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The 23rd International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications

Session F5  Multimedia Service & Technology 2
Time: 13:00 - 14:30 Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Location: 8F 803 Room
Chairs: Yoshinobu Tamura (Hiroshima Institute of Technology, Japan), Hong Kook Kim (GIST, Republic of Korea)

F5-1 (Time: 13:00 - 13:18)
TitleAdaptive MPEG-4 Video Streaming Over IP Networks
Author*Ru Zhou, Kyung-sik Jang (Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Korea University of Technology and Education, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 637 - 640
KeywordMPEG-4, RTP/RTCP, Feedback Control, Rate Control
AbstractAs network researchers prefer evaluate the effectiveness of the network before deploying the protocols in real networks, video traces, which give the sizes of the individual video frames in a video sequence, have been emerging as convenient video characterizations for networking studies. This paper proposes a system named VSS (Video Streaming Simulation) for comprehensive video delivered quality evaluation using traffice traces in RTP/UDP/IP network simulation environment.

F5-2 (Time: 13:18 - 13:36)
TitleMultimedia specific Scheduling Algorithm for Wireless Networks
Author*Kwang-sik Shin, Wan-oh Yoon, Mun-suk Jang (Inha University, Republic of Korea), Jun-Chul Yoon (INTech, Republic of Korea), Sang-bang Choi (Inha University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 641 - 644
Keywordscheduling, multimedia, wireless, QoS
AbstractThis paper studies on multimedia specific scheduling algorithm for wireless networks. Unlike other scheduling algorithms, instead of packet length, it uses playing time as bounded delay and compensation unit for the application-level QoS. It also considers property of encoding scheme for multimedia in order of priority. It studies the trade-off between QoS improvement and fairness through a simulation and then specifies an optimal relation with them. From simulation results, we know that the proposed algorithm improves PSNR about 43%, while the fairness is 89% of IWFQ's one.

F5-3 (Time: 13:36 - 13:54)
TitleThe predictive Coding for Geometry Images of 3D Models based on Error Sensitivity
Author*Xinwei Xue, Masahiro Okuda (The University of Kitakyushu, Japan)
Pagepp. 645 - 648
Keywordcompression, 3d model, geometry image
AbstractIn this paper we introduce a predictive coding for the geometry image of 3D models.Based on a fact that in a smooth surface the sensitivity of the error in the normal direction of each vertex is higher than the one in its tangent direction, we propose a predictive coding method for the geometry image. We have compared our proposed method with the conventional method and show that our proposed method is able to decrease the error in the same compressibility.

F5-4 (Time: 13:54 - 14:12)
TitleA Study on VQ based Compression of High Dynamic Range Images
Author*Nagisa Sugiyama, Masahiro Okuda (The University of Kitakyushu, Japan)
Pagepp. 649 - 652
KeywordHigh Dynamic Range Images, Vector quantization
AbstractAn encoding method of the high dynamic range (HDR) images based on Vector Quantization is discussed. The HDR images have much higher dynamic ranges compared with the low dynamic range (LDR) images. Due to its high dynamic range, the size is often huge, thus development for functional compression is needed. On the other hand, we often need to convert them into the LDR images because the existing output devices cannot directly output the dynamic ranges of HDR images. Our goal is to develop a HDRI compression method that minimizes the error of the tone-mapped LDR images. Therefore we applied the adjustment of scale and the evaluation of the error in the log domain. Our method improves a compression performance, compared to methods that directly apply the conventional vector quantization to the HDR images.

F5-5 (Time: 14:12 - 14:30)
TitleExtension Field for Ate Pairing with Freeman Curve
Author*Kenta Nekado, Hidehiro Kato, Masataka Akane, Yasuyuki Nogami, Yoshitaka Morikawa (Okayama University, Japan)
Pagepp. 653 - 656
KeywordAte pairing, Freeman curve, Gauss period normal basis, cyclic vector multiplication algorithm
AbstractRecently, pairing-based cryptographies such as ID-based cryptography and group signature have been studied. For fast pairing calculation, not only pairing algorithms but also arithmetic operations in extension field must be efficiently carried out. The authors consider efficient arithmetic operations of extension field for Ate pairing especially with Freeman curve.