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The 23rd International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications

Session H2  Solid-State Circuits 1
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 8F 805 Room
Chairs: Apinunt Thanachayanont (King Mongkut's Institute of Technology, Thailand), Hiroki Matsumoto (Miyazaki University, Japan)

H2-1 (Time: 13:30 - 13:48)
TitleLow-Power 12-bit 160-MS/s Pipeline A/D Converters
Author*Mai Nozawa, Daisuke Kurose, Takeshi Ueno, Tetsuro Itakura (Corporate Research & Development Center, Toshiba Corporation, Japan)
Pagepp. 409 - 412
Keywordpipeline, A/D converter, low-power, Class-AB, level shifter
AbstractLow-power 12-bit 160-MS/s pipeline A/D converters are designed for wireless receivers. Instead of using ultra-deep submicron devices of low supply voltage, we employ analog-option devices that operate at supply voltage of 2.5V in a 90-nm CMOS process. To achieve lower power dissipation, an I/Q amplifier sharing technique is employed. Furthermore, charge transfer level shifters are proposed in S/H circuits and MDACs for realizing class-AB operation. The area is 1.1mm2, the simulated power dissipation is 75mW/channel and the simulated ENOB is 11.15bit.

H2-2 (Time: 13:48 - 14:06)
TitleLow-Voltage and High-CMRR Differential Amplifier Using FG-MOSFET's
AuthorKoichi Tanno, Naotsugu Horita, Hisashi Tanaka, *Ryoichi Miyauchi, Hiroki Tamura (University of Miyazaki, Japan)
Pagepp. 413 - 416
Keyworddifferential amplifier, low-voltage, high-CMRR, analog integrated circuit
AbstractIn this paper, low-voltage and high-CMRR differential amplifier using two-input floating-gate MOSFET's is presented. In the proposed amplifier, the disadvantages of Monsurro's amplifier are removed. The HSPICE simulations demonstrate a common-mode gain of -59.5dB and a differential gain of 16.2dB with VDD=1.4V. And the chip area was 131um X 101um from the mask layout design.

H2-3 (Time: 14:06 - 14:24)
TitleDesign of 1 V Operating Fully Differential OTA Using NMOS Inverters
Author*Atsushi Tanaka, Hiroshi Tanimoto (Kitami Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 417 - 420
Keywordlow voltage operation, fully differential OTA, NMOS inverters
AbstractA 1 V operating fully differential OTA is presented. We designed a 1 V operating fully differential OTA using NMOS inverters in place of traditional differential pair. To obtain high voltage gain, a two stage configuration has been used in which the first stage has feedforward to cancel common-mode signal and the second stage has common-mode feedback. This OTA was fabricated by 0.18 um CMOS technology. Measured dc gain is 40 dB and a unity gain frequency is 10 MHz. This OTA leads a solution to the low supply voltage issue in scaled CMOS analog circuits.

H2-4 (Time: 14:24 - 14:42)
TitleA Neuron MOS Current Mirror with a Transimpedance Amplifier
Author*Akio Shimizu, Sumio Fukai (Saga University, Japan), Yohei Ishikawa (Ariake National College of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 421 - 424
Keywordcurrent mirror, neuron MOS, transimpedance amplifier
AbstractIn this paper, we proposed a neuron MOS current mirror with a transimpedance amplifier. The conventional circuit is composed of a voltage amplifier and resistances. However, the resistance voltage drop makes operating range narrow. The proposed circuit is composed of the transimpedance amplifier. And the proposed circuit will be high current copy accuracy and wide operating range. Simulation results show that the proposed circuit has better current copy accuracy without the resistances, and low voltage operation.

H2-5 (Time: 14:42 - 15:00)
TitleA Power-Efficient Voltage Up-Converting Circuit System
Author*Won-Ji Lee, Kyoung-Su Lee, Jong-Min Baek (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea), Jung-Hyun Song (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea), Jae-Chul Park (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea), Kee-Won Kwon (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 425 - 428
Keywordlevel shifter, charge pump, level detector, high voltage, up converter
AbstractWe developed a low-power voltage upconverter system that is composed of charge pump, level detector, and level shifter, which generates 1.0uA-10V from 2.5V VDD using 0.18um CMOS technology. The efficiency of the Dickson's charge pump was analysed with respect to the size of pumping capacitors and the number of pumping stages, and the optimum condition was chosen from the analysis results. The level detector senses VPP voltage in capacitive division way in order to eliminate the steady state VPP power dissipation through the resistive voltage divider. The power consumption in level shifters is reduced without sacrificing the switching speed by inserting a bootstrapped p-MOSFET between cross-coupled p- MOSFET and pull down n-MOSFET. Combing the three techniques the power consumption of voltage up-converting circuit system is saved by 28%.