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The 23rd International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications

Session C3  Computer Systems & Applications 3
Time: 15:30 - 17:00 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 9F 901 Room
Chairs: Morikazu Nakamura (University of the Ryukyus, Japan), Chi-Ho Lin (Semyung University, Republic of Korea)

C3-1 (Time: 15:30 - 15:48)
TitleForce Control Strategy for Massage Chair Based on Masseur's Knowhow Data Base
Author*Tatsuya Teramae, Daisuke Kushida, Fumiaki Takemori, Akira Kitamura (Tottori University, Japan)
Pagepp. 161 - 164
KeywordImpedance control, Skin elasticity, Data base, Massage chair
AbstractA present massage chair realizes the massage motion and force designed by a professional masseur. Therefore, it is not possible to massage the user by the appropriate force for the user. On the other hand, proffesional masseur can realize the appropriate massage force to the patients in different condition. Then, this paper proposes the method of applying masseur's procedure to the massage chair. And, the proposed method is composed by estimation of user's physical condition, decision of massage force by the physical condition, and realozation of the massage force by force control. The realizability of the proposed method is verified by the experimental work using the massage chair.

C3-2 (Time: 15:48 - 16:06)
TitleShortening of Processing Time of Optimal Design of Multiple Constant Multiplication using FPGAs.
Author*Masao Nakayama, Takao Sasaki, Hisamichi Toyoshima (Kanagawa University, Japan)
Pagepp. 165 - 168
KeywordFPGA, Multiple Constant Multiplication, Optimal Design, Genetic Algorithm
AbstractProblem of designing multiple constant multiplication (MCM) circuits with minimum cost is known to be an NP complete problem. As for MCM problem, some techniques of using combinatorial optimization algorithms such as genetic algorithm (GA) etc., have been proposed. However, if implemented in software, it takes a great amount of time for optimization as the design scale increases. The purpose of this research is to shorten the time spent on the optimization of the MCM circuit design. A hardware oriented algorithm suitable for FPGAs on both circuit synthesis and optimization is proposed.

C3-3 (Time: 16:06 - 16:24)
TitleTowards the Easy Manipulation of Graph-Based Content Representation of Multimedia Data
Author*Teruhisa Hochin (Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 169 - 172
KeywordContent representation, Multimedia data, Data model, Graph structure
AbstractThe contents of multimedia data has complex relationships including deeply nested whole-part and the many-to-many relationships. A data model incorporating the concepts of directed graphs, recursive graphs, and hypergraphs has been proposed for representing the contents of multimedia data. In this data model, an instance is represented with a directed recursive hypergraph called an {\it instance graph}. This paper studies on the characteristics of instance graphs. The depth of an edge of an instance graph is introduced. When the depth of an edge is equal to zero, the instance graph can be decomposed into sub-instance graphs. Decomposing instance graphs could make their treatment easy.

C3-4 (Time: 16:24 - 16:42)
TitleMorphometrics for Shape Analysis in Kansei Engineering
Author*Shigekazu Ishihara, Keiko Ishihara (Faculty of Psychological Science, Hiroshima International University, Japan)
Pagepp. 173 - 176
KeywordKansei analysis, Morphometrics, Shape analysis, Statistics, Geometry
AbstractIn Kansei engineering, we have been treated sample shapes as categorical variable (nominal scale). For example, categories like wide / tall. These categories were assigned as x variables and evaluation values on a Kansei word was assigned as a y variable of linear equation. This equation has been computationally solved by Quantification theory type 1 or similar regression methods. Although qualitative analysis of shapes is relatively robust and commonly used, but shapes are not directly treated. In this study, we attempted to treat shapes as statistical values with the various methods of Morphometrics those have been developed between paleontology, biology and statistics. By treating shapes as statistical values, we can apply various statistical methods from basic statistics such as testing distribution to multivariate analysis techniques (i.e., classification, projection onto lower numbers of dimension).

C3-5 (Time: 16:42 - 17:00)
TitleAnomaly Detection based on Probabilistic Properties of Hidden Markov Models
Author*Eunyoung Lee, Chan-Kyu Han, Hyoung-Kee Choi (Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 177 - 180
KeywordAnomaly Detection, Hidden Markov Model , DoS, Worm, Network Attack
AbstractDue to increasing use of the Internet, there is a trend of increasing attacks over networks. Therefore, we have need of study for network anomaly detection and measurement scheme to network state. In this research, we propose a scheme for anomaly detection based on the traffic behavior of Hidden Markov Models. The proposed scheme detects anomalies in traffic using a time series. We decide whether or not anomaly detection is a network anomaly via an anomaly decision process using Hidden Markov Models. These processes are implemented in the Perl programming language, and decisions are made using a real-world trace containing de facto attacks. Despite the fact that the results are not clear-cut, we conclude that this does not invalidate this study, because this result is caused by an insufficient learning process using real-world traffic. On the contrary, assuming real-world states, increases the ability to detect and make decisions about attacks, because the manager is involved in decisions about access or application. We expect that this research will be applicable for determining real-time states of networks, detection and classification of new types of attack from networks.