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The 23rd International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications

Session B4  Wireless Communications 4
Time: 9:00 - 10:30 Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Location: 9F Kaikyo Hall
Chairs: Youngcheol Park (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies, Republic of Korea), Kazuhisa Haeiwa (Hiroshima City Univ., Japan)

B4-1 (Time: 9:00 - 9:18)
TitleMitigate the Impact of CFO Phenomena for an MC-CDMA System over the Short-term Fading by Applying Multi-dimension Combining Receiver
Author*Joy Iong-Zong Chen, You-Fu Chung (Da-Yeh Univ., Taiwan)
Pagepp. 485 - 488
Detailed information (abstract, keywords, etc)

B4-2 (Time: 9:18 - 9:36)
TitleEvaluation of Flight Size Auto Tuning On 3.5G Commercial Wireless Packet Access Network
Author*Katsumi Sekiguchi, Satoru Imai, Yukie Yamamoto (NTT DoCoMo, Inc., Japan), Noriyoshi Meuchi (DoCoMo Technology, Inc., Japan), Osamu Takahashi (Future Univ.-Hakodate, Japan)
Pagepp. 489 - 492
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B4-3 (Time: 9:36 - 9:54)
TitleEffect of the Slot Distributed Scheme on the Push-type Packet Compensation Protocol
Author*Koichiro Hashiura, Hiromasa Habuchi (Ibaraki Univ., Japan)
Pagepp. 493 - 496
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B4-4 (Time: 9:54 - 10:12)
TitleReduced Complexity Detection for V-BLAST Systems from Iteration Canceling
Author*Taekyu Kim, Sin-Chong Park (Information and Communications Univ., Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 497 - 500
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B4-5 (Time: 10:12 - 10:30)
TitleParallel Sphere Decoder Architecture for MIMO System
Author*Jin Lee, Sin-Chong Park (Information and Communications Univ., Republic of Korea)
Pagepp. 501 - 504
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