General Floating-Point Arithmetic Units by Aligned Partition
AuthorLiangwei Ge, Song Chen (Waseda University, Japan), *Yuichi Nakamura (NEC, Japan), Takeshi Yoshimura (Waseda University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1177 - 1180
Keywordhigh-level synthesis, floating-point arithmetic, polynomial approximation
AbstractFloating-point arithmetic units (FPU) have paramount importance in applications that involve intensive mathematic operations. However, previous implementations of FPU either require much manual work or only support special functions (e.g. reciprocal, square root, logarithm, etc.). In this paper, we present an automatic method to synthesize general FPU by aligned partition. Based on the novel partition algorithm, our method supports functions of wide, irreducible domain. The synthesized FPU achieves smaller area, higher frequency, and greater accuracy. Experimental results show that our method obtains 1) on average 90% smaller and 2.1 times faster indexer than the conventional automatic method; 2) on the hyperbolic functions, 20k times smaller error rate and 50% use of LUTs and flip-flops than the conventional manual design.

P1-45 ([Computers] Computer Aided Design)
TitleEnergy-Aware Task Scheduling for Multi-Processor Systems considering Battery Lifetime
Author*Il-jong Jung, Jong-wha Chong (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1181 - 1184
Keywordscheduling, DVS, battery, multi-processor
AbstractIncreasing needs of large-scale tasks, using single processor in a system is inefficient because it causes waste of energy consumption due to high operating frequency. To overcome the defect of a single processor, multi-processor systems which can operate tasks on low frequency are required to minimize energy consumption. Since the multi-processor systems are expanded to portable devices such like PDAs, laptop computers and cellular phones, it is necessary to not only minimize energy consumption but also optimize battery lifetime because these devices are powered by batteries. This paper presents two solutions to maximize the portable device lifetime. First, the tasks are partitioned to subtasks have the different operating frequencies, which are higher than the previous subtask in a task. The operating frequencies and the subtasks’ execution cycles are decided by the formulation to guarantee the deadlines and the energy efficiency. This method maximizes the energy reduction because the latter subtasks operated by the higher frequency are not executed if tasks’ execution cycles are decreased. To minimize the average energy consumption, the tasks’ execution times are extended to the deadlines to lower the operating frequencies. Second, the frequencies of tasks scheduled in processors are adjusted by Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS) to avoid that the maximum frequency of each task overlaps. This process optimizes the battery lifetime, satisfying recovery effect. The simulation results show that the proposed method saves 15%~50% more energy than the existing method.

P1-46 ([Computers] Computer Networks)
TitleDomain Name Autoconfiguration in IP-based Wireless Sensor Networks
Author*Sungjin Park, Seongkyun Oh (Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Sejong University, Republic of Korea), Seok Lee, Sun Ho Kim (Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea), Hyung Seok Kim (Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Sejong University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1185 - 1188
Keyworddomain name, IPv6, Wireless sensor network, location
AbstractThis paper provides a method for domain name autoconfiguration capable of enabling a user easily to obtain information on a sensor in a desired area through the Internet in a wireless sensor network using an IP address and enabling a domain name to be automatically set and registered without additional setting of a network operator by using the domain name of a new system for simply representing a type and a geographical position of the sensor.

P1-47 ([Computers] Computer Networks)
TitleTest Framework for Reducing Power in NoC
Author*Seok-hee Yi, Byung-Gyu Ahn, Jong-Wha Chong (College of Information & Communications, Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1189 - 1192
KeywordNoC, Power, testing
AbstractIn this paper, we propose the test framework for reducing power in Network-on-Chip (NoC). First, the possibility of using embedded processor and on-chip network are introduced and evaluated with benchmark system to test the other embedded cores. Second, a new generation method of test pattern, which is called "don't care mapping", is presented to reduce the power consumption of on-chip network. The experimental results show that the power consumption is reduced up to 8% at the communication components.

P1-48 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitlePost-Processing Algorithm for Reducing Ringing Artefacts in Deblurred Images
AuthorSergey Chalkov (LG Electronics, Republic of Korea), Natalie Meshalkina (Korea University, Republic of Korea), *Chang-Su Kim (Korea University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1193 - 1196
Keyworddeblurring, PSF estimation, image enhancement, ringing artefact reduction
AbstractIn this paper, we propose grey-scale image post-processing based deblurring framework. Our algorithm is considered to be applied to real camera image, corrupted by linear motion blur. The system outputs a single blur- and ringing-free image obtained as a result of deblurring and deringing steps. Our post-processing scheme based on edge detection approach builds the ringing artifacts' map for each image. This map is used in the deringing routine. Experiment results show that the proposed framework can be used for the efficient removal of motion blur caused by camera shake.

P1-49 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleBlocking Artifacts Reduction using Two Modes Shift Block Filter
Author*Ying-Wen Chang, Yen-Yu Chen (Chungchou Institute of Technology, Taiwan)
Pagepp. 1197 - 1200
Keywordblocking effect, DCT, PSNR
AbstractBlocking effect is the major drawbacks in DCT-based codec at low bit-rate. An efficient anti-blocking effect algorithm is induced in the DCT domain. The proposed algorithm eases the false edges with low computational complexity. Two operations are suggested to different region according the region feature. One operation applies to the smooth region and the boundary edges become to linear distribution and more gradual. The other operation tries to remove some high frequency DCT component and to make the false edge smoothness but not harm for the image quality. The proposed scheme can take best quality in both objective and subjective metrics. Moreover, the objective metric, Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), can improve to 0.5 dB.

P1-50 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleRandom Scrambling and Running Addition of PCA coefficients for Cancelable biometrics
Author*MinYi Jeong, Jeung-Yoon Choi, Jaihie Kim (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1201 - 1204
Keywordcancelable biometrics, face recognition, principle component analysis
AbstractIn terms of user authentication, biometric systems offer numerous advantages in terms of convenience. However, they also suffer from disadvantages in some applications, for example, in the area of privacy protection. To enhance security and privacy in biometrics, cancelable biometrics have been introduced. In this paper, we propose cancelable biometrics for face recognition using a PCA method approach. In the proposed method, our experiment compares the performance between the cases where PCA coefficient vectors, and the transformed coefficient vectors are respectively used for verification. As a result, the proposed method satisfies a good level of condition for cancelable biometrics. The proposed method not only resolves a weak point of biometric systems, but also the method is simple.

