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The International Conference on Computational Methods 2007

Session 2E   Computational mechanics for solids and structures 4
Time: 13:10 - 14:30 Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Location: MR 1, B1F
Chairs: Maenghyo Cho (Republic of Korea), Manabu Uchiyama (Shimizu Co.)

2E-1 (Time: 13:10 - 13:30)
TitleOn New Symplectic Elasticity Approach for Exact Bending Solutions of Rectangular Thin Plates. Plates with Two opposite Sides Simply Supported
AuthorC.W. Lim, *Shuang Cui (City Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

2E-2 (Time: 13:30 - 13:50)
TitleNonlinear Buckling Analysis of Imperfect Non-Shallow Spherical Shells
Author*Manabu Uchiyama (Shimizu Co., Japan), Seishi Yamada (Toyohashi Univ. of Tech., Japan)

2E-3 (Time: 13:50 - 14:10)
TitleA C0 discontinuous Galerkin formulation for thin shells
Author*Nguyen Tien Dung, Garth Nathan Wells (Delft Univ. of Tech., Netherlands)

2E-4 (Time: 14:10 - 14:30)
TitleThe application of reduced system based on the higher order zig-zag theory shell theory for delaminations
AuthorJinho Oh, *Maenghyo Cho, Hyungi Kim (Seoul National Univ., Republic of Korea)