Title | [Keynote] On the use of vertically Lagrangian control-volume discretization in global non-hydrostatic atmosphere models |
Author | *Shian-Jiann Lin (NOAA/GFDL) |
Title | FIM: A flow-following, finite-volume icosahedral model |
Author | *Jin-Luen Lee (NOAA/Earth System Research Laboratory), R. Bleck (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences), A.E. MacDonald, J.-W. Bao, S. Benjamin (NOAA/Earth System Research Laboratory) |
Title | Nonhydrostatic ICosahedral Atmospheric Model for Seamless Prediction of Weather and Climate |
Author | *Masaki Satoh (JAMSTEC/Univ. of Tokyo), Hirofumi Tomita (JAMSTEC) |
Title | Spherical Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations for Climate System Modeling |
Author | *Todd D. Ringler (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Max Gunzburger (Florida State Univ.), Lili Ju (Univ. of South Carolina) |