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The 23rd International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications

Session D6  e-Learning Techonology & Applications 1
Time: 9:00 - 10:30 Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Location: 8F 801 Room
Chairs: Tokuji Hayashi (Yamaguchi University, Japan), Shingo Imai (Yamaguchi University, Japan)

D6-1 (Time: 9:00 - 9:15)
TitleDevelopment of an ICT Training Model for in-Service Teachers in Nicaraguan Schools
Author*Jader Rodriguez, Tokuji Hayashi (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. 805 - 808
KeywordICT integration in Education, ICT training model
AbstractThe Integration of ICT in Education is becoming necessary for the future development of each country. However integrating ICT is not a simple task and requires commitment, collaboration and resources. Nicaragua, despite the important and difficult problems in its educational system, is in the process to integrate ICT in education with the hope to keep pace to the new knowledge based economy and to improve education quality. In order to succeed in Integrating ICT in Education, the creation of an ICT training model for in-service teachers in Nicaragua might be needed and beneficial in order to optimize time and resources.

D6-2 (Time: 9:15 - 9:30)
TitleA Japanese Word Study Model for Chinese Learner by Using Petri Net
Author*Guangwei Yuan (The Graduate School of East Asian Studies, Yamaguchi University, Japan), Qi-Wei Ge (Faculty of education, Yamaguchi University, Japan), Takashi Naritomi (Faculty of Economics, Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. 809 - 812
Keyworde-learning, Japanese word study, Petri net, evaluation
AbstractThis paper proposes a Japanese word study model for Chinese learners by using Petri net. Firstly we classify Japanese words into several groups by considering Chinese learners’ knowledge on Chinese characters. Then analyzing the difficulty levels of these word groups for Chinese learners to learn, we decide the studying order for these word groups. Based on these analytical results, we propose a Japanese word study model by using Petri net. Finally, we introduce an evaluation scheme to the proposed study model in order to evaluate learning effect of the learners.

D6-3 (Time: 9:30 - 9:45)
TitleDesign and Construction of the Cooperation Support Agent for face-to-face class and e-learning
Author*Masaaki Kunishige, Misako Urakami, Seiji Shimizu, Yasukuni Okataku (Oshima National College of Maritime Technology, Japan), Nobukazu Yoshioka (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
Pagepp. 813 - 816
Keywordmobile agent, blended learning, e-learning syllabus, cooperation support, NIME LOM

D6-4 (Time: 9:45 - 10:00)
TitlePractice of Art Education on Blended Type E-Learning for Remote Lecture
Author*Norisuke Kozuki (Shiga University, Japan)
Pagepp. 817 - 820
Keyworde-Learning, Higher education, Mobile phone
AbstractShiga University is consisting of two departments, faculty of economics and faculty of education. Two faculties are about 60km away. Therefore some of classes are performed by the remote lecture using the telecon system. However, there was a problem that it cannot take communication well. I introduce a class of "the world of the art" that improved the problem by inflection of blended type e-Learning. Blended type e-Learning is blended a live class and the on-demand class. By this class, we used the mobile phone of the student for the understanding of class contents.

D6-5 (Time: 10:00 - 10:15)
TitleDevelopment of Japanese-Computerized Adaptive Test
Author*Shingo Imai (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. 821 - 824
KeywordItem response theory, Computerized adaptive test, Testing, Japanese language, J-CAT
AbstractJ-CAT (Japanese-Computerized Adaptive Test) evaluates proficiency in Japanese as a foreign language via web. J-CAT consists of a item pool, test algorithm, and data base for recording the response patterns of test takers. Items are assigned discrimination parameters, difficulty parameters, and guessing parameters based on the Item Response Theory (IRT). The system delivers items matching the ability of test takers. This adaptive technique reduces testing time while keeping high reliability. Furthermore, IRT guarantees that the test is sample-independent and test-independent.

D6-6 (Time: 10:15 - 10:30)
TitleThe participatory training program model to improve communication skills of school principal and vice-principal
AuthorTokuji Hayashi (Yamaguchi University, Japan), Asuka Ichihara (Guizhou University, China), *Maki Kurokawa (Osaka Gakuin University, Japan)
Pagepp. 825 - 828
Keywordcommunication, training model, e-learning
AbstractThis program focuses on comprehensive development in logical thinking ability, assertiveness, self-expression in communication skills. This training is to develop capability to build human relationships at work. The goal is to develop the following capabilities: speaking coherently, thinking and talking from the other person’s viewpoint, appropriate assertiveness, and conveyance of information in various ways. The training program model includes 3 items: "Compulsory Linkage" and "logic tree" for logical thinking training, "Micro Presentation" for communication training, "Assertion" for improve appropriate assertiveness.