Title | [Keynote] Computer aided engineering systems for Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems- MEMS-One- |
Author | *Hidetoshi Kotera (Kyoto Univ.) |
Title | Process and layout optimization through lithography simulation |
Author | John T. Sachen, *Nezih Unal (GenISys GmbH) |
Title | A System-Model-Based Design Environment for 3D Simulation and Animation of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) |
Author | *Gunar Lorenz (Coventor sarl.), Mattan Kamon (Coventor Inc.) |
Title | Design by CFD Analysis of Micro Gas Turbine Engine |
Author | *Mitsushi Okada, Chuel-Ho Kim, Eiichiro Uchida (Software Cradle Co., Ltd.), Naoki Takano, Toshiyuki Toriyama, Yuuki Yamada (Ritsumeikan Univ.) |