P1-51 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleRecognition of Fainting Motion from Fish-eye Lens Camera Images
Author*In-Mi So, Dae-Kyung Han, Sun-Kyung Kang, Young-Un Kim, Sung-Tae Jung (Wonkwang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1205 - 1208
Keywordfaint motion recognition, object extraction, object tracking
AbstractThis study is to present a fainting motion recognizing method by using fish-eye lens images to sense emergency situations. The camera with fish-eye lens located at the center of the ceiling of the living room sends images, and then the forground pixels are extracted by means of the adaptive background modeling method based on the Gaussian complex model, which is followed by tracing of outer points in the foreground pixel area and the elliptical mapping. During the elliptical tracing, the fish-eye lens images are converted to fluoroscope images, the size and location changes, and moving speed information are extracted to judge whether the movement, pause, and motion are similar to fainting motion. The results show that compared to using fish-eye lens image, extraction of the size and location changes, and moving speed by means of the conversed fluoroscope images has good recognition rates.

P1-52 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleDirectional Adaptive WSSG Filter
Author*Won-Seok Choi, Kyung-Sik Jang (Korea University of Technology and Education, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1209 - 1212
Keywordbiometric, vein identification, preprocessing
AbstractThe image recognition performance depends on the quality of images. In this paper, we propose a method which applies a directional adaptive Weight Separable Symmetrical Gabor filter for vein recognition. The proposed filter is the improved 2D Gabor filter. It has the attributes including separation, symmetry, weight and directional adaptation. In feature of this, our method contributes to the short time and the small cost for image recognition.

P1-53 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleEfficient Algorithms for Automatic Detection of Cracks on a Concrete Bridge
Author*Jeong Ho Lee, Jong Min Lee, Jin Wook Park, Young Shik Moon (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1213 - 1216
Keywordbridge inspection, crack detection, machine vision
AbstractIn the bridge inspection, the information of cracks is important to maintain a bridge. Therefore, automatic crack detection is highly desirable for efficiency and objectivity of crack assessment. In this paper, we propose a machine vision system for automatic inspection of bridges. The proposed machine vision system can detect cracks in real time, and it has some utility functions for supervised manipulation. The experimental results show that the proposed method is superior to the conventional methods for detecting cracks.

P1-54 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleSegmentation of Premolar Based on Geodesic Active Region
Author*Kyung-Chan Jin (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1217 - 1220
KeywordSegmentation, Geodesic Active Contour, Computerized Tomography
Abstract To find borders between homogeneous regions in the various morphologies, several segmentation resulting from edge-based and region-growing can not produce exactly the same, and a combination of results often work more accurately. Also, clinically usable segmentation for medical imaging requires a high degree of interaction with registration algorithms such as the Insight Toolkit (ITK) and the Visualization Toolkit (VTK). In this paper, we proposed the geodesic active region segmentation to find the inner structure of premolar teeth acquired by micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) scanner. As a result, we discriminated enamel, dentin and pulp zones. Furthermore, we showed that the 3D geometric models of premolar would be useful for the tooth morphology.

P1-55 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleTemporal Error Concealment Algorithm Using Adaptive Multi-Side Boundary Matching Principle
Author*Seung-soo Jeong, Chae-Bong Sohn, Seoung-Jun Oh (Department of Electronic Engineering, Kwangwoon University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1221 - 1224
Keywordtemporal error concealment, error resilience, H.264/AVC
AbstractThis paper proposes a method of Adaptive Multi-Side Boundary Matching Principle (AMSBM). After executing the analysis of conformity degree about the boundary information of lost block, this method determines how much it can use the most confidential information for a block-matching. It presents higher performance than related method that was researched formerly. Experiment result shows better performance of 0.7 dB at maximum than MSBM method which is known as the one of the most outperforming methods in temporal error concealment.

P1-56 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleDCT-based Image Compression with Efficient Enhancement Filter
Author*Wen-Chien Yen, Yen-Yu Chen (Department of Information Management, Chung Chou Institute of Technology, Taiwan)
Pagepp. 1225 - 1228
KeywordJPEG, JPEG 2000, enhancement filter
AbstractThis work adopts DCT and modifies the SPIHT algorithm to encode DCT coefficients. The algorithm represents the DCT coefficients to concentrate signal energy and proposes combination and dictator to eliminate the correlation in the same level subband for encoding the DCT-based images. The proposed algorithm also provides the enhancement function in low bit rate in order to improve the perceptual quality. This work contribution is that the coding complexity of the proposed algorithm for DCT coefficients is just close to JPEG but the performance is higher than JPEG2000. Experimental results indicate that the proposed technique improves the quality of the reconstructed image in terms of both PSNR and the perceptual results close to JPEG2000 at the same bit rate.

P1-57 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleAn Early SKIP Mode Decision Method using PSNR Prediction in H.264/AVC
Author*Sung-Jae Park, Chae-Bong Sohn, Ho-Chong Park, Seoung-Jun Oh (Kwangwoon University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1229 - 1232
KeywordSKIP mode , PSNR prediction, H.264/AVC
AbstractH.264/AVC shows high coding efficiency more than previous video coding standard by using new coding tools. However, the encoder complexity greatly increases due to these coding tools. In this paper, we propose early SKIP mode decision method to reduce the computational complexity. Simulation results show that the proposed method could reduce encoding time of the overall sequences by 33% on average than JM 10.2 without noticeable degradation of coding efficiency

P1-58 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleA Consideration of Spatial Video Coding Schemes for Updatable Video Delivery
Author*Mei Kodama (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1233 - 1236
KeywordScalable video coding, spatial coding, transcoding, video delivery
AbstractRecently, over the broadband internet, we had often used many video and music contents supported by MPEG-1,2,4, H.261, H.263, H.264/AVC video coding standards. In video coding standards, layer coding methods had been studied by many researchers and for example, SNR scalability, spatial scalability and temporal scalability had been adopted. In addition, we had proposed “the concept of updatable scalable video coding (USVC)”, considering the functionality of video data. It shows the renewal of video quality for video data from the viewpoints of coding distortion and image resolutions and so on. In this study, we focus on data prediction of DCT coefficient domain, the coding efficiency of USVC for the change of quantization accuracy using quantization parameters based on coding controller. Especially, spatial scalable coding types are used. In the theoretical approach, the prediction coding of differential data among layers is proposed newly. By the simulation results, the relation between the coding tendency of some test sequences and quantization parameters in low quality and high quality layers are shown.

P1-59 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleCandidate Narrowing for Face Identification Using Face Expression
Author*Lifeng Zhang, Lin Zhao (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan), Keisuke Korekoda (ZENRIN Co., Ltd., Japan), Hiroshi Kondo (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 1237 - 1240
KeywordExpression recognition, face identification, DCT
AbstractFace authentication becomes a hot topic not only in security system but also in home entertainment field. But it is difficult to perform a perfect authentication with and only with a face, so in fact the identification is combined with other authentication method. On the other hand, recognition of facial expressions researched from long before. This paper has aimed to unite these two researches, and to find a new approach to narrow candidate for face identification.

