Title | Dynamic shear band propagation and crack evolution in inelastic solids |
Author | *Tomasz Lodygowski, Adam Glema (Poznan Univ. of Tech.), Piotr Perzyna (Inst. of Fundamental Technological Research), Wojciech Sumelka (Poznan Univ. of Tech.) |
Title | Failure of materials and structures under impact loadings |
Author | Tomasz Jankowiak, *Tomasz Lodygowski (Poznan Univ. of Tech.), Janusz R. Klepaczko (Metz Univ.) |
Title | Influence of the Foam Fill of Basic Composite Structures on the Failure Energy |
Author | *Tadeusz Niezgoda, Wieslaw Barnat (Military Univ. of Tech.) |
Title | Evaluation of Charpy impact test from inverese-magnetostriction effect |
Author | *Katsuya Sekizawa, Hiroichi Hase, Mitsuhiro Ohta, Tomotsugu Aoyama, Shigeo Kotake, Yasuyuki Suzuki, Eitoku Nakanishi (Mie Univ.) |