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The International Conference on Computational Methods 2007

Session 6G   Boundary element methods
Time: 10:00 - 12:00 Friday, April 6, 2007
Location: MR 4, B1F
Chair: Kazuyuki Nakahata (Ehime university, Japan)

6G-1 (Time: 10:00 - 10:20)
TitleFast 3D Poisson equation solvers based on fast Fourier transform on multipoles (FFTM) algorithm
Author*Kian-Meng Lim, Xuefei He, Siak Piang Lim (National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore)

6G-2 (Time: 10:20 - 10:40)
TitleError analysis and preconditioning for Taylor Expansions Multipole-BEM
Author*Zejun Chen, Hong Xiao (Yanshan Univ., China)

6G-3 (Time: 10:40 - 11:00)
TitleSimulation of scattered wave from rough surface crack using fast multipole BEM
Author*Kazuyuki Nakahata (Ehime Univ., Japan), Sohichi Hirose (Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan), Takahiro Saito, Takuo Fukui (Fukui Univ., Japan)

6G-4 (Time: 11:00 - 11:20)
TitleNull-field equation approach as a tool for computing Green's function for Laplace operator with circular holes and/or inclusions
Author*Jeng-Tzong Chen , Jia-Nan Ke, Huan-Zhen Liao (National Taiwan Ocean Univ., Taiwan)

6G-5 (Time: 11:20 - 11:40)
TitleNumerical solution of elliptic boundary-value problems with small disturbances of boundary
Author*Mykola V. Polyakov, Tetyana I. Tarasova, Dmytro V. Yevdokymov (Dniepropetrovsk National Univ., Ukraine)

6G-6 (Time: 11:40 - 12:00)
TitleUsing of small parameter expansion in boundary element algorithm
Author*Dmytro Yevdokymov (Dniepropetrovsk National Univ., Ukraine)