P1-60 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleDevelopment of Paper Automation Recognition System Using Brain Modeling of Hippocampal Neural Network Algorithm
Author*Hye-Youn Lim, Jang-Hui Kim, Dae-Seong Kang (Department of Electronics Engineering, Dong-A University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1241 - 1244
KeywordHippocampal Neural Network, Paper auto-recognition, thinning algorithm, feature extraction
AbstractIn this paper, we present the paper automation recognition system using brain modeling of hippocampal neural network algorithm. The system reads image through scanner, analyzes the content of data, and transforms the letter region into the text form. To recognize the letter effectively, the features of letter image are extracted in the text region and then the text is learned at high speed using brain modeling of hippocampal neural network algorithm. In engineering, this algorithm is based of modeling hippocampus which combines new memories and then makes memory. Experimental results are reported to implement system with a high recognition rate.

P1-61 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleFace Detection Using The Embedded System
Author*Yong Jun Lee, Dong Hwan Ko, Seung Min Song, Hoon Kang (Chung-Ang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1245 - 1248
KeywordFace detection, Adaboost, Embedded System
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a face detection algorithm using embedded system. Generally, face detection algorithms are degraded by changing illumination in an image. To avoid this, we use the Adaboost algorithm for face detection. Adaboost is a very rapid and robust algorithm. We exploit the intel pxa 320 type's board as the target board of embedded system.

P1-62 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleAction Synthesis Using Body Segmentation
Author*Jin-Hong Kim, Rae-Hong Park (Sogang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1249 - 1252
Keywordaction synthesis, star skeleton, body segmentation, motion descriptors
AbstractRecognizing action is an important part of a video surveillance and video retrieval system, in which motion information extracted from video is useful. This paper proposes an action synthesis method, in which Efros et al.'s action recognition method, Chen et al.'s body segmentation method, and Fujiyosi et al.'s method are combined. Chen et al.'s method and Fujiyosi et al.'s method are used as preprocessing of action synthesis. Experimental results with a number of test sequences show that the proposed method works efficiently for human action synthesis.

P1-63 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleTemporal Error Concealment Using Recursive Boundary Matching Method
Author*Byoung-Ik Kim, Tae-Wuk Bae, Tae-Kyu Kim (Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea), Young-Choon Kim (Youngdong University, Republic of Korea), Sang-Ho Ahn (Inje University, Republic of Korea), Duk-Gyoo Kim (Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1253 - 1256
Keywordmacro-block, motion vector, boundary matching, error concealment
AbstractIn this paper, we proposed a temporal error concealment (EC) using recursive boundary matching method. The proposed recursive boundary matching method improves the spatial correlation of the macroblocks (MBs) by reusing the pixels of the concealed MB and control weighting factor of the concealed MB recursively. And proposed algorithm has both forward concealment and backward concealment to prevent error propagation. Experimental results show that proposed algorithm gives better results than the conventional algorithms from a subjective and an objective viewpoint.

P1-65 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleAuto White Balance Using Chromatic Coordinates of Detected Human Faces
Author*Jung-Wook Lee, Kyu-Ik Sohng (School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1257 - 1260
Keywordauto white balance, color constancy, human skin, camera characterization
AbstractThis paper proposes auto white balance algorithm for the picture that is taken for people. General white balance algorithms bring neutral region into focus. But, other objects can be basis if its spectral reflectance is known. In this paper the basis for white balance is human face. For experiment, first, transper characteristic of image sensor is analyzed and camera output RGB on average face chromaticity under standard illumination is caculated. Second, Output rate for the image is adjusted to make RGB rate for the face photo area taken under unknown ilumination RGB rate that is already caculated. Input tristimulus XYZ can be calculated from camera outpu RGB by camera transfer matrix. And input tristimulus XYZ is transformed to standard color space (sRGB) using sRGB transfer matrix. For display, RGB data is encoded as eight-bit data after gamma correction. Algorithm is applied to average face color that is light skin color of Macbeth color chart and average color of various face colors that are actually measured.

P1-67 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleYoung Shrimp Detection by Using Modified Directional Wavelet Coefficients
Author*Jitti Addthajaroon, Supaporn Kiattisin, Werapon Chiracharit, Kosin Chamnongthai (King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand)
Pagepp. 1261 - 1264
KeywordYoung Shrimp Detection, Wavelet Transform
AbstractNowadays, young shrimps in any farm are counted manually for sales by using ladle tools. It takes time and there is a lot of estimation and errors. In this paper, we present a digital image processing method to detect young shrimps in order to count a number of young shrimps automatically. Basic wavelet transform based method is proposed. Coefficients of wavelet transform are modified with mophological technique in vertical, horizontal, and diagonal subbands, and inverse transform is then taken to get an output young shrimp image. Torso of any young shrimps are identified. The experimental results show that the proposed is more effective than the conventional method.

P1-68 ([Computers] Image Processing & Video Technology)
TitleDesign of a De-Ringing Filter for Wavelet-Based Compressed Image
Author*Yen-Yu Chen, Ying-Wen Chang, Wen-Chien Yen (Department of Information Management, Chung Chou Institute of Technology, Taiwan)
Pagepp. 1265 - 1268
Keyword ringing artefact, post-processing, PSNR , VRM
AbstractJPEG2000 Standard is a new generation image compression technique, enabling encoding images at low bit-rates with acceptable quality. Since JPEG2000 is based on wavelet transforms, the reconstructed image will contain perceivable ringing artifacts in medium and low bit-rate regimes of lossy compression. This work utilizes a quad-tree partitioning scheme for post-processing the reconstructed image in a spatially varying manner and presents a voting strategy to determine a set of morphological filters to be used for reducing the ringing artifacts. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed technique enhances reconstructed image quality compared to unprocessed JPEG2000 output at an equivalent bit-rate accounting for the side-information overhead, in terms of both Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Visible Ringing Measure (VRM).

