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The 23rd International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications

Session D2  VLSI Design & Applications 2
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 8F 801 Room
Chairs: Yuichi Nakamura (NEC, Japan), Myeong Hoon Oh (ETRI, Republic of Korea)

D2-1 (Time: 13:30 - 13:48)
TitleEfficient FPGA-based Hardware Algorithms for Approximate String Matching
AuthorSadatoshi Mikami, *Yosuke Kawanaka, Shin'ichi Wakabayashi, Shinobu Nagayama (Hiroshima City University, Japan)
Pagepp. 201 - 204
Keywordstring matching, edit distance, FPGA, systolic algorithm, bioinformatics
AbstractIn this paper, an efficient FPGA-based hardware algorithm and its extensions are proposed for calculating the edit distance as a degree of similarity between two strings. The proposed algorithms are implemented on FPGA and compared to software which implements the same algorithm. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms.

D2-2 (Time: 13:48 - 14:06)
TitleDesign and Analysis of On-chip Leakage Monitor using an MTCMOS circuit
Author*Satoshi Koyama (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan), Seidai Takeda (University of Tokyo, Japan), Kimiyoshi Usami (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 205 - 208
KeywordMTCMOS circuits, Leakag Power
AbstractLeakage current varies drastically due to process variation and temperature changes. At the circuit design stage, it is difficult to estimate the amount of leakage current at every manufactured chip. The Virtual-ground (VGND) voltage of MTCMOS circuits increases during the sleep operation, because parasitic capacitance of the line is charged up by the leakage current. By applying this behavior, we design leakage monitor circuits using ASPLA 90nm technology. Simulation results show that monitor delay-time is 165ns and monitor-error is 6% under the typical process condition, 25°C and operating frequency of 200MHz.

D2-3 (Time: 14:06 - 14:24)
TitleA Multi-thread Processor Architecture With Dual Phase Variable-Length Instructions
Author*HyungKi Jeong (Graduate School of Seokyeong University, Republic of Korea), KwangYeob Lee, Jae-Chang Kwak (Seokyeong University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 209 - 212
Keywordmulti-thread, multi-core, stream processor, dual-phase
AbstractMost of multimedia processors for 2D/3D graphics acceleration uses a lots of integer/floating point arithmetic units. We present a new architecture that has more small chip size, performs effective ALU using and reduces instruction cycles significantly with a foundation of multi-thread operation, variable length instruction words, dual phase operation and phase instruction's coordination theories.

D2-4 (Time: 14:24 - 14:42)
TitlePower Reduction Technique for Dynamic Reconfigurable Processors with Dynamic Assignment of Dual Supply Voltages
Author*Yusuke Umahashi, Yuki Kambayashi (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan), Masaru Kato, Yohei Hasegawa, Hideharu Amano (Keio University, Japan), Kimiyoshi Usami (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 213 - 216
KeywordDynamic Reconfigurable, Dual Supply Voltages, Power Reduction
AbstractWhen the dynamic reconfigurable processors run, a lot of Processing Elements (PE) are changed by the context which is written information of circuit configuration. Some PEs execute heavy operations, while other PEs execute light operation. Therefore, the delay time of each PE changes with the contexts. We propose a technique to dynamically change dual supply voltages at each PE. When the same voltage was assigned to, the power consumption was reduced by 18.7%. When the voltage is assigned PE-by-PE individually, the power consumption was reduced by 20.3%.

D2-5 (Time: 14:42 - 15:00)
TitlePower-Switch Clustering Method for Static Timing Analysis
Author*Tatsunori Hashida, Kimiyoshi Usami (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 217 - 220
KeywordMTCMOS, Static Timing Analysis, STA, Power Switch
AbstractA Multiple-Threshold CMOS (MTCMOS) is one of the techniques which reduce leakage power while keeping high performance of LSI. Static Timing Analysis (STA) is an established technique to estimate the delay of circuits. In MTCMOS circuits, the conventional STA cannot be applied. In addition, the delay is changed by overlapping of discharge currents from each gate. In this paper, we propose a PS clustering technique that makes STA in MTCMOS circuits possible.