Title | (Invited) Photoluminescence Study of Oxygen Exchange at the Internal Surface of Amorphous SiO2 |
Author | *Koichi Kajihara (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Japan), Linards Skuja (Univ. of Latvia, Latvia), Hideo Hosono (Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan) |
Page | p. 127 |
Title | Luminescence from Cerium and Terbium Co-Doped Silicon Oxide Films Studied Using Synchrotron-Based Spectroscopies |
Author | *Patrick R. J. Wilson, Zahra Khatami, Ryszard Dabkowski, Kayne Dunn, Evgueni Chelomentsev, Jacek Wojcik, Peter Mascher (McMaster Univ., Canada) |
Page | p. 128 |
Title | Intrinsic bonding Defects in Non-crystalline (nc-) SiO2 and GeO2: Spectroscopic Detection of Differences between Vacancy Sites with and without O-atom Occupancy |
Author | *Gerald Lucovsky, Kun Wu, Brian Pappas, Jerry Whitten (NC State Univ., U.S.A.) |
Page | p. 129 |