P1-71 ([Computers] Modeling & Simulation)
TitleOptimization Surface Roughness Parameters for Oak Color Sprayings
Author*Patcharee Chantanabubpha (University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Thailand)
Pagepp. 1269 - 1272
AbstractThis paper presents the optimization condition on oak color spraying. Factors impacted on spraying are controllable and uncontrollable. Controllable factors are a) color viscosity, b) distant between part and nozzle c) nozzle speed, d) Feed rate and e) nozzle pressure. Uncontrollable is temperature (T). The first step of this study finds out the controllable factors, which is the internal factors by using experimental design method. The design of experiment technique (DOE) [3] is used to reduce numbers of experimental, base on standard orthogonal array- table, 5 main factors 2 levels; L16 (215). The experimentation is focus on numbers of defect part. The parameters a) and e) are screened from 5 factors by variant of analysis. It is found that the viscosity and nozzle pressure are significant impact to defect part at 95% confidence (α = 0.05). The second step is to study relationship between significant internal factors and temperature, finding out the optimal condition. The results was received from running software are the optimal-condition at viscosity, temperature and nozzle pressure are 10.22 poise 4 bars and 41 degree Celsius respectively. The rejected part is minor 0.0947 and desirability is 1. It means that a number of rejected parts are zero and it is a best case. The adjusted optimize results for the practical work is viscosity; temperature and pressure are 10.5 poise 4 bars and 41 degree Celsius. The rework parts 0.1944 pieces and 0.88 desirability. It can be accepted and this can be practically adjusted. Keyword: DOE (design of experiment), Taguchi Method

P1-73 ([Computers] Other)
TitleChaotic Analysis of DNA Codes
Author*Jiguo Dong (The University of Electro-Communications, Japan), Takako Yamada (Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan), Katsufusa Shono (selic, Japan)
Pagepp. 1273 - 1276
Keywordchaos, logistic map, quantization, closed loop
AbstractBy synthesizing the logistic map $x_{t+1}=4x_t(1-x_t)$, $x_{t+1}=f(f(x_t))$ produces chaos having $L=4$ where Lyapunov exponent is $\lambda={\it{ln}}L$. The successive backward calculation $x_t=\frac{1\pm \sqrt{1-x_{t+1}}}{2}$,$x_t=f^{-1}(f^{-1}(x_{t+1}))$ can accept external four bit codes such as DNA(A,G,T,C) for the sign determination, the internal state $x_t$ obtained gives us the Lyapunov exponent $L'$ along the external codes and can be compared with $L=4$ chaos. The Lyapunov exponent $L'$ obtained is a measure of evolution of a gene, and the entropy $G_2$ gives characteristic distributions.

P1-74 ([Computers] Other)
TitleArithmetic Circuit Optimization in Finite Word Length Approximation of Arbitrary Functions
Author*Takao Sasaki, Koji Kotani, Hisamichi Toyoshima (Kanagawa University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1277 - 1280
Keywordfinite word length approximation, coefficient quantization, optimization , tabu search
AbstractIn this research, for an arbitrary function, we propose the optimization technique of minimizing the hardware cost. The proposed method starts with multiple initial solutions based on two hardware models. Furthermore, for optimization algorithm, tabu search is used, and it is parallelized to make a global search.

P1-75 ([Computers] Other)
TitleA New Synthesizing Cluster Labels Algorithm for Thai Web Search Results
Author*Nawaporn Leardtharatat, Worapoj Kreesuradej (Faculty of Information Technology, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand)
Pagepp. 1281 - 1284
Keywordsynthesizing cluster label , suffix tree, web search result clustering
AbstractCurrently, there is a large amount of information on internet. Users usually find information using search engine. But, number of results returned from search engine is often irrelevant information to users wanted. As a solution to the problem, clustering web search results will help users finding relevant information to user’s goal quickly. Suffix tree clustering (STC) technique is the most known for clustering web search results. However, when the technique is applied to cluster web search results for Thai language web pages, STC technique usually gives incomplete phrases for cluster labels. Therefore, this paper is proposed a new approach for synthesis cluster labels obtained from STC technique. The proposed technique can give more readable and complete phrases for cluster labels than that from STC technique.

P1-77 ([Computers] Other)
TitleMURASAKI: Web-based Word Sense Description System
Author*Fumito Masui, Yosifumi Kawamura (Mie University, Japan), Jun'ichi Fukumoto (Ritsumeikan University, Japan), Naoki Isu (Mie University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1285 - 1288
Keyworddescription, word sense, comparative expression
AbstractThis paper describes a method to descriptive a Japanese word sense with associative knowledge. The associative knowledge, which are called as descriptors, are extracted from world wide web(www) by focusing on collocation with comparative structure.For extracting descriptors, the specific comparative expressions with context which was generated with a pair of a query word and each related descriptor are retrieved from www.

P1-78 ([Communications] Communication Theory)
TitleAnalysis of Noise Threshold of Regular LDPC Codes on LEO Satellite Channel
Author*Hyojoon Bae (Sk telecom, Republic of Korea), Hyungmyung Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science Technology, Republic of Korea), Keunsung Bae (Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1289 - 1292
Keywordchannel coding, LDPC
AbstractThe purpose of this research is twofold. One is to analyze the noise threshold of the regular LDPC codes with a BPSK system on an LEO satellite channel. Through analysis of noise threshold, we can determine minimum SNR to achieve the best performance of regular LDPC codes among different code rates and degree parameters. The other is to analyze the effect of fading parameters of the LEO satellite channel on the performance of regular LDPC codes. For this, we investigate the probability density function of a fading factor depending on the parameter values of the Loo's model and analyze the performance of regular LDPC codes. Numerical analysis and simulation results are shown with discussions.

P1-79 ([Communications] Communication Theory)
TitleA Study on MPE-FEC decoding base on LLR method in DVB-SSP system
Author*Namsoo Kim, Minhyuk Kim, Jongtae Bae, Seoksoon Choi, Taedoo Park, Jiwon Jung (Korea Maritime University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1293 - 1296
KeywordDVB-S2, DVB-T, DVB-H, erasure RS code, LDPC code
AbstractIn this paper, we described DVB-SSP system for mobility. The DVB-SSP for mobility system used cross layer scheme which is consist of e-RS(erasure Reed-Solomon), virtual interleaver and LDPC. Erasure data for e-RS decoding is detected by CRC check in conventional DVB-SSP system. However, this paper proposed erasure data detecting method by LLR value of LDPC. It is called LLR method. Through the simulation results, we know that the performance of LLR method is better than conventional CRC method as 0.2dB.

P1-80 ([Communications] High Speed Networks)
TitleBackhaul Network for Beyond 3G Environment
Author*Zahir Uddin Ahmad (Information and Communications University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1297 - 1300
KeywordBackhaul network
AbstractBackhaul network will be the key issue to deploy services in beyond 3G environment. This paper provides some key factors to consider for deploying the future backhual network and also propose one scenerio of future backhaul network architecture.

