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The 23rd International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications

Session B5  Wireless Communications 5
Time: 13:00 - 14:30 Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Location: 9F Kaikyo Hall
Chairs: Chungyong Lee (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea), Teruyuki Miyajima (Ibaraki University, Japan)

B5-1 (Time: 13:00 - 13:18)
TitleContext Aware Communication in Ubiquitous Computing Environment
AuthorDebasish Chakraborty, Hideyuki Takahashi, *Takuo Suganuma, Norio Shiratori (Tohoku University, Japan)
Pagepp. 505 - 508
Keywordcontext, overlay network, personal network, healthcare, agent
AbstractHealthcare is increasingly becoming a distributed service involving stakeholders and resources who may be physically far from each other. But privacy and security are potential problems. Patient's data should be available irrespective of their location, but only to authorized person. Not only that, the relationship between the person under observation and other related people, are different and the security and other characteristics concerning the data may also differ accordingly. In this paper we propose a system where an overlay network can be built in an ad hoc basis and links between different entities will be established according to the social relationship between the object person and the person at the other end and the situation of the observed person. Unlike traditional 24-hrs monitoring system, we argued that an ondemand, requirement oriented system will be beneficial for efficient resource utilization, specially in wireless communication.

B5-2 (Time: 13:18 - 13:36)
TitleA Multicast Anti-Collision Protocol for FTDMA based RFID system
Author*Sung-Rok Yoon, Sin-Chong Park (Information and Communications University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 509 - 512
KeywordRFID, anti-collision, FTDMA, ISO/IEC 18000-3
AbstractRFID (radio frequency identification) is a key technology supporting emerging solutions for the automation of the identification service and the mass product management. A key issue is to reduce the average time taken to identifying tags, which is called average identification time. Focusing on the issue, the paper proposes an efficient multicast protocol which is applied to the anti-collision protocol of FTDMA (frequency time deivision multiple access) based RFID system. Thanks to the compactness of a multicast protocol, simulation result shows 29.5% improvement of average identification time.

B5-3 (Time: 13:36 - 13:54)
TitleEffect of the Interference Canceler on the Nonorthogonal CSK/CDMA ALOHA
Author*Nobuyoshi Komuro (Tokyo University of Technology, Japan), Hiromasa Habuchi (Ibaraki University, Japan), Toshinori Tsuboi (Tokyo University of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 513 - 516
Keywordcode shift keying, interference canceler, throughput
AbstractNonorthogonal Code Shift Keying Code Division Multiple Access (CSK/CDMA) ALOHA is expected to improve the throughput in advanced wireless network, such as sensor networks and ad-hoc networks. The throughput of the nonorthogonal CSK/CDMA ALOHA is expected to get better by introducing interference cancellation technique. It is not clear how much the throughput improved by introducing interference canceler. This paper presents the throughput performance of the nonorthogonal CSK/CDMA ALOHA with interference canceler by theoretical analysis. Consequently, it is found that the throughput performance of our system is over 1.0. It is also found that the throughput performance shows more than 295 % increase by using the interference canceler when $E_b/N_0$ is high.

B5-4 (Time: 13:54 - 14:12)
TitleWireless Nurse Call System
Author*Jung Yeon Choi, Heon Soo Shin (Dongguk University, Republic of Korea), Sung Boo Chung (Seoil College, Republic of Korea), Jin Woo Park (Dongguk University, Republic of Korea), Min Sup Park (Young Woo System, Republic of Korea), Ki Hwan Eom (Dongguk University, Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 517 - 520
KeywordWireless Nurse Call, CC2430, Terminal, Server
AbstractThis paper develop a nurse call system using the wireless communication to resolve that a portable problem of established nurse call system. The established nurse call system has a problem that don't use outside of the sickroom because using a wire communication. The proposed nurse call system is composed of a terminal for nurse, a terminal for patient and a server part. The efficacy of the proposed system is verified by means of experimental. Experimental results are presented that show the effectiveness.

B5-5 (Time: 14:12 - 14:30)
TitleA New Broadcast Method to Prevent Packet Collisions over Biased Terminal Arrangement
Author*Tetsuya Shigeyasu (Hiroshima International University, Japan), Hiroshi Matsuno (Yamaguchi University, Japan), Shozo Komaki (Osaka University, Japan)
Pagepp. 521 - 524
KeywordWireless LAN, IEEE802.11, Broadcast, protocol
AbstractIEEE802.11DCF is widely used wireless LAN standard. But, packet delivery ratio of broadcast transmission is much lower than unicast transmission because the IEEE802.11DCF executes broadcast transmission without RTS/CTS exchange and ACK process. This paper proposes a new broadcast protocol based on collision prevention policy using modified RTS/CTS exchange, and clarifies that our proposed protocol achieved highly reliability even in the biased and nonbiased distributed terminals arrangement.