Title | Force Transition between Atoms and Finite Elements in Quasicontinuum Method and Its Computational Implications |
Author | *C-S David Chen, S-W Chang, Y-P Liao, C-K Wang (National Taiwan Univ.), C-W Huang (Chung Yuan Christian Univ.) |
Title | Reproducing Kernel Based Evaluation of Incompatibility Tensor in Field Theory of Plasticity |
Author | Yoshiteru Aoyagi (Keio Univ.), Tadashi Hasebe (Kobe Univ.), Jiun-Shyan Chen, *Pai-Chen Guan (UCLA) |
Title | Extended finite element discretization technique of the solid-fluid mixture homogenization method forward two-scale optimal design of fluid permeation filters |
Author | Tomohiro Sawada, Yu-ichi Yoshizawa, *Akira Tezuka (AIST) |
Title | An Analysis For High Temperature Creep Deformation Considering Void Growth Based On Homogenization Method |
Author | *Takahito Sugawara, Sosuke Uemura, Yuichi Tadano, Hirohisa Noguchi (Keio Univ.), Yujiro Nakatani (Toshiba Corp.) |