P1-81 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleMeasurement of Transmission Range Effect to the Connectivity of Vehicular Telematics Networks
Author*Junghoon Lee (Cheju National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1301 - 1304
Keywordvehicular telematics, event simulator, real movement data, connectivity analysis, connection duration
AbstractThis paper measures the effect of transmission range on the connectivity for the vehicular telematics network. A discrete event simulator has been implemented to trace the movement of each vehicle, not using a simulated movement model but genuine movement data. The connectivity is analyzed by performing the Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm from each vehicle to a stationary gateway in multi-hop base. The experiment result indicates that the transmission range, having the great impact on the connectivity, can achieve up to 70 % connectivity on the common parameter values. The connection lasts mostly for about 2 minutes. This result provides a guideline to design a new location-based service.

P1-82 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleAntenna Selection for Single Carrier Cyclic Prefixed Transmission
AuthorShuichi Ohno, *Emmanuel Manasseh (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1305 - 1308
Keywordantenna, SIMO, MISO
AbstractSingle carrier cyclic prefixed transmissions between a base station having multiple antenna and a terminal having one antenna are considered. We propose two antenna selections based on the channel norm and on the worst channel gain. Our selection schemes do not always yield the optimal selection but have less computational complexities. The channel norm criterion has the least complexity, while the channel gain criterion exhibits almost the same performance with the optimal selection.

P1-83 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleISI and ICI Compensation for TFI-OFDM in Time-Variant Large Delay Spread Channel
Author*Yuta Ida, Chang-Jun Ahn, Takeshi Kamio, Hisato Fujisaka, Kazuhisa Haeiwa (Hiroshima City University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1309 - 1312
AbstractIn general, if the maximum delay spread is longer than guard interval (GI), the system performance is significantly degraded. The conventional time-frequency interferometry (TFI) for OFDM does not consider with time-variant large delay spread channel. In this paper, we propose a novel time domain inter-symbol-interference (ISI) cancellation scheme with replica signal based inter-carrier-interference (ICI) compensation for TFI-OFDM.

P1-84 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitlePerformance Enhancement of TFI-OFDM with Path Selection based on Channel Identification
Author*Takeshi Yoshimura, Chang-Jun Ahn, Takeshi Kamio, Hisato Fujisaka, Kazuhjsa Haeiwa (Hiroshima City University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1313 - 1316
KeywordOFDM, path selection
AbstractRecently time-frequency interferometry (TFI)-OFDM has been proposed as a channel identification scheme. If the total channel paths are reduced, the performance might be degraded. For the case with reduced channel paths, the selected time spectrum signals include the noise terms. In this case, the channel identification is poorly operated due to the noise. To reduce this problem, in the paper, we propose the channel identification method with path selection for performance enhancement of TFI-OFDM.

P1-86 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleArchitectural Design and Optimization of IPv6-Based Sensor Protocols for Wireless Personal Area Networks
Author*Hyoung Jun Kim, Eunsook Kim (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea), Won Jay Song (University of Virginia, United States), Wan Jik Lee (Pusan National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1317 - 1320
KeywordLight-weighted Internet protocol version 6, low-power wireless personal area networks, optimization
AbstractThis paper proposes the architecture of light-weight IPv6 (LWIPv6) for low-power wireless personal area networks (LoWPANs), optimize the functions of the architecture’s protocols, and reports typical results from the power consumption simulation for LWIPv6. The LoWPAN architecture is oriented to a simple and low-cost wireless communication system, which allows wireless connectivity in a variety of applications with requirements of limited power and relaxed throughput. LoWPAN devices conform to the IEEE 802.15.4 standard specified by the IEEE Standards Society. This paper describes systems requirements analysis (SRA) of LoWPANs with regard to the Internet protocol (IP) layer, the architecture of LWIPv6, and its optimization and performance analysis. The proposed architecture and its protocols in LWIPv6 are substantially optimized for the IP stack, such as header compression, simplified neighbor discovery, and reduction of overhead in the Internet control message protocol (ICMP) functionality. The computer simulation of the proposed architecture is also implemented in the viewpoint of power consumption depending on neigh cache size.

P1-87 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleA Precautionary Congestion Control Scheme in WSNs : Cross layer approach
Author*Yoon-Pil Sung, Myung-June Youn, Jai-Yong Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1321 - 1324
Keywordwireless sensor network, QoS, cross layer
AbstractThis paper proposes algorithms for preventing congestion and assigning the priority to the important events. Most existing algorithms use the backpressure messages to control the rate of sources. In contrast with them, proposed novel algorithm prevents from congestion previously using queue monitoring. Proposed algorithm is composed of 3-states, Non-Congestion state, Pre-Congestion state and Congestion state. Each state has own algorithm and congestion is prevented by them. In addition, each node has two queues, one for the RT[real-time] event and the other for the NRT[non real-time] event, to control each event efficiently and give priority to the RT event.

P1-88 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleMobile Gateway Effect on the Load Distribution of Telematics Networks
Author*Junghoon Lee (Cheju National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1325 - 1328
Keywordtelematics network, mobile gateway, network load, gateway ratio, transmission range
AbstractThis paper has measured the effect of transmission range and gateway ratio to the degree of interference in terms of MNC, namely, the maximum number of connection in a cell, on the telematics network. A discrete event simulator has been implemented to trace the load distribution behavior of the network based on genuine movement data obtained from the Jeju taxi telematics system currently in operation. The experiment result indicates that the increase of transmission range up to 220 m can mitigate the congestion on the hot spot area with an appropriate gateway allocation scheme especially in the downtown area. In addition, gateway ratio around 28 % brings a great reduction in MNC, showing reasonable load distribution and vehicle assignment.

P1-89 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitlePerformance Evaluation using Reduced Neighbor Lists in Cellular Based Multi-Hop Relay Network
Author*Hun-je Yeon, Eunhyun Kwon, Sung-gook Lim, Jaiyong Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea), Mi-Sun Do, Rakesh Taori (Samsung AIT, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1329 - 1332
KeywordMultihop, Relay, neighbor seleciton
AbstractIn this paper, we introduce neighbor list composition scheme that organizes small numbers of adjacent neighbors for cellular based multi-hop relay network so that the neighbor advertisement with small number of neighbors could increase average transmission rate of MR network. Wireless multi-hop environment based on cellular system, such as 802.16j, requires an algorithm that organizes neighbor lists dynamically due to the mobility and impermanancy of relay station. From the study, we've concluded that the location based neighbor lists composition could reduces the wastage of wireless resources, which improves the transmission rate of cellular based wireless multi-hop network.

