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15th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems

Session MS13-1  Multi-Moment Method for Flow Computations - I
Time: 12:40 - 14:20 Thursday, April 2, 2009
Location: Room C
Chair: Takayuki Aoki (Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan)

MS13-1-1 (Time: 12:40 - 13:00)
TitleWeak Coupling Method Using CIP and FEM for Water Impact Analysis
Author*Changhong Hu, Xian Chen (Kyushu Univ., Japan)

MS13-1-2 (Time: 13:00 - 13:20)
TitleLarge Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Channel Flow with Conservative IDO Scheme
Author*Naoyuki Onodera, Takayuki Aoki (Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan), Hiromichi Kobayashi (Keio Univ., Japan)

MS13-1-3 (Time: 13:20 - 13:40)
TitleLarge-eddy simulation of wind-driven surface waves
Author*Susumu Yamashita (Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan), Feng Xiao (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), Keiko Takahashi (The Earth Simulator Center, Japan)

MS13-1-4 (Time: 13:40 - 14:00)
TitleGPU driven acceleration for solving the Shallow Water Equation
Author*Marlon Arce Acuna, Takayuki Aoki, Satoi Ogawa (Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan)

MS13-1-5 (Time: 14:00 - 14:20)
TitleNumerical simulation of snow avalanche by Bingham fluid model with Mohr-coulomb criterion
Author*Kenichi Oda, Atsushi Yashima, Kazuhide Sawada (Gifu Univ., Japan), Shuji Moriguchi (Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan), Atsushi Sato, Isao Kamiishi (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster, Japan)