Title | (Invited) Using Si and Si Nanocrystals for the 1.5µm Emission from Er3+ Ions |
Author | S. Saeed, N.N. Ha, D. Timmerman, *T. Gregorkiewicz (Univ. of Amsterdam, Netherlands) |
Page | p. 26 |
Title | (Invited) Nanocluster-sensitised Luminescence from Rare-earth Ions: Perspectives and Prospects |
Author | *Anthony J. Kenyon, Maciej Wojdak, Miraj Shah, Hasitha Jayatilleka, Arsam Nasrollahy-Shiraz (Univ. College London, U.K.) |
Page | p. 27 |
Title | Optical Properties of Phosphorescent Nanosilicon Doped with Rare-Earths |
Author | *Bernard Gelloz (Nagoya Univ., Japan), Nobuyoshi Koshida (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech., Japan) |
Page | p. 28 |