P1-91 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleTwo Stages Search Scheme for High-Ordered BOC Modulation in Future GNSSs
Author*Seung Hwan Yoo, Seungsoo Yoo (Konkuk University, Republic of Korea), Sangho Ahn, Seokho Yoon (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea), Sun Yong Kim (Konkuk University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1333 - 1336
KeywordGNSS, BOC, Acquisition, Two stages search
AbstractThe future global navigation satellite system uses high-ordered binary offset carrier (BOC) modulated spreading signals. By the way, it causes a narrower main lobe and multiple side lobes in correlation function. Thus, the serial search scheme, a well-known method for code acquisition, has a number of search cells to acquire the offset, and the time to first fix will also increases. To tackle this problem, we propose a rapid code acquisition scheme when the serial search scheme is used for high-order BOC modulated spreading signals.

P1-93 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleRobust Frame Synchronization Algorithm on the cell edge in the Mobile-WiMax System
Author*Jeong Mi You (Telecommunication R&D Center, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1337 - 1340
KeywordOFDMA, Mobile-WiMax, frame synchronization
AbstractThe Mobile-WiMax system is susceptive to inter-cell interference. At the cell edge, particularly, a severe synchronization error may occur due to decreased signal-to-interference ratio. In this paper, therefore, we propose a robust frame synchronization algorithm in inter-cell interference for the Mobile-WiMax system. The proposed algorithm shows a clear peak at the correct frame timing and has low computational complexity.

P1-95 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleAn Efficient Implementation of LDPC Decoder with Partial Parallel Algorithm for DVB-S2 System
Author*Suksoon Choi, Minhyuk Kim, Jongtae Bae, Taedoo Park, Namsoo Kim, Jiwon Jung (Korea Maritime University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1341 - 1344
KeywordLDPC, Partial parallel decoder, FPGA, DVB-S2
AbstractIn this paper, we investigate the encoding and decoding method of the irregular LDPC (Low Density Parity Check) codes that offer diverse coding rates from 1/2 to 9/10 defined in the Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB-S2) standard. We study the efficient memory assignment and the implementing method in the LDPC codes.

P1-96 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleHierarchical Information Acquisition Scheme on The Local Broadcasting System
Author*Yusuke Oka, Hiromasa Habuchi (Ibaraki University, Japan), Kouji Ohuchi (Shizuoka University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1345 - 1348
KeywordITS, Broadcast system, RVC
AbstractIn this paper, it is proposed the information delivery system that the transmission signal embraces together the wide-area information and the local area information. The distant user from the base station receives the wide-area information only and the nearby user receives together the widearea information and the local-area information. The proposed system uses the code shift keying(CSK) for transmitting the local-area information and the amplitude shift keying( ASK) for the wide-area information. In the proposed system, the broadcast information is hierarchized by combining ASK with CSK.

P1-97 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleNetwork Reconfiguration for Energy Efficient Clustering of Wireless Sensor Networks
Author*Dujdow Buranapanichkit, Ekavic Chanpen (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)
Pagepp. 1349 - 1352
KeywordReconfiguration, Wireless Sensor Networks
AbstractThis paper presents an autonomic network reconfiguration for energy efficient clustering of wireless sensor networks. Due to the main constraint of sensor nodes is their very low finite battery enery, which limits the lifetime and the quality of the network. For this reason, the protocols running on sensor networks must consume the resources of the nodes efficiently in order to achieve a longer network lifetime. Our approach is to reorganize the cluster head node by setting the mininum cluster head node remaining energy. If problem happens, cluster head will change to be a new node. This network reconfiguration will help to increase prolonging the node average working time and improving the network load balance.

P1-98 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleA Simple ICI Pre-suppression Method for OFDM Systems
Author*Kyung-Doc Jang, Se-Bin Im (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea), Hyun-Suk Lee (Central R&D Institute, Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea), Hyung-Jin Choi (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1353 - 1356
KeywordOFDM, ICI compensation, channel estimation
Abstractwe propose a simple ICI pre-suppression method to mitigate the effect of channel variations. The proposed method consists of three steps; average channel impulse response estimation, time-varying CIR estimation by Gaussian interpolation, and time-domain suppression. Since the proposed method utilizes CIR estimation scheme, we can also obtain noise reduction effect by zero-padding such as in traditional discrete Fourier transform-based channel estimation. Simulation results show that the proposed method can sufficiently reduce the ICI-induced performance degradation of the frequency-domain one-tap equalizer.

P1-99 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitleA Packet Scheduling Algorithm based on the Estimation of Packet Loss Amount for Supporting Real-Time Traffic in IEEE 802.22 WRAN Systems
Author*Youngdu Lee, Insoo Koo (University of Ulsan, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1357 - 1360
KeywordWRAN, packet scheduling algorithm, packet loss amount, real-time traffic
AbstractIn this paper, we propose and evaluate a new packet scheduling algorithm in order to support real-time traffic more effectively in IEEE 802.22 WRAN system where Quiet Period (QP) frame exists per superframe. During QP frame, BS and CPEs stop data transmission, and scan TV channels used by themselves to perform in-band measurements of incumbent users. It will cause packet delay as long as the length of QP, and degrade quality of service of traffic time traffic. The proposed scheme utilizes not only the delay of Head of Line(HOL) packets in buffer of each user but also the amount of expected loss packets in next frame when a service will not be given in current frame. The performances of the proposed scheme are compared with those of PLFS and M-LWDF in terms of average packet loss rate and throughput. The simulation results show that the proposed scheduling algorithm performs much better than the PLFS and M-LWDF algorithms.

P1-100 ([Communications] Wireless Communications)
TitlePilot Interference Cancellation in a WCDMA Wireless Repeater
Author*Sunho Kim, Sungbin Im (Soongsil University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1361 - 1364
Keywordpilot, interference, NLMS, adaptive filtering, WCDMA
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a mitigation method to reduce the effect of pilot interference at the wireless repeater. Using an adaptive estimation algorithm, we estimates undesired pilot signals from neighboring base stations and eliminate these interference signals from the received signals. This approach is based on the conventional pilot signal cancellation techniques for a user equipment. This improves the signal to interference ratio (SIR), and enables increased cell capacity and/or better bits error rates (BER) performance in the wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA) systems. Simulation studies have been carried out to verify the proposed approach and promising results are observed.

P1-101 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleDynamic Pilot Arrangement Scheme in Wireless OFDM Systems
Author*Chia-Chang Hu, Hong-Da Shih (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan)
Pagepp. 1365 - 1368
Keywordchannel estimation, OFDM, time-varying channels
AbstractAn adaptive pilot-symbol assignment scheme is proposed for interpolation-based channel estimation in wireless OFDM communication systems. The channel transfer functions of data tones are interpolated by the piecewise-linear and the second-order polynomial interpolation methods due to their inherent simplicity. Simulations are conducted to demonstrate system performance and bandwidth (BW) superiority. A comparative evaluation of the proposed dynamic pilot scheme with conventional fixed pilot-symbol channel estimation schemes is performed as well.

