Title | [Keynote] Modeling Heterogeneous Fluid Flows |
Author | *Sergio R. Idelsohn, Monica De Mier, Eugenio Onate (International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Spain) |
Title | Analysis of Interaction between Multiple Deformable Particles and a Fluid Flow by Immersed Boundary-Finite Element coupling Method (IB-FEM) |
Author | Atsushi Ueyama, *Takeo Kajishima (Osaka Univ., Japan), Shintaro Takeuchi (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan) |
Title | Modelling the collapse of a liquid column over an obstacle and experimental validation |
Author | *Marcela Cruchaga (Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile), Diego Celentano (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile), Tayfun Tezduyar (Raice Univ., U.S.A.) |
Title | Unsteady aerodynamics analysis of automobile using a mesh moving method for structured grids |
Author | *Norikazu Sato, Masahide Inagaki, Nariaki Horinouchi (Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc., Japan) |
Title | X-FEM for Fluid-Structure Interactions |
Author | *Tomohiro Sawada (AIST, Japan), Shun Nagahama (Tokyo Univ. of Science, Japan), Shogo Nakasumi, Akira Tezuka (AIST, Japan) |