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The 23rd International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications

Session A1  Image Processing & Video Technology 1
Time: 11:00 - 12:30 Monday, July 7, 2008
Location: 10F International Conference Room
Chairs: Masaaki Fujiyoshi (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan), Seung-Jun Oh (Kwangwoon University, Republic of Korea)

A1-1 (Time: 11:00 - 11:18)
TitleA Novel Fast Block Type Decision Algorithm for Intra Prediction in H.264/AVC High Profile
Author*Tianruo Zhang, Guifen Tian, Takeshi Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto (Waseda University, Japan)
Pagepp. 1 - 4
KeywordH.264/AVC, intra prediction, block type decision, computational complexity reduction
AbstractThe latest video coding standard H.264/AVC significantly increases video compression efficiency but also increases computation complexity. Intra prediction is an important part in H.264/AVC encoder and it’s also time consuming. This paper proposes a fast block type decision algorithm which can reduce intra prediction’s computation complexity with slight PSNR reduction. The relation between intra prediction block type and macrblocks’ frequency feature has been discussed. Based on these observations, this algorithm can select only one or two block type in 4x4, 8x8 and 16x16 intra prediction instead of three of them. Experimental results show that this algorithm is suitable to perform on large frame size sequences.

A1-2 (Time: 11:18 - 11:36)
TitleAutomatic Detection of Multi Organs on the CT Images Using the Ribs Information and a Level Set Method
Author*Masafumi Komatsu, Shinji Toyota, Hyoungseop Kim, Joo Kooi Tan, Seiji Ishikawa, Akiyoshi Yamamoto (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
Pagepp. 5 - 8
KeywordCT, Extraction of multi organs, Region growing technique, Level set method
AbstractIn this paper, we present a technique for automatic extraction of the multi organs on the multi detector row computed tomography (MDCT) images employing the ribs information which is obtained by anatomical information and a level set method. We apply our proposed technique to three image sets and satisfactory segmentation results are achieved.

A1-3 (Time: 11:36 - 11:54)
TitleWatermarking Method Resistant to Geometrical Slight Distortion Using Variance of Color Difference and Wavelet Transform
Author*Kei Sakiyama, Motoi Iwata, Akio Ogihara, Akira Shiozaki (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)
Pagepp. 9 - 12
Keywordwatermark, color difference, DWT, geometrical distortion
AbstractWe propose a watermarking method that has robustness against geometrical slight distortions. The method is based on the variances of two color components of an image. When an image is geometrically distorted, two color components on the same position cause the same distortion, and the relation of variances of two color components in a local domain does not change easily. So we embed a watermark by changing the variances of two color components so that the watermark may be robust against geometrical distortions.

A1-4 (Time: 11:54 - 12:12)
TitleA Fast Rendering Method for Water Droplets on Glass Surfaces
Author*Shuichi Takenaka, Yoshiki Mizukami, Katsumi Tadamura (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Pagepp. 13 - 16
Keywordcomputer graphics, real-time water droplet rendering, texture mapping, merger phenomenon
AbstractThis study proposes a fast rendering method for water droplets on glass surfaces, where the merger phenomenon between two droplets at non-adjacent cells is represented by detecting the collision of their contours and moving them closer into a single water droplet after the collision detection. The appearance of water droplets is efficiently rendered with an environmental mapping technique, a generating method of texture images using the framebuffer object function, and plotting these images using the point sprite function.

A1-5 (Time: 12:12 - 12:30)
TitleImage Enhancement Using Splitting α-Rooting Method in Wavelet Domain
AuthorMd. Foisal Hossain, *Mohammad Reza Alsharif (University of the Ryukyus, Japan)
Pagepp. 17 - 20
KeywordImage enhancement, histogram equalization, splitting α-rooting, Wavelet, EME
AbstractThis paper will present an enhancement technique based upon splitting α-rooting method in wavelet domain. Wavelets transform concentrate most of the energy in the approximation coefficient. In splitting signal, a two-dimensional image is represented uniquely by a set of one-dimensional signal, which carries the spectral information of the image at frequency points of specific sets. Using splitting α-rooting method in the approximation coefficient of wavelet transform, the image enhancement procedure can be reduced to processing splitting signals and the process requires only a few spectral components of the image. A measure of enhancement based on contrast measure with respect to transform will be used as a tool for evaluating the performance of the proposed enhancement technique and for finding optimal values for variables contained in the enhancement. The algorithm’s performance will be compared quantitatively to classical histogram equalization and splitting α-rooting method using the aforementioned measure of enhancement.