Title | [Keynote] On the application of Embedded Adapted Unstructured Meshes to the Coupled modelling of Fluid and Structural Dynamics |
Author | *Joseph D. Baum, Orlando Soto, Eric L. Mestreau (SAIC), Rainald Lohner (GMU), Charles Charman (C-Squared) |
Title | Flux-Corrected Transport Algorithms on an AMR mesh (AMR-FCT) for Compressible and Reactive Flows |
Author | *Takanobu Ogawa (Seikei Univ.), Elaine S. Oran (US Naval Research Laboratory) |
Title | Numerical Simulation of Detonation Wave using Unstructured Mesh |
Author | *Fumiya Togashi, Rainald Lohner (George Mason Univ.), Nobuyuki Tsuboi (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) |
Title | Simulations of Incompressible Flows Driven by Moving Multiple Obstacles Using a Moving Embedded-Grid Method |
Author | *Shinichi Asao, Kenichi Matsuno (Kyoto Inst. of Tech.) |