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The 23rd International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications

Session F4  Multimedia Service & Technology 1
Time: 9:00 - 10:12 Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Location: 8F 803 Room
Chairs: Chang-Su Kim (Korea University, Republic of Korea), Takuo Suganuma (Tohoku University, Japan)

F4-1 (Time: 9:00 - 9:18)
TitleFlexible Audio System for Multipurpose
Author*Choong Sang Cho, Je Woo Kim, Hwa Seon Shin, Byeong Ho Choi (Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 621 - 624
KeywordMultipurpose Audio System , Multi Level Audio System, MPEG surround, MPEG ALS, AAC
AbstractWe design a flexiable audio system for multipurpose with MPEG surround, MPEG-2 AAC and MPEG-4 ALS. The proposed audio system has the three processing levels that have the different compression ratio and data loss.

F4-2 (Time: 9:18 - 9:36)
TitleSelection of appropriate terms for a subjective evaluation of video game contents
Author*Junji Yoshida, Koji Iwasaki, Eishiro Kunikane, Hiroshi Hasegawa, Masao Kasuga (Faculty of Engineering, Utsunomiya University, Japan)
Pagepp. 625 - 628
KeywordVideo game contents, Evaluation terms, Cluster analysis, Analysis of variance
AbstractThis study investigated appropriate evaluation terms representing video game characteristics. First, many terms for evaluating video games were collected from game magazines and user questionnaires. Next, an experiment of video game evaluation, in which experimental subjects evaluated the game characteristics after playing 20 video games, were performed for extracting the appropriate evaluation terms. As a result, six kinds of evaluation terms of "innovative," "fantasy," "length of waiting time," "reality," "comical," and "enjoyable with many people" were selected as the appropriate evaluation terms for video games using statistical analysis.

F4-3 (Time: 9:36 - 9:54)
TitleSource Authentication Protocol for IP-TV
Author*Ki-Eun Shin, Hyoung-Kee Choi (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 629 - 632
KeywordIP-TV, Source Authentication, CAS, Security
AbstractIP-TV utilizes Conditional Access System (CAS), which controls the subscriber access to content. Although the current CAS scheme provides access control via subscriber authentication, there is no authentication scheme for the content provided by service providers. Thus, there is a vulnerability of security, through which an adversary can forge content between the service provider and subscribers. In this paper, beased on a hash tree shceme, we proposed a efficient and strong source authentication protocol which removes the vulnerability of the current CAS.

F4-4 (Time: 9:54 - 10:12)
TitleDevelopment of a T-DMB Monitoring System
Author*Kyung-Taek Lee, Ki-Won Kwon, Yong-Suk Park, Sung-Jun Kim, Jong-Ho Paik (Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 633 - 636
KeywordDigital Multimedia Broadcasting, Data Services, Monitoring System, Receiver
AbstractWith the start of T-DMB service, diverse multimedia broadcasting services became available in the high-speed mobile environment. In addition to high-quality digital radio (audio) and television (video), diverse data services, such as Dynamic Label Segment (DLS), JPEG Slideshow (SLS), Broadcast Web Site (BWS), Traffic and Travel Information (TTI), interactive service using Binary Format for Scenes (BIFS), and Visual Radio, are being serviced. Currently, there is an increase in demand in the market for T-DMB monitoring system that can support all the data service available. In this paper, we present T-DMB monitoring systems that can simultaneously decode 6 services of different format within the two ensemble, through suitable algorithms and multi-thread techniques.