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15th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems
Technical Program

Remark: The presenter of each paper is marked with "*".
Technical Program:   Separated version       One Page (Not Separated) version
Author Index:   HERE

Session Schedule

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Room S1Room S2Room ARoom BRoom CRoom DRoom E
Opening Ceremony (Room S1+ Room S2)
9:00 - 9:20
P1 (Room S1+ Room S2)
Plenary Lecture 1, Thomas J.R. Hughes (The University of Texas at Austin)

9:20 - 10:20
Coffee Break
10:20 - 10:40

MS10-1 Symposium Celebrating the 65th Birthday of Thomas J.R. Hughes: Fluid-Structure Interactions and Moving Boundaries and Interfaces - I
10:40 - 12:40
MS7-1 Computational Methods in Environmental Fluid Dynamics - I
10:40 - 12:40
MS15-1 Parallel and Hierarchical Algorithms for Accelerating System Matrix Solvers - I
10:40 - 12:40
MS1 Adaptive Algorithms and Error Estimation
10:40 - 12:40
GS1 Optimization
10:40 - 12:40
12:40 - 13:50

MS10-2 Symposium Celebrating the 65th Birthday of Thomas J.R. Hughes: Fluid-Structure Interactions and Moving Boundaries and Interfaces - II
13:50 - 15:50
MS7-2 Computational Methods in Environmental Fluid Dynamics - II
13:50 - 15:50
MS15-2 Parallel and Hierarchical Algorithms for Accelerating System Matrix Solvers - II
13:50 - 15:50
GS2 Mesh Generation
13:50 - 15:50

Coffee Break
15:50 - 16:10

MS10-3 Symposium Celebrating the 65th Birthday of Thomas J.R. Hughes: Fluid-Structure Interactions and Moving Boundaries and Interfaces - III
16:10 - 18:10
MS7-3 Computational Methods in Environmental Fluid Dynamics - III
16:10 - 18:10
GS3 High Performance Computing and High Quality Computing
16:10 - 17:50
MS6 Computational Methods for Thermal Flow Problems
16:10 - 18:10

Reception (Room S1 + Room S2)
18:20 - 20:20

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Room S1Room S2Room ARoom BRoom CRoom DRoom E
SP1-1 Semi-Plenary Lecture 1-1, Yoichiro Matsumoto (University of Tokyo)
9:00 - 9:30
SP1-2 Semi-Plenary Lecture 1-2, Joannes Westerink (University of Notre Dame)
9:00 - 9:30

SP2-1 Semi-Plenary Lecture 2-1, Tayfun Tezduyar (Rice University)
9:35 - 10:05
SP2-2 Semi-Plenary Lecture 2-2, Antonio Huerta (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya)
9:35 - 10:05

Coffee Break
10:05 - 10:25
SP3-1 Semi-Plenary Lecture 3-1, Seiichi Koshizuka (University of Tokyo)
10:25 - 10:55
SP3-2 Semi-Plenary Lecture 3-2, Djordje Peric (University of Wales Swansea)
10:25 - 10:55

SP4-1 Semi-Plenary Lecture 4-1, Wolfgang Wall (Technical University of Munich)
11:00 - 11:30
SP4-2 Semi-Plenary Lecture 4-2, Chisachi Kato (University of Tokyo)
11:00 - 11:30

11:30 - 12:40

MS10-4 Symposium Celebrating the 65th Birthday of Thomas J.R. Hughes: Fluid-Structure Interactions and Moving Boundaries and Interfaces - IV
12:40 - 14:40
MS16 Particle/Meshless Methods
12:40 - 14:40
MS13-1 Multi-Moment Method for Flow Computations - I
12:40 - 14:20
MS3-1 Advanced Methods for Compressible Flow and Shock Hydrodynamics Computations - I
12:40 - 14:40

Coffee Break
14:40 - 15:00

MS4 Symposium Celebrating the 65th Birthday of Thomas J.R. Hughes: Cardiovascular Fluid-Structure Interaction
15:00 - 17:00
GS4 Multi Physics
15:00 - 17:00
MS13-2 Multi-Moment Method for Flow Computations - II
15:00 - 16:40
MS3-2 Advanced Methods for Compressible Flow and Shock Hydrodynamics Computations - II
15:00 - 16:40

Banquet (Tokyo Dome Hotel)
18:00 - 20:30

Friday, April 3, 2009

Room S1Room S2Room ARoom BRoom CRoom DRoom E
P2 (Room S1+ Room S2)
Plenary Lecture 2, Kozo Fujii (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)

9:00 - 9:50
Coffee Break
9:50 - 10:10

MS17-1 Symposium Celebrating the 65th Birthday of Thomas J.R. Hughes: Stabilized and Multiscale Methods - I
10:10 - 12:10
MS8-1 Coupled Flow and Transport Phenomena - I
10:10 - 12:10
MS14-1 Numerical Methods Based on Characteristics - I
10:10 - 11:50
GS5 Fluid Structure Interaction
10:10 - 12:10

12:10 - 13:20

MS17-2 Symposium Celebrating the 65th Birthday of Thomas J.R. Hughes: Stabilized and Multiscale Methods - II
13:20 - 15:20
MS8-2 Coupled Flow and Transport Phenomena - II
13:20 - 15:20
MS14-2 Numerical Methods Based on Characteristics - II
13:20 - 15:00
MS5-1 Computational Biomechanics and Biofluiddynamics - I
13:20 - 15:20

Coffee Break
15:20 - 15:40

MS18 Symposium Celebrating the 65th Birthday of Thomas J.R. Hughes: Turbulence Modeling for Large Eddy Simulations
15:40 - 17:40
MS8-3 Coupled Flow and Transport Phenomena - III
15:40 - 17:40
GS6 Mathematics of Finite Elements
15:40 - 17:40
MS5-2 Computational Biomechanics and Biofluiddynamics - II
15:40 - 17:40