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Third Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics in conjunction with
Eleventh International Conference on the Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science

Session MS26-3  Numerical Simulation of MHD Flow and Heat Transfer and its Application to Nuclear Fusion Technology
Time: 16:10 - 17:50 Thursday, December 6, 2007
Location: 1F Room H
Chair: Neil B. Morley (UCLA, USA)

MS26-3-1 (Time: 16:10 - 16:35)
TitleCurrent Density Conservative Schemes for Incompressible MHD Flow at Low Magnetic Reynolds Number
Author*Ming-Jiu Ni (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Ramakanth Munipalli (HyperComp Inc.), Neil B Morley, Mohamed A Abdou (Univ. of California, Los Angeles)

MS26-3-2 (Time: 16:35 - 17:00)
TitleSpin-up from rest in a cylindrical enclosure under the influence of a uniform axial magnetic field
Author*Toshio Tagawa (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)

MS26-3-3 (Time: 17:00 - 17:25)
TitleLeast-squares Finite Element Methods for the Stationary Incompressible MHD Equations
Author*Suh-Yuh Yang, Mei-Chun Chen, Yun-Tsz Wang (National Central Univ.)

MS26-3-4 (Time: 17:25 - 17:50)
TitleNumerical Simulation of Plasma Boundary Layer Control with Electromagnetic Fields
Author*Brian H Dennis, Takahiro Sonoda (Univ. of Texas, Arlington)