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The 23rd International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications

Session D7  e-Learning Techonology & Applications 2
Time: 13:00 - 15:00 Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Location: 8F 801 Room
Chairs: Hitoshi Miyata (Shiga University, Japan), Ryo Takaoka (Yamaguchi University, Japan)

D7-1 (Time: 13:00 - 13:15)
TitleMobile & Collaborative Learning Development by a Concept of 'Mobile-as-participation-platform'
Author*Hitoshi Miyata, Norisuke Kozuki (Shiga University, Japan)
Pagepp. 829 - 832
KeywordMobile-as-participation-platform, Ubiquitous Learning Environment, University Lecture Improvement(FD)
AbstractThe Picture Mail Database System was further improved to enable pictures taken from mobile phones equipped with a digital camera to be submitted along with a title and a comment, which the SQL server automatically stores in a picture database. This enabled the students to search for, extract, and view the pictures and the accompanying comments submitted by themselves and others in a ubiquitous learning environment. The application of this system in actual mass lectures indicates that it can promote the exchange of opinions between students and assist those lectures that aim to realize knowledge sharing.

D7-2 (Time: 13:15 - 13:30)
TitleThe Effect of Collaborative Distance Joint Class Using BBS and Video-Conferencing on Information Study at High Schools between Japan and Thailand
Author*Naomasa Sasaki (Kyoto University of Education, Japan)
Pagepp. 833 - 836
KeywordCollaboration, Distance Joint Class, BBS, Video-Conferencing
AbstractTo investigate the effect of collaborative learning using BBS (bulletin board system) and video-conferencing on Information Study, the three sorts of learning formation; simultaneous learning, autonomous learning, collaborative learning, were held for 422 students of 9th grade between Chulalongkorn University Demonstration school in Thailand and Senior high school attached to Kyoto university of Education in Japan, in FY2005. To grasp the consciousness on each learning formation of Thai students and Japanese students, the investigations using questionnaire after every class and pre-post of distance joint class were enforced, then statistical analysis and factor analysis were estimated. According to the result on estimation of analysis, relation between the three learning formations was investigated that the effect of collaborative learning using BBS and video-conferencing was more conspicuous than the other learning formation.

D7-3 (Time: 13:30 - 13:45)
TitleMetadata Translation between LOM and CRM based on Ontology Mapping
Author*Susumu Sawai (Information Reseach Center for Learning, Japan), Toshiko Wakaki, Masakazu Tachikawa (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 837 - 840
KeywordSemantic Web Ontology, LOM, CRM, ontology mapping

D7-4 (Time: 13:45 - 14:00)
TitleLearning Management System 'MOMOTARO' for Cyber Campus
Author*Michio Sakaihara, Soichi Onishi, Fumio Kitagawa (Okayama University of Science, Japan)
Pagepp. 841 - 844
KeywordLearning Management System
AbstractMOMOTARO is the Learning Management System(LMS) that Okayama University of Science originally developed, and MOMOTARO supports Kake Consortium Cyber Campus (KC3). e-Learning on the Internet is an important education method not only for distance education but also improving the education effect by face-to-face lecture done in actual classroom. A cyber campus is constructed by the technology of e-Learning. In many cyber campuses, the lectures are offered by one organization as an university or a high school. In the world, there are some LMS that can correspond for that case. In KC3, a lot of universities are offering the lectures. Moreover, students at a lot of universities and a lot of high schools attend the lectures of KC3. In that case, KC3 has some difficult problems to handling contents and records of learning by students. In order to solve these problems, we originally developed 'MOMOTARO'. We will report on a current state of KC3, and a design policy and effective functions of LMS 'MOMOTARO'.

D7-5 (Time: 14:00 - 14:15)
TitleThe Present Condition and Administrative Issues of e-Learning Programs in Suratthani Rajabhat University
Author*Fumiko Inoue (Suratthani Rajabhat University, Thailand), Tokuji Hayashi (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. 845 - 848
KeywordE-learning, ICT, In-service teachers training, University Lecture Improvement
AbstractThe e-learning programs at the Suratthani Rajabhat University were established three years ago. The various programs provide students to enhance their capabilities. About two thousand students and almost two hundred teachers are registered in this program so far.

D7-6 (Time: 14:15 - 14:30)
TitlePractice and Evaluation of a Web Bulletin Board Monitoring in Distance Teaching Assistant Program
Author*Ryo Takaoka (Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University, Japan), Ayumi Kodama (Graduate School of Instructional Systems, Kumamoto University, Japan), Shinichi Iwasa, Masayuki Shimokawa, Issei Yoshida (Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University, Japan), Toshio Okamoto (The Graduate School of Information Systems, University of Electro-Communications, Japan)
Pagepp. 849 - 852
Keyworde-Pedagogy, Distance Learning Support Model, Distance Teaching Assistant, e-Learning
AbstractThe aim of this research tries to design a learning support model that includes a teacher who gives a lesson in a school and distance teaching assistants (Distance TAs) who asynchronously support group learners, who are engaged in problem-solving activities in a learning support environment and develop Distance TA's learning support methods and some tools used in this model. In addition, we aim at designing a Distnce TA's program in which he/she acquires the ability of distance learning support. In this paper, we describe a framework of the distance learning support model and then explain a function to monitor and activate Web bulletin board among Distance TAs and learner. Furthermore, we describe an educational practice and an evaluation result that used this function.

D7-7 (Time: 14:30 - 14:45)
TitleLearning Management System for Project Based Learning via The Internet in Teacher Training and Teacher Education
Author*Hisayoshi Inoue (Joetsu University of Education, Japan)
Pagepp. 853 - 856
KeywordProject Based Learning, Leaning Management System, Instructional Design, Problem-Solving, Work Flow
AbstractThe purpose of this study is development of the distance learning system for the teacher training and the teacher education that builds in the project based working by the group members' cooperation. The training program of the practicality was executed. As a result of the evaluation, it was suggested that the feature of PBL, that is the activity process, activity looked into oneself, and cooperative activity, have effectively acted on those who attended a lecture by "Activity guide" proposed by this research.

D7-8 (Time: 14:45 - 15:00)
TitleDevelopment of e-Learning Materials for Japanese Language Study - Preparatory Lessons for Beginning Level Students before Their Arrival in Japan-
Author*Tomoko Nakamizo (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. 857 - 860
AbstractTwo sets of e-learning materials for Basic Japanese Courses have been developed to respond to the needs of the international students at Yamaguchi University. One, is the material the students should study before coming to Japan. The material consists of necessary topics for their early days in Japan, aiming to achieve their easy adaptation and more efficient classes in the Japanese courses. The next step is to develop materials to encourage the students to study on a daily basis in their own country to attain a higher level skills in Japanese before coming to Japan.