P1-102 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleRobust Speech Recognition Features Based on Temporal Trajectory Filtering and Non-Uniform Spectral Compression
Author*Sang-Ho Lee, Jeong-Hyun Ha, Woo-Young Lee, Jae-Keun Hong (Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1369 - 1372
KeywordSpeech Recognition, Non-Uniform Spectral Compression, Temporal Trajectory filtering, MFCC
AbstractThis paper proposes a new feature extraction method based on temporal trajectory filtering and non-uniform spectral compression and examines its performance with two tasks in noisy environments. Temporal trajectory filtering is effective for robust speech recognition in noisy environments, due to human hearing is more sensitive to relative values rather than absolute values and the effect of additive noise which varies slowly may be removed. However, even if noise is stationary, it is not removed exactly due to the random fluctuation. Thus we use non-uniform spectral compression after temporal trajectory filtering and this method shows better performances than the respective methods.

P1-103 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleAn Improved Block Tomlinson-Harashima Precoder for Multi-user MIMO Systems
Author*Joon-doo Kim, Jiwon Kang (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea), Dongseung Kwon (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea), Chungyong Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1373 - 1376
KeywordMU MIMO, block THP, ML receiver, diversity
AbstractIn this paper, we propose two algorithms which improve the error performance of the Block Tomlinson-Harashima precoding (BTHP) system. The proposed expanded ML (eML) algorithm provides an approach to apply the ML receiver to the BTHP system. The proposed block QR (bQR) algorithm makes the effective MIMO channel from which the proposed eML can obtain spatial diversity gain. By applying the proposed methods, BTHP can obtain the spatial diversity and considerable error performance improvement.

P1-104 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleAdaptive Radar Pulses Clustering based on Density Cluster Window
Author*Dong-Weon Lee, Jin-Woo Han (Agency for Defense Development, Republic of Korea), Won-Don Lee (Chungnam National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1377 - 1380
KeywordCluster Window, Electronic Warfare, Electronic Warfare Support, Radar
AbstractThis paper presents the adaptive clustering algorithm of radar pulses based on the density cluser window to alleviate the load of signal analysis process and support reliable analysis in an ES(Electronic warfare Support). The proposed clustering algorithm determines the size of cluster window based on the type of frequency modulation of received radar signals.

P1-105 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleAn Application of Channel Shortening to Multiuser Communications
Author*Hiroaki Watahiki, Teruyuki Miyajima (Ibaraki University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1381 - 1384
KeywordOFDM, inter-block interference, blind equalization, time-domain equalization
AbstractIn block transmission systems, when there are multipaths with delays exceeding CP length, performance degrades due to IBI. Channel shortening is a promising technique for reducing the effect of IBI. Most channel shortening methods presented before can be applied only to single-user communications. In this paper, we propose to apply a channel shortening method, which exploits the second order statistics (SOS) of the received signals, to multiuser communications.

P1-106 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleEfficient Maximum Likelihood Approach to Channel Estimation for Space-Time Coded Systems
Author*Tomoya Aizawa, Teruyuki Miyajima (Ibaraki University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1385 - 1388
Keywordspace-time block code, symbol detection, channel estimation, blind estimation
AbstractIn wireless communication systems, there is a performance degradation due to fading. Orthogonal space-time block coded (OSTBC) systems are known to be useful to improve the performance in fading channels. In OSTBC systems, the knowledge of the channel is required to detect symbols. This paper proposes a channel estimation method using M-algorithm. The proposed method can drastically reduce a computational complexity of the maximum likelihood approach and provide sufficient estimate accuracy. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

P1-107 ([Communications] Signal Processing for Communications)
TitleCharacterization of Wireless Feedback Channels near a Highway Based on Sounding Measurements
Author*Woosik Moon, Sungbin Im (School of Electronic Engineering, Soongsil University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1389 - 1392
Keywordfeedback, interference, channel, modeling
AbstractThis paper presents the method of measuring the feedback channel, which is developed between the transmit and receive antennas of a wireless repeater by receiving the transmit singal from its tranmit antenna at the receive antenna of the identical repeater, and experiment results otained by anlyzing the measurements. This experiment uses 2GHz W-CDMA signal and is carried out near a highway.

P1-109 ([Communications] Radar/Remote Sensing)
TitleA Data Fusion Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks
Author*Joy Iong-Zong Chen (Department of Communication Engineering, Da-Yeh University, Taiwan), Chun-Jen Chen, Chin-Chung Yu (Department of Communication Engineering Da-Yeh University, Taiwan)
Pagepp. 1393 - 1396
KeywordCML (conditional maximum , MSDFT (mobile sensor data fusion tracking), WSN (wireless sensor networks)
AbstractThe scenario deployed with mobile sensors for tracking both of non-maneuvering and maneuvering targets traveling in the phenomena exploits with mobile WSN (wireless sensor networks) is simulated in this paper. In order to solve the complicated situation and reduce computation burden because of the multiple sensing event exists mobile WSN environments is proposed. Moreover, a variable structure model is established as an adaptive maneuvering compensator to solve both data association and sensor maneuvering problems simultaneously, that is, the detection algorithm for multi-mobile sensor tracking in WSN investigated too. The simulations of multi-mobile sensor tracking based on the proposed method are conducted for tracking the targets. Computer simulation results indicate that the approach successfully tracks multiple sensors and has good precision also.

P1-110 ([Communications] EMI & EMC- RF Circuits & Components)
TitleA Fully Integrated MMIC chip set Employing InGaP/GaAs HBT for Application to Ku band Satellite Communication System
Author*Young-Bae Park, Han-Nah Joh, Se-Ho Kim, Young Yun (Korea Maritime University, Republic of Korea), Kyu-Ho Park, Kwang-Ho Ahn (Korea Electronics Technology Institude, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1397 - 1400
Keyworddownconverter, MMIC, HBT, Ku band, satellite communication system
AbstractA highly integrated monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) chip set employing InGap/GaAs/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) were developed for satellite communication applications. Concretely, using InGap/GaAs/GaAs HBT, downconverter MMIC and an active balun were developed. The downconverter MMIC showed a conversion gain of 9.5 dB and an LO suppression of -30 dBc. The fabricated chip, including a mixer, 2 stage IF amplifier, and LO rejection filter, exhibited a small size of 0.8×2.4 mm2. The size of the active balun was about 31.6 % of conventional passive branch-line coupler.

