Title | [Keynote] Mechanical Stress Controls Cell Differentiation Pattern |
Author | *James H-C. Wang, Bin Li (Univ. of Pittsburgh), Ted Lin (AMPS Technologies Company) |
Title | Computational Modeling of Micropost Force Sensor Array (MFSA) with Experimental Applications |
Author | *H. Theodore Lin (AMPS Technologies Company), James H-C Wang (Univ. of Pittsburgh) |
Title | Brain Injury Analysis subjected to Lateral Rotational Impact |
Author | *Dai Watanabe, Kohei Yuge (Seikei Univ.), Tetsuya Nishimoto (Nihon Univ.), Shigeyuki Murakami, Hiroyuki Takao (Jikei Univ. School of Medicine) |
Title | Blood Flow Analysis in the Aorta with a Stent Reconstructed Using Medical Images |
Author | *Futoshi Mori, Teruo Matsuzawa (JAIST) |
Title | Finite Element Analysis of Mechanical Interaction between Dental Implant and Jaw Bone |
Author | *Lihe Qian, Mitsugu Todo, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Kiyoshi Koyano (Kyushu Univ.) |