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The 23rd International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications

Session E4  Neural Networks 1
Time: 9:00 - 10:30 Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Location: 8F 802 Room
Chairs: Patcharee Chantanabupha (University of Thai Chamber of Commerce, Thailand), Atsushi Ohta (Aichi Prefectural University, Japan)

E4-1 (Time: 9:00 - 9:18)
TitleMultiple-Valued Logic Clock Converter Networks
Author*Ali Massoud Haidar, Nawar El Ahdab (Beirut Arab University, Lebanon), Hiroyuki Shirahama (Ehime University, Japan), Ali Alaeldine (Grand Ecole D’Ingénieurs Généralistes en Electronique, Informatique, Télécoms et Réseaux, France)
Pagepp. 589 - 592
Keywordneural network, digital systems, binary systems, multiple-valued logic, clock wave transformer
Abstractnovel multiple-valued logic clock converters using artificial neural network are proposed. Based on a set of novel neural clock base converters, an essential part of the creative solution to the multiple-valued logic dual-clock or multi-clock circuit synchronization problem is presented in this paper. The multiple-valued logic neuron clock converters are planned to be useful in the multiple-valued logic neural central processing unit. The novel neural networks of the multiple-valued logic clock converters show numerous functionality features combined with design simplicity. All the converters make advantage of the logic oriented neural network mathematical tools and parallelism concepts allowing fast and simple systematic analysis. The simulation outcomes presented, pave the way toward new, stable, high speed, revolutionary neural multiple-valued logic processors.

E4-2 (Time: 9:18 - 9:36)
TitleA Novel Neural Network Ternary Arithmetic Logic Unit
Author*Ali Massoud Haidar, Mohammad Jad Hamdan, Mohammad Backer Rashid, Hassan A. Hamieh, Ahmad A. Issa (Beirut Arab University, Lebanon), Abdallah Kassem (Notre Dame University, Lebanon)
Pagepp. 593 - 596
KeywordNeural Networks, Logic theory, Multiple valued logic, ALU
AbstractIn this paper we introduce a new set of ternary neural networks to realize a novel Ternary Arithmetic Logic Unit (TALU). All the neurons take advantage of the Logic Oriented neural network mathematical tools and parallelism concepts allowing fast and simple systematic analysis. The simulation results, done using MATLAB Simulink, demonstrate the feasibility, functionality and the correctness of the neural networks designed.

E4-3 (Time: 9:36 - 9:54)
TitleLow-Power CMOS CNN Cell and its Application to an Oscillatory CNN
Author*Hisashi Tanaka, Koichi Tanno, Hiroki Tamura, Kenji Murao (University of Miyazaki, Japan)
Pagepp. 597 - 600
Keywordcellular neural networks, low-power, low-voltage, OTA
AbstractIn this paper, we propose a low-power OTA for CMOS cellular neural networks (CNN) cell. The OTA use MOSFETs operating in the weak inversion region. The transconductance can be changed by changing the external bias voltage. From the results of HSPICE simulation, the power consumption of the proposed OTA is less than 3.5 micro-watts with 1.2 V power supply. As an application of the proposed OTA, an oscillatory CNN circuit using two CNN cells with the proposed OTA is presented.

E4-4 (Time: 9:54 - 10:12)
TitleNetwork on Chips Structure for Mapping Two Hidden Layers BP-ANNs
Author*Yiping Dong, Takahiro Watanabe (Waseda University, Japan)
Pagepp. 601 - 604
KeywordNoC, BP-ANN, Mapping
AbstractIn this paper we propose a system with NoCs structure to mapping 5 neurons in one router for the two hidden layers BP-ANNs. Our system is evaluated for the latency and throughput using NIRGAM NoCs simulator, and is implemented on an FPGA device to estimate system performance and power consumption. Experimental results show that our proposed system has a great reduction in communication load, low latency and a high throughput. It is also reconfigurable and expandable to meet various NN application problems, and besides, not only BP-ANNs but also a random-connected ANNs or any type ANNs can be implemented in the system by adjusting a routing algorithm of NoC.

E4-5 (Time: 10:12 - 10:30)
TitleAdaptive Noise Reduction Filter for Speech Using Cascaded Sandglass-type Neural Network
Author*Hiroki Yoshimura, Tadaaki Shimizu (Tottori University, Japan), Toshie Matumura (Nara National College, Japan), Masaya Kimoto (Tottori University, Japan), Naoki Isu (Mie University, Japan)
Pagepp. 605 - 608
KeywordNeural Network, Speech Signal, Adaptive Filter, Noise Reduction, Sandglass-type
Abstract In this study, we developed a new adaptive noise reduction filter (CSNNFR: Cascaded Sandglass-type Neural Network Noise Reduction Filter) which is extended from the SNNRF (Sandglass-type Neural Network Noise Reduction Filter). The CSNNRF can perform adaptive noise reduction while capturing dynamic characteristics of the speech signal, owing to the plasticity of the SNN. The CSNNRF is suitable for application to the hearing aid since the ease of hearing the speech signal after noise reduction is more important than the denoising rate. We examined the improvement rate of SN ratio and performed a hearing experiment to evaluate the performance of the CSNNRF as a hearing aid.