P1-111 ([Communications] Antenna & Wave Propagation)
TitleDesign of GPS Antenna using Dielectric Resonator
Author*Sinhyung Jeon, Hyengcheul Choi, Hojeong Kim, Junghwan Yeom, Hyeongdong Kim (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1401 - 1404
KeywordGPS antenna, DRA, RHCP, circular polarization, dielectric resonator antenna
AbstractIn this paper, the design of the RHCP (right hand circular polarization) dielectric resonator antenna for GPS (Global Positioning Systems) is proposed. For the miniaturization size of antenna, high-permittivity dielectric (εr =30) is used. Also in order to obtain circular polarization of low-profile rectangular dielectric resonator antenna, the proposed antenna is simply excited by single strip line. The proposed single feeding method consisting of a loop shape can easily excite two orthogonal modes (TExδ11,TEyδ11) within the single resonator and easily achieve circular polarization. Using EM simulation, antenna characteristic parameters are found. Based on these results, antenna is manufactured. The simulated and measured results of proposed design are presented.

P1-112 ([Communications] Optical Communications/Components)
TitleChannel Characteristic and Transmission Performance of An Indoor Wireless Optical Communication System
Author*Chuan Peng, Jae Kyung Pan (Chonbuk National University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1405 - 1408
Keywordindoor wireless optical communication, channel characteristic, LOS and diffuse, Gaussian pulse, PPM
AbstractChannel characteristics of an indoor wireless optical communication system is provided here. A channel impulse response includes the power ratio and time delay due to bounce times. Based on the scenario of the indoor structure, we obtained and discussed the received power distribution according to six configurations in Table 1, which vary with respect to transmitter and receiver positions and reflection coefficients. We used the input Gaussian pulse, Rectangular pulse, and Practical pulse, which are applied to pulse position modulation (PPM) and OOK, based on the impulse response of indoor channels in Configuration D. We evluated the BER with respect to the signal-to-noise ratio per bit for various input pulses in line- of-sight (LOS) and diffuse channels.

P1-113 ([Communications] Optical Communications/Components)
TitleDesign and Fabrication of Directional Coupler Type Hollow Waveguide Optical Switch with Variable Air Core
Author*Chang-Hwan Bae (Hoseo University, Republic of Korea), Yong-Hwan Son (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1409 - 1412
Keywordoptical switch, directional coupler, hollow waveguide, air-core, effective refractive index
AbstractWe present a device design and fabrication of a novel hollow-waveguide optical switch consisting of a directional coupler with variable air cores. The numerical simulation and experimental characterization of the proposed optical switch performance is discussed. Switching operation is achieved by mode-field change and coupling beat length in the directional coupler section, as the air core thickness is adjusted mechanically. Our modeling results show a possibility of a compact optical switch with a sub-mm switch length. A proof-of-concept experimental device is fabricated with microstructured Au-mirror waveguide on GaAs substrates. We observed optical switching extinction of about 17 dB with a switching length of 0.9 mm and a small change of an air core thickness.

P1-114 ([Communications] Optical Communications/Components)
TitleModified Pseudo Orthogonal M-sequence Sets for Synchronous Optical-CDMA
Author*Yusuke Kozawa, Hiromasa Habuchi (Ibaraki University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1413 - 1416
Keywordm-sequence, orthogonal sequence, optical code-division multiple-access (CDMA), Multi-pulse pulse potision modulation (PPM), avalanche photo-diode (APD)
AbstractIn this paper, to increase normalized throughput of the optical code-division multiple-access (CDMA) system, optical-CDMA systems with multi-pulse pulse position modulation (MPPM) using the modified pseudo orthogonal M-sequence sets is proposed. The throughput performance and bit error rate (BER) are evaluated by theoretical analysis. Consequently, the normalized throughput of the proposed system can achieve 1.35 [bit/chip] when the number of slots per frame is 16. Furthermore, BER of the proposed system is superior to that of the conventional systems.

P1-115 ([Communications] Other)
TitleRequirement of Analog Front End ASIC for Power Line Communication Modem of Korean Industrial Standard
Author*Youngsun Kim, Soon Woo Lee, Sungsoo Choi, Hui-Myoung Oh, Haesoo Park (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 1417 - 1420
Keywordpower line communication (PLC), ASIC, analog front end (AFE)
AbstractRecently, in Korea, the commercialization of power line communication (PLC) is accelerated due to the testing deployment of automatic meter reading (AMR) modem using PLC. As the test site increases, the needs for analog front end (AFE) ASIC for PLC modem, which was previously implemented by printed circuit board (PCB), arise. In this paper, we present the technical requirement of an AFE ASIC for PLC modem which complies the Korean Industrial Standard (KS)

P1-117 ([Communications] Other)
TitleFusion of Communications and Broadcasting through the Internet Satellite
Author*Tomohiro Kitagawa, Takao Nishitani (Graduate School of System Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan), Hiroaki Komatsu (Research Collaboration Center, Kochi University of Technology, Japan), Hironori Katoh, Norishige Omoto (Japan Manned Space Systems Corporation, Japan)
Pagepp. 1421 - 1424
KeywordFusion of communication and broadcasting, Multibeam Satellite, H.264 Intra Picture Prediction
AbstractThis paper describes a proposal and a preliminary experimental result on re-transmission of terrestrial digital broadcasting on a multi-beam satellite for eliminating uncovered terrestrial broadcasting areas. As the satellite is for the internet purpuse, this approach will be a good example of fusion of communications and broadcasting. The re-transmission bit-rate are designed to be less than 15% of one beam capacity, in order to keep the satellite for internet use. Subscribers in the uncovered areas can at least watch terrestrial digital broadcasting program all day long even at heavy traffic conditions. The experimental system by using JGN (Japan Gigabit Network) demonstrates the possibility of the fusion.

P1-118 ([Communications] Other)
TitleGeneralization of Even-Shift Orthogonal Sequences to Multi-Dimension
Author*Yukari Tsuchiyama, Shinya Matsufuji, Takahiro Matsumoto (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1425 - 1428
Keywordsequence design, spread spectrum, digital wartermaking, spreading code, correlation
AbstractThe even-shift orthogonal sequence (E-sequences) is a binary sequence, whose out-of-phase aperiodic auto-correlation function takes zero at any even shift. This paper considers the generalization of E-sequence to multi-dimension. It is shown that multi-dimensional E-sequences can be constructed by multi-dimensional complementary sequences. Especially a logic function generating multi-dimensional E-sequences of power-of-two length is formulated, which can give multi-dimensional E-sequences with a good correlation property that almost 3/4 of all shifts is zero.